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RIP competitive PvP. Dark Sectors will no longer have PvP according to dev stream 71.


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On April 30, 2016 at 4:35 AM, (PS4)sdaly96 said:

Stubborn? I take it you have an interesting history with them?

What would a thread look like without baited off topic comments? Twould be a beautiful thing.


On April 27, 2016 at 3:57 PM, -InV-Skitz0 said:

operation grate crash. I was grinding hard for a top ten spot on the leader boards. I ended up physically pushing myself to the limit and I flat out fell asleep during a public run. The next week after the event I got a pm in my inbox by the support team. Apparently someone recorded me afk and sent it to them. They also gave me a warning and said if it happened again id be banned. I did not play a public match for quite a while after that just to be safe. support is amazing about things like this,I refuse to believe if you had physical evidence of this especially from say multiple people in an alliance with multiple recordings that he did not get at least a warning.


There are two DE employee tasked with PVP Balance. Assign/Hire two more for rails. Hell we would be happy if you just make the freaking interns do it.

I'm still kind of in the wtf mode about Lunarios. To be fair ill reserve my judgement till I try it first hand.

This is exactly my point.


I think I love you... Have my children!

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On 4/27/2016 at 5:57 PM, -InV-Skitz0 said:

operation grate crash. I was grinding hard for a top ten spot on the leader boards. I ended up physically pushing myself to the limit and I flat out fell asleep during a public run. The next week after the event I got a pm in my inbox by the support team. Apparently someone recorded me afk and sent it to them. They also gave me a warning and said if it happened again id be banned. I did not play a public match for quite a while after that just to be safe. support is amazing about things like this,I refuse to believe if you had physical evidence of this especially from say multiple people in an alliance with multiple recordings that he did not get at least a warning.


There are two DE employee tasked with PVP Balance. Assign/Hire two more for rails. Hell we would be happy if you just make the freaking interns do it.

I'm still kind of in the wtf mode about Lunarios. To be fair ill reserve my judgement till I try it first hand.

This is exactly my point.


Heck....hire me lolol. I would gladly work on pvp rails for them :)

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When Dark Sectors were introduced they were free farming for all, then DE decided to entrust them to clans and make them control through pvp and a few things happened:

-the pvp fights were uninteresting, some few cheese were mandatory (like heavy melee perma-stumble) and the fights had no depth because of that;

-clans could entice mercenaries with creds rewards but some would not be paid because the amount would be depleted before they finished their game (even if they won);

-the nearly perma-war over them made sure they were not often available for farming thus ruining their purpose;

-some dumb clans were obviously trolling with things like 50% and more tributes, so no one played them and it made part of the content useless;

-most important, there was an big uproar from the pve players over the fact pvp would have impact on pve (through farm of DS) while DE very clearly said "NO PVP AT ALL" in closed beta, they felt utterly betrayed by DE and many left over that.

And to spice things up around the same time the credit rewards from void missions were nerfed heavily (yeah, void used to bring in tens if not hundreds of thousands of creds) making dark sectors the best creds option, and the result was not pretty.

My take on this matter is simple: only dark sectors pvpers want pvp dark sectors, all the others want pve and pvp to be clearly separated, so if dark sectors are to have pve rewards them make them owned by the best pvers, not pvpers.

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8 hours ago, Kitzun said:

When Dark Sectors were introduced they were free farming for all, then DE decided to entrust them to clans and make them control through pvp and a few things happened:

1-the pvp fights were uninteresting, some few cheese were mandatory (like heavy melee perma-stumble) and the fights had no depth because of that;

2-clans could entice mercenaries with creds rewards but some would not be paid because the amount would be depleted before they finished their game (even if they won);

3-the nearly perma-war over them made sure they were not often available for farming thus ruining their purpose;

4-some dumb clans were obviously trolling with things like 50% and more tributes, so no one played them and it made part of the content useless;

5-most important, there was an big uproar from the pve players over the fact pvp would have impact on pve (through farm of DS) while DE very clearly said "NO PVP AT ALL" in closed beta, they felt utterly betrayed by DE and many left over that.

