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Tower Keys Drop Way Too Often Now.


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ill bet money it was a t2 raid...

never seen a t3 raid, not once.

I have never seen Russia, I wonder if its really there?


I have no idea how.

Thus..there's no way to get them.


Um yea sorry guys I forgot to mention that defense missions bore me to tears. So I have purchased two void keys packs and have got one T1 void as a login reward. So most of the void missions I have run has been from a plat purchased key pack bought by myself or my teammate. I have seen T3 exterminate, and T3 raid. I don't know where you guys are getting the impression that T3 raid doesn't exist, that's kinda weird. But you've got a point alchemistjkt, things aren't actually real until you seen them. Tell you what, next time I break down and buy a void key pack with money (cause again I think defense is slam you head against the wall boring) I will take a screen shot of the T3 void raids I get. Last time out of two packs I had two T3 raids and 1 T3 exterminate, the rest was all T1 and T2.

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they should remove exterminate from VOID and use only RAID and DEFENSE missions

Uhm no? How about instead of removing ANY mission type they..oh..ADD mission types. They have already shown they are adding Defense to the void soon. Which brings up a point to the OP: When they bring in defense, youll be glad for the high drop rates. How do you think youll get keys for the Void Defense missions? Right!


Given your postcount I'm going to guess you're a recent founder, flush with Plat from your purchase and smug about it. I was there too, months back. Eventually that platinum is going to run out, and if you get your way now half a year later you will be looking at this post, then at your whopping 8 Plat left, and desiring a time machine so you can go back and strangle yourself before you posted it.


Also, more importantly, the actual datamined drop chance by the guy whose numbers DE_Steve said were good is 33% on Xini. 3% for a T3 Exterminate, 15% for a T2 Raid, 15% for a T2 Exterminate. Not exactly 'all the time' as you exaggerate. So yes, the previous grind endgame unlocks the current most interesting levels about a third of the time. Not unreasonable or undesirable.


Yes, it means the Void is  'nothing special' and it should never have been unless it was some kind of super-secret bonus area. Given that there are going to be Void defense missions and other content additions to the Void, that the Orokin play a major role in the backstory, and if/when the whole Codex/backstory update hits I'm betting the Void will vomit out the most backstory (due to being, you know, the repository of Secret Orokin Knowledge And Bling), if you want to know everything happening ingame you will want to access the Void.


If the Void was some sort of endless challenge dungeon where you could only get cosmetic items or joke items (after beating a Lv200 Void mission you get an Excalibur skin that looks just like DarkSector's Hayden Tenno!) then you might have something resembling an argument (except in that case it should probably be difficulty-locked, not RNG-locked).

My clan is on orders to hold all keys. There's nothing we need from there. We got our Reaper Primes, our latron primes, and our frost primes. Why hold them? Because as you said, there is nothing special there..now. They will add new stuff that will be void exclusive or higher chance in the void and then those keys will be much more valuable.


Honestly, we don't even stop ED for Tower II Exterm anymore (Tower II Raid, Tower III Exterm only).

The new shiny wore off of the Void and most folks, I think, are waiting for it to get buffed (Buffed as in buffing chrome to bring the shiny back) up again. Defense missions..lasers? Yes..yes my precious. (Honestly, who hasn't wanted to turn the lasers on those bastards in the void. God i hate those things).


But yeh overall, I agree with what you said.



I aim to please.


Btw, did big bad wolf take away your wittle sense of humor?

Sense of humor is required to tolerate someone going "Shut Up" repeatedly? Sorry, I must have been mistaken in thinking that a post with no constructive feedback is useless and should be called out as such. Maybe I am just from an older generation that remembers things like Bulletin Boards and such where moderators would tear you a new one if you decided to play such antics. Alas, times change.






I have never seen Russia, I wonder if its really there?


Um yea sorry guys I forgot to mention that defense missions bore me to tears. So I have purchased two void keys packs and have got one T1 void as a login reward. So most of the void missions I have run has been from a plat purchased key pack bought by myself or my teammate. I have seen T3 exterminate, and T3 raid. I don't know where you guys are getting the impression that T3 raid doesn't exist, that's kinda weird. But you've got a point alchemistjkt, things aren't actually real until you seen them. Tell you what, next time I break down and buy a void key pack with money (cause again I think defense is slam you head against the wall boring) I will take a screen shot of the T3 void raids I get. Last time out of two packs I had two T3 raids and 1 T3 exterminate, the rest was all T1 and T2.

