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So I've been marked by Stalker...



So it looks likes I killed enough bosses that Stalker has decided its' time for me to pay for it. This is a first for me. Now, I think I'm ready for him but I'm not too sure. How hard is this guy to deal with? 

I'm working with a Rank 19 Volt Prime, Rank 22 Latron, Rank 15 Vasto Prime and Rank 30 Dual Ethers. 

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Before he starts attacking be sure to mark him with your waypoint. It's easy to lose track of him, especially when he spawns in a room crowded with other enemies(Stalker and Juggernaut at same time was very chaotic with other Infested running around).

Stalker can hit really hard, so try to stay out of his line of sight whenever you're not attacking, at least if you're the one that he's coming after (you see his taunt messages before he appears). If you're not the target he won't come after you that much from my experiences.

Just be sure to take note of what powers he's activating and don't feed them.


Like Nyx's Absorb. Had a squad keep shooting him in that state and got closer. Needless to say all 3 of them got destroyed when the explosion occurred.


Edited by Maicael
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5 minutes ago, Khaine62 said:

So it looks likes I killed enough bosses that Stalker has decided its' time for me to pay for it. This is a first for me. Now, I think I'm ready for him but I'm not too sure. How hard is this guy to deal with? 

I'm working with a Rank 19 Volt Prime, Rank 22 Latron, Rank 15 Vasto Prime and Rank 30 Dual Ethers. 

Well, being marked by the Stalker (multiple times) only increases the chance of encountering him. That said, the regular Stalker is actually more threatening than his other version 


(the Shadow Stalker)

 due to less prominent tells in his attacks, although less tanky.


No damage adaption makes him survive a few seconds less with a decent team.


Edited by ChaoticVice777
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Just now, Khaine62 said:

He's that strong??! I knew that he's a real piece of work if you're new...

Ussualy fights with stalkers are something like either you one shoting him or him one shoting you. Looking at your weapons...the first one won't happen, but you can still try to roll and jump around while shooting him. He is not very accuarate.

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Just now, crazyN00b said:

Ussualy fights with stalkers are something like either you one shoting him or him one shoting you. Looking at your weapons...the first one won't happen, but you can still try to roll and jump around while shooting him. He is not very accuarate.

He's accurate enough with his Dread to one shot you if you're too close or not paying attention, unfortunately. And I hear the Slash procs are quite deadly as well.

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1 minute ago, ChaoticVice777 said:

Well, being marked by the Stalker (multiple times) only increases the chance of encountering him.

This first time I've ever gotten a mark from him, so the chances he'll show up in the first 5 minutes of a mission are low? If so, that's a relief, as it gives some time to level up some more. 

3 minutes ago, ChaoticVice777 said:

due to less prominent tells in his attacks, although less tanky because he doesn't have the damage adaption.

So he's more a glass cannon? Anything else that I can take advantage of?

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Aside from the fact that you will probably never encounter him ever (Some people get marked for months with nothing at all) Either he 1 shots you (assuming you haven't done the second dream quest) or  you 1 shot him he's incredibly weak so if you're in a squad just run around like a maniac while everyone else kills him and you should be fine; as long as he is using those arrows though you should probably fear for your life.

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Just now, Khaine62 said:

This first time I've ever gotten a mark from him, so the chances he'll show up in the first 5 minutes of a mission are low? If so, that's a relief, as it gives some time to level up some more. 

So he's more a glass cannon? Anything else that I can take advantage of?

This is the math of exactly how much of a chance he'll show up within the first five minutes: Spawn Chance = 1.5% + (0.5% × P); P = Number of cell members marked for death. 2% chance of a Stalker encounter alone, but 3.5% chance within a full party.

I wouldn't call the regular Stalker a glass cannon with your weapons, but I highly recommend keeping a distance from him and hiding behind cover. Having teammates also helps, as the Stalker will focus on you more than anything else. Invisibility of some sort and shield/health restores also work in a pinch, but once again, you have to be aware of his Dispel radius.

The optimal situation with the Stalker would be a low level Stalker against a highly leveled team, and if that were to happen, he gets defeated in 5 seconds or less.

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If you have low-ranked equipment on you, he's a monster. If you have strong, fully-ranked frames and weapons, though, he becomes little more than a joke.

My advice is never keep still. Keep running around him at all times, don't give him the opportunity to actually hit you. Also keep some distance so he doesn't melee you to death. Don't use powers, cause those are useless against him, and just keep shooting him until he flees (unless he uses Absorb, in which case stop shooting and run as far away as you can before it explodes). Could take a while, depending on how strong your equipment is.

Edited by Mcl_BlueMadness
Forgot about Absorb, reading Maicael's post reminded me of it.
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For dealing with stalker (I'm guessing the regular one) you'll only need enough puncture, preferably burst dps, with enough Corrosive dmg, Dadiation dmg and or also Viral dmg

These are surely going to help you succesfully take down the misery stalker :P 

remember that burst dps is essential because he likes fleeing when his health reaches 10% or less... also a next keen tip: stay at a safe distance while shooting at him and be always moving around, the distance is to avoid his dispel and slash dash.. 

Happy Hunting and good luck on your next battle, Tenno!


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He is a soft target for veteran players with decked out weapons but if you are alone it will take you a few hits to take him out. He has warframe powers and his own unique power called dispel. His signature power disables all warframe abilities and will taunt when you try to use one against him.

Be weary when he jumps into a red bubble, most players just fire  blindly into it but what he is doing is absorbing all that damage and sends it right back to you. I have seen entire squads taken out on this move alone so put some distance between you and that bubble. He tends to go invisible from time to time so move around if you can't see him and make sure you put a waypoint on him to keep track. He also has Reckoning where if there is a squad near him he will disable all of them by lifting them in the air.

Running away from him is not a good option as he will teleport you to his location if he thinks you are too far away. Inatead find a place where you can use the environment to your advantage, try to make sure he doesn't have a clear shot at your at all times since his bow can 1 or 2 shot you. In any case it's best to just let your squad deal with him, just let them know he is dropping on you and mark the area so they can go and assist you.

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A couple important things to remember: He can teleport and when he spawns in the doors of the room you're in will lock. You get some warnings before he actually spawns, though, so if possible try to get to a large room where you can move around more freely, to avoid his attacks. Enemies will also attack him if they see him. They don't draw aggro, but it might help a little bit to have them doing damage as well.

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I used to take Stalker down with Dual Ethers and basic mods

If I remember correctly...

Set your Ethers as Full Melee (Hold down F until Ethers are selected)

Channel (Hold LMB)

Spin Attack with the Ethers until he dies. Do not stop moving. As others have said, once he has the absorb ball on, stay away.

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