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Coming Soon: Devstream #71!


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In case someone goes through the thread to look up for stuff in the question/idea section.

[Ammo 2.0 Rework] -

  • per-weapon based pickup quantities
  • Streamline the pickups to only two types - Primary and Secondary.
  • (Optional) Stealth-killed enemies drop a large ammo reserve (since they didn't fire it at you)?

This would have TWO effects, making large capacity weapons more useful by giving them more ammo per pickup, and reduce the overall item clutter by having only ammo that your frame can actually use without having Ammo Mutation equip (which, at that point, would probably be less effective and perhaps be turned into a percentage-based bonus to ammo picked up?)

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I Have 2 Questions.

1 - Will the Lesion be fixed ? i mean the reach on the weapon, bcuz, cmon even with primed reach i have to almost hug the mobs to hit them.

2 - Will the Old Cat Lady (forgot her name), Kavats and Baliff be balanced ? its not fun getting one shot by these mobs when they are lvl 20 and also, i get my paris prime shoot 1 arrow at a scorpion lvl 20 i do about 3k dmg and instakill them, i take the same paris prime and shoot 1 arrow at the 3 mentioned mobs, i do 3k dmg and hit for only 10% their HP, the **** kind of balancing is that ? PLEASE BALANCE THOSE THINGS, KAVATS LVL 20 DOING 800 DMG AND ONESHOTING AINT BALANCED FOR LVL 20 MISSIONS.

PS: Awesome job on the game till now, and hyped for infected liset + U19

Edited by Sagna
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1.Focus School in loadout as equippable so we ont have to go downstairs all the time to swap it?

2.Passives of the secondary schools arent activated as well?

3.Why arent focus passives activated from the begining of the mission? in short missions (captures or exterminates) focus isnt used at all. and in long missions (survival, defense) its active 99% of the time... 

4. Kubrow and Sentinel precepts suck... Carrier >>>>>>>> everything else... can you pls make Vacuum a passive of all warframes so we can actually use other companions without missing out on resources and mods?

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Been a long... LONG time player, and this is my first time asking questions since the first 10 devstream or so... here goes:

Warframe Augment Question:

1) Are we ever going to get the Augments for the remaining 4th ability? I know the ideas has been voted on a long time ago in Design Council, but still no hints or sight of four ability ever being worked on to get our full set.

2) I know this probably comes every other devstream (if not just EVERY devstream), but any chance for just 1 Augment slot, done ala Exilus?

Warframe Loadout Slots:

3) Love the new 5 slots we can buy off plat. Any chance we would get more in the future as we play? Because unfortunately, even as of right now, we don't have enough slot for EACH frame (not counting Primes) even at MR 30, which is not even obtainable.

More Futurish Questions:

4) If and when we get the new weapon level up system where Serration/Hornet Strike/Point Blank/Pressure Point becomes integrated with leveling up and those mods retire, will players be refunded for their long leveling process with Legendary Cores? 

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i wont be here for the dev steam. but i would like to put forth my thoughts (A) will we be allowed to get more then one lex for ak lex and (B) will acolight cosmetics be a thing. because belts and for arm guards sounds amazing. (C) and will accolights be put in the game. (D) this is a request more then a question, will we ever have more of a complicated combo system. ( this game is so fast paced its awesome, feels like a fighting combo game ) T.T my mind is appeased XD.

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With Ivara and her Prowl, the way it works, it feels like every other invisibility-based skill in the game became outdated. How would you guys deal with that? Ash, Loki and Shade-users are all pretty much stealth irrelevant in front of Ivara.

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really really like the new sounds that are played at the beginning of defence missions, they are a nice touch and help bolster the experience. My question is will there be more like it that really make you freak out? For example when a juggernaut is about to turn up there should really be a whole lot more of a ruckus. I really like how Dying Light makes the most of their sounds when it is night time.

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With all the new weapons coming out, would we ever see another Gunblade? This weapon type has been out for a while but still remains with only one weapon, the Redeemer. I'm asking because newer weapon types such as the Blade and Whip and Nunchaku already have a second addition to them even after being out for a small amount of time. I really like using the Redeemer and would love to see more come out of the Gunblade category.

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I have a few questions for the devs.

1. Will you guys continue working on/improving on Limbo and his rift mechanics? As of now both are an issue and Limbo really really needs a helping hand.

2. Will the heavy machine guns weapons, aside from the soma and soma prime, get a buff? They need to have a better damage output in exchange for a really long reload time.

3. Will you guys make more weapons similar to the Synoid Simulor? The "concept" of the weapon is really good, hard to use weapons with limitations but deal a very high amount of damage. I think Warframe needs more weapons like this, hard to use with drawbacks with also really good DPS.

4. Will old weapons get buffs? With all the new weapons that have much higher DPS than old weapons, I think the old weapons need buffs to at least be able to keep up with new weapons that aren't primed. Certain primed weapons also need a slight buff, such as the sicarus prime and fang prime.

5. Is there any info you can provide on the multishot rework, and the removal of pure damage mods, such as serration, hornet strike, point strike and such?

6. What are the future plans for the improvement and changes on the focus system?

7. Are you going to work on implementing more passive in older frames? And if you do, what are the planned additions?

8. One complain I particularly have for mesa, even though her abilities are almost perfect, her peacemaker drains too much energy.. It's ridiculous, 15 energy per second. If she could still shoot 360 degrees then that drain is fine, but as of now peacemaker is underpowered and not worth the high energy per second drain.

