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What if Disney bought DE and made Warframe canon to Star Wars?


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13 hours ago, Plasmaface said:

What a terrible thought. Just imagine how badly Disney would milk Warframe. 

Energy and health drinks. Affinity booster passes for Disney parks, Warframe licensed ads on water bottles, soda cans, oranges, apples, Chiquita bananas, nilla wafers, etc.

Hmm, merchandise... Maybe then I wouldget some Warframe action-figures too!

Edited by WindigoTP
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Putting Disney aside and only implaying that Warframe will somehow get into Star Wars (i repeat: WITHOUT people behind the screen taken into consideration)...

I actually think that would be actually kinda cool. The universes share few things and i think there was already a debate long time ago who would win - Tenno or Jedi.

Also i think Warframes would look just fine in Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series. Somehow it's very easy for me to imagine warframes in this animation style. Fits almost perfectly.

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Well, on the bright side, Warframe's gonna get more publicity and the updates are gonna come faster... but then I remembered that the one who (in this scenario only) bought DE and Warframe are the same people who are responsible for spawning Miley @(*()$ Cyrus and the High School Musical trilogy. Besides, combining space magic wizards from a galaxy far far away with space murderhobo ninjas from a solar system that is so S#&$ty that a Palpatine ruled galaxy looked a lot nicer and friendlier is a bad idea. 

This is just as bad as DE getting bought by Activision, Ubisoft, Microsoft, EA, Konami, Capcom, Nintendo and have I mentioned EA? 

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Never going to happen, would NOT like to see it happen.... ever... star wars canon wouldn't allow for such a thing, and I doubt fans would be happy. It wouldn't be profitable to disney. If it happened, ever, it would likely be comparable to adding Jar-Jar - one of the most unpopular thing to have ever happened during the time of george lucas.

Moving on from that: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away - every star wars film. This suggests that the Star wars universe was set long before the viewer of the film ever see's it, therefore, it would be way before warframes time, warframe being set in a future earth environment, not the past. It also suggests galaxies far beyond those of warframes reaches.

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22 hours ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Are you high? DE is thousands of times better than Disney, or almost any similar company for that matter. Are they perfect? Absolutely not. But I'd rather take DE over pleaseshootmenowwithaKraken Disney. They ruin everything they touch. 

Oh and the game, while not perfect [yet] is still much more balanced than it used to be.

1) I never specifically said Disney 2) It's been 3 @(*()$ years. We don't need another new warframe, we don't need another new weapon... We need new and interesting gameplay content on a consistent basis and removal of most of the grindy elements you layered this on top of the game one after another.

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