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Hate The Space Magic Gentleman?


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1 hour ago, Clonmac said:

Limbo is one of my favorite warframes and I've spent the most time playing as this warframe, so I've learned what to do and what not to do. He is very much misunderstood by a lot of people I feel. I've created a Do and Don't list that will hopefully help some people out and give them some ideas. Feel free to add or critique anything:

-Use Syndicate weapon augments. They're proc AoE hits through the rift (like abilities do) allowing you to kill large amounts of enemies without bringing them all into the rift with you.
-Target high priority enemies with Banish leaving the cannon fodder for your teammates. Your teammates may not realize how beneficial this is because they won't see you killing huge swathes of enemies, but in the end you'll be able to last longer in the mission because of this critical role you play.
-Try to maximize finisher damage on your melee weapon (through mods and stances). Some stances do 1600% damage on ground finishers. This will allow you to deal more damage with Banish by doing a ground finisher on the target after they are knocked down.
-Mod for duration. All of his abilities benefit greatly from longer durations.
-Mod for high energy pool. This should give you at least 450 energy max and then you can use Quick Thinking give yourself some survivability. This also consolidates your health and energy regeneration in a way. I use Zenurik to get 4 energy regen and while in the rift this gives me 6 total energy regen. With Quick Thinking, that's like getting health regen as well.
-Carry energy restore gear to quickly restore energy (and essentially health) when needed in a pinch.
-Cast Cataclysm toward distant locations with yourself rift walking outside of it. This allows you to fire into it while keeping all your enemies in front of you. You don't need to worry then about what is behind since the only targets that can hit you are in front of you in the Cataclysm bubble.
-Use AoE weapons. I've been using Ignis, Tonkor, and Staticor lately (depending on the enemy type). These allow you to fire inside of the Cataclysm (like described above) and take out large amounts of enemies without exposing yourself much.
-When inside of Cataclysm (on rare occassions), always make sure Rift Walk is active. That way you can quickly cancel Cataclysm in a pinch to save yourself from incoming damage. This can even be done while knocked down.
-In high-level missions concentrate more on selective banishment with strong finisher melee weapons or heavy single target damage weapons (like Sancti Tigris). This is why Syndicate mods are great. They allow you to concentrate on the high-priority targets while the Syndicate procs will take out the lower priority targets outside of the rift for you.

-Cast Cataclysm with you inside of it when there are large amounts of enemies around. It is a sure fire way to die.
-Let Rift Walk expire when there are enemies around. Always keep an eye on the timer.
-Don't Banish allies thinking you are helping or saving them unless they ask for it.
-Don't stand still when facing environmental damage. Things like Napalms and Hyekka Master can still hit you with their environmental fire damage. So stay moving, Banish them while strafing on the run and then move in for the melee ground finisher for the kill.
-Don't sit back and wait for the enemy. Always move up ahead of enemy waves to seek out high priority targets before them become a problem for your team. By doing so, you'll also become a target for the enemy and take enemy fire while you're invulnerable in the Rift.
-In defense missions, don't leave Cataclysm up in between waves. Always cancel it out so that it gives your teammates time to run around and gather drops.
-In excavation missions, don't put Cataclysm up over the excavator until it has enough power to cover the excavator duration. Teammates can't carry energy containers through the Cataclysm, so you'll be denying the excavator power until Cataclysm ends. Once it has enough power, put up Cataclysm and then it'll be easy to defend it until it is finished.

this is unbelievably helpfull if all the do's work as you say, thank you for this. was planning on slightly bashing him, didn't think I would come across something like this. any comment that says you need skill doesn't compare to what you wrote. really thank you. I might actually enjoy him a lot now.

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1 hour ago, Clonmac said:

-When inside of Cataclysm (on rare occassions), always make sure Rift Walk is active. That way you can quickly cancel Cataclysm in a pinch to save yourself from incoming damage. This can even be done while knocked down.

I always make sure Rift Walk is active by recasting Rift Walk and Rift Surge after casting Cataclysm, at the cost of some energy.
This way, when Cataclysm collapsed when you didn't keep track of the timer, you would be kept safe.
Also when Cataclysm collapsed, it can also alert you that Rift Walk is expiring soon.

Also when inside Cataclysm, I like to use my ear to detect incoming enemies instead of looking at minimap.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)bonateIIo said:

this is unbelievably helpfull if all the do's work as you say, thank you for this. was planning on slightly bashing him, didn't think I would come across something like this. any comment that says you need skill doesn't compare to what you wrote. really thank you. I might actually enjoy him a lot now.

Limbo is very versatile and can be played very differently, it is still better to try experiment with him and you will feel awesome when you finally find a playstyle to use him that suit you.

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2 minutes ago, Ditto132 said:

Limbo is very versatile and can be played very differently, it is still better to try experiment with him and you will feel awesome when you finally find a playstyle to use him that suit you.