And to spice things up around the same time the credit rewards from void missions were nerfed heavily (yeah, void used to bring in tens if not hundreds of thousands of creds) making dark sectors the best creds option, and the result was not pretty.

My take on this matter is simple: only dark sectors pvpers want pvp dark sectors, all the others want pve and pvp to be clearly separated, so if dark sectors are to have pve rewards them make them owned by the best pvers, not pvpers.

Im going to split your post up into 5 parts so It will be easier to respond to.

1. Thats an opinion and not a fact. Lots of people on Xbox (As a matter of fact, its the top 3 alliances. Who woulda thunk it.) enjoyed the intense, slow-paced, tactical combat system that came with rails. Many others enjoyed the process of deploying rails; the rush of seeing if you deployed the rail first or had your enemy been quicker on the draw.

2. If it takes a tenno more time than the duration that the battlepay is up to destroy a core, thats the player`s problem, not the Clan/Alliance.

3. False. You make it sound like a clan can deploy a Solar Rail every minute with no breaks on a node. Thats a lie. First, you had the 24hr (Yes, you read that right, Solar Rails dont deploy instantly) for the Solar Rail to deploy {Ill be keeping track of the hours to see how much a conflict lasts for any given week} then you had the 4 hr conflict (4hrs so far, big wait here) then after that time you had the 48hr armistice time {76/4 so far out of a possible 168/168 weekly perma-war lol} then if the Solar Raill gets deployed at the soonest [It most likely wont] it can be deployed, you have yet another 24hr wait. {100/4 out of a possible 168/168} To be fair, lets assume this attack fails and lasts 12 hours, the new time would be {112/16 out of 168/168} then we have yet another 48 hr armistice to wait through to deploy again. {160/16, thats a 10:1 ratio btw} next you have yet another 24 hour deploy time; which at this point this has gone past the week I set for this example. The ratio would be 168/16. We occupied the node with a conflict for less than 24 hours during the week. That is less than 10% of the week. Permanent War is an extreme hyperbole to describe how long they lasted.

None of this matters in the slightest anyway though, DE made it that if an invasion is on a node and if you want to play the normal mode, you could simply select which mode you want to play. Your argument got beat by DE 11 months ago.

4. You had the power to change that. Dont blame the Alliance (and get our favorite game mode ever taken away at the same time) that you didnt exercise your power to conquer nodes.

5. You have a point there. 


"Only dark sectors pvpers want pvp dark sectors, all others want pve and pvp to be clearly seperated" is demonstrably false. Many people I have spoken with about the future of rails on the xbox one have never played rails before and want them back. If they have never played Solar Rails, does that make them a "dark sectors pvper" ? This clearly debunks the " all the others want pve and pvp to be clearly separated" argument. Id also like to mention that making them owned by "the best pvers" would push the balance of power into only a very few select clans. You would see large monopolies coming up from your potential system. 

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On 06/05/2016 at 10:40 PM, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

Im going to split your post up into 5 parts so It will be easier to respond to.

I'm going to shorten even more: you had a great time playing them, I found them utterly ininteresting, both opinions are subjective and valid because they are opinions.

Nothing is interesting by itself, it's people who have interests and not things that are interests by themselves and your interests are not better than mine.

Now, I'm not against the DS as they were as a principle, I simply didn't care much about them soon after they got out.

No the problem was simple: if taxes then no PvE rewards, if PvE rewards then no taxes.

Out of question someone get pve rewards through pvp.

Out of question soemone get pvp rewards through pve.

You want something, then you do the content, and that is all, no shortcut, no free ride, no handout.

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As a clan leader. Its funny when new people ask me...

New member: and whats that orokin room for?

Me: Oh, nothing for now...but soon.....soon.........

Now that its gonna be another advanced rathuum...how do I use that room..what do I tell them? XD



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On 5/8/2016 at 11:55 AM, Kitzun said:

I'm going to shorten even more: you had a great time playing them, I found them utterly ininteresting, both opinions are subjective and valid because they are opinions.

