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Why is Valkyr Hated?


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Just now, Thebel said:

Pretty sure those are issues of running with baddies more than actual thing that Valk explicitly can contribute.

I mean we could easily flip it and say.

Valks with hysteria are overconfident because they can't die and they run off on their own in survivals, skewing the spawn rates and making the mission harder than it needs to be.

They don't bother with life support since their own kill count matters while they mindlessly claw away in a different room.

Also are we really going to pretend Valk needs more melee damage, when hysteria will effectively slaughter anything, with an average modded weapon.

I mean, not to say how you as an individual plays, but to the general experience of pugging with them, they are more of a burden than anything.

Yes. Baddies. Well then, 90% of random people even tho majority of them often mr 18 or higher are scrubs, going by that logic.

Those are hallway heroes. Have nothing to do with the frame that person uses. 

Another example of a hallway hero. 

She does when it comes to sortie with augmented armor condition. Or lvl 100 void. Even if she does not, she surely doesn't need CP if you think she's already doing fine that -30% armor means nothing to her. 

All that matters to me is that person can at least not die if it's survival that often otherwise what can of "survival" is tha? That's partly the reason I bring frames that can survive n their own like Chroma or Wukong and such. Since it's a random team no guarantee for anything and you should rely on yourself, people that bring cc frames or damage dealing frames to high lvlv random surv is basically doomed often. Other than that, it's their business what they're doing mostly. It's not excavation where you're risking to lose an extractor or anything. As long as you're killing enemies and don't die every other second it's fine by me.

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I use Valkyr and is really fun, but I understand why other players hate her, her Hysteria makes her a "god mode" Frame. I think if DE could balance the power by giving it a greater energy drain and at least cost you 50% of your health and shields when you get out of the "Trance" would be fine. It could be like a berserker trance, when you get out you'll feel really dry.

I remember before Valkyr, Rhino was in the same position because of the Iron Skin.



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4 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Yes. Baddies. Well then, 90% of random people even tho majority of them often mr 18 or higher are scrubs, going by that logic.

Those are hallway heroes. Have nothing to do with the frame that person uses. 

Another example of a hallway hero. 

She does when it comes to sortie with augmented armor condition. Or lvl 100 void. Even if she does not, she surely doesn't need CP if you think she's already doing fine that -30% armor means nothing to her. 

All that matters to me is that person can at least not die if it's survival that often otherwise what can of "survival" is tha? That's partly the reason I bring frames that can survive n their own like Chroma or Wukong and such. Since it's a random team no guarantee for anything and you should rely on yourself, people that bring cc frames or damage dealing frames to high lvlv random surv is basically doomed often. Other than that, it's their business what they're doing mostly. It's not excavation where you're risking to lose an extractor or anything. As long as you're killing enemies and don't die every other second it's fine by me.

MR is a terrible yardstick, as far as I'm concerned everyone sucks still proven otherwise.

Valk is a frame that basically encourages being a hallway hero like Rhino still does.

And CP isn't for you, it's for your squad, -30% armor doesn't mean jack to a slide attack with Hysteria. But that joker on your squad with an automatic weapon? He'll appreciate that extra damage for his gun.

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11 minutes ago, afvillegas said:

I use Valkyr and is really fun, but I understand why other players hate her, her Hysteria makes her a "god mode" Frame. I think if DE could balance the power by giving it a greater energy drain and

and people would move on to frames like Wukong. Great way to ruin a frame. There's already a way for those who dislike hysteria - warcry. Plain and simple.

8 minutes ago, Thebel said:

MR is a terrible yardstick, as far as I'm concerned everyone sucks still proven otherwise.

Maybe, but lower mr players die even more often so there's that.

8 minutes ago, Thebel said:

Valk is a frame that basically encourages being a hallway hero like Rhino still does.

Nothing encourages you but your own desires to feel superior.

8 minutes ago, Thebel said:

And CP isn't for you, it's for your squad, -30% armor doesn't mean jack to a slide attack with Hysteria. But that joker on your squad with an automatic weapon? He'll appreciate that extra damage for his gun.

If it's a squad of randoms, I honestly couldn't care less. As I said several times, no one of them uses CP pretty much if they don't have innate - polarity and even if they do it's not even 50% of the cases, so why should I waste several formas and several hours to re-level a frame for a bunch of random people that can't even equip CP themselves and won't even notice what aura you have - because no one is staying in the void for hours and those who do sortie bring decent weapons anyway. If it's a recruited team and the host is asking for CP, it's a different story. Or if it's something like sortie Vay Heck, but again, hardly needed her there to begin with so this problem isn't really a problem. 

