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LoR Seems to bring out a few bad peeps :(


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18 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

Most MMOs Have some sort of leveling system. Leveling system in warframe? Check

Most MMOs have some quests that you can do for rewards. Quests in warframe? Check

Most MMOs have different classes and different roles. Classes in warframes? about how many now? 29 different classes/warframes

Most MMOs have some sort of clan or guild system. Clan system in warframe? Check

Most MMOs have a crafting and trade system. Either of those in warframe? Check Checkedy check

Is there a hub where you can meet other players? Relays, Check

Sorry to break it to you but Warframe has all the aspects of an MMO. You take control of a character set in a sic-fi fantasy, and customize it to your hearts content.

Its technically an MMORPG as most people associate with their tenno or warframe. 

And seeing how warframe is an MMO, It has raids that follow traditional MMO guidelines. Warframe just happens to be a third person shooter MMORPG

Deal with it :P

an MMORPG would mean the majority of the game would be based around Massive Multiplayer Online gaming, games like WOW and Dota 2. 


We have aspects yes but the main game is a 4 player TPS co-op akin to games like Borderlands and Destiny. 


To say it's a full on MMO would be just wrong. 

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1 hour ago, -dicht.Amducias- said:


18 hours ago, (PS4)Lord_Gremlin said:

It's simply not fun. And I did it under 20 minutes a lot of times.

It's an example of idiotic design. A Raid where you get around 60 kills total because there are very few enemies and there's no point killing most of them because they instantly respawn. 

And Jordas is even worse. Why people defend this trash?


1.) is kill count the main objective of a raid? No it isnt...you said it yourself there's no point killing them, so why the complain? You wanna make kill count go to survival or interception.

2.) the right question is: if you think that this is a trash & its not fun, why did you still play it? You said it yourself you have done it lot of times. Trust me, i felt the same way towards focus daily points. But i still farm it everyday, bcos those focus wont farm by itself.



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8 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

If your game requires you to watch videos before you can actually do the mission than that game must be terrible, I did the raid for the first time last week and I didn't even look at walk throughs. Ik you're one of those elitist type where everyone should always prepare before doing something they should experience themselves for the first time but guess what? That's not how games are meant to be played. Imagine if you got a new game, do you want to experience the thing not knowing nothing or would you like to watch an entire play through just so you could ruin the experience yourself?

Watching videos or not is a players choice, noone forcing them to do so...except if THE PERSON HOSTING RAIDS DEMANDS YOU TO DO SO, so that newbies who never played raid before could get a little grasp about what it is about. There are people who wanna accomplish the raid, & there are those who wanna ENJOY the raid. There is no such thing as elitism in raid. If you dont like what they asked from you or you think its too much, then dont join them. The Host has the rights to set a requirements on their game.

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Just now, izzatuw said:

an MMORPG would mean the majority of the game would be based around Massive Multiplayer Online gaming, games like WOW and Dota 2. 


We have aspects yes but the main game is a 4 player TPS co-op akin to games like Borderlands and Destiny. 


To say it's a full on MMO would be just wrong. 

Destiny and Warframe are both shooter MMOs. They are basically a shooter versions of WoW.

Dota 2 is actually less of an MMO then warframe is, as dota is purely competitive. Warframe has both Co-op and competitive modes as well as a larger progression system then Dota. 

Warframe and WoW both have a large player base, multiple classes, crafting, raids and raid mechanics, as well as trading and guild systems. Building a clan dojo is similar to building your town hall in WoW, Allowing you to research different weapons and warframes. 

Borderlands isn't an MMO as it lacks the social interaction that makes a game an MMO. Borderlands also lacks crafting of any kind and has no real player vs player system. 

So once again, Warframe is an MMO :P

(You might wanna look up the definition of an MMO, cause you don't know what one is)

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16 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

Destiny and Warframe are both shooter MMOs. They are basically a shooter versions of WoW.

Dota 2 is actually less of an MMO then warframe is, as dota is purely competitive. Warframe has both Co-op and competitive modes as well as a larger progression system then Dota. 

Warframe and WoW both have a large player base, multiple classes, crafting, raids and raid mechanics, as well as trading and guild systems. Building a clan dojo is similar to building your town hall in WoW, Allowing you to research different weapons and warframes. 

Borderlands isn't an MMO as it lacks the social interaction that makes a game an MMO. Borderlands also lacks crafting of any kind and has no real player vs player system. 

So once again, Warframe is an MMO :P

(You might wanna look up the definition of an MMO, cause you don't know what one is)

I said Warframe's base game is much closer to Borderlands in terms of being a 4 person co-op. Never once did I say Borderlands was an MMO.


