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Synoid Gammacor Once Best Now Worst.


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This video doesn't agree with you:


Yeah, because the old simulacrum decreased your damage output by 70%, right? No. It's still post-nerf so it's applicable and up to date. ...


Finally had the time to properly format and upload this. That video doesn't much look "applicable and up to date" to me. Who knows, maybe you're even right with that 70% general damage reduction? (hurr durr)


Have a look at this: Synoid Gammacor vs. level 95 Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus


The build I've used in that linked video uses 7 damage mods and an Ammo Mutation, by the way. And I did several tries, this one was average. Rarely would I have to reload because of bad procs, and in the best one, I was left with 48 ammo:




Edit: Sorry, just noticed this time I had CP on. So that "best" result doesn't actually count. Using only one magazine is possible, though, it's definitely not as shown in that Youtube video.

Edited by Kontrollo
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King is dead. Long love the king! But srsly it's really bad both damage and ammo efficiency wise, cuz if you wanna run if run with good ammo economy-your damage will suffer, if you wanna good damage-ammo economy gonna suffer.

These are kings of secondaries now-vay marelok and lex p, those have zero problem with ammo economy and will outperform most of primaries in damage. Haze zero reasons to use this abomination of a weap that synoid gammacor became, they nerf it too hard.

Now if i wanna use beam weap i'd rather pick phage or quanta vandal-those are HIGH DPS beam guns with GODLIKE AMMO EFFICIENCY.

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Edit: Sorry, just noticed this time I had CP on. So that "best" result doesn't actually count. Using only one magazine is possible, though, it's definitely not as shown in that Youtube video.

If you pay attention, his Synoid has 158 rounds in the magazin. I wonder what good build he is using.

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I don't think you really know how continuous weapons work.


I can pulse that Gammacor and kill a squishy enemy while using only 2 ammo. You may or may not be able to go below 2 ammo because of the fire rate. But only once per second, that'd be 15 ammo per enemy which is simply not true.


Nah, he's actually right, they only tally damage either once per second, or when you let off the trigger, whichever is first.


In your case, you're just letting off the trigger first, based on guesswork since you can't see the damage it's doing until after you've let off the trigger.

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That pulse is still within one second. But if you want to get another hit going you keep that fire up. or you pulse agian. Thats how continues guns work. Before there used to be multiple damage numbers showing they changed that because people with low spec computers/laptops were getting visual issues. 


No, they changed it because status is rolled every time damage is done, so continuous weapons often rolled for status 10-50+ times per second depending on the mod loadout.  Really, they nerfed the everloving heck out of continous weapons (literally less than one status roll per ammo consumed.... WTF DE?!?!) because the felt like it.  The made the BS excuse that it was because of the numbers being confusing to people trying to calculate them, but everyone who was using the Synapse or other continuous weapons at the time knew that was a straight up lie the instant they read the patch notes.


There were no visual issues whatsoever.  Even DE didn't say anything about visual issues at the time.

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Wrong again.

Efficiency has nothing to do with firing type.

Sometimes a weapon is made Semi Auto is because of the calibur of bullets it fires is too heavy for repeated fire.

Sometimes a weapon is made full auto because the weapon is capable of supporting the load.

Efficiency in ammo is based purely on the user.

If yu can't aim,or yu refuse to stop holding down the trigger even when the target is dead, then yur ammo will forever be scarce, and burst firing ensures that yu do not waste unnecessary ammo trying to kill an already dead target.


Unless yur trying to melt the wall behind the target too, then whatever.


It absolutely does.  With continuous weapons, the gun literally doesn't DO damage until either you let off the trigger, or a second passes.  This completely breaks trigger discipline, since you literally cannot tell if you are close to killing the enemy or not unless you let off the trigger, and the problem is amplified a million fold by weapons with a high rate of ammo consumption.


Know what's better for burst firing? A brakk. And the brakk saves more ammo while doing the same damage if not more.

You don't use beam weapons for burst damage, you use them for continuous.


Yes, the Brakk has about twice the burst damage.

Don't see the reason people cry over this. You should absolutely never use only one weapon in any run. Different tools different jobs. I like my laser pointer with its hideous damage. 

"Ammo issue!" I have at least two more ways do dish damage. FFS guys, stop going to the "need the most overpowered things", the weapon as it is now, can stand up to raid, t4 and sortie mobs. What more do you want from it? Whip it - burst trough your ammo, swap and use the carrier to redeem the ammo. It is not like pistol ammo is that rare.


ORLY?  DE disagreesYou'll note all those sorties that only let you bring a single weapon for one of the missions.

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It is one of the most powerfull weapons in the game. And big power comes with a drawback - very poor ammo economy, deal with it. Dont waste ammo on every enemy or put mutator mod.


No, no it isn't, and it never was.  Go take a look at the Soma series, with their 4x crit headshots, or the Latron Prime/Wraith, or the Sybaris, or now the Tonkor and Lanka and etc.  All of those weapons not only did several times the burst damage, but also the same or greater sustained damage if you aimed them at all.

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Use ammo Mutation and remove Lethal Torrent. There you go way better ammo management.

(I am also not using LT on Dex Furris or Twin Grakata and they still perform very well)


Removing Lethal Torrent actually lowers your ammo efficiency, especially since the SG isn't a crit weapon.  Yes, that extra 60% multishot is actually a pretty good damage boost (~ 28% damage, so better than a fourth 90% elemental, for instance, or a third if one of your first two is primed heated charge).  You just need better trigger discipline practice to compensate for the increased fire rate... oh wait.... continuous weapons are FUBAR for trigger discipline outside of guesswork (or extremely high level enemies), my bad.