1. Nothing is interesting by itself, it's people who have interests and not things that are interests by themselves and your interests are not better than mine.

2. Now, I'm not against the DS as they were as a principle, I simply didn't care much about them soon after they got out.

3. No the problem was simple: if taxes then no PvE rewards, if PvE rewards then no taxes.

4. Out of question someone get pve rewards through pvp.

5. Out of question soemone get pvp rewards through pve.

6. You want something, then you do the content, and that is all, no shortcut, no free ride, no handout.

I didnt shorten your post at all. I just numbered your parts of your post so one could better understand which part of your post I am responding to.

1. Opinions.

2. Opinions.

3. Not seeing what you mean here. Perhaps you could state it more clearly.

4. Again, could you state that more clearly ?

5. Same as above.

6. Uhm, we did do the content. Obviously more than the rest of the community lol. We didnt get any shortcuts or rides. We fought many hours to achieve our goals. There were no "shortcuts", "free rides", or "hand outs". If you think rails were easy to manage as the Clan that owned them, you are mistaken.

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    Some seriously valid points here. I love how much interest Dark Sectors have gotten lately. But I am afraid you guys are once again just parroting the same arguements over and over with only one extreme opinion vrs another extreme opinion. 

    Would you guys like to hear something new? I bet you would. So allow me to take a moment of your time to tell you the future. How do I know the future, you ask? ... I'm magic.

 Dark Sectors were indeed both PvE and PvP. Introduced AFTER their first attempt at conclave nodes, I'm sure plenty of you remember those. They were disliked in large communities due to an inability to organize such a large population effectively. So DE in it's infinite wisdom put them on armistice, in order to give themselves more time to balance the conclave, and fix the bugs in the game mode mechanics before releasing them back to the public.  

   You have heard all this before. My response remains the same. 97% of this game is PvE, why can't PvE players allow competitive alliance and clan battles? There IS about 40% of your gaming population that wish rails to return with PvP and PvE in them. We found that out with your 'Twitter voting' (which was poorly timed btw) 

   But here. I'm going to spoil it for you. DS will return. Based on the lore, as a planet, we have to build a rail to get to. The first release of DS conflicts will be nerfed prolly to please these annoying PvErs, but wait, DE likes to eat it's cake too! So we will have some time to please y'all. Then as the DS community disappears. All the PvPers put a trade and plat boycott, (which is already being planned btw) Armstice will go up again, then time for complaints, and then DS conflict will return prolly exactly as they were before the first Armstice, except they have their own node and therefore match the lore, and will be much more balanced and bug free.

    Don't believe me? Follow the trend of the conclave nerfs and buffs and you will notice DE, like all things, have a pattern.

Get Good kids

ps- Lunaros looks awesome! We at CFE are excited about a parkour heavy game mode! @Lore

Edited by (XB1)CFE GizzyMcFish
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So because they made a new iteration of the conclave, which is god awful, the game mod that made me start playing warframe is removed? Why? Do people actually enjoy the pve grind that`s the foundation of warframe but they don`t want the icing on the cake which is to pit their hard earned frames, weapons and mods against other players? If you think the conclave is enough to satisfy the semi-casual player that enjoys some competition, then DE you are sorely mistaken. My two cents on the pvp "2.0" are as follow:

1. Separating the main game mods from the conclave ones seems artificial and not really a living world. The DS conflict premise, and by that i mean the matches themselves not the micromanagement, was beautiful: you bring everything and you unlock it by killing specters and other players.

2. They nerfed everything in the conclave, or better said, capped it at their base value but nobody thought to do something about the mobility. As a result all conclave matches are dominated by hopping jack rabbits armed with one shot weapons like the daikyu or the snipetron. It`s like the freaking olympics there. Add a limit to how many bullet jumps you can do in a row and add mods that negate the cooldown (i.e. on a headshot, on a 3 kill streak). This way bullet jumping will be a reward and not an end in itself. Making the matches look less silly would certainly be an added bonus. 

