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Bursa Poll


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1 hour ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

So out of your entire list there are 3 frames which you can get and 1 which you can only pick at the start without meeting Bursas and/or insane amounts of grind (Ash). Not this many options, eh?

AND all that trouble to counter ONE enemy type. Yep, totally fine game design.


All experimenting done against 3 level 30 bursas using mediocre at best loadouts.


Ash - already covered - invisibility and free backstabs!

Atlas - Landslide annihilates them. Walls help. Rumblers divert aggro allowing you to circle around and hit the squishy parts without too much trouble. Don't try to Petrify though. Knockdown resistant!

Banshee - Trouble fighting. Sound Quake permanently staggers (coop friendly) and got some mileage out of the Silence stun, but ultimately died.

Chroma - Very basically speaking, the usual Chroma tactics: Beefing up with Vex Armour and Elemental Ward for a straight fight, or slide in and use Effigy to hold attention while you backstab them. Probably more tactical flexibility with the different elements, but I didn't try. I think I had Cold on, which helped with the Effigy strategy (slowing them down to give more freedom to act). Reasonable difficulty.

Ember - CC from Heat procs, Accelerant stuns and WOF auto-targeted damage made the fight a total non-issue. I was expecting worse!

Equinox - Rest/Pacify handles them pretty well as generally works with special threats. A reason to use Night form for once!

Excalibur - already covered - Blind CC and EB punchthrough work fine.

Frost - already covered - lots of slowdowns to help space out knockdowns, attacks, and decrease turning speed for close quarters combat.

Hydroid - Weak capacity to deal with them. Best bet is to throw tentacles and try to pick off at range. They escape Undertow for some reason.

Ivara - Sleep Arrow god. Sit them in place, stab them in the console with that sweet stealth multiplier and laugh.

Limbo - At least you only ever have to fight one at a time. Rift Surge can help make those potshots in the back count.

Loki - Some Invisibility still makes the fight a nonissue. Decoy can help, but does tempt out the knockdowns.

Mag - Not the best time, but her abilities all help pretty well. Shield Polarise if with allies, Pull staggers. Bullet Attractor can make shots in the back easier to land.

Mesa - Couldn't find a good way to fight solo. Staggering them with Shooting Gallery while you Peacemaker them down seemed to be the best of a bad situation.

Mirage - Hi, I can blind for days. Gief streamline, enjoy fite.

Nekros - Terrify even turns them around for you. Shadows would also work (presumably, I didn't bother adding mooks to kill so I could test the obvious)

Nezha - Warding Halo blocks knockdowns. Literally able to cast WH and run circles around them with Firewalker to stop them attacking while I blasted them.

Nova - Prime them and they're too slow to stop you shooting them in the back. Or just pump some damage into an AMD from a safe spot and circle it down behind them (but careful for rockets. Safe spot!)

Nyx - CC resistance is a pain here but you still have some time to Mind Control or Chaos and pump a few hits into the back panel before it wears off. Absorb damage just gets blocked, don't bother.

Oberon - Carpets stop you getting knocked down, and using Radiation procs from Smite/Reckoning to make Bursa fight their allies is somehwat useful. Not great.

Rhino  - Iron Skin protects from knockdown. Stomp gives you free reign to shoot them in the back. Roar for more damage too. Not too much of a problem.

Saryn - Stack damage over time until they succumb. Miasma can stagger. Molt can provide a distraction to allow backshots.

Trinity - The goold old Well of Life -> EV trick works a charm, especially since Well is reduced in duration so you can execute it quicker. Link for defensive and anti-knockdown purposes. Easy peasy.

Valkyr - exists.

Vauban - Bastille has... interesting issues affecting the Bursas. Sometimes it holds them dancing up and down like you might expect, sometimes they go up briefly then ignore it. Possibly something to do with catching them on the edge to refresh the effect. Still, some CC gives you a good chance.

Volt - Use outrageous melee speed from Volt's speed ability to your advantage (build combo and damage/procs even from the front) OR stand back with an Electric Shield and take potshots (albeit weakened). Overload stops the Bursas attacking (but not from turning) for a small while.

Wukong - Some success just wailing away with Primal Fury, but knockdowns and staggers all day can ruin him. Cloud Walking behind Bursas gives a couple free shots, nothing special. I'd put him in the weaker cateogry for dealing with them.

Zephyr - Weak capacity for dealing with Bursas. Best bet is to throw Tornadoes at them a couple times with energy restoration/efficiency and hope you can just damage them down that way, since the CC doesn't do anything.


So 14 bolded names of 'easy victory' out of 28 frames, with several more being capable fighters. That's not too restrictive, really. And that's testing against three Bursas at once, with deliberately subpar loadouts. A single Bursa is hardly that problematic in comparison.

Edited by EDYinnit
Chroma is not Frost, but was cold elemental. Difvert is not a word. Come on now.
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On 2/23/2016 at 7:23 PM, Hellmaker2004 said:

Il rather have Maniacs and Juggernauts be reconfigured so they can spawn more often. They are a threat that put pressure on the player. Don't want to spawn the Juggernaut. Stop killing for a while, don't want Bursa's don't trigger the alarm. If anything i feel sad after two Juggernaut screams have appeared as i know it will not happen again. Same with maniac.


