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Hello Again


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Figured I'd post here first, since I never did one of these back in the day, and it lets me say hello to you all.

I've been on a bit of a hiatus recently after getting pretty burnt out on the game and the community, but after talking to some buddies about the good old days here, my desire to get back ito this game grew, and getting a message from a long time chat buddy was the straw that broke the camels back.


A bit about me

I've been playing this game since April of 2013 and started a week or two into the open beta, and have about 1200 hours of gametime logged (steam says more like 3300)

I'm in my 20's and work in IT, and yes, it is a lot like the IT crowd.

My hobbies include computers, reading, long walks on the beach and playing games (Most recently Fallout 4, Omega Ruby, ESO, LoL, Warcraft 3 and Solitaire)

As far as this game goes, I am particularly partial to Mirage, Banshee and Ash, as well as running not so serious builds.


Anyways, I'm not a particularly interesting person, so I will stop there, and just say that it is good to be back, and I look forward to being a part of this community once again.

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Welcome to the forums. 

Judging from your shallow amount of posts, feel free to familiarise yourself a bit with forums and don't hesitate to ask anything. 

JK, cool to see you back again and hope you'll like it here again :)

PS: if you press the button submit reply, you can post your reply on the forums. But don't press it twice as that will make you double post :P

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You sure have a lot of new stuff to experience in this game, I myself came back on October after a one year break and I still have a lot to try out.

Good to have you back. Looking forward to reading your feedbacks Soon™.

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18 minutes ago, matto said:

You sure have a lot of new stuff to experience in this game, I myself came back on October after a one year break and I still have a lot to try out.

Good to have you back. Looking forward to reading your feedbacks Soon™.

Oh believe me, this list of critiques is already getting pretty long. 

I may or may not used bad words to describe most of it. 


The new rapier on the other hand, I definitely like. 

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)AngelShur said:

Hey welcome back buddy!

It is always adviced to to breaks when something is getting the hold of you for the worst. But Lone Ranger or not, this game will keep pulling you back magnet! 

See you around ?

Well there is a lot for me to do right now  so I got that going for me.

Plus a bunch of mates who play now, so that all helps

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22 hours ago, -FV-Metheria said:


*hugs from me and velour*


*hugs back in manly fashion*

54 minutes ago, (PS4)makrisbrik said:

Hello and welcome back! Wow April 2013, its always great to see people play that long and then comes back. Good luck to you!

Yeah, it seems strange to have started playing this game almost 3 years ago, so much has changed

49 minutes ago, Skycook3y said:

Welcome Back

Cheers mate 

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Haha, Well I would say welcome but I don't think that would be the correct way to put it. How about thanks for the intro about you its awesome since you know more about the forums then I probably do its much appreciated to see a intro from a post advocate such as yourself.

meme for you: " I don't always make a introduction on a forum, but, when I do its about 5 years later when I'm already a well known source to the community."

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13 minutes ago, TheKnottyGentalman said:

Haha, Well I would say welcome but I don't think that would be the correct way to put it. How about thanks for the intro about you its awesome since you know more about the forums then I probably do its much appreciated to see a intro from a post advocate such as yourself.

meme for you: " I don't always make a introduction on a forum, but, when I do its about 5 years later when I'm already a well known source to the community."

Not quite 5 years, more like just under 3 lol. 

I've beendebating returning to full activity here, but honestly it's hard to stay away. 

Besides I'm only a little bit behind drew in rep, and feel the need to beat him. 

Edited by Sixty5
Premature post-ulation, it happens to all of us
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