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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11 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Are you high? 

It's a sign they're mr3 and 6. Like Jesus. It's one of the frames you get early, and if you didn't choose excal as a starter frame or didn't farm Rhino for some reason, it's pretty much the only one you'll have beside mag or volt. 

For what it's worth, it's not so bad they chose something like her because probably they thought that maybe they won't die as much and won't be a burden.

She enables a play style that requires very little skill and fails to reward individuals for learning the core gameplay mechanics.

There are people with less than a month's worth of playtime tackling endgame content geared towards veteran players with heavily invested equipment. These are people who don't know what one of the most ubiquitous enemies in the game does. And they are all playing Valkyr because she requires minimal investment in gear and only a modicum of skill.

Their lack of experience is precisely the reason they should not be tackling end game content yet, but crutching off of Valkyr's invulnerabilty has allowed them to do so. I'm not arguing that we should be gating content, that's not the takeaway here, but pretending Valkyr's invulnerability mechanic isn't obscenely powerful is just plain misguided.

It overshadows the rest of her kit and a large portion of the game's intended skill curve as well, and that is the issue.


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4 hours ago, Thebel said:

Because you running CP is probably most you'll contribute to a squad as a Valk in most missions.



Seriously though you clearly run across what I call bad players and you can't judge how well a person will contribute to a mission by that.

I won't switch my Valkyr to CP if cp is truly needed I will switch to a frame with it.

Edited by evilfluffy
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15 minutes ago, MadHatHacker said:

She enables a play style that requires very little skill and fails to reward individuals for learning the core gameplay mechanics

No one is forcing anyone to use her. Like you know, there are other 28 frames. Saying "I hate this frame it's for the nooobs" is just childish at best. Saying you want to nerf it because noobs are using it is even more so. Good lord.


There are people with less than a month's worth of playtime tackling endgame content geared towards veteran players with heavily invested equipment

Yeah and DE oh so didn't want that. You know, since they made sortie mr4. Or placed no mr requirements on the void missions. Until they do, I have no reason to feel anything fr people who are doing "high level end game content" stuff in any way. If anything, it's better for new players to have valk to run some survival for 40 minutes than seeing Ivara running T4Surv for 5 hours straight by "experienced player" and praising him for being able to do so.


but pretending Valkyr's invulnerability mechanic isn't obscenely powerful is just plain misguided.

For you, my dear. For you. As long as people are having fun with it, no such thing as "obscenely powerful".


It overshadows the rest of her kit and a large portion of the game's intended skill curve as well, and that is the issue.

Why do you even care huh? Can't sleep at night when someone is using hysteria over warcry? It's called free will. Free to choose what you're gonna use a frame for and in what way. Hiding behind words like "oh it's only hurting her" is hypocritical, some just can't rest when noobs are getting it oh so easy because why exactly? They didn't when they were noobs themselves and that makes them salty?

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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23 minutes ago, evilfluffy said:


Seriously though you clearly run across what I call bad players and you can't judge how well a person will contribute to a mission by that.

I won't switch my Valkyr to CP if cp is truly needed I will switch to a frame with it.

I've certainly come across plenty of bad players and to some extent you set expectations on that person's worth is based on the frame they use.

It's pretty easy to stereotype players in this game based on their load-out and MR even if they don't really matter, people enjoy keeping things neatly classified.

I feel like this statement is also really funny in that you'd rather change your preferred style/ frame than change a single mod, I mean it costs a forma and time but still kind of a drop in the bucket for most players I think.

17 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

For you, my dear. For you. As long as people are having fun with it, no such thing as "obscenely powerful".

This doesn't make sense, because you can have fun with something because it's obscenely powerful. Say what you will about being melee only being some giant con, 100% damage reduction in a game where enemy scaling can 1 shot a majority of frames. Being able to ignore that entirely is pretty damn powerful, with a basically negligible energy cost.

Given there isn't anything wrong with a frame geared towards casual effort players, sometimes I don't wanna actually try, that's why I still keep a Valk frame.

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On 4/3/2016 at 10:57 PM, ZeroZ09 said:

Because people are salty that there favorite frames like volt banshee or zepher are no where equal in survival ability to valkyr so people want to take away valkyrs only readiming  quality and replace it with something that fits the screwed up meta instead leaving valkyr the way she is.