As it stands a normal conclave match goes like this: casual and/or semi decent pvp-ers join, they have fun for like 5 minutes till some tryhard with a youtube account starts recording his perma bullet jumping 10 kill streaks. Now people leave - the conclave and the game since whats the point of doing a 40 waves ODD when the small amount of competitive gameplay is so surprisingly elitist. That is for a game that has a handful of modes you play over and over with the sole difference of having a different landscape in the background. DS conflict rewarded caution and toned down the speed a bit.

3. PVP usually implies conflict that is entwined with the core game aspects. The conclave is not pvp it`s just a poorly designed multiplayer match. It`s like a FPS we used to play over LAN parties got a RPG pregnant by mistake, yet neither wanted the commitment, both decided to abort the baby but still bring the undeveloped fetus to their parents. Just a few maps with only a few working frames and even fewer viable weapons: basically it`s nyx prime + daikyu + a whole lot of bullet jumping + absorb to crush the remaining of our spirit. Meanwhile ash`s bladestorm doesnt work at all since, i guess, people complained about it being a cheap one shot ability. However even rhino`s stomp is a 4 to win ability that deals an unacceptable amount of damage considering in the main game is mostly crowd control with some damage thrown in there. And it targets several opponents so yeah much balance in the "pvp 2.0". Meanwhile in DS conflict everybody had functional ultimates. Some were better than others, like ash`s bladestorm, but that`s the thing with different frames: some have better attributes, others have better first abilities and all were serving a purpose and were semi functional in the DS conflicts.


I doubt this rant will be read by any DE employees since they are too busy patting themselves on the back for the Vauban P cinematic. Just go ahead and make it an animated movie already since it`s ten times more entertaining than grinding 40 minutes T3s only to get a forma and a Bo prime BP... Oh and the tenno sport is just grand cause, you know, parkour is what this game needs more of...

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On 09/05/2016 at 10:20 PM, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

6. Uhm, we did do the content. Obviously more than the rest of the community lol. We didnt get any shortcuts or rides. We fought many hours to achieve our goals. There were no "shortcuts", "free rides", or "hand outs". If you think rails were easy to manage as the Clan that owned them, you are mistaken.

I will be more synthetic:

-first you do pvp content to get the DS;

-then the taxes provide you with a part of the reward of pve content.

See the problem at last or not ?

If DS are to stay pve in farmable nodes then their access need to be pve, if their access stay pvp then the nodes need to become pvp in content.


In many games I saw when pve and pvp are linked, either pver get the best stuff an pvpers get crushed by them in their own game mode or it is the other way around, in both cases it was never fair either to the pvpers or the pvers, even in some games like Rift the devs accomplished the feat of having everyone being forced to do the whole content and everyone was unhappy.

I am tired of seeing this kind of failures in games where devs think there are "gamers" and that's all there is to us, I am dead tired of that.

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If you guys really want a competitive "pvp" as the solar rails, then it needs something by force:


Keep it away from any PVE content, TOTALLY.


Here at the PC version we suffered the horrible cancer it became for the community, and i have seen what this kind of stupid "guild vs guild" can affect into a game that its not made into these kind of things. So please, if you guys want pvp on solar rails, it must have no connection to any pve content in the game.

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3 hours ago, HoakinBlackforge said:

If you guys really want a competitive "pvp" as the solar rails, then it needs something by force:


Keep it away from any PVE content, TOTALLY.


Here at the PC version we suffered the horrible cancer it became for the community, and i have seen what this kind of stupid "guild vs guild" can affect into a game that its not made into these kind of things. So please, if you guys want pvp on solar rails, it must have no connection to any pve content in the game.


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5 hours ago, Kitzun said:

I will be more synthetic:

-first you do pvp content to get the DS;

-then the taxes provide you with a part of the reward of pve content.

See the problem at last or not ?

If DS are to stay pve in farmable nodes then their access need to be pve, if their access stay pvp then the nodes need to become pvp in content.


