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A 2 week old tenno has some questions



Wall of Questions Incoming :3

  1. Where do I find up to date, appropriate prices for stuff? Since trading is Laissez Faire, and thus the buy low/sell high mentality is in place, I'm relatively sure that I can't trust 1/2 of them. So I was just wondering if there are places I can get the correct market prices (Other than Alliance chat which may degrade into offers of 1 plat).
  2. What is the best way to farm fusion cores? I'm getting to the point where I am close to maxing out some weapons and frames, and thus I need to R10 a bunch of mods...I have used Hiercon, but I keep hearing about something called Triton?
  3. How prevalent are players that will kick you from a squad for the want of not "carrying" someone who just got the squad invitation?
  4. Is it better to have multiple copies of a corrupted mod for the purposes of switching between mod ranks?
  5. Do Sorties still drop 25 fusion cores per run? I've been running them and only getting Nezha parts
  6. What is the best way to rapidly rank a Warframe after forma?
  7. I've been trying out Irradiated Disarm Loki P for T4S/D/MD, but does anyone have a good guide/build for it?
  8. Are the forums a good place to find people willing to help you in game?
  9. I'm looking for weapons that will function past my new goal of 65+ on T4 survival...which ones tend to work well?
  10. Are the rumors that they WILL remove multi shot and other damage boosting mods?
  11. I understand the rough equations for enemy scaling are on the wiki, but is there anywhere I can find the base stats?(Weapons, Armor, HP, the whatnot)
  12. Twoooooooooooooo Grakata Clem CL-Lem Cleeeeeem?
  13. Oh, do I have to finish the archwing mission to build an Odonata Prime?
  14. Are there any good locations to find valuables that can be sold for plat that aren't the Towers or Derelict? I'm asking this because I need the higher end mods for builds, don't want to buy them, and want to make a profit.
  15. Is there any cure for repeated attempts of your left kidney to sell itself in order to buy an Excalibur Prime from DE?



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1. honestly I don't have an answer for that all sites I've heard of are as out of whack as trade chat.

2.Triton is a node on Neptune, gives cores about the same as hieracon but lower level mobs so easier to farm at times.

3.no real way to kick people unless the host and other people are in agreement to bail on you cause you suck or pissed them off. don't sweat it, you'll get better and find nicer people.

4. in some situations having a partially leveled mod may be better for a build, in the end it's your call.

5. no that was a limited reward during Divine Will, 25 cores are still a reward possibility as final reward for all 3.

6. Draco is optimal, but need help doing that, otherwise take your strongest weapon and tear through survivals, captures, defenses or have someone else nuke things en masse for you.

7. high range and efficiency is recommended and duration on the side to increase usability of other powers may be handy.

8. it can be hit and miss, but more reliable then region or recruiting chats if you're patient.

9. varies, Tonkor, Dread, Synoid Simulor, Hek / Vaykor Hek, etc. high damage per shot tends to win out.

10. just a rumor and something casually mentioned, but not recently... it's still really up in the air.

11.no answer for ya.

12.fan comic made game content. all hail Clem and his awesome dakka.

13. probably but not entirely sure.

14. afraid you just named them, unless you go stance farming, but it's about the same in tedious nature.

15. yes, tell it to quit trying cause excalibur prime was a promotional reward to founders, people who funded the game during early development.

Edited by Adrakal
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1 - Lots of people recommend http://warframe.market nowadays since it allows people to meet up for trading so it tends to be more accurate, relatively.

2 - Those and specific void missions are generally about it.  Ranking up level 10 mods to max takes time and resources, people wouldn't be willing to pay plat for maxed common/uncommon mods if they were easy to max.

3 - Haven't really seen that myself, there is no actual kick system, people have to leave squads manually (if the host leaves everybody is dropped).  That said, you shouldn't get a dropped squad if you're doing a mission you can normally reach anyways.

4 - The only one I do this for currently is Fleeting Expertise, and that's because I either use Fleeting maxed alone when duration isn't important, or Fleeting Expertise + Streamline when it is.  Most of the other corrupt mods, if you can take the downside at all then you can take it maxed.

5 - Unfortunately only during the alert.  Getting a "duplicate" part will get you a core reward instead though.

6 - Could start off with spy missions or just jump into an nedless one with people.  Void spam where lots of kills are made can be good.

7 - If you're using Radial Disarm a lot, consider Natural Talent to speed the animation up.  Makes it easier to manage and quicker to fire off.

8 - Due to the nature of forums people can often reply after the original poster has gone away, so it's eh.  Recruiting tab, clan, friends, and other things like that will be faster.

9 - Two weeks old and you're aiming for that?  Jesus.  Well, get your MR up as high as you can then for syndicate weapons.  Sancti Tigris (MR12) and Vaykor Marelok (MR6) are some of the highest per-click damages in the game.

