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Too many resources/items(inventory)


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Yesterday I opened up my component tab on my foundry. Big mistake. Can we please have an resolution about the left overs? 
It is starting to get ridiculous about how many parts that are stuck within my inventory with no reason for them to be there. You know the same way we can sell prime parts for credits (for some reason), we should be able to clean up the spare beacons, dyes that were never used, Jugger drops or god forbid the Control modules.

Examples : 

(not gonna comment on the alloy plates)




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5 minutes ago, EDYinnit said:



Jesus christ man, how do you do it?

I'm sitting on 1,360,164 of them. I don't understand people that get into a position where there's even the remotest need to farm it.

I do remember my Clanmates made me sponsor the Mios research, and I did use around 100k on the fomorian event.

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3 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

I do remember my Clanmates made me sponsor the Mios research, and I did use around 100k on the fomorian event.

Okay, I suppose that research would deal a sizable blow if you're in a Mountain or Moon clan. It's just odd to see someone run dry on something I view as the runner-up to the ever superfluous Alloy Plate.

42 minutes ago, hammerheathen said:

stockpile pancakes and spectres, then use them to help your team?

Define helping. Do you mean assisting when needs are dire or throwing them down ad infinitum just for the sake of it?

I always keep a complement of restoration pads on hand. I just don't feel the need to use them every mission. Communication brings rewards, I'll happily throw down ammo, health and energy in latter defense waves and the like, if someone takes the time to mention they're running worryingly dry.

At the risk of sounding 'get good'; if you do use pads and spectres every single mission without fail, it's probably a crutch and you should probably re-evaluate your build choices.

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No matter how much pizzas I craft in order to help my team, this will not change the over farming of detonite ampules, fieldron samples,  antiserum fragments (like I need them at this point), and so on. 
One can argue that "you will need those resources to maintain an dojo", but come on - new researches are team projects. Old stuff we usually researched on the way to here, and those are the resources I have after those shenanigans.  And still the items in the inventory stay - I wonder how many extra pigments I will have when we research all colours?

Edited by phoenix1992
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On 2/29/2016 at 8:37 PM, EDYinnit said:

Okay, I suppose that research would deal a sizable blow if you're in a Mountain or Moon clan. It's just odd to see someone run dry on something I view as the runner-up to the ever superfluous Alloy Plate.

Define helping. Do you mean assisting when needs are dire or throwing them down ad infinitum just for the sake of it?

I always keep a complement of restoration pads on hand. I just don't feel the need to use them every mission. Communication brings rewards, I'll happily throw down ammo, health and energy in latter defense waves and the like, if someone takes the time to mention they're running worryingly dry.

At the risk of sounding 'get good'; if you do use pads and spectres every single mission without fail, it's probably a crutch and you should probably re-evaluate your build choices.

The most common pads I end up using to help the team are ammo pads, we do have some very ammo hungry weapons. Your  statements seems to be a bit assumptive to say the least, but I'll let that pass. I don't seems to use pads more often  than 1 in 20 missions if not, and it's essentially never for myself. I don't always have a healer on hand to help out tenno in trouble. As far as spectres go. I like to stockpile them, but I never rely on their help. I think they are rather fun and when I can I stockpile all of the syndicate spectres on top of unique loadouts for Each of the Tenno spectres, CqC, artillery, Marksman, and one with an opticor just for fun. So yes spores are always in short supply. I also stockpile ciphers that I never use >.>...

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100% agree. I'm a collector who likes to keep my inventory clean of useless junk. This game makes it impossible. Pls fix.

Even more I would like the ability to feel like the resources I pick up are useful in some way, but thats a different topic. :/

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In the end some resources are more usable, than others. While nano spores and such are usable all the time, we overfarm many that won't see any usage. Be it from collector's point of view, from the casual gamer or from someone who is interested in the In Game Economics, we should be able to deal with resources and drops, that will not see any action. Even something as simple as "Here, you can sell those juger drops that you will never use after you complete the quest, for 1 000 credits a piece", would be able to resolve part of the problem, why not changing the way players obtain resources.

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1 hour ago, k0Sh_wf said:

This is related to this issue



I read your thread. While it has some things in common, I do not the question of needing those resources. 
I ask for a way to clean some of them up, those answers that community moderators gave in your thread... They flat out bother me.

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54 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

I read your thread. While it has some things in common, I do not the question of needing those resources. 
I ask for a way to clean some of them up, those answers that community moderators gave in your thread... They flat out bother me.

You are right. That thread does not offer a way to clean up. 

I just thought it head in a similar direction because some ressource seem to be a one trick pony without additional use. And the what the community moderator said was enlightening (<- sarcasm). 

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So whats the problem here? Like seriously? I'm confused.. I've seen people with over 3 million neurodes and like 5000 nav segments..what are you complaining about?

(Imo you don't even have that much)

Edited by DictatorKt07
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3 hours ago, DictatorKt07 said:

So whats the problem here? Like seriously? I'm confused.. I've seen people with over 3 million neurodes and like 5000 nav segments..what are you complaining about?

(Imo you don't even have that much)

Not with those neurodes? Those see some usage. The general state of things that stuck in the inventar, and I would really NOT be amused if an player shoves in my face 5000 nav segments. If you had to research an color for dojo, you would notice that there are left overs that get stuck in there with no purpose. Same as with the juggernaut drops. There is no good reason for those things to do gain dust in any inventory, while for some reason, you can totally sell your prime parts for credits (?! Trap for new players? Don't know why this is an option to begin with).

PS: Add the deprecated beacons, we can no longer use (the old way you could kill Vay Hek on Earth).

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On February 29, 2016 at 8:05 PM, EDYinnit said:



Jesus christ man, how do you do it?

I'm sitting on 1,360,164 of them. I don't understand people that get into a position where there's even the remotest need to farm it.


Nano is the only regular resource i'm constantly dry on and i'm at MR20 with nothing to build really. Whenever formorians pop up each key takes something like 3000. Energy restores and such usually take 3000 a pop as well. It seems like all the high end useful consumables / event keys take copious amounts of nano spores.

The good thing is with a booster + nekros + dark sector survival, you can easily get over 130k per 20m run.

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10 minutes ago, Lord_Datastorm said:

Looking at what you have, you have such small amounts.

*nerve pop ups* 
Just because I do not go out of my way to farm bosses and mats, does not mean I am not full of resources that will not see usage in the current game. I am so sorry that the quantity of things I do not use, is not big enough to impress you.

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7 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

*nerve pop ups* 
Just because I do not go out of my way to farm bosses and mats, does not mean I am not full of resources that will not see usage in the current game. I am so sorry that the quantity of things I do not use, is not big enough to impress you.

I get it you want to do something with those excess useless resources, but honestly why do you care? Like legitimately think about it. Its not like they can hurt you, they're just there

Edited by DictatorKt07
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9 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

*nerve pop ups* 
Just because I do not go out of my way to farm bosses and mats, does not mean I am not full of resources that will not see usage in the current game. I am so sorry that the quantity of things I do not use, is not big enough to impress you.

Well I dont actively hunt for resources and I have been playing longer. But it is just resources. You dont have to buy more space for them they are just there.

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