Seeing as how you try to constantly toss insults on the Internet I no longer have the desire to talk to people like you.


When the base game allows me to have 10 players on a normal mission than it is considered an MMO Imo.


Oh hey I searched it up.


If we went by the most "reliable" source Warframe is still considered a TPS.



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5 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

I said Warframe's base game is much closer to Borderlands in terms of being a 4 person co-op. Never once did I say Borderlands was an MMO.


Seeing as how you try to constantly toss insults on the Internet I no longer have the desire to talk to people like you.


When the base game allows me to have 10 players on a normal mission than it is considered an MMO Imo.

An MMO is defined by how much social interaction (among other things) you can have, Not by how many people you can have in a lobby. 

Take a look at clans, and alliances, as they can have a maximum of 4,000 people in an alliance. If 10 people in a lobby makes a game Massively Multiplayer, Then 4,000 people makes warframe that on steroids.

Warframe is currently closer to WoW in terms of what you can do, (crafting, raids, PvP, Building dojos, modding, and leveling up).

Borderlands has no crafting, Limited social interaction, and can be beaten solo. Comparing Borderland to warframe is like comparing a ghost clan to a moon clan

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

An MMO is defined by how much social interaction (among other things) you can have, Not by how many people you can have in a lobby. 

Take a look at clans, and alliances, as they can have a maximum of 4,000 people in an alliance. If 10 people in a lobby makes a game Massively Multiplayer, Then 4,000 people makes warframe that on steroids.

Warframe is currently closer to WoW in terms of what you can do, (crafting, raids, PvP, Building dojos, modding, and leveling up).

Borderlands has no crafting, Limited social interaction, and can be beaten solo. Comparing Borderland to warframe is like comparing a ghost clan to a moon clan



A massively multiplayer online game (MMOGor MMO) is an online game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously in the same instance (or world). MMOs usually have at least one persistent world, however some games differ. These games can be found for most network-capable platforms, including the personal computer, video game console, orsmartphones and other mobile devices.

MMOs can enable players to cooperate and compete with each other on a large scale, and sometimes to interact meaningfully with people around the world. They include a variety of gameplay types, representing many video game genres.



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16 minutes ago, izzatuw said:



A massively multiplayer online game (MMOGor MMO) is an online game which is capable of supporting large numbers of players simultaneously in the same instance (or world). MMOs usually have at least one persistent world, however some games differ. These games can be found for most network-capable platforms, including the personal computer, video game console, orsmartphones and other mobile devices.

MMOs can enable players to cooperate and compete with each other on a large scale, and sometimes to interact meaningfully with people around the world. They include a variety of gameplay types, representing many video game genres.



massively multiplayer online role-playing game: any story-driven online video game in which a player, taking on the persona of character in a virtual or fantasy world, interacts with a large number of other players.


The funny thing about this, Is that you think having 5 people per team makes a game Massively multiplayer.

By your "definition" Warframe is an MMO just cause you have 10 people fight each other in conclave. You are ignoring that 4,000 people in an alliance is Massively Multiplayer and ignoring how many people can be in a relay or a dojo at the same time xD

Warframe's missions are limited to 4-8 people for balancing reasons as you could break the game if you had 10 people in draco.

If you think that warframe isn't an MMO, I challenge you to count how many people are in region, recruiting and trade tab at any given time :P

But by all means, Keep being wrong XP



Edited by (PS4)UltraKardas
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Once, I crashed in mid LoR and when I relogged and asked for a reinv, host raged at me and ignored me. Like he pressed the ignore... We had a backup carrier anyways. 

And then, this other guy ignored me because I said I know the mechanics of LoR and I can disarm Loki or EV, he said disarm Loki was useless and called me a noob and told me to piss off... :D both of them were very considerate!

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11 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

I give up.


Most MMOs are Third Person. Dota 2 WoW and warframe are third person. Warframe just happens to be An MMORPG Shooter. Its just a different combat system. 


How easy is it to communicate with people on Warframe? You have in game chat, as well as microphone support and an inbox to receive and send messages (or gifts) to people. Compare that to borderlands. You can talk to any random who joins your session, But you can't talk/communicate/trade with thousands of people at any given time like you can on warframe.

Would you consider call of duty an MMO? It has your 10 person per lobby and its a shooter (warframe and destiny have the same thing...)