Well...We have the mighty Inaros 

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2 minutes ago, Thebel said:

This doesn't make sense, because you can have fun with something because it's obscenely powerful. Say what you will about being melee only being some giant con, 100% damage reduction in a game where enemy scaling can 1 shot a majority of frames. Being able to ignore that entirely is pretty damn powerful, with a basically negligible energy cost.

Given there isn't anything wrong with a frame geared towards casual effort players, sometimes I don't wanna actually try, that's why I still keep a Valk frame.

Either you missed a letter t in a word can or it's your own statement that doesn't make sense. Because I was saying exactly this - being able to punch people in the face for fun IS fun. If it's not for some people, it's no one's fault and certainly doesn't take away anything from Valkyr or make her "dull". They just shouldn't use Hysteria or use any other frame they'd enjoy playing instead of calling everyone who does noobs and cry word "nerf" everytime they come across Valk related topics.

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5 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

Either you missed a letter t in a word can or it's your own statement that doesn't make sense. Because I was saying exactly this - being able to punch people in the face for fun IS fun. If it's not for some people, it's no one's fault and certainly doesn't take away anything from Valkyr or make her "dull". They just shouldn't use Hysteria or use any other frame they'd enjoy playing instead of calling everyone who does noobs and cry word "nerf" everytime they come across Valk related topics.

No it's definitely your statement that is confusing.

55 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

As long as people are having fun with it, no such thing as "obscenely powerful".

That line is pretty heavily suggesting that as long as someone is having fun with it, it can't be called obscenely powerful.

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This is still going on?



39 minutes ago, Nomen_Nescio said:


Why do you even care huh? Can't sleep at night when someone is using hysteria over warcry? It's called free will. Free to choose what you're gonna use a frame for and in what way. Hiding behind words like "oh it's only hurting her" is hypocritical, some just can't rest when noobs are getting it oh so easy because why exactly? They didn't when they were noobs themselves and that makes them salty?

People care for a reason that the idea that Valkyr is like a drug and when people taste that sweet Cat power,they never want to leave that sweet spot. In all personal repsects. I only pull my Cat out only If a shortie needs It. Outwise, I pull someone else out like Nyx, It varies on many factors. But, I will use Valkyr If I feel the Squad I am playing with needs a goon of immortal power. Which Valkyr can be.  Now, is it hurting newer players to be her. No,not really. Everyone sooner or later learns about new frames and can choose to play them. People sooner or later want a new taste and learn It. But, people will main whatever they want. However, the Argument does come off a Elitists, when It all about how Valkyr lets "noobs" think they are good. When she is trash,which now in days seems not to be the case. Otherwise everyone would be jumping to change her 4 so badly. I know,I lived thou the "Valkyr sucks" era of warframe.


1 hour ago, MadHatHacker said:

She enables a play style that requires very little skill and fails to reward individuals for learning the core gameplay mechanics.

There are people with less than a month's worth of playtime tackling endgame content geared towards veteran players with heavily invested equipment. These are people who don't know what one of the most ubiquitous enemies in the game does. And they are all playing Valkyr because she requires minimal investment in gear and only a modicum of skill.

Their lack of experience is precisely the reason they should not be tackling end game content yet, but crutching off of Valkyr's invulnerabilty has allowed them to do so. I'm not arguing that we should be gating content, that's not the takeaway here, but pretending Valkyr's invulnerability mechanic isn't obscenely powerful is just plain misguided.

It overshadows the rest of her kit and a large portion of the game's intended skill curve as well, and that is the issue.


People would do that with or without Valkyr. Because people taxi people now in days.  


TO be honest, Valkyr does Require mindfulness to a point, you do need to do a tad a mirco management and choose your fights accordingly or you will have your Energy drained and dead on the floor.  The power of the cat must be used somewhat wisly and still needs you to invest time into learning her and prep her like most frames.

Also, I would debate that all frames have overpowered skill. I have won Stories with Nyx and all I did was spam mind control and Chaos.


Or Mesa, Who can make the whole enemy force,just not able to do S#&$ long enough to clean them up.


If is kind of a warframe thing every frame has a op trump card.

14 minutes ago, Thebel said:

I've certainly come across plenty of bad players and to some extent you set expectations on that person's worth is based on the frame they use.

