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Performance post 18.5


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30 days ive been playing this game and it was awsome i even decide to drop 100 bucks on the game why not i enjoy it , then this update came and i cant play with anyone i get host migration 5 or 10 seconds after the game starts , now i fell ive been scamm day 3 and still no fix.


I hope they Rollback really just that simple , ive been reading other threads and players have so many bugs and all diferent im not a coding guy or programer but im starting to think this will take weeks to fix

Edited by MoktezumaWeed
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Ill list out my settings and setup just for measure so maybe some can help narrow down what it is, Im not having issues my performance is actually fantastic.


WF Settings


All on except motion blur and color correction, using Vsync instead of Frame Limit

1080p Borderless with max FoV



System Specs


Windows 10

Radeon R9 270x 1175/1500 4gb memory

8gb DDR3 2133mhz

3.8ghz Xeon 1240v3

Crimson driver 15.12



Crimson settings


Subsurface optimization off, x16 AF on, AF quality High, shader cache and all others left default



I did notice some stuttering when i was using frame limiter and the frame time was jumping slightly causing an awkward stutter but with Vsync no issues with jumping frame times. With the frame limiter the frame time would jump between 16.7ms and 18ms with a frame limit of 60fps, sits constantly at 16.7ms with Vsync on.


Ill keep an eye out for anything strange and update this post as needed

Edited by Echoa
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Hi Guys,

I haven't had too many performance issues with 18.5 up until tonight.  My group and I were doing LoR, and we were having the weirdest performance issues.  It definitely wasn't latency.  The FPS would drop way down and become unplayable.  We'd wait, sometimes for 2-3 minutes, and then performance would resume.  However, after this, things kind of seemed...off.  I am not sure how else to describe it.    It seemed like a memory leak to me.  Checking my PC performance counters, everything was running normally (40% CPU, 50% memory, Evolution Engine = 20% CPU).  I have a suspicion this was a continuation of the physics related leaks, as it seemed to continually get worse when we used slowing abilities - (Nova and Equinox).

If required, I can capture video and try to figure out how to reproduce. If not required, could someone recommend remediation steps?  This ruined 3 LoR raid keys for us, and we had to restart.

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23 hours ago, [DE]Dmitri said:

Could you please send us a support ticket with a copy of your EE.log? Looking through your EE.log could help us greatly in finding out what is wrong.
Info on how to find your EE.log can be found here.


done that yesterday, but dunno if i posted it in a correct section. please tell me if you can't find it

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14 hours ago, Saraphic said:

Hi Guys,

I haven't had too many performance issues with 18.5 up until tonight.  My group and I were doing LoR, and we were having the weirdest performance issues.  It definitely wasn't latency.  The FPS would drop way down and become unplayable.  We'd wait, sometimes for 2-3 minutes, and then performance would resume.  However, after this, things kind of seemed...off.  I am not sure how else to describe it.    It seemed like a memory leak to me.  Checking my PC performance counters, everything was running normally (40% CPU, 50% memory, Evolution Engine = 20% CPU).  I have a suspicion this was a continuation of the physics related leaks, as it seemed to continually get worse when we used slowing abilities - (Nova and Equinox).

If required, I can capture video and try to figure out how to reproduce. If not required, could someone recommend remediation steps?  This ruined 3 LoR raid keys for us, and we had to restart.

If you are able to reproduce this then could you please send a support ticket our way with a copy of your EE.log? This has come up a few times however we are having a difficult time reproducing it. Any additional information (Warframe used, possible abilities to keep an eye on, weapons, etc.) would be greatly appreciated. 

Info on how to find your EE.log can be found here.

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Before the update, i could run everything at medium and some even on high with no lag at all, even when running a lot of programs in the background. Now, after the update to 18.5 the first 2 days it even ran better then normal. Since Sunday however, i keep lagging with FPS below 10 whenever i run more then just warframe. I have everything on the lowest settings possible, tried optimizing and verifying the client with no luck. Tried updating drivers, clearing dns cache, even cleaned the hardware and software to no avail.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Dmitri said:

If you are able to reproduce this then could you please send a support ticket our way with a copy of your EE.log? This has come up a few times however we are having a difficult time reproducing it. Any additional information (Warframe used, possible abilities to keep an eye on, weapons, etc.) would be greatly appreciated. 

