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Is Loki Crappy ?



i already have loki prime but the purpose of this post that for a whole month trying to sell loki prime set but no one buys


i use loki most of the time and i'm happy with it but i really need plat and the trading post i post many rare things to sell but no one pm's me is that odd ??


the time i was farming for him the first time there was many people looking for him did he got nerfed or what ??

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Well, the price of an item isnt only determined by its usefullness, but much more by its rarity. It is very common, that when a new prime entes the void, the previous ones get a little less hard to farm, or at least, that its price decreases, because people had more time o farm it.

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No he didn't get nerfed. Loki is a great frame and I suspect the reason you can't sell your set is because like others have said most people probably have him already. or perhaps your advertising to high of a price. Not telling you to give your stuff away but if you really need plat, put a crazy low price tag on it. like say 60p for the set. Garauntee you someone buys for that price.

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i usually don't put prices i let them offer the price and i'm good with any price but the problem is still no one buys 


If you're trying to sell your loki p set on the forums and you don't have a price on it, then that might be your problem. I think a lot of people don't really want to deal with messaging and haggling on the forums for just a loki p set. I'm not sure how it is on PS4, but on PC there are loads of people selling loki in trade chat. So it's pretty easy to buy it just from sitting in trade chat for a little while. 

Edited by TheStrawberryKid
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As a Loki-Starter, trust me, you won't find another great utility frame like him.

As being mentioned as before: Invisible, Radial Disarm (massive CC), Decoy and being one of the fastest frames.


Yes, you can combine each other aspect to a total balanced one. A +12s duration for invisibility, more than 30 meters of disarm range, decoy staying for plente of seconds more than you are invisible, and the speed stuff is obvious.


I am still using loki, as the most. "Loki", as I said. Playing for more than 3 years now. Even Loki Prime cannot replace that most used frame stat :D

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Loki is still one of the best, just because the market is selling him low means nothing in comparison to the game. In fact Loki was never really sold to high right out the time he came out and thats I think from the "dedicated" Loki players scooping him up before even needing to buy him.


He is an old frame now and his parts have also become easier to grab, for these reasons alone and the first reason I gave he hardly sells high. Now Trinity thats another story all together....

Edited by Monybags33
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