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Help for my Excalibur EB Build



Hello fellow Tennos,

If I'm here today, it's to get some advice about my Excalibur EB build & his weapon. I can't find any concrete informations about some mods ( Ex : Blade of Truth ), so I was wondering, can you help me to upgrade this build for a better EB ?

Excalibur EB Build

And my Jaw Sword Build :

Jaw Sword Build

I didn't get any Arcane Helmet nor Syandana btw, but feel free to light my lantern and give me some advice ! Thanks :D

Edited by Vraen
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14 answers to this question

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For melee:

Weapon specific mods, Syndicate mods, Shadow Debt mods - all of these don't work on EBlade.
Weapon itself also has zero effect on EBlade stats - it will always be a 15% crit chance, x2 crit damage, 10% status chance, 250 * Power Strength "longsword" with even damage spread.
Buzz Kill is bad for EBlade, as only 1/3 of its damage is slash.
DPS-wise going for critical is inefficient. I would understand using True Steel simply for more consistent crits, but Organ Shatter is plain bad.
Spoiled Strike is only worth it as 4~5 damage mod.

For frame;

You don't need Blind Rage on Excal, unless you doing RJ build or going for ultra-specific ultra-lategame build. The former doesn't use EBlade, the latter doesn't use survivability mods.
I would suggest using Vitality, Steel Fiber and Rage + maxed Fleeting and Streamline. Primed Continuity is a panacea, everything else could be tweaked to your preferences.

Edited by Epsik-kun
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The syndicate mod's do not work with EB, unless they just changed something recently.  That will increase your dmg just replacing that mod in your melee build.  I posted the build I run on my Nikana Prime


I run the arcane strike, It is not technically the highest "paper dps" but, it helps when you run a spoiled strike on the weapon.  It is generally not as expensive as some of the other arcanes as well.  

As for the excalibur build..I have put a bit of time in to him.  The build I posted below will take 5 forma.  In addition to the arcane strike, arcane avanger and the naramon tree with full crit is run. 


If you want to be able to spam your blind more often switching steamline for a fleeting will only bump the drain on your EB up by .3 energy a second.  Hope this helps.


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9 hours ago, Vraen said:

Also, should I keep Corrosive Projection or switch for Steel Charge ? Since 4 Corrosive Projection are not useful at high-level, but I'm mostly in pick-up team, can't decide. (I'll switch for Shield Disruption on Corpus missions)

Steel Charge's damage will fall off long before enemies having no armor stops being useful.

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You are planing to use Shadow Step? Because otherwise you will get shredded in Sorties and higher level content because with your pitiful power range your Radial Blind is basically useless and without Shadow Step Excal really needs it to survive once enemies start to hit really hard.

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First, thanks for your answers.


@----Fenrir---- > Actually I'm in the Zenurik and not Naramon. Could it be better to change for this ? 

@Epsik-kun > Thanks for the advices, I'm going to redo a build and post-it there asap for the frame. As for the weapon, I'm going to remove every mod from Weap-spec/Syndicate/Shadow. So I just need a weapon to put all my mods for EB, I assume ?

@DeadSirius > I believe the link is incorrect, because it look exactly the same URL as mine :p

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Just now, Vraen said:


@----Fenrir---- > Actually I'm in the Zenurik and not Naramon. Could it be better to change for this ? 

Either that or you better change your build. Because Excal needs help to survive against lvl ~100 or in T4. And he has that help, it's called "Radial Blind". Yet with your build it's basically useless and high level enemies will rape you.

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Again, thanks to everyone for your answers !

At this point, I'm still looking for EB oriented build of course, but I understand the "life-savior" meaning of Radial Blind in high-level gameplay like Sorties & T4.

The first redo of my build : http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Excalibur/t_30_4403220000_2-0-9-5-7-5-6-6-5-12-4-7-34-8-5-49-1-7-55-3-5-411-5-7-481-2-7_2-6-49-7-481-11-55-6-12-7-411-7-6-11-5-9-34-7-f-f_0/en/1-0-5/0

Also @HckNSlash, I'm going to try your Nikana P build asap in the Simulacrum :D

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8 hours ago, Vraen said:

@----Fenrir---- > Actually I'm in the Zenurik and not Naramon. Could it be better to change for this ? 

@DeadSirius > I believe the link is incorrect, because it look exactly the same URL as mine :p

I haven't done anything with Focus and I'm fine.

Link is fixed.

8 hours ago, dodorichard said:

Energy Siphon

Redirection + Intensify + Stretch + Fleeting Expertise

Transient Fortitude + Continuity + Flow + Streamline

this is a pretty reliable build, lets me do EB for 120~130 seconds at least before charging and Radial Blind all the time

You get plenty of energy from Rage in high levels, and you won't have to sacrifice more than one slot for it.

8 hours ago, Vraen said:

You'll go down a lot if you build like that, and EB won't last as long without Rage. I wouldn't advise going anywhere like this unless you expect to be carried.

Radial Finish gives you 300% more damage to enemies that are blinded, personally I think it's worth the space.

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8 hours ago, DeadSirius said:

You'll go down a lot if you build like that, and EB won't last as long without Rage. I wouldn't advise going anywhere like this unless you expect to be carried.

Sorry, the link went incorrect again u_u Here's the redo :

Build v2

Also, should I keep Corrosive Projection or switch for Steel Charge ? Since 4 Corrosive Projection are not useful at high-level, but I'm mostly in pick-up team, can't decide. (I'll switch for Shield Disruption on Corpus missions)

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