Edited by (PS4)UltraKardas
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12 hours ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

the records have been a thing since LoR

when TJV came out the records had already been a thing for some time. Its fairly accurate

You obviously weren't there then, I'm pretty sure I did the raid on day one of release and that website didn't have any record showing of Jordas Verdict. Just try and find a Jordas Verdict record on Oct. 29th, 2015. Same with LoR, in fact, the website didn't even exist when LoR was first released or else I'd have a lot more completions to show for.

The Jordas Verdict record thingy on the website came out a few days after the release date not during day of release. It's definitely did not record the attempts people have done before the creation of the webpage itself.

The reason why I know this, like I said, was because I wanted the records so I could raid with others that have completed it. There was mass confusion when it released and curiosity on if anybody completed it. Jordas Verdict was not only a buggy mess, it also had an archwing portion that was a lot more dead back then compared to today, so already only few players with a decked out archwing and weapons could do well at the end.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:


Most MMOs are Third Person. Dota 2 WoW and warframe are third person. Warframe just happens to be An MMORPG Shooter. Its just a different combat system. 


How easy is it to communicate with people on Warframe? You have in game chat, as well as microphone support and an inbox to receive and send messages (or gifts) to people. Compare that to borderlands. You can talk to any random who joins your session, But you can't talk/communicate/trade with thousands of people at any given time like you can on warframe.

Would you consider call of duty an MMO? It has your 10 person per lobby and its a shooter (warframe and destiny have the same thing...)


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13 hours ago, izzatuw said:

If your game requires you to watch videos before you can actually do the mission than that game must be terrible, I did the raid for the first time last week and I didn't even look at walk throughs. Ik you're one of those elitist type where everyone should always prepare before doing something they should experience themselves for the first time but guess what? That's not how games are meant to be played. Imagine if you got a new game, do you want to experience the thing not knowing nothing or would you like to watch an entire play through just so you could ruin the experience yourself?

Do I have to explain how selfish you sound? Knowing the Internet, the answer is Yes.

These arguments from people always using the same excuses are just getting boring at this point. "I don't want spoilers." "You're an elitist." "I want a fresh experience!" "It's just a game.". It's endgame content with a reward that people want. The mission can be hard (depending on the team) and is rather long. The last thing people need is someone to slow down or fail the mission just because that person wants a 'fresh experience'. Have some consideration for others. You're using that person's key and that person wants to succeed. If you're using your own then play for your 'fun, new experience'. Don't waste other people's time and resources just because you don't want spoilers.

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4 minutes ago, Senpai-Pie said:

Do I have to explain how selfish you sound? Knowing the Internet, the answer is Yes.

These arguments from people always using the same excuses are just getting boring at this point. "I don't want spoilers." "You're an elitist." "I want a fresh experience!" "It's just a game.". It's endgame content with a reward that people want. The mission can be hard (depending on the team) and is rather long. The last thing people need is someone to slow down or fail the mission just because that person wants a 'fresh experience'. Have some consideration for others. You're using that person's key and that person wants to succeed. If you're using your own then play for your 'fun, new experience'. Don't waste other people's time and resources just because you don't want spoilers.

Than if you host a raid just do " experienced players only"


Don't blame the person if you just invite someone in a raid and he ends up not having experienced it before.


> Calls me selfish 

> Gets pissed off if people waste their resources 


Believe it or not you sound like an elitist.

OP I found one of the bad apples you were talking about.

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10 hours ago, izzatuw said:

Than if you host a raid just do " experienced players only"


Don't blame the person if you just invite someone in a raid and he ends up not having experienced it before.


> Calls me selfish 

> Gets pissed off if people waste their resources 


Believe it or not you sound like an elitist.

OP I found one of the bad apples you were talking about.

I haven't hosted a single Raid and you say I get pissed off for people wasting my resources.

Assuming things once again with no proof. You really don't consider other people, do you? Not to mention, inexperienced players often lie that they know what they are doing so you are never sure who is able to hold themselves in a Trial.


I'm not sure whether you're just simply selfish and don't consider situations at all, thus acting out completely on impulse (like a teenager going through puberty, guess what rule we have for that) or are flamebaiting (which is also against the rules).

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12 minutes ago, Senpai-Pie said:

I haven't hosted a single Raid and you say I get pissed off for people wasting my resources.

Assuming things once again with no proof. You really don't consider other people, do you? Not to mention, inexperienced players often lie that they know what they are doing so you are never sure who is able to hold themselves in a Trial.


I'm not sure whether you're just simply selfish and don't consider situations at all, thus acting out completely on impulse (like a teenager going through puberty, guess what rule we have for that) or are flamebaiting (which is also against the rules).