Really now? Then you sir are a magician.

You know those datamined numbers that DESteve even said were accurate?

Well what do they have to say about T3 Raid I wonder?

Well looky here, do I have the numbers handy? As a matter of fact I do!



First key:

Orokin Tier 1 Extermination Key: 47.39%

Orokin Tier 1 Raid Key: 47.39%

Orokin Tier 2 Extermination Key: 2.37%

Orokin Tier 2 Raid Key: 2.37%

Orokin Tier 3 Extermination Key: 0.47%

Next 3 keys:

Orokin Tier 1 Extermination Key: 39.22%

Orokin Tier 1 Raid Key: 39.22%

Orokin Tier 2 Extermination Key: 9.8%

Orokin Tier 2 Raid Key: 9.8%

Orokin Tier 3 Extermination Key: 1.96%


Those are specifically the void key packs you mention. So apparently you are full of magic and somehow got something out of a void key pack that isn't even on the drop list! Magic man, I tell you.


You can dream your dreams. I will go off of the information that has been backed by the folks developing the game as accurate.


EDIT #2: Also, I really don't care if Defense missions bore you to tears. I enjoy doing them with my clanmates because entertainment occurs and we have a fun time doing them together, as a team. I fail to see how that influences the point. I also think that that statement alone disqualifies you from speaking about...Tower Key drop Rates from Endless Defense since you said yourself you don't do Endless Defense. Or maybe that's just my logic talking.

Edited by Cypherdiaz
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WORD ! thanx for the picture man ! Now I can sleep tonight knowing for sure that I'm not crazy. It's not fair that people online take the side of the voices in my head.  :p


Only difference is when when my teammate and I used our T3 raid keys, it said T3 raid on the key,... we knew it is a T3 raid before we burned the key. I really don't understand where these rumors are coming from, we thought it was just business as usual. I distinctly remember using up the T1s and T2s to help my teammate level his new Vauban, then when he was ready we did the T3s including T3 raids until we both got the Latron Prime receiver.

Edited by Carcharias
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T1 extermination dropped the reaper blade for me, and T2 raid dropped Frost Prime Systems. I wouldn't completely dismiss those T1's and T2's guys, because those rare parts do drop from them. I have more fun doing T2 raids more than any other void mission anyway, because of the secret rooms.

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WORD ! thanx for the picture man ! Now I can sleep tonight knowing for sure that I'm not crazy. It's not fair that people online take the side of the voices in my head.  :p


Le Sigh.


Read it until you understand it ffs.


However what there is is Tower 3 Exterminate that LOTUS can CHANGE into a Raid as I said above.

Lotus can change anything, why do you think this would change in the Void?


My point was this and simply this because apparently some of you have 0 Comprehension Skills:

WHEN you start a Tower 3 Exterminate, the MAP is generated to be an EXTERMINATE.

WHEN Lotus changes it to a Raid, the ONLY change is that the game adds the ARTIFACT room (just like it can add any other mission specific rooms in non-void when it changes missions).

THE ISSUE is that ONLY a NATURALLY generated RAID mission has a chance to have the LARGE Time trial (The one with 20+ Containers to break).


THUS..There is no Tower 3 Raid, There is only Tower 3 Exterminates that get changed into Raids but are still bloody pointless.


Oh well except for one thing. Raids have higher mod drop (from mobs) rates than Exterminates. There..that's the only benefit.


Hopefully they add a Tower 3 Raid eventually.


Also, those pictures PROVE that it was ORIGINALLY a Tower 3 Exterminate that Lotus Changed.


Are we all on the same page now or does some folks need to stop eating glue long enough to follow along with the rest of the class?






T1 extermination dropped the reaper blade for me, and T2 raid dropped Frost Prime Systems. I wouldn't completely dismiss those T1's and T2's guys, because those rare parts do drop from them. I have more fun doing T2 raids more than any other void mission anyway, because of the secret rooms.

I agree with you Tulz.

Most of the secret rooms can spawn in either Raid or Exterminate, except for two. The Big Time Trial. That wonderful wall running, slide lazer dodging, double backflipping masterpiece. The second is the water parkour room. They simply cannot show up in Exterminates. (Currently I have run over 70 Exterminates and 50 Raids. Yes, my clan has a lot of keys). I theorize the reason why is because all the other secret areas all have an entry/exit and thus are pass through rooms. The big time trial (And water parkour room) are both DEAD END rooms. Exterminates do not like Dead Ends and they really don't like alternate paths. That is the issue with exterminates, to me at least, is that they are linear. Raids let you explore and if you explore you will usually find a time trial or similar test room (Water Parkour, Etc).