Yeah after reading Clonmacs post I can see that. my biggest problem with him was I was doing the first don't constantly and didn't know what to do.

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Honestly, I would put limbo at one of the highest skill level warframes in the game (if not the highest). This isnt because his skills are hard to use, its because its hard to find the right group where he fits in and benefits the team, rather than holding it back. The problem with limbo is he has very few situational uses and generally there are better frames out there. Every once in a while, I find a decent limbo player, but usually I would rather have another more helpful frame.

Limbo is a single target warframe. He is great at isolating specific units in the game. I would craft him just to have him if you have the room or desperately want to try him, but I would recommend another frame if you need to fill a useful spot in your arsenal.

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Limbo is very situational, and slow to play offensively. I refer to him as the "One v One Me Bro!" frame. Build for duration and strength. Pull things into the rift one at a time with a buffed rift for a big fat damage multiplier. He also makes a great res bot, since almost nothing can get to you in the rift. He's more useful for defensive missions.

Rescue: walk through any obstacle because you're in the rift, but the operative in the rift and walk out.

Defense/Mobile Defense: put the defense objective in a cataclysm and watch over it from outside while also in the rift, rest of the team can kill outside while you obliterate anything that gets close.

Operative Defense: you can put the operative in the rift, which is much more effective then trying to keep pace with frost globes. 

Spy/Sabotage: laser grids won't detect you in the rift, which makes both these types easier.

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11 minutes ago, spacerocks said:

Honestly, I would put limbo at one of the highest skill level warframes in the game (if not the highest). This isnt because his skills are hard to use, its because its hard to find the right group where he fits in and benefits the team, rather than holding it back. The problem with limbo is he has very few situational uses and generally there are better frames out there. Every once in a while, I find a decent limbo player, but usually I would rather have another more helpful frame.

Limbo is a single target warframe. He is great at isolating specific units in the game. I would craft him just to have him if you have the room or desperately want to try him, but I would recommend another frame if you need to fill a useful spot in your arsenal.

If we're talking about great synergies with Limbo when used correctly.

Ash, Limbo, Equinox and Chroma.

Nearly everyone can be banished, and yet can still be quite helpful. Ash just activates his Ult (and can therefore spam it due to the Energy Regen) and goes to town, Equinox get's her massive AoE damage easily from the tanky Chroma and deadly Ash, while Limbo benefits from Equinox's clear that builds up over time, not needing to much in order to be used, or her massive amount of healing. Chroma on the other hand most likely won't need to be Banished until he uses his Pelt, as from then on, Limbo can just Banish him, keeping him safe from harm while the Pelt's out, or just letting him go to town THEN sending him into the Rift, as to restore his lost energy.

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1 hour ago, Ditto132 said:

Also when inside Cataclysm, I like to use my ear to detect incoming enemies instead of looking at minimap.

Thank you for that. This is another good tip that works great whether you're inside Cataclysm or not. Sometimes on defense missions I'll find myself wandering around looking for enemies outside the bubble and when you hear the sound that an enemy entered the bubble, you know that you have to go back to the objective to defend it. It is a nice audible defense warning (something snow globe doesn't offer). Great tip!

Edited by Clonmac
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49 minutes ago, Clonmac said:

Thank you for that. This is another good tip that works great whether you're inside Cataclysm or not. Sometimes on defense missions I'll find myself wandering around looking for enemies outside the bubble and when you hear the sound that an enemy entered the bubble, you know that you have to go back to the objective to defend it. It is a nice audible defense warning (something snow globe doesn't offer). Great tip!

Another point to add:
Lot of people compared snow globe and cataclysm for defense mission, which one is better.
For me, Frost and Limbo works quite well. A mid to max range chilling snow globe with min range cataclysm and the pod is pretty much untouchable.

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every frame is good if you know how to use them, but that's especially the case with Limbo. I was using him today actually during a Nitain Alert, and I was the only one who didn't go down. a few ways to use him include:

- the classic Banish/Rift Walk technique; cast yourself and a single tough enemy into the void and take them out without being interrupted.

- Cataclysm Pulse: constantly casting and recasting his Ult can knock down a ton of enemies, and you can leave it up when you're low on energy to top up.

- mini cataclysm: Cataclysm with negative power range but large duration can be use to create a private bubble, just for you, so you can avoid damage without annoying the rest of the team if they don't want to be Banished themselves.

- and my personal favourite, Rift Blazing ! Rift walk, with Rift Surge active, banishing enemies and one-shotting them, then repeating the process. with enough Strength and duration, and some good targeting, you can wipe out mobs pretty quick. Ash has Bladestorm, but Limbo has Rift Storm lol.

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17 hours ago, Ditto132 said:

This bug is claimed to be fixed recently.
I have a list of Damaged By Environmental Hazards While In The Rift.

I confirmed last night that this is not fully fixed in regards to enemies like Napalms and Hyekka Masters. It is fixed in regards to plain environmental fire that you see on the ground as part of the tileset. But, Napalms can definitely still hit you through the rift.

