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I'm the real deal you all have been waiting for. I'm a real man. Some say I even out scale Chuck Norris. Though, to be honest, I'm surprised more people don't.
I, of course, play Warframe without a frame. It would only weaken me. "What about weapons?" I hear you ask. A real man don't need weapons. Well, except for what he's naturally packing. If you know what I mean.

Ok. I need to stop. I'm starting to freak myself out.

I'm basically an average 30 y.o. Norwegian. Not much of a man at all really. Quite skinny. Would have to wear a frame walking out in the slightest gust of wind to not snap in half. You can imagine Autumn. Not my best season I'm afraid!
This is getting ridiculous. "I should make an introduction post!". What a great idea that was!

Aaanyway. I'm currently MR3. Even though I registered and played a few years back, I didn't really end up playing much at all back then. But, alas, the grind has consumed me. Gotta catch 'em all!
Next on the agenda; Find a friendly clan.

Now, I know what you're thinking; "He could've just said 'Hi!'...". Yes. Yes he could've. Should've.

... Hi!

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Hey guys :) Thanks.

Cater. I thought this was an obvious joke. Did you read it all?
I guess the title might have not been an obvious joke. I do tend to not make it clear sometimes. Hard without intonations at times.


Edit: Will keep it in mind Lord_Impaler! Thanks :)

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Hello there Neeken! Thanks for your awesome intro...! I wonder if you had something to drink today, but I finally read the full intro. Great personality I can see!

But this, is, a REAL man talking to you! The man that counsels Vay Hek, the man that takes the Grineer Queens out for dinner!


(Greetings from The Netherlands)

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This gets my stamp of approval :D

Welcome back to the game! You will learn quickly that the real endgame is not the grind but instead FashionFrame. Stop bye Larunda relay sometime and show off your best in high fashion. I can tell you would fit right in with the community.

But beware of salt mines.

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Hello there Neeken! .....


Hey! Haha. Glad you got it! I was getting worried it wasn't clear enough. The Grineer queens?! I'm jealous now.


This gets my stamp of approval :D

*phew* Cheers. :) Oh I see. I have a feeling it's gonna take quite some grinding before I'll have anything to show off though! Unless a pink unitard will suffice.

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I suppose it is welcome back... ?

More seriously, you have guts to go out with such an intro. And now that I think of it... I think I never did one of my own...

Welp... I'll go break some ships in half to think of something at least as crazy as this.

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*phew* Cheers. :) Oh I see. I have a feeling it's gonna take quite some grinding before I'll have anything to show off though! Unless a pink unitard will suffice.

If you come to Larunda with a pink Rhino, you will be more popular than if a member of DE dropped in.

Fun fact: There is usually a Valentines day color palette for 1 credit in the market (market on your ship) and its all shades of pink. Don't miss it! c:

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I suppose it is welcome back... ?...

Technically I guess. Though, I barely even played at all. Got scared and ran away. So I don't know if it counts really. Heh.

Aww, nice of you to say. Thanks. You should definitely do it! It's just what happens when I don't filter myself. ><


If you come to Larunda with a pink Rhino, you will be more popular than if a member of DE dropped in.

Fun fact: There is usually a Valentines day color palette for 1 credit in the market (market on your ship) and its all shades of pink. Don't miss it! c:

Oooh! Great tip. Gotta remember that then. Need them pinks!

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Yes. Got a brown/blue spotted Sunika in the process of maturing at the moment. Though, I heard something about most of them being weak (except the Huras) compared to the Carrier. Which I'm using right now. But I guess it's a matter of personal opinion as well.

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Well compared to Carrier they are targeted more often by the enemies, only one breed as a similar capacity to vacuum, and their AI needs more work.

But in and of themselves kubrows are quite special, your Sunika for example will run up to targets in capture missions and hold them for quite long periods, making it easier in high level missions when there are a bit too much enemies around. As well, all kubrows can try, with 90% or so, to open locked storages.

They can also get to pretty massive levels of damages, mine for example is at 1.600 slash with an insane level of both critical chance and damage.

And finally, can be revived an unlimited amount of times, their bleeding out state possibly lasting for a minute with the loyal companion mod.

So I always say that they are more different than inferior to Sentinels, Carrier being a special case, in other words, it is to you to make an opinion on them.

And now you see what I do when I get carried over...

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Well that's nothing.

A little advice, You should hurry and do the quests, and especially keep the best, the Second Dream for last.


Yea. Though, I'm a bit stuck on the Kubrow quest. It's the only one I got at the moment. Waiting for it to mature.


Well, that was quite the introduction...

lol. Yep. Pretty much the reaction I expected!

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Hahaha this made me laugh !

Would love to have some games with you sometime :)

Haha, I'm glad! I don't see why not. :)

Btw. If anyone would would like to add me, go right ahead! I've been trying to recruit a couple of friends of mine. Not much luck so far...

IGN: Neeken

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