Both Maniac and Bursa should trigger when a alarm has been on for too long, and keep spawning at a decent speed to add pressure to the Tenno to shut the alarm off. Doing so in combat may be hard, but it is not impossible. Changing this will both add a easier way to get the drops that Maniac and Bursa have, and add a pressure when fighting the infested as well. But there should definitely be a minimum time for Juggernaut screams for instance. Or a maximum Maniac / Bursa's active at one given time and a short timer before the respawn. But as long as the Alarm sounds. The pressure from Maniac and Bursa's should keep coming.


Now for low levels, yes they may need something to make them easier to new players. Facing a Bursa for the first time is as i understand quite hard. Not sure how new players are about Maniac tough. But changing there damage values and health on lower levels so new players will learn and understand that sounding the alarm and keeping it going will have consequences.

I like this idea

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43 minutes ago, EDYinnit said:


All experimenting done against 3 level 30 bursas using mediocre at best loadouts.


Ash - already covered - invisibility and free backstabs!

Atlas - Landslide annihilates them. Walls help. Rumblers divert aggro allowing you to circle around and hit the squishy parts without too much trouble. Don't try to Petrify though. Knockdown resistant!

Banshee - Trouble fighting. Sound Quake permanently staggers (coop friendly) and got some mileage out of the Silence stun, but ultimately died.

Chroma - Very basically speaking, the usual Chroma tactics: Beefing up with Vex Armour and Elemental Ward for a straight fight, or slide in and use Effigy to hold attention while you backstab them. Probably more tactical flexibility with the different elements, but I didn't try. I think I had Cold on, which helped with the Effigy strategy (slowing them down to give more freedom to act). Reasonable difficulty.

Ember - CC from Heat procs, Accelerant stuns and WOF auto-targeted damage made the fight a total non-issue. I was expecting worse!

Equinox - Rest/Pacify handles them pretty well as generally works with special threats. A reason to use Night form for once!

Excalibur - already covered - Blind CC and EB punchthrough work fine.

Frost - already covered - lots of slowdowns to help space out knockdowns, attacks, and decrease turning speed for close quarters combat.

Hydroid - Weak capacity to deal with them. Best bet is to throw tentacles and try to pick off at range. They escape Undertow for some reason.

Ivara - Sleep Arrow god. Sit them in place, stab them in the console with that sweet stealth multiplier and laugh.

Limbo - At least you only ever have to fight one at a time. Rift Surge can help make those potshots in the back count.

Loki - Some Invisibility still makes the fight a nonissue. Decoy can help, but does tempt out the knockdowns.

Mag - Not the best time, but her abilities all help pretty well. Shield Polarise if with allies, Pull staggers. Bullet Attractor can make shots in the back easier to land.

Mesa - Couldn't find a good way to fight solo. Staggering them with Shooting Gallery while you Peacemaker them down seemed to be the best of a bad situation.

Mirage - Hi, I can blind for days. Gief streamline, enjoy fite.

Nekros - Terrify even turns them around for you. Shadows would also work (presumably, I didn't bother adding mooks to kill so I could test the obvious)

Nezha - Warding Halo blocks knockdowns. Literally able to cast WH and run circles around them with Firewalker to stop them attacking while I blasted them.

Nova - Prime them and they're too slow to stop you shooting them in the back. Or just pump some damage into an AMD from a safe spot and circle it down behind them (but careful for rockets. Safe spot!)

Nyx - CC resistance is a pain here but you still have some time to Mind Control or Chaos and pump a few hits into the back panel before it wears off. Absorb damage just gets blocked, don't bother.

Oberon - Carpets stop you getting knocked down, and using Radiation procs from Smite/Reckoning to make Bursa fight their allies is somehwat useful. Not great.

Rhino  - Iron Skin protects from knockdown. Stomp gives you free reign to shoot them in the back. Roar for more damage too. Not too much of a problem.

Saryn - Stack damage over time until they succumb. Miasma can stagger. Molt can provide a distraction to allow backshots.

Trinity - The goold old Well of Life -> EV trick works a charm, especially since Well is reduced in duration so you can execute it quicker. Link for defensive and anti-knockdown purposes. Easy peasy.

Valkyr - exists.

Vauban - Bastille has... interesting issues affecting the Bursas. Sometimes it holds them dancing up and down like you might expect, sometimes they go up briefly then ignore it. Possibly something to do with catching them on the edge to refresh the effect. Still, some CC gives you a good chance.

Volt - Use outrageous melee speed from Volt's speed ability to your advantage (build combo and damage/procs even from the front) OR stand back with an Electric Shield and take potshots (albeit weakened). Overload stops the Bursas attacking (but not from turning) for a small while.

Wukong - Some success just wailing away with Primal Fury, but knockdowns and staggers all day can ruin him. Cloud Walking behind Bursas gives a couple free shots, nothing special. I'd put him in the weaker cateogry for dealing with them.

