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The value of Platinum


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Not sure where to ask for this, so into general discussion it goes:


I'm trying to figure out the actual dollar value of a single plat. I can do the math myself, but I don't have all the numbers.  It's a bit weird, but does anyone know where I can find sales data?  I need to know which platinum package is purchased most often, and by what margin.  Knowing the average discount (off of dailies and specials) would also help... I'm just going to assume 50% otherwise.  If there's enough interest, I might end up posting my analysis on here, but for now I need more information.


Thanks in advance for the help!

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Just now, KrankerPrime said:

I think a lot of people only buy platinum if they get the  50/75% sale as login reward.^^

That ^ aswell as.

The higher the amount of platinum you buy. The more platinum you get for one dollar. Meaning you can't really tell how much dollar value is in a single plat.


That link above listed the prices for the platinum purchases.

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Dollar value of a single Plat?

I'm gonna say... about tree fiddy.


A more serious answer would be, I don't think we'll ever know. DE would have to release how much Plat has been bought and how much exists, and I don't think they will ever do that. I wouldn't blame them either. That said, someone DE might give you an answer but I wouldn't hold my breath.

Edited by Silvus-Sol
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22 minutes ago, Calwon5 said:

That ^ aswell as.

The higher the amount of platinum you buy. The more platinum you get for one dollar. Meaning you can't really tell how much dollar value is in a single plat.


That link above listed the prices for the platinum purchases.


It's just a matter of finding out the average amount of plat is purchased in each transaction, and the average discount used.  I'm not looking for an exact amount, just close enough to do further math with it.  If I can figure out how much a plat is worth, I can punch that number into a bigger calculation involving the average hourly wage and approximate time-to-farm various items.

I'm trying to find some hard numbers on the farm-vs-buy conundrum.  From there, I'll be able to tell exactly how much value a person gets, entertainment-wise, from farming... this could be either a positive or a negative number, by the way.   As a whole this ties into the question of 'game as job', and how does performing a game-task of questionable entertainment (farming/grinding for equipment) weigh against working an actual job and just buying the desired item outright.

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Theoretically you could take all the money ever spent on platinum and divide that by all the platinum that has ever existed and then you'd get a good idea of the value of platinum.

Also if you're buying physical platinum then it's super expensive, something like 50 USD per gram. So there's that.

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You can get 370 Plat from the store for $19.99.  That's probably the most commonly purchased plat deal.  Most of the players I talk to buy it in these amounts.  

$19.99/370 = 5.4 Cents for One plat.  Or one Plat is worth about a nickel.

I don't think you'll be able to get more detailed plat sales data than that unless you know someone inside at DE.

I think you could use the Nickel a plat to calculate your hourly wages earned for farming.  But I can tell you right now, you'll make a lot more if you get a job at Burger King. 



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I was farting around on the wiki and found this:

"One platinum is equal to 6.7 cents or 0.067 dollars. (US Currency)"

That is without discounts though I believe. If you take discounts into account then I'd average it at 5 cents for 1 Plat. A nickle, like the poster above suggested.

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Too much variables to answer.

1. Plat discount of 20%/50%/75%

2. The higher plat bundles has a higher plat per currency than lower plat bundles.

3. Prime access has plat, along with prime items and booster. Would you need to quantify the value of the purchasable prime item into the equation or not? What about non-purchasables?


The best you can do is perhaps conduct a survey to willing participants and form an analysis from there. DE won't give you the empiracal data for you to calculate what you want.


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Minimum wage were i live 10.25 h

Plat per hour assuming every dollar spent on plat = 175. 08p/h

I dont farm trade chat much so i will assume avg value of a rotation c is 25p so therefore 3 rotation c per hour = 75p/h from farming numbers may be off by a bit but here you go





Calculations done in cad



No discount assumed


You only buying lowest value also assumed


Will attempt to create a formula when less tired

Edited by Sanctusfortis
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7 hours ago, Silvus-Sol said:

Dollar value of a single Plat?

I'm gonna say... about tree fiddy.


A more serious answer would be, I don't think we'll ever know. DE would have to release how much Plat has been bought and how much exists, and I don't think they will ever do that. I wouldn't blame them either. That said, someone DE might give you an answer but I wouldn't hold my breath.

What's you talkin bout no tree fiddy damn lochness monster.

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The monetary value of premium currency in any F2P game will never be worth more than that of the time taken to farm the stuff you can buy with it. If it was, they wouldn't be able to sell enough of it to keep the game afloat (since your time would be better spent farming than working for real money to buy the in-game currency).

For this reason, you could never earn a decent, first-world wage by farming and selling the in-game currency for real money. That's why all the gold/plat/whatever sellers you see in online games are from countries where wages are low enough to flip the relative values of wages and in-game currency.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is don't waste your time on this train of thought. Yeah, you're not getting a lot of real-world value for your time spent farming in-game, but you're playing a game. Just enjoy it in whatever way you like. If the grind gets to you, feel free to drop a few bucks on plat to cut it down a bit without worrying about whether you're getting a good deal time-wise (you are). I, and other free players I'm sure, would thank you for supporting the game.

Edited by VirtualViolet
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30 minutes ago, VirtualViolet said:

The monetary value of premium currency in any F2P game will never be worth more than that of the time taken to farm the stuff you can buy with it. If it was, they wouldn't be able to sell enough of it to keep the game afloat (since your time would be better spent farming than working for real money to buy the in-game currency).

For this reason, you could never earn a decent, first-world wage by farming and selling the in-game currency for real money. That's why all the gold/plat/whatever sellers you see in online games are from countries where wages are low enough to flip the relative values of wages and in-game currency.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is don't waste your time on this train of thought. Yeah, you're not getting a lot of real-world value for your time spent farming in-game, but you're playing a game. Just enjoy it in whatever way you like. If the grind gets to you, feel free to drop a few bucks on plat to cut it down a bit without worrying about whether you're getting a good deal time-wise (you are). I, and other free players I'm sure, would thank you for supporting the game.

Plus DE tends to actually uphold their rule against out of game sales of plat for real cash unlike a lot of other MMOs which didn't care because they were making money off the bots and their subscriptions

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