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*Rei Cotta* The Cheese Warframe


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I actually like cheese, and think he could be as legit as they come

But yet, no one can take cheese seriously

But oh well

He is the master of CHEESE, and wields it as a deadly formable weapon, stringy and bendy and solid sometimes

I did say i would make a Cheese frame, next would be a paper frame, cause why not


Passive:: Using the power of sticky cheese, Rei Cotta has unlimited Wall Cling

*He can cling to walls limitlessly, using sticky cheese from his feet


Health: 100 (300 at rank 30)
Power: 150 (300 at rank 30)
Armor: 275
Shield Capacity: 100 (300 at rank 30)
Sprint Speed: 1.00
Conclave: 130
Polarities: 2 Madurai (V) and 1 Vazarin (D)
Aura Polarity: 1 Naramon (-)


---Power 1: String Cheese 25 energy---

Rei connects the dots as he targets a location or target and strings them together

He can string multiple targets into a netted web of stringed cheese

*First you target a wall, and cast, it leaves a blotch, the second time you cast that blotch connects to that spot

Using this you will fling targets into walls and it deals impact damage based on their max health

Enemies stuck by this cannot move till the cheese fades

*You can target an enemy first, then a 2nd to fling both into each other

This will damage both of them, and they get stuck together, and take impact damage from that collision


As an added bonus, if you target a wall and another wall, it makes a cheesy zipline

But target an inanimate object and enemy, and it will fling them to that location, and deal impact damage, and trap them in place

*If zip-lined, it has no duration, and is unlimited, cap of 3 cheesy ziplines

*if targeted to an enemy it has a struggle health bar, the enemy has to struggle to free himself, the higher the level, the faster they escape


(pretty cool huh?)

[You can connect up to 2 things together, but the augment would unlock that limit to 4, instead of 2]

TIL if you don't eat string cheese as intended it becomes just cheese.



---Power 2: Swiss Cheese 50 energy---

Rei sprays a web of cheese forward that clings around and acts like a web

It will block a portion of the room, and auto connect to the roof, floor, and walls

It has no duration, but instead uses its own health system, it is immune to bullets and melee attacks

But enemies that touch it will get trapped and stuck in its gooey goodness

The enemies will struggle to escape, and damage the web, when it takes enough damage it fades

Trapped enemies cannot attack or shoot, but only struggle to escape it

You may have up to 2 of these webs up at a time

(think spider web, but with swiss cheese instead of weird butt floss excrement)





---Power 3: Appetizers 50 energy---

Similar to how ivaras quiver works, you tap to toggle the choice of cheese here

Hold and releases to fire this projectile, each one does something different, There is 3 To choose


Pepper Jack Cheese

Rei Cotta tosses a blob of sticky explosive cheese to a spot, or target

If it hits an enemy, it slows their movement by 67%, after 3 seconds it explodes and sets them on fire

They take a burn proc over time for 8 seconds, and are marked with a healing proc when killed

If you or an ally kills them while they are on fire, you restore 5% of your energy and health

If it hits a wall or non enemy spot, it goes into a trap mode

Any enemy that touches it will get trapped and experience the same fate as if they were hit with it

You may lay up to 8 of these sticky traps


pepper jack on the left, cheddar on the right, xD 

Blue Cheese

Rei tosses a blob of sticky frozen cheese to a spot, or target

If it hits an enemy, it freezes them for 8 seconds, and reduces their armor by 50%

While frozen; that enemies shields will decrease by a rate of 5% a second, if they have shields

They also take a blue proc, if you or an ally kills them while they are frozen, you restore 5% energy and shields

If you dont hit an enemy, the blob goes stationary, acting like a trap

If an enemy touches it, it experiences the same fate as if it were hit

You may lay up to 8 of these sticky traps 

Blue cheese, swiss, triple cream brie, aged cheddar, hot sopressata, pepperoni, and a baguette. Also lots of vino!