EDIT #2:

Do I eventually hope to see Tower III Raids? Yes.

Do I hope to eventually be proven wrong on what I have said above? Yep, but it wont happen until they change the map generation to allow the generation of time trials on a natural extermination mission when it's changed into a Raid by lotus.

Till such point, it sucks but its the way it is.

Edited by Cypherdiaz
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Wow....First you whine about how keys are so hard to get and how you have to buy them but now you whine about the fact that they drop too often? Figure out what you want, you indecisive dimwits.

I've seen some pretty silly complaints in this community. No matter how much the overwhelming majority of the community wants something, there will always be one overly vocal person who wants the exact opposite. Remember a while back when there was someone complaining that Platinum was too cheap?
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I have no idea how.

Based on all the data mined stuff and the experience of my clan, T3 Raids do not exist.


You cannot get them in the void key packs, they aren't on the 'drop' list for them.

They were not, nor are now, on the Endless Defense reward list.

Nor where they on the bonus reward list for the Void itself or Spy/Capture/Raid missions.


Thus..there's no way to get them.


The ONLY T3 Raid I have ever seen/done/etc was ORIGINALLY an Extermination that got turned, by Lotus, into a Raid at the very start.

The problem with those is that they aren't truly Raids. Why do I say this? Raids=Big Time Trail. Exterminations only have the Small Time Trial.

If a T3 Extermination gets turned into a Raid, the map is already generated and thus the time trial is not going to be there.


(yes, Ive spent way to much time on this stuff)


wait, by time trial you mean the gauntlets for the bigger treassure rooms?



What? I've done T 3 void raids. Ya know go in get the orikin artifact and get out? I've done several. Maybe it was all just a dream?


heh, i still remember playing my first void 3 raid and the memorable reaction i had:


"OMG THAT THING (grineer gorgon gunner) IS LEVEL 100!! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!"

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wait, by time trial you mean the gauntlets for the bigger treassure rooms?




heh, i still remember playing my first void 3 raid and the memorable reaction i had:


"OMG THAT THING (grineer gorgon gunner) IS LEVEL 100!! RUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!"

Currently there are a few 'special' rooms with 'special' surprises.


First is the Big Time Trial Room. This is the one that at the top, after wall running and getting up the double wallrun-backflip there are 8 containers per side and 4 in the center. Most don't know this but theres also 2-4 PER side above the wallrun area behind the spinning lasers. Also, in the first room with the big water going UP there is a ledge above where you come in that can house 2-4 containers. At a minimum you will find 22, max of about 32. Hence the name I have given it of "Big Time Trial"


Then there is the Small Time Trial, this room does appear in Exterminates. In this room there is two long strips of ice with 2 rotating lasers in the center. Also in the center is a non-timed area that you get to by wallrunning. When you enter this room..there are two options. It's active or deactive. If active, the GATE will be up infront of the pressure pad before you can get to the two ice strips. If this is the case, active the pad and HAUL ARSE across to the FAR side of the room (Across the ice) and go through the wall that moved up. This usually only has 2-5 Containers in it, hence Small Time Trial.


Then there is the Combination Tree Room. It has a big tree in the center, is 3 floors tall. Between the 1st (bottom most) floor and the 2nd floor are 4 different staircases EACH with a pressure pad. ONLY the host of the mission can see them in their proper form. ONE will be colored BLUE. Go to it, step on it and it will turn Green. Then find the next blue one, repeat. Eventually, on the second floor, two separate Treasure Rooms will open each with 2-5 Containers.


Then there is the Death Room, as my clan calls it. The entire floor is made of pressure plates and one will activate the spinning laser in one corner. There is a pavlion on one side that has stairs going down. There are also stairs in there going up. Go to the top level and look across to the blackish awning thing. Excal can Slash Dash, Rhino can Rhino Charge, Loki can Decoy+Switch Tele combo, or you can ZorenPort across. Once there, look at the room that has a door that is NEVER opened on the 3rd floor. There is an open area that you can use any of the previously designed tactics to get into. Once in, be nice and go to the door as this will open it for your team. Usually 1-4 Containers in here.