Edited by ShadesZer0
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1.)So, Question/concern:

As many people have mentioned here and there, many systems/gamemodes etc. (archwing, dark sectors, heck even dojos) are in desparate need of finishing and really making them an integral part of the game. As Excited as i am for new content I would really like to hear more on some of that old content being awakened? I remember being extremely excited for archwing upon its arrival, but I now find the gamemode tedious, hard to obtain mods, and generally underwhelming.

2.) Also, as far as new content goes, I feel like one thing I would like to see is more depth of the system outside the main factions/military. I feel like Syndicates have always hinted at this. Can you give any background on how these might be furthered lore-wise if you have plans yet?

Edited by PhantasmalWraith
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Any plans for new pigments for the dojo? Black and white maybe? Sentients would be a great source for these two.


You talked about a token system for Sorties in the past. Did that get scrapped when non-repeatable rewards were introduced? Or are those temporary solutions while you work on a fair token system?


Keep up the good work.

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Hello everyone, first time doing questions for a devstream, and there is a lot... hehe, so here we go:

  • First thing: Happy 3 year anniversary =) (we're almost there), on that topic, new weapon? will be a primary weapon? will new players be able to aquire old dex weapons? and most important any new Darksector related deluxe skin? yeah, I'm looking at you Frost!!!
  • Dojo: Will it get some love? people are talking about a landing dock, and that would be wicked, also new rooms would be great, but more important we want more decorations and colors, black and grey are a must, and warframe and companions statues would be beautifull, some bosses statues would look, but not only that, more decorations  in general. We are having a dojo contest right now, will we have more anytime soon? I'm dying to show off the Enders Tower!
  • Damage 3.0: as far I understood will eliminate any "mandatory" damage mod, wich is good, making players able to customise a weapon to their playstyle, or prioritize critical or    status. I'm on the right track or will be something completely different?
  • Starchart 3.0: any news? is close to 1.0? Will dojo, void, derelict have easier access? Is pretty boring to circle around for everything. what about Quests, will we ever be able to replay old quest? what about mini quests when you start a planet leading to the assassination? (like on vors quest) The Drops will change? 
  • Archwing: When will we get new wings? more nodes plz? what about an Archwing trial, we want to start in space, cuz our liset can get close, land on ground, assassinate our target, and fly like hell... why this isn't a thing yet?
  • Companions: we are getting kavats soon (when? *.*), but the questions is, how many breeds? will we get any new kubrows or sentinels soon? Are they get any rework? whats the big difference between kubrows and kavats? If kavats are based for stealth and kubrows for attack would be great to have an invisible kavat and a rift kavat and maybe a sleight of hand kavat. any companions for Archwing on the work?
  • Syndicate: yes, we want meele weapons, and armor, but most important, we want syndicate leaders to give orders on their missions, and maybe some real lore quest too.
  • Market: can we have a mastery symbol on the stuff we already master?
  • Umbra: nothing to say really, but we want to know!!!
  • Gunblade: can we have some more?  and some other weapons that we have very little too
  • Simaris: when will we have new targets? or when will he give mssions like other syndicates? and maybe some more stuff from him, new weapons, mods, 
  • Orbiter 2.0: is that a thing? because it should be!! our ships as right now doesnt make sense, the orbiter should be bigger, and our landing craft smaller (only the navigation segment should be in there) everything else should be inside the orbiter, and would be wonderfull if we could customise both of then separetely, and if we have decorations, one for every quest at least, a hive for mirage, a janus key for vors prize, and every boss should drop something too, our obiter would be like a great trophy room and would be beautifull. can we plz have new cephalons, maybe acquiring  new one with a new landing craft, And can we get some more of those too?
  • Loadouts: this is something that really is bugging me, we can name our loadouts, and that is great, but i want to name my config for warframe and weapons, and wantto lock my favorite for said loadout. I want to look and know "okay, thats my fast nova " . I want my carrier to use config b, without striker with hidroid, but config a with everyone else. i want my landing craft on my loadout, cuz limbo use liset, but nekros use mantis, the same go for focus school, is any of that possible?
  • Operator: can we customise even further?
  • mods: can we have more corrupted mods? specialy those power related? can we have for ex. +power strenght - power range or +power strenght - power duration, and with every power stat the same? that would greatly increase the way people customise their frame. will corrupted damage mods still be a thing? maybe have new ones with less critical, or status, or big reload time?
  • Mirage: Any plans for her? deluxe skin? mirage prime in 6ish months?

 Well, that was a lot, and while I have some complaints, I must say that i love the game, had play when i bought my PS4, and after some big break, I'm playing for almost 2 years ig, second dream was great, keep the goodwork guys =)

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out of curiosity would it be possible to add some affinity bonus for successfully pulling off parkour related kills? right now I really like the stealth kill multiplier thing cause I mainly solo, but for slide kills (aim glide kills, wall latch kills ect...) there's just 1 affinity challenge and it usually results in a few butt slides and then never purposefully slide shooting again cause it's harder to aim. so, style points I guess is what I'm asking for?

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I think that the Hint / load screen should have names of actual players that have achieved Mastery Rank 21+ ( I am on PS4 ) or higher I guess on the PC.... rather than some generic "Council Member Xo". We can consider it a reward for those tenno who have dedicated thier time to the game and a good goal for the new Tenno who are beginning thier path daily. 

Also....I would like to know why desecrate / pilfer swarm set ups are so frowned upon? I mean you gave us the tools.... What did you think we were going to do? Refuse to use them and go the hard route?

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