In many games I saw when pve and pvp are linked, either pver get the best stuff an pvpers get crushed by them in their own game mode or it is the other way around, in both cases it was never fair either to the pvpers or the pvers, even in some games like Rift the devs accomplished the feat of having everyone being forced to do the whole content and everyone was unhappy.

I am tired of seeing this kind of failures in games where devs think there are "gamers" and that's all there is to us, I am dead tired of that.

How did we get PvE rewards if we had 0% taxes ? Oh wait, we didn't do it for credits or resources. We did rails because we wanted to conquer. If rails come back with no PvE rewards, Id be satisfied. We just enjoy conquering nodes. The credits were just a bonus.

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3 hours ago, HoakinBlackforge said:

If you guys really want a competitive "pvp" as the solar rails, then it needs something by force:


Keep it away from any PVE content, TOTALLY.


Here at the PC version we suffered the horrible cancer it became for the community, and i have seen what this kind of stupid "guild vs guild" can affect into a game that its not made into these kind of things. So please, if you guys want pvp on solar rails, it must have no connection to any pve content in the game.

Horrible cancer? Who said you had to run the dark sector nodes? There's multiple nodes on each planet you can run for your resources etc. And stupid? That's your personal opinion..... A majority of the Xbox one players ((not all)) are eager for a guild vs. guild system to return. And you use the term "we" as if your speaking for all of PC, and i can assure you that there was indeed players on PC that loved what solar rails did for the community etc.

Edited by (XB1)Death to AoW
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3 hours ago, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

Horrible cancer? Who said you had to run the dark sector nodes? There's multiple nodes on each planet you can run for your resources etc. And stupid? That's your personal opinion..... A majority of the Xbox one players ((not all)) are eager for a guild vs. guild system to return. And you use the term "we" as if your speaking for all of PC, and i can assure you that there was indeed players on PC that loved what solar rails did for the community etc.

Warframe is a Co-op game. Not a pure pvp game,  the idea of having guilds destroy eachother for PvE rewards is something that needs to be removed.

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17 hours ago, HoakinBlackforge said:

Warframe is a Co-op game. Not a pure pvp game,  the idea of having guilds destroy eachother for PvE rewards is something that needs to be removed.

And you dictate what a game is or is not? Who do you think you are? Correct me if i`m wrong but wasn`t the dark sector conflict a mode that was a part of the game from long ago. It wasn`t recently introduce to change the status quo you butt retentive PVE grinders seem to be so fond of. If you cry over the inability to farm, in dark sectors, the most worthless resource in the game, credits, and thus advocating for the removal of the ONLY PVP mode then there is something wrong with you. If you`re going to use the "Conclave is also PVP" argument, please dont. PVP 2.0 is the most epic failed attempt of revamping something that didn`t need revamping. If you want to farm virtual resources while unhindered by pesky fun elements like objective PVP, go play farmville. What is wrong with you people? Why do you feel the need to poop all over one of the most interesting modes i`ve seen in a while? DE please make a solo mission where people like this guy can go and swim in a sea of credits but for the love of Lotus return DS conflicts EXACTLY as they were.


Warframe is a Co-op game. Not a pure pve game, the idea of not having guilds competing with eachother for PvE rewards is something that doesn`t need to be introduced.  

Edited by Vengeful99
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19 hours ago, HoakinBlackforge said:

Warframe is a Co-op game. Not a pure pvp game,  the idea of having guilds destroy eachother for PvE rewards is something that needs to be removed.

No one Is saying that it is a pure PvP game nor is anyone saying we want a pure PvP game. You sound like a pacifist in a video game. Clans are in the game for a reason, and more than half of Xbox clans want a clan vs. clan system! Your talking as if clans that want to war are ruining the gaming community.... But in reality we take newer players, help them out, and get them into the game. And we don't only destroy each other for PvE rewards, we also do it for reputation etc.