And go ahead and report me for doing something "wrong"? 


Flame baiting is different, me telling you my opinion on you is different.


On 25/03/2016 at 3:00 PM, Necrius said:

What I hate most - "meta-gamers" who demand from others to watch videos and look up the wiki. It's a major game flaw that learning a whole game mode must happen outside the game and some elitist jerks are pushing this into others.



Imo I think you're blowing things out of proportion. What exactly do you lose if you fail once or twice? Half an hour at least and an hour at most. You don't lose a life, you don't lose a frame. You just lose time. And the fact that you have never hosted a raid means you have absolutely no rights to say who does and who doesn't join raids. 


If you really hate inexperienced people in raids you could just host your own.

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7 minutes ago, izzatuw said:

Imo I think you're blowing things out of proportion. What exactly do you lose if you fail once or twice? Half an hour at least and an hour at most. You don't lose a life, you don't lose a frame. You just lose time.


If you really hate inexperienced people in raids you could just host your own.

I think you misunderstood my message. I'm against those who go "google/youtube/wiki it, we ain't need no n00bs".

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11 hours ago, izzatuw said:

And go ahead and report me for doing something "wrong"? 


Flame baiting is different, me telling you my opinion on you is different.

Imo I think you're blowing things out of proportion. What exactly do you lose if you fail once or twice? Half an hour at least and an hour at most. You don't lose a life, you don't lose a frame. You just lose time. And the fact that you have never hosted a raid means you have absolutely no rights to say who does and who doesn't join raids. 


If you really hate inexperienced people in raids you could just host your own.

That quote you posted is still as inconsiderate about the success of the mission as all others have shown to be. The wiki and videos are there to help you. If you're going in a mission and you're not the leader then you must meet said leader's requirements. If you don't like the requirements, leave and host your own mission.

The problem here is you're going in there using someone else's time and resources without doing anything for the team just because you want to freshly experience endgame content. But there are others there who are going in the mission to complete it and get the reward. If the leader is fine with carrying a new person then that's great, free ride. If someone in the Trial is against the leader doing this then you shouldn't care and just ignore that person.

This problem mostly happens when inexperienced players LIE that they know what they are doing. This is what I dislike. I don't hate inexperienced players that come to Trials. I have even carried 3 of them at once. So please, for the last time, stop assuming things without having any evidence about anything. I dislike the ones that don't even try to listen to the leader, think they can handle the mission on their own without guidance or simply come in unprepared for anything (this is mostly the lie situation, unless the leader hasn't asked which would partly be the leader's fault) and simply ruin the mission for everyone because they wanted a 'fresh' experience.

And when things do go bad they just go and cry on the forums with the same excuses and accusations. No, I'm not saying OP is one of those people. But at least try to learn the basics about such a thing or ask thorough questions before starting the mission.

And just because I haven't hosted a Trial doesn't mean I haven't used several keys for Trials (as in just host and use a key while someone else commands how things will work).


Edit: Made it a bit more readable as pointed out by "izzatuw".

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14 minutes ago, Senpai-Pie said:

That quote you posted is still as inconsiderate about the success of the mission as all others have shown to be. The wiki and videos are there to help you. If you're going in a mission and you're not the leader then you must meet said leader's requirements. If you don't like the requirements, leave and host your own mission.

The problem here is you're going in there using someone else's time and resources without doing anything for the team just because you want to freshly experience endgame content. But there are others there who are going in the mission to complete it and get the reward. If the leader is fine with carrying a new person then that's great, free ride. If someone in the Trial is against the leader doing this then you shouldn't care and just ignore that person. This problem mostly happens when inexperienced players LIE that they know what they are doing. This is what I dislike. I don't hate inexperienced players that come to Trials. I have even carried 3 of them at once. So please, for the last time, stop assuming things without having any evidence about anything. I dislike the ones that don't even try to listen to the leader, think they can handle the mission on their own without guidance or simply come in unprepared for anything (this is mostly the lie situation, unless the leader hasn't asked which would partly be the leader's fault) and simply ruin the mission for everyone because they wanted a 'fresh' experience. And when things do go bad they just go and cry on the forums with the same excuses and accusations. No, I'm not saying OP is one of those people. But at least try to learn the basics about such a thing or ask thorough questions before starting the mission.

And just because I haven't hosted a Trial doesn't mean I haven't used several keys for Trials (as in just host and use a key while someone else commands how things will work).

1. Use paragraphs.

2. My mistake if you actually don't mind inexperienced people in raids but your previous posts imply the opposite.

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