It's pretty easy to stereotype players in this game based on their load-out and MR even if they don't really matter, people enjoy keeping things neatly classified.

I feel like this statement is also really funny in that you'd rather change your preferred style/ frame than change a single mod, I mean it costs a forma and time but still kind of a drop in the bucket for most players I think.

This doesn't make sense, because you can have fun with something because it's obscenely powerful. Say what you will about being melee only being some giant con, 100% damage reduction in a game where enemy scaling can 1 shot a majority of frames. Being able to ignore that entirely is pretty damn powerful, with a basically negligible energy cost.

Given there isn't anything wrong with a frame geared towards casual effort players, sometimes I don't wanna actually try, that's why I still keep a Valk frame.



To be honest, I have run across more S#&$ Loki's then anything,But I will not hold my Teir 4 Suviral afk over all Loki heads.


As Fair as having fun with the cat. Their are no frames who look like her or have her play style. (However, the newest frames looks up my alley) And to be honest endframe with MLG clans and what no is actually, more boring then playing with Valkyr has ever been for me. Because, everything is so neat and Organized and It is every frame you always see. Cause everyone has It beat into their skulls that this is how to play warframe, and that we give into playing the "Best" which basically, turns the game into a generic MMo with a tank "Frost" one healer "trinity" and dps all over the place. Everyone tight up the butt in one area sometimes casting a heal or shooting,but letting Nova and Ember just cast their aoes. Honestly, I like warframe,but I would rather have different team comps with crazy combos then the safe "Hide in the bubble" "Spam the aoe" style that has become a thing here. Honestly, I solo shorties, even without Valkyr because It is more enjoyable sometimes since I want a actual contest.

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39 minutes ago, Thebel said:

I've certainly come across plenty of bad players and to some extent you set expectations on that person's worth is based on the frame they use.

It's pretty easy to stereotype players in this game based on their load-out and MR even if they don't really matter, people enjoy keeping things neatly classified.

I feel like this statement is also really funny in that you'd rather change your preferred style/ frame than change a single mod, I mean it costs a forma and time but still kind of a drop in the bucket for most players I think.

Never judge someone based on load out or mr I have seen low lvl gear and mr outshine high many a time.

Just because I change frame doesn't mean I'm still not playing an "in your face melee" style and just because Valkyr is my favorite frame doesn't mean she is my only favorite.

I also do not have the Forma to waste (nor time) to Forma her several more times to fit CP on so I can use once and a while that's just a waste all around.

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39 minutes ago, Thebel said:

No it's definitely your statement that is confusing.

That line is pretty heavily suggesting that as long as someone is having fun with it, it can't be called obscenely powerful.

If it's fun it can't be "obscenely". It's like "jesus she is so OP how are you even can be so scrubby to enjoy it, get a grip, build something decent and not that op - like Saryn." That sounds exactly like crying of Dark souls 2 "decent players" players vs dirty Hexers/mages. Only warframe doesn't even have that kind of PVP Dark souls has. I can already see this video just with valkyr or rhino - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00g2ZbI3ung

33 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

People care for a reason that the idea that Valkyr is like a drug and when people taste that sweet Cat power,they never want to leave that sweet spot. In all personal repsects. I only pull my Cat out only If a shortie needs It. Outwise, I pull someone else out like Nyx, It varies on many factors. But, I will use Valkyr If I feel the Squad I am playing with needs a goon of immortal power.

Any frame you like to play is like a drug then, and yet she's not even in the top 3-5 of the most played frames.

I pretty much the same, use frames like Wukong or Valkyr either for high level survivals or just relatively long solo void farming. Not a single reason to bring them anywhere else (well maybe somewhere but mostly survivals). 

Side note, I'll never understand people who "main" something. Especially in a game like warframe. 28 frames to choose from and you almost always bring just that one - that's sad if nothing else. 

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2 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:


Any frame you like to play is like a drug then, and yet she's not even in the top 3-5 of the most played frames.

I pretty much the same, use frames like Wukong or Valkyr either for high level survivals or just relatively long solo void farming. Not a single reason to bring them anywhere else (well maybe somewhere but mostly survivals). 

Side note, I'll never understand people who "main" something. Especially in a game like warframe. 28 frames to choose from and you almost always bring just that one - that's sad if nothing else. 

Maining means "I know my way around this" now in days then "I only play". I amin shyvana in LOL but I only play her when I want to crack my knuckles off a would be pro.