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1 hour ago, Vengeful99 said:

And you dictate what a game is or is not? Who do you think you are? Correct me if i`m wrong but wasn`t the dark sector conflict a mode that was a part of the game from long ago. It wasn`t recently introduce to change the status quo you butt retentive PVE grinders seem to be so fond of. If you cry over the inability to farm, in dark sectors, the most worthless resource in the game, credits, and thus advocating for the removal of the ONLY PVP mode then there is something wrong with you. If you`re going to use the "Conclave is also PVP" argument, please dont. PVP 2.0 is the most epic failed attempt of revamping something that didn`t need revamping. If you want to farm virtual resources while unhindered by pesky fun elements like objective PVP, go play farmville. What is wrong with you people? Why do you feel the need to poop all over one of the most interesting modes i`ve seen in a while? DE please make a solo mission where people like this guy can go and swim in a sea of credits but for the love of Lotus return DS conflicts EXACTLY as they were.


Warframe is a Co-op game. Not a pure pve game, the idea of not having guilds competing with eachother for PvE rewards is something that doesn`t need to be introduced.  

Based AF, to be quite honest.

I've made more credits from cheesing poorly designed raids than playing dark sectors. I can almost guarantee that the people  complaining about dark sectors are the ones who either didn't play them or got rekt by better players.

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1 minute ago, (XB1)CFE Discord said:

Based AF, to be quite honest.

I've made more credits from cheesing poorly designed raids than playing dark sectors. I can almost guarantee that the people  complaining about dark sectors are the ones who either didn't play them or got rekt by better players.

I agree, or the players that are apart of a little tiered clan (shadow and ghost) that like to attempt to dictate the game with just a few voices.

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On 13/5/2016 at 4:03 PM, Vengeful99 said:

And you dictate what a game is or is not? Who do you think you are? Correct me if i`m wrong but wasn`t the dark sector conflict a mode that was a part of the game from long ago. It wasn`t recently introduce to change the status quo you butt retentive PVE grinders seem to be so fond of. If you cry over the inability to farm, in dark sectors, the most worthless resource in the game, credits, and thus advocating for the removal of the ONLY PVP mode then there is something wrong with you. If you`re going to use the "Conclave is also PVP" argument, please dont. PVP 2.0 is the most epic failed attempt of revamping something that didn`t need revamping. If you want to farm virtual resources while unhindered by pesky fun elements like objective PVP, go play farmville. What is wrong with you people? Why do you feel the need to poop all over one of the most interesting modes i`ve seen in a while? DE please make a solo mission where people like this guy can go and swim in a sea of credits but for the love of Lotus return DS conflicts EXACTLY as they were.


Warframe is a Co-op game. Not a pure pve game, the idea of not having guilds competing with eachother for PvE rewards is something that doesn`t need to be introduced.  

I didnt said about making dark sectors a "money rain world", thats your idea.

Also, dark sectors were in the first place that idea, a farming mission that could be controlled by clans, but DE, when they saw that the idea backfired and was becoming into toxin plague, they had to shut it down. They dont want the community go to S#&$ just because a huge alliance holds all the dark sectors and they take all of the resources and credits you obtained. In a game like warframe, that didnt fitted AT ALL. 


And the conflicts, look kid, i have played them, and they were HORRENDOUS, exploits, unbalanced combat (1 shots and invincible rhinos, and much worse), and of course, the taxes  that could even steal your wanted hate/despair/dread BP you obtained in the mission.

They didnt required skill, not strategy, nothing, they were a failure of content. If you guys really want a competitive faction style pvp game, go make your own. The majority of the pvp playerbase play it for the fun, not for "oh i wanna be the best because i can feel good with myself", if you force the players to play what they dont want to have access to a PVE PART OF THE GAME, you are taking the wrong road.

Keep PvP and PvE aside from eachother, thats why i hate dark sectors. They should be something else. Being pvp for you guys i understand it, but many of us we dont want, we want that PvE content, and we dont want the pvp part of it. And probably you will think that we just want a "casual" mode, well yes, we want a casual mode because we are not interested on suffering through all the pvp S#&$ just because a damn bigger fish came and took everything.


I know clans in warframe have barely purpose, or i'd say, none apart from reuniting people. You guys are getting bored of not being able to do nothing, but HAVING CONTROL over a PvE content of the game isnt the right start.