Zephyr - Weak capacity for dealing with Bursas. Best bet is to throw Tornadoes at them a couple times with energy restoration/efficiency and hope you can just damage them down that way, since the CC doesn't do anything.


So 14 bolded names of 'easy victory' out of 28 frames, with several more being capable fighters. That's not too restrictive, really. And that's testing against three Bursas at once, with deliberately subpar loadouts. A single Bursa is hardly that problematic in comparison.

Actually, I did it with Rhino yesterday,  Iran into a few Bursas.  Stomp throws the thing wildly around, so even finding its back isnt possible, given how it lands.  THe Bursa cheats your Iron skin off with it's magic bubble of hacks, and drains all your energy at the same time.  1 doesnt even touch them......

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On 23.02.2016 at 2:23 AM, Hellmaker2004 said:

Both Maniac and Bursa should trigger when a alarm has been on for too long, and keep spawning at a decent speed to add pressure to the Tenno to shut the alarm off. Doing so in combat may be hard, but it is not impossible. Changing this will both add a easier way to get the drops that Maniac and Bursa have, and add a pressure when fighting the infested as well. But there should definitely be a minimum time for Juggernaut screams for instance. Or a maximum Maniac / Bursa's active at one given time and a short timer before the respawn. But as long as the Alarm sounds. The pressure from Maniac and Bursa's should keep coming.

There should be a limit to how often bursas spawn. Otherwise their presence will be only annoying. Punishing players for setting off the alarms is one thing, but I don't think putting a pressure to find a console to get rid of bursas (and manics, while we're at it) is a good idea.

Sorties are the biggest problem right now, where bursas spawn almost one after another even without the alarm. One is big enough a hassle to get rid of, we don't need to deal with two at once. It's nice to have bursas back on a more regular basis, but now they are a bit of an overkill.


Edited by Genitive
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13 minutes ago, KnightCole said:

Actually, I did it with Rhino yesterday,  Iran into a few Bursas.  Stomp throws the thing wildly around, so even finding its back isnt possible, given how it lands.  THe Bursa cheats your Iron skin off with it's magic bubble of hacks, and drains all your energy at the same time.  1 doesnt even touch them......

They'll splay out straight up into the air, so if they were facing you, just go to where you'd expect the back to be, relatively speaking. I had time to go around and land a good few shots in the back panels even with a low-duration stomp I forgot I still had equipped. I didn't use my Prime variants and I haven't used regular Rhino since Stomp stasis didn't care about positive or negative duration either way.

It was enough to fight off the onslaught of three Bursas long enough to knock the pack down to one unit, with an unpotatoed and unmaxed Strun Wraith I happened to be levelling at the time.


I'll grant that I didn't test against Isolators (Denials were quickest to pick from the Simulacrum rollout) but most of the victory conditions are more about the CC, which the null grenades don't really prevent, the anti-knockdown self buffs that those screw over are more of a value-added kind of benefit.

Even Nezha was more about the staggering and proccing from Halo/Firewalker stopping any of the Bursas from doing basically anything until victory, including throwing null-'nades. Invisible frames wouldn't get them thrown out either.

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from what I seen within my clan new players have an extremely hard time fighting bursas, they are pretty tough units and I feel they should be a pretty high tier unit like a nullifier, so how come they can be on venus?

honestly from my own opinion the unit is fine, BUT they should be only be contacted on higher tier planets due to them being a tad bit difficult or maybe have a new way to set up so humanoid corpus heavy mission cannot spawn bursas yet can spawn combas / nullifiers yet a moa / osprey heavy mission can spawn bursas yet not nullifiers / combas


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1 hour ago, EDYinnit said:

They'll splay out straight up into the air, so if they were facing you, just go to where you'd expect the back to be, relatively speaking. I had time to go around and land a good few shots in the back panels even with a low-duration stomp I forgot I still had equipped. I didn't use my Prime variants and I haven't used regular Rhino since Stomp stasis didn't care about positive or negative duration either way.

It was enough to fight off the onslaught of three Bursas long enough to knock the pack down to one unit, with an unpotatoed and unmaxed Strun Wraith I happened to be levelling at the time.


I'll grant that I didn't test against Isolators (Denials were quickest to pick from the Simulacrum rollout) but most of the victory conditions are more about the CC, which the null grenades don't really prevent, the anti-knockdown self buffs that those screw over are more of a value-added kind of benefit.

Even Nezha was more about the staggering and proccing from Halo/Firewalker stopping any of the Bursas from doing basically anything until victory, including throwing null-'nades. Invisible frames wouldn't get them thrown out either.


Isolators are the worst.  They drop Nully shields all over the place, they drag you, stun you, knock you on your &#!, drain all your energy.  Honestly, Isolators need a heavy fking nerf.

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I honestly hate Bursas. Their unnecessary recolors are tacky and ugly. Their rehashed mechanics are lazily tacked on, and overwhelming in their sheer numbers. They have very high power attacks that come with no warning whatsoever. A player can find themselves wiped by a rocket barrage that gave no warning, and by extension not giving a player any time to react.

But then again, the entire Corpus faction is brimming with lazy/ugly recolors and annoying mechanics.

Edited by ImNotJellyAtAll
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