And yeah, we can debate all warframes being like drugs. Cause, we have Acceptable drugs and not Acceptable.XD


To be fair, Dark souls 2 has PVP as one of the main points, and I can say Dark magic users are massive D-bags because It is solely made for killing players. So,It is like going out of your way to be a turd.

Edited by (XB1)TheRoflLizard
Dark souls 2
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12 minutes ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:


To be fair, Dark souls 2 has PVP as one of the main points, and I can say Dark magic users are massive D-bags because It is solely made for killing players. So,It is like going out of your way to be a turd.

But, Dex builds are still the worst in terms of being spoiled in dark souls 2 and having more to use over other classes in terms of weapons. Which caused max Edging to happen.

I hate dark magic for being designed to be PVP face melting. (Normal magic is fine)

But, I hate Dex builds more because they cry about cheap,but have most of the time everyone has limited build paths and weapon choices...unlike them and their Flithy kanatas.

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4 hours ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

No one is forcing anyone to use her. Like you know, there are other 28 frames. Saying "I hate this frame it's for the nooobs" is just childish at best. Saying you want to nerf it because noobs are using it is even more so. Good lord.

Yeah and DE oh so didn't want that. You know, since they made sortie mr4. Or placed no mr requirements on the void missions. Until they do, I have no reason to feel anything fr people who are doing "high level end game content" stuff in any way. If anything, it's better for new players to have valk to run some survival for 40 minutes than seeing Ivara running T4Surv for 5 hours straight by "experienced player" and praising him for being able to do so.

For you, my dear. For you. As long as people are having fun with it, no such thing as "obscenely powerful".

Why do you even care huh? Can't sleep at night when someone is using hysteria over warcry? It's called free will. Free to choose what you're gonna use a frame for and in what way. Hiding behind words like "oh it's only hurting her" is hypocritical, some just can't rest when noobs are getting it oh so easy because why exactly? They didn't when they were noobs themselves and that makes them salty?

Are you off your meds, dude? I've been publicly against a Valkyr nerf for years, and I still am. She has an entertaining kit and I love playing her, and balance is a non-issue in a PVE game. Is Valkyr's kit perfect? No. Does it need to have its viability guttered? Of course not. That's ridiculous, it's fun to use and while it can be somewhat cheesy, I play games to have FUN.

In fact, where did I come out in favor of Valkyr nerfs? Did I ever mention the word "nerf"? Feel free to browse my comment history while you ascertain my stance on nerfing, but in the meantime, get your $&*^ out of your hand and sit down boss, there's nothing here for you to shake your throbbing e-peen at. 

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8 hours ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

To be fair, Dark souls 2 has PVP as one of the main points, and I can say Dark magic users are massive D-bags because It is solely made for killing players. So,It is like going out of your way to be a turd.

Not nearly. It's up to you if you're seeing it's "mainly" pvp game, other people have different ideas. Just like warframe is seen as a coop game, some are playing it solo and don't care about other aspects.

Uh oh. The game is about pvpv and people are using a legit ways to beat people in PVP. Now, where's the tragedy? Saying this, everything is OP if it was used against you and you lose. You've lost to a Havel user (asomething like Rhino or Atlas of warframe for those who don't understand)? Filthy Havel casuls! You've lost to a dex user who was wielding a washing pole/uchigatana/whatever? Filthy dex users! You've lost to a person who was hiding behind his great shield all the time and was poking you with his spear to death? Lost to a person who summoned white phanthoms? Lost to a person who was hiding behind the enemies or just hiding? You know what to do. Call them filthy x users/casuls. 

8 hours ago, MadHatHacker said:

I've been publicly against a Valkyr nerf for years, and I still am. She has an entertaining kit and I love playing her, and balance is a non-issue in a PVE game. Is Valkyr's kit perfect? No. Does it need to have its viability guttered? Of course not. That's ridiculous, it's fun to use and while it can be somewhat cheesy, I play games to have FUN

Didn't sound like it at all.

Her kit is perfect. Just like Excal's, we have here - 1 ability for advanced movement, 1 a minor CC and 1 a minor damage ability with a stun effect, and the ult being a strong dps ability. If only warcry was an aura like peaceful provocation (maybe having an augment for it too) and actually slowed down all enemies in range and not only those who were in range when you activated it it would've been used way, way more oftern than it is now. Because now you basically activated it once and if you have eternal war you won't see any slow effect on enemies till the end of the mission. That's just wrong. She's not as tough as Chroma and can't take so much damage to the face without hysteria without the slow effect and that's kinda the problem.

