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My take on the Tenno


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55 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

-good points here-

Oh I'm not giving up on anything, apologies if my post sounded harsher than it is, but I felt like that needed to be said. I'm eagerly awaiting for more customisation features for the Operator, and I might turn their transmissions back on if DE can come up with anything slightly more serious/mature/context-friendly. I'm personally very fond of the face I've given my Tenno, I'd love to see her popping up in my missions if she had something interesting to say, but at the current state of this feature, it's better for me to avoid it.


26 minutes ago, phoenix1992 said:

So... Stalker called, he is recruiting a "me no like this" team, you in?
Jokes aside, at least he has a good purpose to be mad now.

Stalker is a wuss. Tot pke Yotkuy :corpus: 

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Was I the only one who thought, "I'll bet this is a beam weapon" when first picking up the Tenno during Second Dream?

I was elated to be correct, but then disgusted that I not only had to keep it, but also had to set it on a solitary throne that takes up an entire room of my space-flat. It wasn't even a very good weapon, and it gets a whole freakin' throne! Come on, not even Lilarcor was that egotistical!

I'd rather the Tenno go into the arsenal box with the rest of the gear, at least so I can throw potatoes and puzzle pieces at it for a laugh.

Edited by Zookes
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I just wish it'd stop talking to me. If 'I' am the kid, why does the kid keep talking to me during missions?

(Even if they can be muted. Why is the kid talking to themselves all the time?)

Edited by Vomitous
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On 3/15/2016 at 8:03 AM, Sorkheff said:

I'm hoping that due to being in stasis so long, and potentially being some sort of ticking void bomb, we will at some point be forced to transfer to another vessel.

Avatar Style. (And I thought Avatar was a terrible movie)

This is my hope that we won't be children forever but will infact inhabit our Warframes as our child-life starts to end.

I really like this idea.

The way the Warframes are designed terrifies me-- they have no real openings and to be encased in one of them just makes me feel like you'd be a claustrophobic, blind monstrosity. It'd be a perfect twist for the children to die and be encased in a puppet machine (though it is hinted that the frames, themselves, have some form of sentience) and live out the rest of their existence with no real ability to see with their eyes or speak with their mouth.

Such a satisfying, dark twist is probably beyond the grasp of the average player, though, who just wants to feel good and have a happy ending.

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Agree with OP mostly.  I do not mind their appearance as young kids, what bothers me is they act like it. Just taking one life, no matter your age, will affect you.  You will age mentally.. 


There is a documentary of guys operating UAVS that were ordered to take lives.  Even though they were sitting miles away, it affects them greatly.  They age.


I'd prefer a "personality" option on the operator.  Humble, brave, lonely, maniac, etc.  We currently have one personality and it is "goofy".  Go ahead and leave goofy as an option but allow the players to change it. 


We shouldn't have to turn our red headed inner demon child's off to play.  


P.s. the writing was obviously rushed.  I could envision this at DE:  hey its Thursday and deadline is in 2 hours, are we gonna make it?  Yeah no problem, I brought my nephew in to write the dialog while I finish this last bit of code.  He got a "A+" on his 5th grade English final, it's gonna be epic.  

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My point was, you do not even have to be in the battle for personality change to occur; I believe witnessing first hand even more of a horror (PTSD is real).  

No matter what culture your from, war changes you.  As soon as I live in another reality I'll come back and edit my post.  Until then, I'm going to have to go with my gut here, that killing changes a person (i.e. less, not more childlike).


The Tenno act as if they are playing a video game.  Hmm, how's that for plot twist.  The ship, the reality, all of it is a futuristic game inside a game.  Mom's about to call the little Tenno to dinner.  


My Warfame is strong!

Edited by Educated_Beast
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15 hours ago, Educated_Beast said:

My point was, you do not even have to be in the battle for personality change to occur; I believe witnessing first hand even more of a horror (PTSD is real).  No matter what culture your from, war changes you.  As soon as I live in another reality I'll come back and edit my post.  Until then, I'm going to have to go with my gut here, that killing changes a person (i.e. less, not more childlike).

The Tenno act as if they are playing a video game.  Hmm, how's that for plot twist.  The ship, the reality, all of it is a futuristic game inside a game.  Mom's about to call the little Tenno to dinner.  My Warfame is strong!

This post nails it.

My Tenno was a child, fine, but still a child that survived a disaster where all the adults died, and her ship was lost and forgotten for who knows how long. When she was 'rescued', she found out her new condition can potentially harm others around her, so she has to be quarantined. She may never be able to interact normally with anyone again. Also, her body is falling apart, so she needs a special life support chamber. Oh, and let's not forget the people who found her now want to turn her into a weapon. They give her puppets to control and teach her how to kill. Is she really still a child, tossing banter around like this is a game? What kind of reality denial is that anyways? Hasn't she matured psychologically a single fraction of a second? Does she still need mommy sugar-coating everything because the truth gives ouchies?

I'm pretty sure if all that happened to me, I'd be more of a psycho than Krieg is.

P.S.: Psycho voice pack for Operator would be a neat thing. I want to bathe in the meat chunks.

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