10 - The rumor for multishot is it will be a nerf by taking the extra shots out of your ammo pool, if this will happen or other details we don't know because last we checked the devs weren't sure what to do either.

11 - The individual enemy pages have the base stats, also in the codex for most enemies.

12 - Clem.

13 - I believe you need to finish the quest before you're allowed access to any of the mission nodes.

14 - Making a profit and keeping stuff for yourself are two mutually-exclusive things.  The items you can get multiples of easily, are the things nobody is having so much trouble getting that they have to buy them off of other players.

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1. WFtrading is a pretty good indicator for some things, it can vary in reliability though.

2. Idk

3.on PS4 at least that almost never happens, the only times I seen squad break before the mission start was when a guy entered a sortie with us with all lvl 0 stuff.  We broke because we would have to carry him not because we didn't

4. A few copies never hurts, like for fleeting expertise you can save 20% duration and still have 170% efficiency by not maxing it completely.  (assuming its not a constant drain power which is a whole other ball field)  By the time you have all of them you should have a good Idea of how many you will need.

5.  During the tac alert awhile back 25 cores were given to you after completing the sorties regardless of your random reward, this has ended, however they are still a drop as the random reward as far as I know, must just be RNG getting you.

6. Most people use draco or other high lvl endless modes, I personally just do it with regular use, keeps it more entertaining.

7. Any range and efficiency mod you can get your hands on, max them, put them on, and your done. Overextended, stretch, Fleeting and streamline are all a must, that one drift mod for range that I can't remember the name of is optional however, *possible spoilers for things if you look for its name though*

8. It varies, the english speaking part of the forum covers a lot of time zones so it can be difficult at times but it also helps a little.

9.I never bother to go that high, call me lazy but I don't find having enemies so difficult you have no choice but to cheese fun.

10. no one knows, not even DE apparently

11. Idk

12.I said latron! 

13. Errr...Idk  

14.  Well a few stances can go for a decent price but we haven't gotten any new ones in a while so they've all dropped a bit.

15. I'm afraid not, your kidney will die trying, he can never come back for legal reasons. *cries in a corner*


Sorry I couldn't help with all your questions.  Hope this still helps some.

Edited by (PS4)gamerpie12
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1. There really isn't a "best" place as almost anything can be sold for almost any price but Warframe Trader will give you some estimates

2. I typically use Triton Neptune but I haven't been finding as many or maybe just RNG

3. There is no kick system in place at the moment but some people will disband if you don't carry the right equipment

4. Yes It's better to mulitple copies of all important mods

5. No that was special for an event and probably won't happen again although it is possible to get R5 cores as a reward

6. There are 2 ways of super fast leveling. Steal Kill Affinity Multiplier can easily level just about anything but it requires skill. Draco but you shouldn't go there until you are higher level and have played through most content.

7. Not on me but there are probably several videos on Youtube

8. Try the Relay on Mercury or just join a clan.

9. Pretty much any of the Syndicate Weapons are viable with enough forma + proper builds but those require a Mystery Rank of 12. Or you can use a Crit Tonkor

10. There really isn't enough information at the moment to tell you truthfully what will happen

11. I don't know where but I do know there are definate values somewhere  maybe ask a Wiki Moderator

12. Clem

13. Nope just do the appropriate void missions to find them

14.  Raids or Sorties can provide some rewards worth something but they are going to be harder content.

15. Yes. I will tell you this once. EXCAL PRIME IS NOT COMING BACK EVER. If the devs release Excal Prime they will be breaking a contract with the Founders and will face serious legal penalties. There is nothing you or anyone you know can do about it. 

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1: Some people may use various warframe fansites with estimated plat prices for everything, but I find them out of date or unrealistic. Personally, I look at the trading chat for a bit to get a rough estimate of an item's price, send out a WTB X and see what sort of offers I get back, or just ask myself how much I'd be willing to buy an item for.

2: Triton and sorties are both good ways of getting lots of cores, although I find triton is impossible to do after 3k cryotic without a blind mirage.

3: You can't kick players if you're already in a squad, only disband it if you're the host, or otherwise leave.

4: Yup, especially for R10 corrupted mods

5: No, that was only while the razorback tactical alert was up.

6: Some people will suggest Draco, but it gets very tedious very quickly, so I'd recommend a survival or defence mission with at least one decent gun/melee.

7: Just go max range (overextended and stretch), continuity, irradiating disarm and mod the rest how you like :P

8: Not really. Clan, Alliance or Recruiting chat is best. Unless you need to find a regular group for doing raids.

9: Theoretically, only daggers with covert lethality will work at any level.

10: yes? there are rumours? Not necessarily true though, nobody knows how damage 3.0 will turn out.

11: Armour, HP, Shields and resistance values can be found in the codex after scanning an enemy enough times (or just looking up their wiki page), but unfortunately no-one's created an even partially complete list of enemy damage so far :/

12: CLEM!

13: No idea. Would be interesting if you could.