Edited by Nomen_Nescio
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11 hours ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

As Fair as having fun with the cat. Their are no frames who look like her or have her play style. (However, the newest frames looks up my alley) And to be honest endframe with MLG clans and what no is actually, more boring then playing with Valkyr has ever been for me. Because, everything is so neat and Organized and It is every frame you always see. Cause everyone has It beat into their skulls that this is how to play warframe, and that we give into playing the "Best" which basically, turns the game into a generic MMo with a tank "Frost" one healer "trinity" and dps all over the place. Everyone tight up the butt in one area sometimes casting a heal or shooting,but letting Nova and Ember just cast their aoes. Honestly, I like warframe,but I would rather have different team comps with crazy combos then the safe "Hide in the bubble" "Spam the aoe" style that has become a thing here. Honestly, I solo shorties, even without Valkyr because It is more enjoyable sometimes since I want a actual contest.

I have no problems with Valkyr.  I play Ivara and love her.  I kinda see Ivara and Valkyr as opposites (in a way) that can work well together.  I don't want to see a nerf as I see some of the complaints of Valkyr could also be easily applied to other warframes.  I've seen nerfs happen too many times in MMOs, and each time it was done to satisfy whinny little #$!#$%s.  Whether Valkry gets nerfed or not will not effect me directly as I don't have that warframe just yet.  I just don't want to see a reoccurring trend of nerfs.  Just my 2 cents worth.  :D

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Simple, because she has the potential to be invincible for as long as she has the energy. Many frown upon this because it's viewed as easy mode and even further trivializes the gameplay. Got level 100 mobs rushing you from all sides? Well, doesn't matter, because you're invincible and they pose no threat at all. 

I think the main thing that gets to people is that while some of their favorite frames may have gotten nerfed, Valkyr hasn't really been touched, and yet she arguably has one of the most broken abilities in the entire game. You add Trinity to the mix and all you have to do is deactivate your ability, receive energy, and keep on rolling, it's cheap.

Now, Valkyr is a fun frame to play, sure. But does that make her any less cheap? No. 

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2 hours ago, Plushy said:

I honestly don't feel there's a problem with Valkyr. Unless every squad had one, I wouldn't start to worry. 

They are three types players, I can see on this thread. First types are the ones who rely on them to much and not trying to learn the game. The second types are those ones who like Valkitty but don't like Invincibility. Third types are ones who don't a give a damn. To be honest, Valkyr is one my favourite frames but I rarely use her because am now am going to use her crouch

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On 3.4.2016 at 1:17 AM, Hayabusa97 said:

As everyone is saying, press 4 to win.


In my experience of watching Valkyr players, all they do is go "LEEROY JENKINS!!" and just run off to go kill things while ignoring the things they are supposed to defend. They are almost always obnoxious hallway heroes (like plenty of other mostly offense based frames). I do not like running from the defense objectives to chase down rare drops and I'm pretty sure if you run off like that, affinity isn't shared.

ah touche but there are people like me who let the enemies to gather up near the objective, pop hysteria, clear that group, pop out, use guns. repeat

and it works even in solo defense


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15 hours ago, (XB1)TheRoflLizard said:

TO be honest, Valkyr does Require mindfulness to a point, you do need to do a tad a mirco management and choose your fights accordingly or you will have your Energy drained and dead on the floor.  The power of the cat must be used somewhat wisly and still needs you to invest time into learning her and prep her like most frames.

i take back what i said whileback about console players because THIS man has the answer

she is no OP if u got no clue what to do

forgot ur melee to ur closet? oops u cannot kill anytin

forgot to build for efficency (tooks 4-5 slots) oops u pop hysteria and immediatly unpop it

didn't pay attention to that energy leech bedinh that bombard and 8 heavies

well gl surviving that buttrape

i could go on and on but this man already has summerized it perfectly

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sorry for 3 consecutive posts but it just popped in my head

lot of people call her cheesy and easy to play

what otherframe cannot cheese enemies either into permastun or REMOVE THEIR GUNS

those are veeeeeeeeeery few if any...

if u must nerf one cheesy frame (valkyr apperantly according to forum)

nerf all the cheesy abilities :D

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