The Waterfall room is the last. Multi-Level tripy room. In the center is a small tree with 4 plates around it. In my experience only 1 or 2 of these will activate. If they do, look to 3 places. ONE: Directly below the pads is a room that can open up. TWO: Somewhere in the room a waterfall will start..going UP. Go up it to access a room. In either of these two rooms is a pressure pad, activating it (if it activates) will open up the OTHER room. The third way I have yet to find but its there..somewhere.



Level 100 Enemies are fun, I actually have to reload Hek to kill them. (It kills a Level45 Stalker in 4 shots).

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Sense of humor is required to tolerate someone going "Shut Up" repeatedly? Sorry, I must have been mistaken in thinking that a post with no constructive feedback is useless and should be called out as such. Maybe I am just from an older generation that remembers things like Bulletin Boards and such where moderators would tear you a new one if you decided to play such antics. Alas, times change.


Wrote a tutorial in the original reply for ya so you don't get lost next time.

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Out of 7 defense missions, 5 dropped a void key.

Void is nothing special anymore, which is kind of sad to see..


Tier 1 and 2 keys are not endgame content. End game are tier 3 keys, building dojos for weapons, why not just build dojos solo, that way you can work to true endgame content with weapons that require 6 to 7 mastery rank to use them.


Not to mention Tier 3 keys are still very rare, previously it was unheard of to get tier 3 void keys from defense. A drop rate of 0.015%, dear OP if you were to play defense over and over again, you would have to reach wave 15 for about 1000 times before you can get 1 key. This is only statistical and not even without RNG of the hellfire every round. 


This end-game content would easily drive anyone mad just trying to get it. Tier 1 and tier 2 keys which are common now are for non-endgame content. They do drop forma, but at a very low rate which would be taken up by many other useless items like prime items and etc.


In addition pluto is also endgame content for now since planet expansion after that should move out of the outer terminus towards other solar systems. So there is no true end-game. All players can do now is farm weapons and items getting ready for the games true official release. Once it truly is released, and players can do so many more of everything, void probably would be a special(but not exclusive place) that players get to go to once in a while. Not it will be a place you can only go to through pure key farming. Pure Key farmers would in theory have excess access to the place very often.


Newer players would get their keys along the way. So it makes the key more common for key farmers and atleast attainable as a delicacy for non-committed key farmers. Unless you are selfish enough to say that this place is only deserved by those who spend 10s of hours farming on spot just to enjoy a content, then no one can argue but say that is being unfair and just pay to play content.


Think about things more thoroughly before posting them please.

Edited by Jacate
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I am asking myself if OP is troll.....

I mean. Now that you get drops more often, it wrong as well. DE should just stop watching into complain threads and just do their thing... Whatever they do, its wrong for someone.

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I swear, if people ruin this by complaining about Void Keys being too common, then I'm going to make sure no one else gets to be happy either.  I'll have to do something drastic, like murder Santa Claus and make children eat his fried reindeer. 


Is that what you want, people? 

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Wrote a tutorial in the original reply for ya so you don't get lost next time.

Oh aren't you just a peach. I do realize what you were trying to do and was just pointing out that you looked like a spoiled toddler deserving to be kicked in front of a moving vehicle. That's all and you get all rawr. Well then sir, good day.


I swear, if people ruin this by complaining about Void Keys being too common, then I'm going to make sure no one else gets to be happy either.  I'll have to do something drastic, like murder Santa Claus and make children eat his fried reindeer. 


Is that what you want, people? 

Welcome to the internet. People complain..end. People are never happy with decisions, ever. Every decision a game company makes, they will get yelled at by someone. The bottom line is that they need to just learn to ignore folks like the OP in the way that Blizzard ignores such folks.


Wow....First you whine about how keys are so hard to get and how you have to buy them but now you whine about the fact that they drop too often? Figure out what you want, you indecisive dimwits.

+1 Sir. Indecisive Dimwits, wonderful choice of words. And no, not sarcasm at all. Gotta love them huh?

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Keys are definitely way to easy to get now, and they are pushing out rare mods from the mission rewards of defense missions.  That is what bugs me the most honestly.


I definitely think that the previous rate was WAY to low, but now they are just stupidly high.  I got 5 T3 keys last night, that is just not right.  


Yes people should be able to get keys in a reasonable amount of time, but I can't believe they meant this drop rate to be that high.  I also can't believe that people really wanted to have the drop rate to be increased this much, basically just having them handed to you rather than working for them. 


There is also the issue that it makes it seem that having the drop rate so sickly low previously, was a blatant cash grab because people couldn't get keys in other ways. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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