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30,000 Cryotic isn't actually a problem


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4 minutes ago, AgentScarlet said:

30,000 cryotic is a problem because the resource can only be attained from a single mission type, meaning to get the weapon you have to play the same mission over and over and over. DE talks a lot about wanting to de-incentivize endlessly grinding a single mission (e.g., Draco), and then they release a weapon that requires endlessly grinding a single mission? I'm getting mixed signals here, DE.


It isn't a single mission.  It is a single mission type.  There are 7 that I know of.  It also is not endless.  You need 30K.  At 30K then you are done.


I'm getting mixed singles here do you understand the requirements?

Edited by Sonos
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2 hours ago, sh00chu said:

Seems like there are a lot of short memories. When oxium was introduced, you got one (1) per drone, and it was a crapshoot whether or not one would even appear. Zephyr building took a looooot of grinding before they changed that, so quit yer cryin', and get off my lawn! Besides, if farming up the resources is such a hassle for you, either pay for it with plat, or come to terms with not having it any time soon. The folks at DE gotta put food on the table too.

We got like hundreds for a run in kappa at that time, and kappa was fairly fun

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you kids have always something to complain about.


What have you done in the last 3 or more months? Where the hell did you take your fusion cores untill now? i find myself with 26007 cryotic and i never actually farmed for it.

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People are complaining this resource isn't easy to farm. Jeez

You can farm this in under one day and I mean why is this even a big deal?

The NEW PLAYER argument is invalid for an argument and you can farm this if you have to courage to.

I mean every single person here has the courage to farm Draco since its the best provider for exp.

Play Excavation since its the best provider for Cryotic and I mean you wouldn't want to be sticking to the drop tables of cryotic in Sabotage.

Its alright if Excavation gives you a 500-1000 per run. ITS CALLED GRINDING

And I related all the problems to all who complained in this thread that cryotic sucks as a resource.

Edited by Jautice
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The weapon simply isn't worth the 30k Cryotic. I could understand the resources required if the weapon had better stats. Hell, the thing only has base 10% status and a fairly low base cold damage. And it's supposed to be an ice hammer. It's pretty silly.

With that said, I think the Cryotic is perfectly obtainable.

The weapon is not all that great. I would know. I have it, have tested it, and have concluded that while it's decent, it's not at all top tier stat wise. So, there's no point in freaking out over it. There are a plethora of better melee weapons. Just run an excavation a day and you'll get enough in a month, month and a half. Heck, if you can find structured groups to get to 2k, you could do it in 15 days, assuming that you started with almost none.

It's a lot of cryotic, but you don't just get cryotic on excavations. You get mods, keys, affinity, other resources, and Fusion cores. In the end, you'll be satisfied anyway.


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8 minutes ago, Jautice said:


Play Excavation since its the ONLY provider for Cryotic and I mean you wouldn't want to be sticking to the drop tables of cryotic in Sabotage.



and I believe the devs are saying they want to reduce the grind

Edited by akira_him
typo, the>they
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I just don't understand the issue personally. If you take any weapon on the market that requires alot of resources, or even 1-2 other built weapons on top of it to build. Then you take someone who has 0 of those resources at all......it's going to take them the same amount of time, if not longer to farm the resources to make it.

The beauty of cryotic is that while you're farming it, you're getting keys, cores, ,rare mods etc at the same time. It's not like you're ONLY getting cryotic.

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3 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

Not been on the forums since before the weapon was released, are there lots complaining?

14 Pages within 17 hours...hmm...

(did not even count all the other threads about this weapon that have their own pages and are not in this specific thread just like this one here is)

Edited by IceColdHawk
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10 minutes ago, Sonos said:

It isn't a single mission.  It is a single mission type.  There are 7 that I know of.  It also is not endless.  You need 30K.  At 30K then you are done.


I'm getting mixed singles here do you understand the requirements?

