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Bursa in sortie ?


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The same with this coprus extermitate sortie mission, the game start with about 0/60 monster to kill and 30min later you are a 140/150 kill and each time you kill a bursa another one appear with a few mobs ... endless boring and painfull ....

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Am I weird for actually enjoying seeing them there? I was doing the sortie solo and was kinda bored, I was rather amused when they showed up and made things a bit more interesting. I suppose for new players it can be a pain in the behind, but it was quite fun for me.

Edited by -AxHx-Vile
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Stop using your Tonkor and use a weapon you can actually aim with? Odds are you just couldn't apply damage to the Bursa weakspots with your AOEs.


I don't know where the auto-hit location is for explosives and Bursa units specifically, but I find it hilarious every time something with specific damage locations shows up and those of us that use more reasonable, earthly weapon options have to show the others with their broken AOE weaponry how it's done.

Being the only one who could damage a Juggernaut the other day with my sniper because everyone else brought a Tonka toy to the affray was a blast. Worth the price of admission.

Edited by EDYinnit
sure, easing off the tone a bit
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10 minutes ago, EDYinnit said:

Stop being a Tonkor nublet and use a weapon you can actually aim with? Odds are you just couldn't apply damage to the Bursa weakspots with your AOEs.

I don't know where the auto-hit location is for explosives and Bursa units specifically, but I find it hilarious every time something with specific damage locations show up and the YOLO crowd who just use the Tonkor and SySim have to come off their lofty perches and let those of us that use more reasonable, earthly weapon options show them how it's done.

Being the only one who could damage a Juggernaut the other day with my sniper because everyone else brought a Tonka toy to the affray was a blast. Worth the price of admission.

Way to sound like a total d-bag.

Personally I have not tried using AOE weapons on bursas or juggernauts, but I can see how you would be stuck in that situation with a rifle only modifier. High damage line of sight weapons are the way to go for those guys.

Back to the topic at hand, the continuous spawns caused by bursa units is incredibly annoying. Same goes for juggernaut. Fighting one bursa or juggernaut every now and then is fine, it adds a little challenge. But making a sabotage end with an annoying exterminate of 25 enemies that quickly becomes 60 enemies is a total pain in the &#!. If a bursa spawns, that's it. Just one bursa, none of the other BS.

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33 minutes ago, EDYinnit said:

Stop being a Tonkor nublet and use a weapon you can actually aim with? Odds are you just couldn't apply damage to the Bursa weakspots with your AOEs.

I don't know where the auto-hit location is for explosives and Bursa units specifically, but I find it hilarious every time something with specific damage locations show up and the YOLO crowd who just use the Tonkor and SySim have to come off their lofty perches and let those of us that use more reasonable, earthly weapon options show them how it's done.

Being the only one who could damage a Juggernaut the other day with my sniper because everyone else brought a Tonka toy to the affray was a blast. Worth the price of admission.

People here are very sensitive, so I highly suggest making typical statements instead of bashing someone. I got one major fraction that never expires and my posts are always pending by a moderator for approval.

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32 minutes ago, NogginMasher said:

Way to sound like a total d-bag.

Personally I have not tried using AOE weapons on bursas or juggernauts, but I can see how you would be stuck in that situation with a rifle only modifier. High damage line of sight weapons are the way to go for those guys.

I take what small victories are afforded to me. I'm no less of a d-bag than the hallway heroes using those weapons are, when they don't even let anyone else get a chance to shoot at anything.

Some people derive greater fun from using the most blatantly broken options available and facerolling through literally everything they encounter.

Others, like me, find that makes things less fun for them, not more so. It's just nice when our choices get vindicated.


Technically, I would expect a rifle modifier should preclude launchers anyway - but with launchers being spread across primaries and secondaries, with no system support for crossing that boundary, they have to be grouped away with other things.

Having said that, there's nothing that would prevent the units that deny explosive damage from spawning when the modifier happened to automatically generate, so the issue would still crop up even if there was a launcher-only sortie mod. It's not in the same league as "infested can't cap interception points at all ever".

12 minutes ago, HaxBox said:

People here are very sensitive, so I highly suggest making typical statements instead of bashing someone. I got one major fraction that never expires and my posts are always pending by a moderator for approval.

"BUT I BROUGHT A TONKOR" just begged to be shot down. Plus I did at least give constructive commentary as to why it might have actually worked against them (along with my anecdote that was completely agnostic of the quoted player, since he wasn't in the jugger group I referenced).

Besides, I'm tired of pointless Bursa complaints. Too much QQ just buries the legitimate criticisms. Both of you fullquoted me as well, so I can't even go back and edit it before the person I quoted sees it and potentially gets offended. If your concerns are legitimate, edit yours to an emptyquote and I'll fix my tone in the original.

Edited by EDYinnit
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Why do people keep saying they are indestructible or near to it. Most of them die in two to four shots in Tier 3 Sortie, unless there is some restriction like shield augments. Are people shooting the tactical shield from the front and assuming they are indestructible or something.


I love the Bursa and they add something to Tier one alarms.

Edited by Hellmaker2004
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Now to be honest.

Today I went to the extermination sortie, and when the Bursa started to pop up, I was starting to swear. After wrestling in the mud with them... It was fun?!
It was challenge, it made me to fight seriously, and to regret the riffle i picked up (fodder with only serration on it), hell in the end when we toke them down (even my fodder riffle saw some action), we were happy.

"Pro" advice - you can always bring some mean stuff in your gear. In my case - I did regret not bringing Specters, but you can bring and use them in such situations.

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OMG !!! what is this sortie ????!!! only one weapon, blue bubble, blue grenade, and invincible bursas ! Where is the fun? only ultra difficult. Play to resurrect my friends....  I'm finish with Corpus too. And I don't think i'm a little noob, and weak armed. No problem withs others, but This one, S2, just edgy. 

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