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Opinion On Secondary Weapons



I'm making some secondary weapons to play with in alternative to Vaykor Marelok. I need some opinions regarding the following secondary weapons:


Acrid - The long lost king of secondaries. I wanted this weapon before the nerf but I never had the chance to make it. Now, I'm not sure if I should waste my time and resources trying to forma it.


Secura Dual Cestra - I love the look, feel and sound of the Secura Dual Cestra (also, I'm a huge fanboy of Syndicate weapons). But many players don't seem too fond of the Secura Dual Cestra. Also, I'm not a huge fan of weapons with high wind up time and high recoil. I remember that I made the Cestra when it came out and even though I like the feel of the weapon, It wasn't particularly impressive so I sold it. I was going to buy them with plat because the Perrin don't like me very much lol Same question: Am I going to waste my time and resources trying to forma it? I already had a bad experience with the Synoid Simulor. It was recommended to me over the Synoid Gammacor and I ended up hating the way it feels and wasted my plat for nothing.


Nukor - How is this weapon? It looks fun and the innate radiation is interesting but I'm afraid of wasting my time if this thing ends up hitting like a wet noodle. I know that with Arcane Avenger it becomes an interesting weapon but I don't have any Arcanes nor do I want to be forced to used Nukor with this specific Arcane.


Hikou Prime - I have Despair and that weapon was my main secondary for a long time. But now I don't see anyone using it. Instead I hear a lot of people talking about Hikou Prime. Is it better than the Despair? Is it worth making it and putting forma in it to replace my Despair?


Disclaimer: Yes, I know that I could just make these and try them for myself but I don't have time to do it. I have tons of weapons to forma because I took a break for a year and I have a lot of new content to explore. I'm not asking if these weapons are the current meta, I'm just asking if they do well in T4 for example.

Edited by J.C.Santos
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No Nukor love in this thread.


Personally I recommend the Nukor.  Innate Radiation makes it easy to mod for Grineer butt-kickery and the fire animation of the beam is actually sci-fi enough to be called sci-fi.


It isn't a top tier weapon, but it will hold its own for every mission that isn't 60 minute survivals in T4 towers.

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Synoid Gammacor has impressive damage, and works well in short missions where poor ammo efficiency doesn't pose much of a problem.

Lex Prime is a highly accurate and powerful weapon.

Sonicor is the king of ragdolling with decent damage.

Atomos, while not really ammo-efficient, packs quite a punch and is able to "chain-hit" several enemies. 


As for the above... Maybe Hikou Prime is worth taking into consideration, the rest felt rather "meh" to me.

Edited by Reifnir
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I have Perrin since half last year and the secura dual cestra never ever hapened to pass on my mind...

Hikou Prime is the little status death stars, on long runs when you will ned dat corrosive procs it will shine, but watch your ammo, these little babies can run out if you go full rambo.

About Nukor, it isn't for the damage, even the damage isn't bad, is because radiation and viral instant procs on everything it touches.

You maybe should put on consideration Spira since you like Despair, swee profit, dat crits with the new mods. And Tysis, most underrated secpndary pn the game IMO, corrosive/radiation/viral all the same time...

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Well just a disclaimer, I do not own any of the weapons OP mentioned, below are just my pure opinion when I level them.


Acrid : After the dethrone from Damage 2.0, definitely not as good as it was. Recommend status build with the augment mod Toxic Sequence.
Secura Dual Cestra : Decent damage with the syndicate effect, but the poor ammo-efficiency really held its back.
Nukor : Don't have much opinion on this one, plus literally don't see anyone using nowadays.
Hikou Prime : With the mod Concealed Explosive it really shines, but use Despair if OP you already have it.
But tbh, none of these secondaries can bring you into late game now, they are at most mediocore level for fun playing only.
If OP really wish to pick some of these for forma'ing, I would say Hikou Prime is the only one still worth your effort.
On a more of a side note, if OP really wants some powerful secondary, there are already suggestions mentioned above : 
Vaykor Marelok, Lex Prime, Sonicor, Atomos, Synoid Gammacor or Kulstar are some top recommendations.
Edited by SpryCrow
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twin grakata are very powerful with the right build.

They are excellent for crowd control, and can be modded for crit. damage or status, as you like.

Aside that, they look just really awesome^^


And they eat your ammo in seconds.


Try Kulstar, Stug and Rakta Ballistica. All deal pretty neat damage

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Most of your list is just "meh", except hikou prime, which is OK, especially if you need silent weapon. With insane fare rate that you can push it in and lightning fast reload, concealed explosives make this weapon to be fairly deadly. 


Nukor I've leveled, pretty good status, lowish damage, not worth investing in imo.

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And they eat your ammo in seconds.


Well, as I said, its only good "if modded right" this includes primed pistol ammo mutation.

If you have that on a decent level and also use quick melee and ability's to kill, you wont have an ammo problem. 

Edited by Dawn11715
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Well, as I said, its only good "if modded right" this includes primed pistol ammo mutation.

If you have that on a decent level and also use quick melee and ability's to kill, you wont have an ammo problem. 


So in other words, if you waste a slot to compensate for ammo inefficiency, and kill enemies without using the actual weapon, it qualifies as "good"? :)

No offense, but "good" usually means "good at killing hard-to-kill things for prolonged periods of time", not "good at sitting in your holster while you use abilities/melee to kill stuff". 

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So in other words, if you waste a slot to compensate for ammo inefficiency, and kill enemies without using the actual weapon, it qualifies as "good"? :)

No offense, but "good" usually means "good at killing hard-to-kill things for prolonged periods of time", not "good at sitting in your holster while you use abilities/melee to kill stuff". 

First is damage is pretty good even with the mod slot spend, also I wasnt talking about having it sitting in your holster all the time, but about using your other attack options in addition to it at a regular basis. I'd personly be bored if id use only one weapon all the time anyway... 

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Okay I'm going to step slightly outside the meta and recommend the Akmagnus.


They're a FANTASTIC pair of revolvers that have suddenly found late game viability after Hydraulic Crosshairs and Sharpened Bullets came out. Mod for crits, and have one elemental combo (I recommend viral because of the high innate status chance) and go for headshots. They have the advantage of being a really spammy pair of revolvers with very respectable damage output and VERY good ammo economy. Granted, you'll need 4-5 Forma to get you into a place where you can really main them in the late game, but I like them for not being game breakingly OP. 


For a more "so-OP-oh-god-why" kinda weapon, go Lex Prime (can one/two-shot Lvl 65 heavy gunners if modded right) or Sonicor (don't like an enemy? SEND HIM FLYING INTO OUTER SPACE). 

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I love my Secura Dual Cestra. Whether or not you should use them depends on what you want. If you're looking for a diamond in the rough, some rarely used weapon capable of competing with top tier weapons, you won't find one.

However if you want a fun weapon that can be plenty powerful with some good mods and forma, I say go for it.

They make great use of the +magazine capacity -reload time mod, really benefit from the -recoil mod and ammo issues are erased with ammo mutation, doesn't even need to be maxed.

Charging into a crowd of enemies firing a seemingly endless stream of rounds down range and then having the syndicate proc go off and tag any enemies left standing with radiation is extremely satisfying.

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secura cestra is good but the recoil and ammo consumption are a little off putting.   Its good puncture stat and solid dps make it a good backup if you lose your gun or need something for a "offhand only" situation.


Also, consider the red veil offhand.  Every time it does the faction aoe boom, you get power.   Now consider the implications of that with stealth frame setups.  Its a good weapon in its own right, doing high damage with a bow-like trigger and an alternative sideways recoil spreading burst that can kill a group or pop a bubble/ice.

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