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A Possible Kunai Solution W/o A Nerf...


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It needs a more noticeable ballistic arc. Throwing Knives need not be a sniping tool.


 I think the drop off should become significantly more pronounced.


 Now, to clarify - I'm not talking about damage drop off. I'm talking purely about the arc the Knives fly in.


 No damage changes. No need for a fire rate nerf. Just change the flight arc to make it less efficient at longer ranges. I can kill enemies at range with the Knives easy and fast. Kinda makes the Paris a waste of a silent weapon.

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It needs a more noticeable ballistic arc. Throwing Knives need not be a sniping tool.


 I think the drop off should become significantly more pronounced.


 Now, to clarify - I'm not talking about damage drop off. I'm talking purely about the arc the Knives fly in.


 No damage changes. No need for a fire rate nerf. Just change the flight arc to make it less efficient at longer ranges. I can kill enemies at range with the Knives easy and fast. Kinda makes the Paris a waste of a silent weapon.

Don't you think something is wrong when you compare the Kunai to PRIMARIES, while they are a SECONDARY slot weapon? It's like you don't even consider any secondaries worth the comparison.


Yeah it does need a nerf. And a huge one at that. The Kunai need not be a PRIMARY in the wrong slot.

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Don't you think something is wrong when you compare the Kunai to PRIMARIES, while they are a SECONDARY slot weapon? It's like you don't even consider any secondaries worth the comparison.


Yeah it does need a nerf. And a huge one at that. The Kunai need not be a PRIMARY in the wrong slot.


 I think you need to slow down a second. 


 Paris, a Silent trait weapon, is a Primary and is supposed to be notable for its ability to take out enemies quietly from far away.


 Currently this is pointless, I could make the same shots with the Kunai.


 Is this a bit OP? Yeah. I think so. But I don't think the damage or fire rate is the problem. I think it is the fact that the kunai is capable of the ranges that the Paris is good at.


 Lowering the damage significantly increases the likliness that you wont kill an enemy fast enough to take advantage of the silent trait because the enemy will notify the room.


 Lowering the firing rate wont really help because honestly you'll still be able to spam it.



 Increasing the 'weight' of the projectile to prevent it from overlapping its counterpart would do the trick. The arc needs to be greater.

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 I think you need to slow down a second. 


 Paris, a Silent trait weapon, is a Primary and is supposed to be notable for its ability to take out enemies quietly from far away.


 Currently this is pointless, I could make the same shots with the Kunai.


 Is this a bit OP? Yeah. I think so. But I don't think the damage or fire rate is the problem. I think it is the fact that the kunai is capable of the ranges that the Paris is good at.


 Lowering the damage singificantly increases the likliness that you wont kill an enemy fast enough to take advantage of the silent trait because the enemy will notify the room.


 Lowering the firing rate wont really help because honestly you'll still be able to spam it.



 Increasing the 'weight' of the projectile to prevent it from overlapping its counterpart would do the trick. The arc needs to be greater.

I agree with him...


Kunai need to be made close range weapons...


Increasing the arc sounds lovely so that way Kunai can do their job at close range to take out many enemies silently...


Kunai did trivialize my Paris in certain circumstances...

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yes. kunai must be nerfed to the ground. but despair must be buffed. stalker set isn't cheap. you know..

That just makes the Stalker pack P2W since you get a straight upgrade to the Kunai with Despair. The Reaper/Hate problem is already a thing, ffs.

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That just makes the Stalker pack P2W since you get a straight upgrade to the Kunai with Despair. The Reaper/Hate problem is already a thing, ffs.

The Despair is not a straight upgrade from the Kunai.

Despair is AP damage; meaning it takes into account elemental weakness and resistances

Kunai is armor ignore, meaning reliable damage, and also has stagger.

It's a trade off.

The hate / Reaper thing is a somewhat different matter, but I believe the Reaper will get a bit of a buff to compensate at some point... the difference between the heavies is pretty marginal however.

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Or you could leave both alone ? Really... whats the fun in a game where a few people can't stand an imbalance THAT IS IN YOUR FAVOR ( Not that I at all agree that it is imbalanced ) but.. man.. nerfs just ruin it for everyone else that really do treasure these things.

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Or you could leave both alone ? Really... whats the fun in a game where a few people can't stand an imbalance THAT IS IN YOUR FAVOR ( Not that I at all agree that it is imbalanced ) but.. man.. nerfs just ruin it for everyone else that really do treasure these things.

Nerf everything into the ground, seems to be the way to do it. ;)

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With a limited ammo system, the kunai will still retain all of its fun godliness, but you'll have to choose wisely on what exactly you want to be thowing them at. I see no problem with it.

Now that's a more reasonable response. Unfortunately I still disagree. Limiting the amount you can use something is a need. For example, what if DE decided from now on you could only use ultimates once per mission. The effectiveness of that one use is unchanged, but as a whole the effectiveness of ultimates has been needed.

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Semi automatic fire really makes more sense for a throwing weapon...

I would do all the following:

Make it semi-automatic (auto makes no sense)

Make the fire rate a bit slower (prevents fast clicking macros from turning it back to a fast auto weep)

Either decrease clip size or increase reload time.

Decrease range dramatically (change trajectory arch as mentioned by others)

Leave the damage alone.

Edited by IronCactuar
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Don't you think something is wrong when you compare the Kunai to PRIMARIES, while they are a SECONDARY slot weapon? It's like you don't even consider any secondaries worth the comparison.


Yeah it does need a nerf. And a huge one at that. The Kunai need not be a PRIMARY in the wrong slot.


Primaries aren't better than secondaries. They're just bigger.


Also holy crap guys stop suggesting semi-auto as a balance method what is wrong with you

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Primaries aren't better than secondaries. They're just bigger.

Also holy crap guys stop suggesting semi-auto as a balance method what is wrong with you

Firstly, primaries should be better than secondaries. That's why they're called primaries. You're supposed to use them first.

Secondly, instead of simply insulting people for suggesting a nerf you don't agree with, why not explain why you think it wouldn't work or is not justified [just like many of them politely did when saying that semi-auto was a good solution]?

Edited by Notso
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