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How to not get bored in Warframe


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Don't cheese your way through the game, everybody always calls frames like past Saryn, Mesa, etc too easy and what not but still put them in high end game missions. Now here's where the game gets odd for some people. Everybody ends up judging each thing based on if it's "end game" material or not, or if it's good without a forma. Crikey people, learn to have some fun and not care about numbers will you?

Also no offense and this is just a tiny voice's opinion

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3 minutes ago, Helseythe said:

Don't cheese your way through the game, everybody always calls frames like past Saryn, Mesa, etc too easy

Not really.

3 minutes ago, Helseythe said:

 learn to have some fun and not care about numbers will you?

Some people's idea of fun is not using weak weapons. In a game that's all about numbers, people care about numbers. Go figure.

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hmm true as well, although that figures that I'm as narrowminded as many think i am lol. I just kind of want people to like the game for being a fun game and not a contest to see how high numbers can go. but to each their own i guess?

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5 minutes ago, Helseythe said:

hmm true as well, although that figures that I'm as narrowminded as many think i am lol. I just kind of want people to like the game for being a fun game and not a contest to see how high numbers can go. but to each their own i guess?

Just remember everyone has their own terms of fun, like how some prefer to play fashion frame and just hang around in the dojo and chat with people. 

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Personally, I spend most of my time in-game looking at my frame's color schemes and trying a million different combinations of colors and acessories, then going to a relay or random mission to  show off  test it. Other people like to work on the perfect mods for their 8 forma Boltor Prime. Some just want to do the longest survival run in history. Or maybe collect every single piece of gear in the game. Or even calculate every stat for the optimal numbers. Some might even enjoy bringing a """"OP"""" frame to Mercury for a easy mode gameplay.
There are just so many ways to enjoy the game, you can't say which is right or wrong, that's up to each one of us to decide for ourselves. In the end, it's all about doing what keeps -you- interested and excited. ^-^

Edited by AntifaHooligan
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3 minutes ago, AntifaHooligan said:

Personally, I spend most of my time in-game looking at my frame's color schemes and trying a million different combinations of colors and acessories, then going to a relay or random mission to  show off  test it. Other people like to work on the perfect mods for their 8 forma Boltor Prime. Some just want to do the longest survival run in history. Or maybe collect every single piece of gear in the game. Or even calculate every stat for the optimal numbers. Some might even enjoy bringing a """"OP"""" frame to Mercury for a easy mode gameplay.
There are just so many ways to enjoy the game, you can't say which is right or wrong, that's up to each one of us to decide for ourselves. In the end, it's all about doing what keeps -you- interested and excited. ^-^

Don't forget scanning, because you just gotta fill the Pokédex Codex :P

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As already stated, it doesn't really matter what people deem fun or worth investing in to keep themselves interested. Some play it more casually, some take it more seriously. That's cool. Me, I spend most of my time rearranging our dojo for no reason and running around with neon-colored frames to smack lowlevel Grineer in the face. (At least I'm polite enough to let them call me skoom before they die. It's the most amusing part of the whole thing.) Either that or scanning stuff. Fun is where you know you'll find it, eh?

Well, when I read the thread title I immediately thought of some newbie-friends who did not feel like farming for the things they wanted, bought it for plat and then asked me where the content is, because "what's the point of playing, I already have x."  IMO the main cause of boredom is that lack of willingness to put some effort into the game, to work towards a goal no matter how far away it might seem at the time... or even just setting goals yourself. I think they expected the game to do that for them.

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The way I don't get bored and burnout really boils down to three main things.

1. I don't farm for things.

Well, that's not entirely true, sometimes when I need something specific like the last piece of a Prime or something that is about the be tossed into the Vault I will farm for it. However 90% of the time I simply play what I want and do what I feel like. I just let stuff accumulate and the resources and Primes just sort of happen. This saves me from the "farming for X thing for 100 runs and now I want to cut my wrists" issue.

2. I rarely powerlevel.

Since I'm bouncing all over the place because of number 1, this gives me plenty of chances to level up my equipment organically. This allows me to really get to know each weapon and it's strengths/weaknesses first hand. Also, because this way is naturally slower than focused powerleveling,  it means that I work my way through the list of equipment at a slower pace. I won't be running out of toys any time soon and it is nice to know that there is always something new to play with.

3. For me it is all about the journey rather than the destination.

I play Warframe because I like Warframe. I like the lore, the aesthetics, the gameplay, and I like the community too. I try to enjoy every aspect of the game for what it is. I don't worry too much about the meta and I don't chase after the rainbow that is "endgame". I also don't get too caught up in the progression. I have seen quite a few people who focus only on the progression and getting to the end of it. They put all their effort into getting there and everything else is just short of on inconvenience. Then, when they finally touch that rainbow, they immediately get bored. They burn themselves out because they got too focused on the destination, they looked only to the greener grass and then had no idea what to do when they got there.

People can play however they want. I'm just pointing out that a more laidback approach that values the experience rather than the end result can be a very enjoyable way to play games and can help to prevent burnout and boredom.

Oh, and sometimes I do this...


Edited by Silvus-Sol
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3 hours ago, AdunSaveMe said:

Not really.

Some people's idea of fun is not using weak weapons. In a game that's all about numbers, people care about numbers. Go figure.

Must be why I have an OCD that involves throwing a forma on every weapon I craft. I should stop now, before I start needing plat for forma.....

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How not get bored in Warframe?

Simple: don't go full meta.

  • Leave press #4 to win Frames (like Ash and some other frames) in the arsenal and play something unconventional. Bullet Attracktor Mag in a Grineer mission, it doesn't need to be endgame, but the "fish out of the water" feeing will be refreshing.
  • Abandon Tonkors, Simulors, Boltors and Somas. It doesn't need to be a weak weapon, but again something out of comfort zone. Personally, I play a lot with Opticor recently, the sight of the beamtrail after every shot makes the game more interesting for me. Use weapons with different game mechanics: Dual Toxocyst amazed me with the headshot fetish.
  • If you wish to play with the same gear: alter your builds, experiment with them, try something else even if it seems to be bad. 
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its hard to not get bored,,,, tat is xase in any game u play play u get bored u cant touch game than after some period u come fresh and u have fun again....this is my second break from game....i just cant play it now,,,,,get bored after 5 minutes

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