14: I suppose you could sell covert lethality / status + damage mods from spy missions, or perhaps sortie rewards, although that isn't anywhere near as efficient as farming orokin tilesets.

15: I hear that once every hundred years, when the stars align themselves in the shape of an exalted blade, you can dump several tonnes of prisma salt into the relays and the lotus will reward you with a shiny Dragon umbra prisma dual vaykor excalibur prime <.<

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On a more serious note:

(Also by kick I mean everyone leaving and reforming, right after being told that with a MR of 7, that I probably don't know how to play)

1.Is it worth it to unlock all mission nodes on mercury to cheese farm dual stat nightmares? I only really want to find new plat farm methods since T4s S/MD/D are fun, but in the case of S and D personally only get interesting around 40+(Blame goes to my 6 forma tonkor <3) Plus I got a void burn after binge farming rhino during the 4 days before he left, and saryn farming for profit recently)

2. Is Lex Prime considered an end game pistol? If so, I have a Blutato and forma standing by.

3. On the topic of pistols: are the Clemkatas worth it for Void? I pop em out when nullies show up, and I am currently farming to make the 60k DPS corrosive build, but how well will they fare against a 150 bombard?

4. Are any of the (Non-Boltor)Prime Rifles good? I enjoy the Braton, but I'm not so sure about the Burston. Is it worth min maxing with a truth mod or am I better off just foddering it?

5. Is Rakta Cernos truly the end game bow? Since I've deliberately pissed off the veil, should I join them anyways for it? Or should I bite the arrow and buy it?

6. How many hours, on average, does it take to finish the second dream(sans natah). I'm hoping to get that instant revival tree, so I can perfect my EV/Bless spam Trinity P, my Roarno P and The Invisible gunstealing Ba****** P.

7. How does extractor destruction work? Since DE is occasionally reopening the vault, I'm worried that if I do obtain a prime extractor, that it will get lost because of some OVERLYPROFITHUNGRY CORPUS...hem might destroy it.

Also, Saryn best Wifeframe?




Edited by ArchangelusAlpharius
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44 minutes ago, ArchangelusAlpharius said:


1) Unlocking Mercury can't hurt you at all, and it's easy, so just go ahead. Plus, you get mastery for beating nodes on planets.

2) Lex Prime is considered endgame, yes, but you need some Primed Mods to make it work, such as Primed Pistol Gambit and Primed Target Cracker.

3) Twin Graks will do the job of popping bubbles, but they're not really that strong at those levels, and rather inaccurate. Currently one of the best secondaries is the Aksomati, which outperform even the Soma Prime.

4) The Soma Prime is a very good weapon, and the Burston Prime can be very nice with the Truth mod. The Latron Prime is also a classic favorite of people.

5) People say that about the Rakta, but I don't see it. Sure, the Viral proc is nice, but the weapon itself deals mainly impact damage, which really doesn't help at all at high levels. I still prefer the Dread.

6) You can't do the Second Dream quest without having done Natah first. Gotta finish Natah. They're related quests.

7) Extractor destruction works in that extractors will just up and die if they take too much damage. The Prime Extractors have a re-usable BP, so you can always make more and more Extractors, even if they all die. At higher Mastery Ranks, you are allowed more extractors.


Also, no. Trinity best waifuframe.

Edited by Exploderizer
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1 - Yeah that'd be easiest.  Some people have trouble getting things like Animal Instinct for example.

2 - It's pretty up there in per-shot damage, yeah.

3 - Ammo economy is terrible.  If you just need them situationally or when downed they can work surprising DPS, but they can't keep it up forever.

4 - Tiberon is comparable to the Boltor Prime in burst DPS (slightly higher per-shot damage too), but a lot of people don't like it because it's burst-fire.  I like the Latron Prime myself, the Latron Wraith has potential with crit but that's an event weapon.  The Attica is surprisingly-strong now, but not the top-tier.

5 - Most people I've found are willing to do 1:1 trades, I got all the syndicate weapons without buying.  Simply got extra copies of my own and traded.  That said, theoretical DPS is theoretical.

A lot of people fall into the "Warframe-builder said it has higher DPS" trap when there's other things to take into account (like ammo economy and aiming).  The Rakta Cernos is interesting, but the way people build it for theoretical higher DPS is bleh.  Hell, a lot of people build there, then do it in-game and post on the forums why their in-game numbers are different.  I'd definitely take anything claiming a new meta weapon with a grain of salt unless there's an actual in-game video comparison so you can see things like ammo economy, usability, accuracy, and actual DPS (as well as damage per shot) yourself.

6 - Idunno', most people were too busy enjoying the quest, not rushing for numbers.  If you just try to rush to the end of everything you're going to get bored with the game quickly.

7 - You get a blueprint so you can rebuild them.  Also they only take damage while working, so build extras and cycle them out so the used ones can heal while fresh ones extract.

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