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Still no fix for Reaper prime...


I know this isn't as big a deal as some real bugs, but its depressing knowing one of the coolest looking and hardest to obtain Melee weapons is close to useless compared to the majority of other melee weapons. PLEASE buff this soon, by any means necessary. I wan't to use this but am put of by its stats.

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- Fixed issues with Decoy’s ability to distract enemies. The current design is that the AI will give up trying to kill a decoy they cannot reach or damage.


I started my Loki post-reset today and have been abusing Decoy's distraction nonstop.

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I guess I must have missed the part where he was good before the update.

You did. 


Hoping not a lot has changed or you've just butchered one of Loki's key abilities. At least you didn't touch his ultimate >_>

Edited by Naith
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am i the only one that can't do the air slide/kick since the new update?(after already sliding before the jump)

You have to keep sprinting; that is, keep pressing shift, then do the usual thing of alternating jumping and sliding on the air.

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You have to keep sprinting; that is, keep pressing shift, then do the usual thing of alternating jumping and sliding on the air.

how do you keep sprinting and slide at the same time?

if sprint is shift and slide is control?

or am i suppose to change it just to be able to do that simple thing?

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  • Fixed issues with Decoy’s ability to distract enemies. The current design is that the AI will give up trying to kill a decoy they cannot reach or damage.


Well, there goes Decoy's effectiveness against the Infested.  


Not, it just means you have to use him as intended, instead of using decoy as an instant win button. I see no issue here.

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