Info on how to find your EE.log can be found here.

Our group make-up was: 

Equinox - Peaceful Provocation augment, using night form with slow,


Slow Nova

EV Trinity.  


Synoid Simulor, Tonkor. Soma Prime

Will try to re-run it again to repro.  I can't think of any specific trigger.  We were picking up the core to run to the toxin injectors in the large main room when the issue began and persisted. 

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Hello (still new on forums)

With almost a week of this 18.5 update
me and my friends having Frameskips after a play time of 10-20 mins decreasing from 50-60 to 20-30 FPS

With walking through walls on direlect mission w/ falling to bottomless of nowhere and teleporting you from nowhere (sometimes its funny seeing bugs with my friends and clan mates)

w/ completing mission forces 1 other to logout and receive nothing on mission (my clan and me playing on same IP means playing on Cafe)

     even playing on same region (Asia) with no internet problems still forces and still what i say the same ip (it means you wont have lag problems) forces other to logout and receive nothing

about the first. after playing 10-20 mins we need to close warframe to get out of frameskip problems
while before 18.5 we dont have too much problems

we know supports are doing everything they can to get fixes to this kinds of bug,lag issues,glitches and fps down.


Sorry For Bad English.


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5 hours ago, Saraphic said:

Will try to re-run it again to repro.  I can't think of any specific trigger.  We were picking up the core to run to the toxin injectors in the large main room when the issue began and persisted. 

It looks like that may not be necessary. We believe we may have a repro of exactly what you are seeing and we are currently working on a fix.
Hope to have this solved very soon.


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I'm not sure if it's of any help, but when I play the game, I usually have a solid 60 fps. Now, what happens is when a lot of slowing effects start to happen, my fps takes a nosedive to 30 fps and mostly stays there. It'll still stay there at 30 fps even if I restart Warframe, and the only way to bring it up back to 60 fps is by restarting my whole comp. It has been my experience, and doing any of the suggested fixes here have had no effect on mine.

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2 hours ago, Drakkoseth said:

I'm not sure if it's of any help, but when I play the game, I usually have a solid 60 fps. Now, what happens is when a lot of slowing effects start to happen, my fps takes a nosedive to 30 fps and mostly stays there. It'll still stay there at 30 fps even if I restart Warframe, and the only way to bring it up back to 60 fps is by restarting my whole comp. It has been my experience, and doing any of the suggested fixes here have had no effect on mine.

Could you provide some examples of "slowing effects"? 

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I was having performance issues with 18.5 but disabling directx10 was enough to fix this, however after today hotfix (18.5.4) im having a minor but annoying stuttering who was not present before 18.5, my specs if that helps (please dont laugh):

Q8200 2.33 ghz processor

Ati 4670 1GB DDR3

4GB ram

Windows 7

Most graphic options off and pretty much everything on low/medium, no Vsync and framerate capped at 60 fps.

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4 minutes ago, [DE]Dmitri said:

Could you provide some examples of "slowing effects"? 

Things like Tar-Mutalist MOA's projectile attack. Nova's Molecular Prime and the such. The FPS drop happens much more quicker whenever those types of abilities are cast, especially when there are a good deal of enemies around too.

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3 hours ago, Rhaenxys said:

I was having performance issues with 18.5 but disabling directx10 was enough to fix this, however after today hotfix (18.5.4) im having a minor but annoying stuttering who was not present before 18.5, my specs if that helps (please dont laugh):

Q8200 2.33 ghz processor

Ati 4670 1GB DDR3

4GB ram

Windows 7

Most graphic options off and pretty much everything on low/medium, no Vsync and framerate capped at 60 fps.

Try enabling Vsync instead of using frame limit. Using frame limit I saw the frame time start jumping causing stutter but this doesn't happen with vsync

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11 hours ago, [DE]Dmitri said:

It looks like that may not be necessary. We believe we may have a repro of exactly what you are seeing and we are currently working on a fix.
Hope to have this solved very soon.


Thanks for your responsiveness and efforts Dmitri.  You guys are the most awesome dev team I have ever seen. 

