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New Tenno Wondering:about The Grind



So, I heard its fairly common for high mastery players to take new guys on runs to help them with making their first weapon or frame...


1. Is there any truth to this?

2. How does it work? Does this bypass lockouts?

3. What do the new player have to do to pay back for the assistance?

4. Does it give much affinity?

5. ohgodifthisistrueanynoblesoulswillingtohelpascrublern2play?

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So, I heard its fairly common for high mastery players to take new guys on runs to help them with making their first weapon or frame...


1. Is there any truth to this?

2. How does it work? Does this bypass lockouts?

3. What do the new player have to do to pay back for the assistance?

4. Does it give much affinity?

5. ohgodifthisistrueanynoblesoulswillingtohelpascrublern2play?

I can help, what stuff are you trying to get?

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1. Warframe can have a very helpful community...

2. Lockouts? If you mean bypassing Mastery Rank requirements then the only way to do that is to buy the item with platinum.

3. You don't have to pay them back, if I'm helping a noob I don't expect payment.

4. Affinity gain depends on what missions you do. If you're trying to get non-prime frames (from bosses) I doubt the affinity will be much, Endless missions (Survival, Defense, Excavation) can give a lot though

5. Yup

Edited by AXCrusnik
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It is quite common practice in this community to help newer players- and also the reason i still like this game. The community is great.

It is quite interesting- and good for us- to get these clear questions, too. Normally it is "Help me do this specific thing." "What thing" "The thingy thing." "Wait wha-".



1. Yes

2. The system only locks out quest content and only very specifically. You might in most cases play the missions but not receive the rewards if you already received them. The whole star chart is accessible if the hosting party has the nodes unlocked. These details may be a bit much but in short- no the lockout is nearly non existent.

3. It depends on the helping party. If you ask the correct person nicely, they most likely will take you along free of charge.

4. This depends on the mission and enemies. Hard to answer.

5. There are people out there, i assure you. You might even look for a newbie friendly clan to get you started.

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So, I heard its fairly common for high mastery players to take new guys on runs to help them with making their first weapon or frame...


1. Is there any truth to this?

2. How does it work? Does this bypass lockouts?

3. What do the new player have to do to pay back for the assistance?

4. Does it give much affinity?

5. ohgodifthisistrueanynoblesoulswillingtohelpascrublern2play?



1. Yes. WF has one of the best and most helpful veteran player-bases I've ever seen.

2. Typically a Veteran player will take a newbie into higher-level areas, or help them farm for parts for Prime weapons/frames. This can bypass the need to unlock the Star-Chart for the newbie, but Mastery Level limits on weapons/quests are a hard limit that cannot be bypassed.

3. No compensation is necessary. For starters, as a new player you won't have anything Vets want anyway. 

4. This'll depend on where you go and what you are doing.

5. I'm pretty new myself, but toss me a friend request in-game and I'll try to help you out.

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The only new players I don't help are the ones who think they know everything because they read the wiki, had one of those last night, but for the most part I like a lot of vets when we started had a higher up help them so we pay it foward to help out.


Need help feel free to add me in game.

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So, I heard its fairly common for high mastery players to take new guys on runs to help them with making their first weapon or frame...


1. Is there any truth to this?

2. How does it work? Does this bypass lockouts?

3. What do the new player have to do to pay back for the assistance?

4. Does it give much affinity?

5. ohgodifthisistrueanynoblesoulswillingtohelpascrublern2play?


I'm not a long-time player, but I am at mid-level and very willing to help out noobs.


1. Yes.

2. If you mean it bypasses items behind a certain Mastery Rank, then no. Only platinum can do that. However, you can ask players to offer you a so-called "taxi" to other planets you may have not unlocked yet.

3. Absolutely nothing. Personally, though, I only ask you do the same to even newer players when the time comes. Pay it forward sorta thing.

4. About the same amount iirc.

5. Yes. You just gotta ask around.

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So, I heard its fairly common for high mastery players to take new guys on runs to help them with making their first weapon or frame...


1. Is there any truth to this?

2. How does it work? Does this bypass lockouts?

3. What do the new player have to do to pay back for the assistance?

4. Does it give much affinity?

5. ohgodifthisistrueanynoblesoulswillingtohelpascrublern2play?


Well, know that the whole point of the game, as is with many other grindy MMOs (mainly Korean) is the grind itself. You grind to get better stuff and better gear and at the end of the day you feel accomplishment for what you did yourself with your own two hands.

Me, I like the grind. If I were to get everything handed to me for free, I would get bored because there would be no work and no point in it all.

Ok, I have all warframes and all weapons. Now what?


I played a lot of korean MMOs though and I'm used to the grind, but I know I'm one of the few.


1: yep, it's true. Like I said, once you get everything, there's no point anymore besides the social aspect of the game. Many bored high end players out there are willing to help newbies

2: Mastery rank means nothing really, besides some weapons and stuff. Mostly, get to MR 8 or so and you won't have to bother much anymore.

3: If you have everything maxed out in this game, and 1k hours invested, you really think there's anything a newbie can give you?

4: iddk, never did it myself. But like I said, I prefer to do stuff on my own or with my equally low level friends. I don't want to get carried.

5: Just ask around in region chat. Try not to beg or be obnoxious about it, just be honest and nice about it, say you're new and trying to get a feeling on the game and would like some friend. There's a few regulars that stick around and help newbies with whatever.

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Thanks everyone. Also, to clarify, I mean planet/mission/level lockouts, not mastery. I have been hoping to get Trinity's part BPs and ingredients, but I'm still way to weak to even try...I still don't know how to manuver very well either. And thanks everyone who offered me a friend invite. I will learn to the best of my ability from you guys and gals.



Edited by ArchangelusAlpharius
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I've helped a huge number of new players doing just that.  I've answered countless questions so often that I just wrote them down and put them into a guide.


Everyone else has answered your numbered questions, so I won't re-type what they've already done, and force you to read the same thing twice.  I'll just recommend reading my guide to make sure you have all the basics.  Above all, have fun.  Warframe offers a lot of chances to shoot things in the face.  Welcome to the club.

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