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To Everyone With The Master Theif Mod.


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I recently acquired said mod and I can't help but feel like it's almost not worth equipping.


For starters, it costs 13 points to equip, which basically means you have to polarize your frame at least once to stand a chance point-wise. Of course, you are fully capable of making a farming setup to allow room for the mod. 


When I initially found the mod, I was thrilled and filled with delight. Having always thought of this mod as legendary, I was out to farm the world! I was shocked when I first discovered it cost 13 points to equip, but wasn't phased by it, being as excited as I was. I made the necessary sacrifices and equipped it. I told my friend about it and we both decided to go farm some missions. After around 15 battles of wandering around looking for lockers, the 40% chance of unlocking red lockers began to feel more like 30%. 


So we figured it'd probably be best to run those corpus maps that have those various locker rooms. Goldmine, right? Negative! Those lockers seem to be bundled together and count as a single unit. I'd unlock maybe 1/8 per locker room that consisted of 50 lockers or so. Now, you may be thinking, "1/8 lockers isn't too bad and they're basically free". Yea, it'd be fine if the lockers actually dropped materials. I've found around 1 material drop for every 30 red lockers I open (some of those being Fieldrons). What I believed to have been a blessing slowly began eating my time and efficiency away.


Considering the amount of time one spends running around opening every possible red locker, I could have easily done two wave 5 runs. Perhaps the most efficient way to farm with Master Thief would be to equip it and run wave 5 defense. 


How do the other Master Thiefs out there feel about the mod, what's your most efficient farming strategies with it equipped, and do you feel it's worth having it equipped all the time?


I'd love to hear feedback!

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I'd say only equip it if you're specifically looking for materials, it's a high cost mod which affects your survive-ability but that being said, it's not too difficult to shift 1-2 mods out of the way and still have an efficient hybrid build.

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As I see it. Some mods help you to accomblish a specific goal. Master Tief helps you to loot as much as possible. Its not a mod you should equip for anything else I blieve.


Though I blieve this mod and Thief's Wit should be a Sentinel mod in the first place. Sentinels are supposed to support you. Those mods are support mods in a way and just a waste of warframe mod capacity in most cases.

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Where'd you get it from? :D

You can get it through Infested Corpus Tier 3 Endless Defense mission rewards. Try Xini Narcissus for example. It only has a ~2% chance of dropping though.


EDIT: my mistake. Corpus drop Master Thief. Not Infested.

Edited by Gekker
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Have it, The only reason i have it is because my volt had its polarity pre-installed, Its more of a novelty in my opinion, Sure you can get more mats from the lockers but 60% of the time you get a mat its a research mat. Also, Someone on reddit a while back did some research on that locker room, Its all to do with "Real" lockers and "Prop" lockers, Out of that room most are fake, Meaning they never open ( You can tell sometimes depending on light levels) So its only the real ones that can, Lowering the percentage to about 15% for that room if not less

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Where'd you get it from? :D


I got it in Outer Terminus (Pluto) Wave 15


Those locker rooms are most likely only props. See the following post for analysis:



Well, that pretty much sums up all my theories on the rates for those rooms. I was guessing the devs used some sort of duplication method that made the game count most of the lockers as a single unit. 


Thanks for the link, was surely an interesting read!

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I equip it and Thief's Wit. 


Then I get so many materials during missions, especially Corpus levels with their aisles and aisles and aisles and aisles and aisles of lockers.


I mean, for other runs when I'm clearing alerts, or high level areas, I never equip it. It's a real great mod for farming though.

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I took out my vitality and never looked back keeping the extra slot for Master Thief and a couple of other mods at my own risk.


It does tend to cost a lot. That being said, there are times where I find small group of lockers and open them all. There are other occasions where I am in the big Corpus locker rooms and I might open one or two and feel disappointed.


I haven't played enough with it to get a good "feel". Will try to update with future feedback.


As I see it. Some mods help you to accomblish a specific goal. Master Tief helps you to loot as much as possible. Its not a mod you should equip for anything else I blieve.


Though I blieve this mod and Thief's Wit should be a Sentinel mod in the first place. Sentinels are supposed to support you. Those mods are support mods in a way and just a waste of warframe mod capacity in most cases.


I support the approach about utility items such as "Master thief" being at sentinel's repertoire. Eight slots for Warframes are not enough in my opinion, so I think I gimp myself more than enough running with Master Thief slotted all the time.

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