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Just now, (PS4)CowboyJeff72 said:

For me? Yes, it's the hat. I can't stand the way he looks and aesthetics are an important part of the game to me. So regardless of how amazing they may ever make him, until he received a skin I could live with, I'd never use him.

And the association I'll be forever having with him and all those players that bloody banished me :/

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This is what I'm trying to get attention for. Too many people are underwhelmed by his specialized skillset, overwhelmed by his complexity, annoyed by the loot issue, or hate his squishy build. He needs buffs and passives while in the Rift, and the enemies need major disadvantages in the Rift as well. I can only hope that DE has some mercy and gives this fantastic frame some attention.


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he doesnt but if you build excal right you can be in the banish as long as the limbo's banish lasts with no issues. i did a t4 stood in a hallway while limbo blocked a spawn behind me and banished me crouched and E-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ee--ee-e-e-e-e-e-ee-e-e-ee-e-e-e-e-e-e-ee-e--ee-e-e-e-e-e-e

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3 hours ago, Clonmac said:

I confirmed last night that this is not fully fixed in regards to enemies like Napalms and Hyekka Masters. It is fixed in regards to plain environmental fire that you see on the ground as part of the tileset. But, Napalms can definitely still hit you through the rift.

As before, Damaged By Environmental Hazards While In The Rift. Maybe you could also help add to the list any other environmental hazards bugs that you found.
I remember they fixed environmental fire in Update 18.4.1. After that update, I didn't have issue with standing on fire while in the Rift.
Electrified water for some reasons still can damage through the Rift.
And since I mainly use Limbo, I only start to notice Napalms damaging me after Hyekka Masters were added into the game.
I have yet to test the fixes in the recent hotfix, that why I posted " This bug is claimed to be fixed recently. "
Thanks for confirming it.

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22 hours ago, Clonmac said:

~snipped list of "do's" and "dont's"

Thank you, good sir. You really know how to use Limbo.

Also some additions to "do" list

-Reviving someone? Banish him/her first. This way your teammate can walk away without being insta-killed the second s/he gets up.

-See the enemy about to raise alarm? Banish.

-See squishy skill user? Banish. This one actually requires some cooperation and communication, but most of the burst skill users (Mag, Excalibur, Ash, Oberon, Nyx,  to some degree Nova and Saryn) and some of stationary channellers (Mesa, Banshee) benefits from invulnerability and energy regen a fair amount.

-Miniboss? Be the ultimate decoy. Persuade that Bursa to show its fanny pack to your teammates, say something friendly to Juggernaut so it'll stay with you a little while instead of stomping your teammates, start discussion with the Grustrag Three.

Btw, Natural Talent can come in real handy, especially when using Cataclysm often.




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7 minutes ago, DrunkenStupor said:

Thank you, good sir. You really know how to use Limbo.

Also some additions to "do" list

-Reviving someone? Banish him/her first. This way your teammate can walk away without being insta-killed the second s/he gets up.

-See the enemy about to raise alarm? Banish.

-See squishy skill user? Banish. This one actually requires some cooperation and communication, but most of the burst skill users (Mag, Excalibur, Ash, Oberon, Nyx,  to some degree Nova and Saryn) and some of stationary channellers (Mesa, Banshee) benefits from invulnerability and energy regen a fair amount.

-Miniboss? Be the ultimate decoy. Persuade that Bursa to show its fanny pack to your teammates, say something friendly to Juggernaut so it'll stay with you a little while instead of stomping your teammates, start discussion with the Grustrag Three.

Btw, Natural Talent can come in real handy, especially when using Cataclysm often.

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He's so fashionable, it's hard for enemies to resist him  ;)

Seriously though.

DE has ignored one of their most unique warframes ever for far too long. DE, show some mercy on Limbo.


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People don't like how he has a control over other people (ie. Banish) and how he can decide if the team is able to use guns or not (Banish and Cataclysm)

It is widely known for inexperienced Limbos to plop down Cataclysm over a defense point and think it actually works like Frost Globe when it only cuts off the area from the outside world. This ruins many players' pew pew playstyle obviously. 


Here is a Tip to play Limbo : Grab a Tonkor, Riftwalk, plop Cataclysm onto a choke point, then nuke it.

That way the enemies caught in it can't retaliate to anyone outside the Cataclysm except Limbo and they just get 1 shot by Tonkors anyway.

(But seriously, why bother with Limbo when yu can just Tonkor the chokepoint anyway right?) 

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45 minutes ago, YasaiTsume said:

(But seriously, why bother with Limbo when yu can just Tonkor the chokepoint anyway right?) 

Because with Limbo your Tonkor will be doing more than 3x the damage than normal with Rift Surge. Imagine three people lighting up a choke point with Tonkor...that's what Limbo can do. Meanwhile you've freed up 3 teammates elsewhere to do their own thing.

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