It doesn't matter which node you choose because they are all similarly tedious and the gameplay is essentially the same. It's effectively the same mission, which you have to play an excessive number of times to be able to get the weapon. DE keeps talking about wanting to reduce this sort of tedious, repetitive gameplay, and then they release this. So yes, DE is sending mixed signals.

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What next? 50k cryotics? or maybe 10000 oxium or 100 argon crystals for a weapon? Well I'm sure there will be some players like you say "it's not a problem coz I have enough resources to craft this weapon". LOL like it's our fault not to farm Titron. I don't know maybe some players never have a life and they can spend like 24 hours a day for a game.

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4 hours ago, Jautice said:

The reason why is probably due to the resource creeping that people have been doing for a very long time and if you're in dire need of it, just put it aside and just Hieracon. Pretend Hieracon is Draco and no problem.

Triton is more fun IMO ;)

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Actually it is very bad for the game (regardless of any amount or cryotic players may or may not have).

It is the single resource in the game that is only obtainable from one specific mission type.

This means it is telling players to play only one mission type, repeatedly.  All the while DE is telling us they are trying to stop players doing so, for good reason.  It causes players to burn out much faster than they normally would by playing a variety of mission types.

This is exactly the issue DE often comments about with the void.

The issue is DE is telling us one thing and the gear requirements telling us to do the complete opposite of that.


If you accept these weapon costs; expect to see even more new weapons and other gear with similar costs overall.   At the end of the day the Sibear actually costs far more resources than even the Akjakara did.


3 hours ago, Hekovashi said:

Coz De Glen said that excavation are too rewarding if you compare it to surv or def, so after some test runs he decided to do what he did and after DE agreed to not touch it again, despite all feedback

Well the issue is it killed much of the fun of the mission itself.  The same milestone rewards could of been achieved by making every second extractor give ancillary loot (given many areas you could run 2-3 drillers at a time) and we would have much the same result in general loot now but much more cryotic gains for a similar time frame.  I mean its not like we get rewards every wave on a defense mission.


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My only problem with the 30k cryotic is that higher level planets don't reward more per dig, why should earth give the same amount as like Pluto or something, I don't know where the highest node is, but why should I put in more effort for only 100 when I could cry my eyes out in boredom for like an hour? I know the better planets give you higher rewards that's fine but why do you not get anymore cryotic? Shouldn't a higher level planet have a richer supply of the stuff?

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4 hours ago, DioBrandoTheHotVampire said:

it IS a problem

no weapon should require that much of resources >_>

Why? Why shouldn't a somewhat good, powerful weapon require work and abundant resources? Compare to the super rare, super good weapon or armor drops in other MMORPG style games: unless you are the "chosen one" and get every good drop on the first dungeon run, then you have to work and take time, and organize yourself and save up for that content.

Just because Warframe isn't "generally" like that, doesn't mean it cannot or should not have some things that are meant as loftier goals... You can't instantly come in as an unranked and expect everything to be available, that's not logical in any game....

What's the difference between farming your cryotic over a longer time for this weapon, or having to wait for the Azima as the 100 day tribute? you still have to wait, but this you 'can' get a lot faster... The developer of any game gets NOTHING out of making, or letting you play as little as possible to finish everything quickly.

Many people, (in my opinion), should stop thinking about more more more, and gimme gimme gimme, and focus on the JOY and FUN of playing this GAME... nobody's forcing you to use any weapon, and I often use unpopular weapons... I've trashed popular weapons that I totally dislike... 

Stop believing that every part of every game will fulfill all your hopes and dreams, IT WON'T EVER HAPPEN. accept that, and move on.

Just because something doesn't work FOR YOU doesn't mean that it doesn't work AT ALL.