blue cheese is in the top left corner, but this picture sure does look tasty

Cheddar Roll

Rei tosses a completed block of rolled cheddar in front of him

It rolls until it hits anything, walls or enemies

On contact it explodes into a gooey mess

It makes a puddle, and cheeses up the area around it, within a 12m radius

Enemies who touch it become trapped and are unable to move

They cannot attack while stuck, and can only struggle to escape it

It doesn't have health, but is instead a duration based cheese, with a lifespan of 12 - 14 - 16 - 18 seconds

Enemies trapped lose health over time while stuck, at a rate of 3% of their max hp a second

If you or an ally damages an enemy trapped, you restore health and shields per hit


(-_- ) i love cheese, and this is genius



graded cheese, couldn't get a cheddar wheel




---Power 4: Brioche 100 Energy---

Rei Cotta Unleashes a massive blast aoe of cheese from his body in all directions

The wave of cheese moves out from him in a range of 20m

This cheese doesnt last and fades away pretty fast, but not if it hits enemies or allies

If it hits either, it coats them in a cheesy mold, their bodies get covered in cheese


Allies gain a bonus boost of 50% to their armor/health/shields while cheesed, it lasts for 30 seconds

Allies have their health and shields restored by the boosted % they gain, the bonus acts as a temporary boost, that is refillable

*You can restore your bonus 50% health and shields, this buff lasts until it fades off


--Enemies have reduced movement speed by 25%, reduced damage by 25%, and reduced armor by 25% for 18 seconds

--Enemies take damage on impact from the cheese wave, and are stunned for 2 seconds, they take impact/gas damage

--As well fumes will be generated from the cheese that damage other enemies with poisonous gas, the gas has a range of 5m

--It deals 1% damage per second based on their max health, stacking with nearby cheesed enemies

This fish looks like a melted glob of cheese

that fish looked like cheese, so i added it... i dont get it =p


{A weird ultimate for a weird LEGIT warframe concept}

I just find it interesting that his ult buffs and curses the map, buffing allies and nerfing enemies

They get gasses and deal damage to their nearby allies while cheesed, adding up to a ton of damage, each does its own damage

*Example, you have 5 enemies each cheesed, they are all taking 5% dps per second to their max health

So if they have 500 hp, thats about 25 damage a second, not much, but think of the possibilities in more numbers

They take gas damage over time to them self, and deal it to nearby enemy allies. 





Edited by (PS4)Tomplexthis
*Added some photographic goodness
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5 minutes ago, sir_deadlock said:


I wonder if Rei Cotta would get involved with the Corpus, like this scene here.

That actually looks pretty Funny, but i bet if the corpus tried to shake Rei's hand they'd get stuck, and then he'd just be dragging them around all day

Edited by (PS4)Tomplexthis
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1 minute ago, Barrett_Linwei8 said:

OMG before i even read, i just want to say i LOVE Joke frames they're cringe but its a joke and that's what make them FUN!!!


he's 50% joke frame

but 50% legit

he seems joke because of his funny puns, and he is cheese.. and rolls cheese

but the basic concept behind his powers is awesome

but still, i bet he'd make a mean killer Pizza anyday

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Tomplexthis said:


he's 50% joke frame

but 50% legit

he seems joke because of his funny puns, and he is cheese.. and rolls cheese

but the basic concept behind his powers is awesome

but still, i bet he'd make a mean killer Pizza anyday

I read it all. He seems to be a good Crowd Controlling frame and a..Cheesy version of a Spider-Frame, that people love making

I give hella kuddos!:thumbup:

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1 hour ago, Barrett_Linwei8 said:

I read it all. He seems to be a good Crowd Controlling frame and a..Cheesy version of a Spider-Frame, that people love making

I give hella kuddos!:thumbup:

his webby swiss cheese power would probably look awesome, if it looked like swiss cheese, slightly melted a bit

just a big bloby mess of cheese web sprayed out in a hallway, blocking all access, it'd be great to escape

Allies can walk through it, but enemies just get trapped

CC is always fun, and his 3rd is a health/shields/energy restoration proc'er

But his ultimate just sounds like a whole lot of Cheesy Gouda-ness

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