I work in dev support for a large software company. The information about the Evolution Engine logging will make it easier to submit bug reports with the proper logging in the future.  I, and hopefully the rest of the dedicated community, wants to make this game great, just like your team most obviously does.  Cheers.

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I'm frustrated. I used to have 60fps in my liset and buttery smooth gameplay albeit at low performance settings. Since 18.5 the reported fps on the screen is 15-25 ish but it feels closer to 5fps. Sometimes it says 60fps in my liset but there's constant stuttering when i move my character or pan my camera around. If I join a void group, or alert pug, I load in probably a minute after everyone else, even if I am hosting. It's not uncommon for the capture target to be already gone or 40/120 mobs already exterminated even though we're all starting the mission at the same time. In any tileset the stuttering is so bad, it's all I can do to just get myself to the exit (usually last). You can forget about bullet jumping and any fancy parkour stuff. I don't even press shift. 

I've tried reading through the forums and doing everything anyone suggested. Disabling launcher DirectX 10, disabling 64bit, verifying, optimizing, disabling reverb, turning in game mastery volume down to 75%, toggling vsync and fiddling with every display option available. It still takes me 3 seconds just to move my cursor from planet to planet in navigation. 

I know my rig is a toaster but the fact that the gaming experience was so amazing before is heartbreaking. I don't need amazing graphics and lighting and water. I just want smooth gameplay. I'm open to any suggestions.

Windows 7, Radeon 6000 or 7000 series dual graphics intel HD, i5, 6gb ram


Edit: I changed master volume to zero and it fixed every single problem mentioned above. No delay in starting missions, no stuttering, 45+ fps smooth gameplay. 

Edit2: It lasted for a while but the fps has dropped down to 25 again and the stuttering has resumed and so has the mission loading issue. But it's still better than nothing to be able to play occasionally

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Ever since the hotfix today, My warframe is locked in a floating T pose with weapons tht move on their own, my kubrow doesnt move but his fur does, and my fps doesn't go above 4. Anybody else havin these issues?

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10 hours ago, Alkazar said:

Ever since the hotfix today, My warframe is locked in a floating T pose with weapons tht move on their own, my kubrow doesnt move but his fur does, and my fps doesn't go above 4. Anybody else havin these issues?

Have you tried verifying your download cache via. the Warframe launcher? 


If you still experience these issues after verifying your download cache then could you please send us your EE.log in a support ticket

Info on how to find your EE.log can be found here

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I still got the damn problem, means 30-40 fps with 4 man on draco ceres or it shows in void as 60fps but feels like 20 = frame skipping. 100% cpu usage, total bullS#&$. performance is totally #*($%%@ up after 18.5, I had on the same mission around 100 fps at least and I am pissed.

I've send the support multiple logs, but only thing I got till now are automated messages. https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/de/requests/536444

1. 18.5.2 dx 11 on, dx 10 and 64bit off (1,60 MB)
2. 18.5.3 dx 11 on, dx 10 and 64bit off (17,3 MB)
3. 18.5.3 dx 10, 11 and 64bit on (2,82 MB)
4. 18.5.3 dx 10, 11 on, but 64bit off (5,08 MB)
5. 18.5.3 dx 10, 11 and 64bit off (1,62 MB)
6. 18.5.4 dx 10, 11 on, but 64bit off (4,09 MB)
7. dx 10, 11 on, but 64bit off (889 KB)
8. dx 10, 11 and 64bit on (488 KB)

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1 hour ago, eyeopener said:

60fps but feels like 20 = frame skipping. 100% cpu usage,

Hey eyeopener, 

In your OP you mention that you are using an SSD: Samsung EVO 120GB.
You also mention that you have already tried uninstalling the game.

Is this the only drive that you have installed Warframe on?
Could you try uninstalling Warframe and install it on a separate drive? Even if it's not an SSD.

Regarding your R9 270X:
I looked over your logs and it looks like you are on AMD driver version 15.8. AMD actually just recently released 15.11 beta drivers, so maybe you could give those a try? 
Also I am not sure if you are overclocking however if you are I would suggest that it be turned off.

I am more curious about the drives though. 

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