Edited by Klies
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18 minutes ago, The_Masked_Man said:

My only problem with the 30k cryotic is that higher level planets don't reward more per dig, why should earth give the same amount as like Pluto or something, I don't know where the highest node is, but why should I put in more effort for only 100 when I could cry my eyes out in boredom for like an hour? I know the better planets give you higher rewards that's fine but why do you not get anymore cryotic? Shouldn't a higher level planet have a richer supply of the stuff?

Then submit the idea and put it in front of the Dev's faces in other places.. I agree with the idea as the risk could/should reap better reward for more cryotic, not just the full drill rewards.

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1 hour ago, AgentScarlet said:

30,000 cryotic is a problem because the resource can only be attained from a single mission type, meaning to get the weapon you have to play the same mission over and over and over. DE talks a lot about wanting to de-incentivize endlessly grinding a single mission (e.g., Draco), and then they release a weapon that requires endlessly grinding a single mission? I'm getting mixed signals here, DE.

I've been playing regularly for over two years, and yet I have not amassed a large stash of cryotic because I find excavation to be excruciatingly dull, perhaps the second most un-fun game mode after archwing defense. Currently I have less than a thousand cryotic, after having spend most of what I had to build Trinity Prime. I probably won't be able to get Sibear for a very long time, because I don't want mastery fodder badly enough to spend my free time repeatedly playing a game mode I do not enjoy.

It's true that cryotic can be gotten BEST from Excavation, but it appears as timed rewards in survivals, daily logins, wave rewards in defenses, and cache rewards in sabotages.

Try a different viewpoint... "endless grinding".. yeah if you go FOR the cryotic...... Go to repolarize something, go for the drill-completion rewards... go to have something to occupy your mind on a sunday night while you call a family member or friend to act like a good person and catch up with them... go to farm Focus points... Go because you have your favorite frame and weapons equipped and you enjoy using them... go because you're angry at something and need to 'kill' things to let off some steam... go for any reason other than the cryotic and you'll have more than you realize before you know it....

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3 hours ago, Xaelroa said:

Again, wrong. "varied play" is an illusion with excavation. You do the same thing over and over. Defend a paper thin drill for 100 seconds while trying to survive and keep the drill powered. Enemies scale in level the more excavators you have active/completed, so a lot of more "casual" players and those who have goals of not using forma until x personal goal is reached will have a massively harder time dealing with "long run" cryotic farms. In the end they -will- get burned out and quit trying to get the weapon altogether, potentially not even buying plat to get the weapon with because of the frustration. If it isn't a clan tech item, then the requirements of cryotic should be reduced. Alloy plates should be too, for those whining about how it's weird that people are okay with that. Doesn't matter that it drops enough to make water feel ashamed of itself in voids. either excavation cryotic payouts need buffed or cryotic requirement needs nerfed. Simple as.

At least you can get a new excavator running whenever you want, which is also going to keep you busy with getting power cells. That's a lot more variation than in survival where the biggest challenge is to not fall asleep or forget the air.

It's not like excavations are that difficult and you don't need forma to protect an excavator. And even if it is difficult to have 2 active at the same time, you can always have your whole team focus on just 1.

3 hours ago, Serafim_94 said:

I don't farm Void keys. I just play the game, and when I need to go into void, I usually have 5-10 keys just piled up from my resource or XP farmings. The only exception was T4 sabotage. There I was forced to run some moon spy missions to get them.

And seriously, what part of excavation requires teamplay? Put snowglobe. Get Loki/Valkyr on battery duty. Go AFK. Come back in a minute.

Or even better, throw in Cataclysm. /sleep

Yes, in theory Defence is more boring. Yet somehow I hate excavation more. Probably becouse I ONLY do it for cryotic, and that is usually plagued with "oh F***, I just spent 10 minutes to get 500 cryo. Need 10 times @(*()$ more" counting.

Using a snowglobe and having different people to get the power cells is already quite a lot of teamplay compared to most other game modes. It already means that you somehow communicated who is going to take care of the snowglobe and who is running power cells. And sure you can also solo it, but a team makes it a lot easier. 

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