Honestly, i cant care anymore about pvp because how S#&$ty has turned now. A "the floor is lava" game style sucks a lot. Even if you get adapted to it.


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22 hours ago, HoakinBlackforge said:

I didnt said about making dark sectors a "money rain world", thats your idea.

1. Also, dark sectors were in the first place that idea, a farming mission that could be controlled by clans, but DE, when they saw that the idea backfired and was becoming into toxin plague, they had to shut it down. They dont want the community go to S#&$ just because a huge alliance holds all the dark sectors and they take all of the resources and credits you obtained. In a game like warframe, that didnt fitted AT ALL. 


2. And the conflicts, look kid, i have played them, and they were HORRENDOUS, exploits, unbalanced combat (1 shots and invincible rhinos, and much worse), and of course, the taxes  that could even steal your wanted hate/despair/dread BP you obtained in the mission.

3. They didnt required skill, not strategy, nothing, they were a failure of content. If you guys really want a competitive faction style pvp game, go make your own. The majority of the pvp playerbase play it for the fun, not for "oh i wanna be the best because i can feel good with myself", if you force the players to play what they dont want to have access to a PVE PART OF THE GAME, you are taking the wrong road.

4. Keep PvP and PvE aside from eachother, thats why i hate dark sectors. They should be something else. Being pvp for you guys i understand it, but many of us we dont want, we want that PvE content, and we dont want the pvp part of it. And probably you will think that we just want a "casual" mode, well yes, we want a casual mode because we are not interested on suffering through all the pvp S#&$ just because a damn bigger fish came and took everything.


5. I know clans in warframe have barely purpose, or i'd say, none apart from reuniting people. You guys are getting bored of not being able to do nothing, but HAVING CONTROL over a PvE content of the game isnt the right start.


6. Honestly, i cant care anymore about pvp because how S#&$ty has turned now. A "the floor is lava" game style sucks a lot. Even if you get adapted to it.


1. Ive looked at the deathsnacks dark sector history for Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC. No Alliance on any platform has ALL 26 nodes. This metaphorical "Huge Alliance" would get rekt if they held all 26 nodes. There is just no way that they could defend all of them. On the Xbox One, we never had more than 40% taxes, ever. The one time we had that much (I dont even think it was that high, I believe it was 30%), that alliance was brought down drastically by hard work and stubborn determination.

2. Opinions are fun, aren't they ? Do you have any proof to back up that statement ? Perhaps a video recording ? Im sorry you fought players better than you and even now, more than a year later, you are still frustrated. Let me offer you some advice on how to beat these "1 shots and invincible rhinos". Rhinos are not invincible. Weve all ran the simulations, they are tough but they aint invincible. If you put enough damage into their Iron Skin, it will dissipate. Regarding the "1 shots", they probably cant 1 shot you til they are in the 2nd room, and thats if they are perfectly forma'd and modded just for railing. You have plenty of time to beat them before they get to that stage. Holding off assaults from the loading bay is trivially easy. Also, if you are staying still long enough for them to 1 shot you, you may need to work on your mobility.

3. Opinions. It required more strategy, skill, and planning than you can imagine. It also took weeks of preparation to conquer nodes. It wasnt just "Oh, look at that coba rail, welp lol, we own it now". Also, "if you force the players to play what they dont want to have access to a PVE part of the game, you are taking the wrong road" is a lie because you didnt have to play solar rails to access the dark sectors.

4. 0% taxes bro.

5. Clans did have a purpose. Lets not forget which group screamed and cried for that purpose to be removed. Also, how exactly do we control PvE nodes, apart from our beautiful emblem being on them, of course.

6. If you dont care about PvP, why are you posting in Conclave Feedback ?


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On 5/13/2016 at 11:06 AM, (XB1)Death to AoW said:

Let me re phrase that, shadow clans that focus on PvE and don't touch PvP.

Lets be honest, those clans didnt have to focus on PvP to run rails. If nobody bothered to defend because they thought the attack would fail, those PvE builds would beat the specters easily.

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