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He was killing slowly- most LIKELY because he MODDED POORLY. Lethal torrent is NOT a good damage boosting mod- especially not compared to several pure damage based mods. He could have been using a bad element type. On top of that- eximus units have INSANE DAMAGE REDUCTIONS.


That enemy- a lvl 95 heavy gunner EXIMUS unit... is STATISTICALLY IMPROBABLE in any REAL gameplay. Testing against one as a "should I use this weapon" trial is ridiculous.


Acrid is bad- synoid gammacor... is not...


Bro, he was getting corrosive procs.  Definitely using corrosive, which is optimal for HG's.  He was using a good elemental type.  Lethal torrent, at +27.27% bonus to the additive (after HS/BD) just for the 60% multishot, is better than a third elemental assuming one of your first two is Primed Heated Charge, or a fourth if you don't have/use PHC.  Lethal torrent is an excellent damage increasing mod for non-crit weapons, assuming you have the trigger discipline to not overkill.


That unit is statistically inevitable in literally any endless mission in the game that features HGs, assuming you stay in long enough.


Acrid is vastly more ammo efficient than SG, and does innate toxic as well as not being continuous, so it would have proc'd corrosive many, many, many times in either that duration OR that ammo consumption.  Acrid would have killed that HG both several times faster, and with much less ammo consumption.


Any more lame BS excuses because you have no valid reasoning?

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Finally had the time to properly format and upload this. That video doesn't much look "applicable and up to date" to me. Who knows, maybe you're even right with that 70% general damage reduction? (hurr durr)


Have a look at this: Synoid Gammacor vs. level 95 Corrupted Heavy Gunner Eximus


The build I've used in that linked video uses 7 damage mods and an Ammo Mutation, by the way. And I did several tries, this one was average. Rarely would I have to reload because of bad procs, and in the best one, I was left with 48 ammo:




Edit: Sorry, just noticed this time I had CP on. So that "best" result doesn't actually count. Using only one magazine is possible, though, it's definitely not as shown in that Youtube video.



You modded for crit.  Yeah, no that's pretty invalid man.  Yes, I see those huge yellow numbers popping out.  Virtually no one would mod the SG for crit for actual use.

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Nah, he's actually right, they only tally damage either once per second, or when you let off the trigger, whichever is first.


In your case, you're just letting off the trigger first, based on guesswork since you can't see the damage it's doing until after you've let off the trigger.


Yes, the damage is tallied up, but no, that doesn't make him right. You can point and pulse this weapon because it's easy to get a feeling for how much an enemy can withstand. I'm not going to use 15 ammo on a Butcher, it's not exactly rocket science.


Also, it's more than once per second, I'd really like it if people in this thread would stop talking nonsense.The video clearly shows how many times a second this weapon ticks. It almost feels like as if I'm the only one who actually tests this thing on an enemy before creating a post.


Side note: the tick mechanic actually even helps the continous weapons in some circumstances. It's easier to get stealth kills this way, so it's not all bad.



You modded for crit.  Yeah, no that's pretty invalid man.  Yes, I see those huge yellow numbers popping out.  Virtually no one would mod the SG for crit for actual use.


I didn't. I modded for Corrosive, plain build. Again, why don't you guys test these things yourself? Those crits are caused by the 4x headshot multipliers, which is so damn easy to achieve with this weapon because it's a laser pointer without any recoil. Here's the build:




But yeah, with the Primed critical mods, you may be able to get even more out of this gun. Feel free to create a video about that.

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Bro, he was getting corrosive procs.  Definitely using corrosive, which is optimal for HG's.  He was using a good elemental type.  Lethal torrent, at +27.27% bonus to the additive (after HS/BD) just for the 60% multishot, is better than a third elemental assuming one of your first two is Primed Heated Charge, or a fourth if you don't have/use PHC.  Lethal torrent is an excellent damage increasing mod for non-crit weapons, assuming you have the trigger discipline to not overkill.


That unit is statistically inevitable in literally any endless mission in the game that features HGs, assuming you stay in long enough.


Acrid is vastly more ammo efficient than SG, and does innate toxic as well as not being continuous, so it would have proc'd corrosive many, many, many times in either that duration OR that ammo consumption.  Acrid would have killed that HG both several times faster, and with much less ammo consumption.


Any more lame BS excuses because you have no valid reasoning?

Yes. Corrosive procs. Ok, so he was using corrosive damage. Without seeing the mods for all we know he could have had unleveled 15% mods on to get that combo.


Statistically inevitable if you go to points in the game you were never MEANT to reach and gear is NOT balanced for. Your argument of "it's not strong enough" is invalid if you're testing against something that statistically will never appear at any point of the game that gear is balanced for.


Yes. It is vastly more ammo efficient. yes, it has innate toxin procs. Yes, it has amazing status chance.... but it's damage is absolute garbage. It is not meant for damage so saying it's better for killing than a weapon built specifically for damage is ridiculous.


There are my "lame BS excuses" since I have "no valid reasoning". Even though you apparently do not understand what the word reasoning means despite trying to use it yourself.

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I think I made it clear in several posts that I don't like burst firing a continues gun. Just to reduce or counter the ammo cost. Completely breaks the gun functionality

I don't follow your logic.

Spectra which requires 2 ammo to see the 'beam' : it was common practice to burst the laser and not just hold the fire button.

I would say Amprex, Galxion, Spectra, Synapse, Convectrix, and Synoid Gammacor are Continuous weapons that I would use a similar trigger discipline. Same for Embolist: I wouldn't just hold the trigger and run around sweeping the room and expect to not have ammo issues...

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