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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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Hmmm. . . . .I suppose, given the crossroads i'm at, I could go down the Chroma coloring route for the sake of the Balance (of the game).

As for the second bit, I was actually hoping for it to be reliant on both the frame and the weapon synergizeing together to form a functioning unit. The warframe increases it's energy supply for a larger magazine size while the Visocyte increases it's heat capacity to delay (or, if one is experienced enough, one could never have to reload) reloading. There is one thing I have been considering though, the possibility of having power modifications on the frame effect the weapon itself. Power range could increase the distance the elemental blast can hit from, Power duration could increase statistical chance, and power efficiency could decrease heat gain. Hows that sound?

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You know, I think I finally have a sorta group project that I could work with some fellow Pit viewers to build. Most of the mind-crafting might need to be done in private messages amongst ourselves, but, I think it might be possible for all of us to collectively forge something tangible gamewise out of my Sentient "Nodes" concept. Whaddya say folks?

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Post 102 (Conceived circa 10/26/2016, received form and descriptions circa 6:22, 10/27/2016)


No sign of any responses? Huh, mayhaps I should, I dunno, ACTUALLY put down what I have right now so folks can see what exactly they can add! Gives me something to do to pretend that my boss won't murder me if I don't finish cataloging these specermens. Onwards!

 The Juicy Gritty Details Part 1A

Terminology Guide and Important Terms:

Zeri 1: The first vessel to be constructed, the prototype which would also be pressed into service as a working model. This vessel was equipped with a significant supply of munitions for use in mining operations, asteroid interception, and even combat if it ever came to that point. Unfortunately, it's reaction drive was noticeably weaker, as was it's central computer's pre-programmed autopilot. It's center-piece was the Caan Ahau, a massive distributed computer network which connected the ships together and recorded every single minutia of the vessel and crew, from power consumption to relative coordinates.

Zeri 2: The constructor, the trailblazer, the one who would craft the Solar rails at each jump end point, in each empty lifeless solar system they would have to pass. On-board, specifically spliced together botanical germination samples sat in row upon row of nutrient slides, the Sentients on-board caring for their every need in preparation for their growth and release. The centerpiece for the vessel is a massive chunk of land from the last fertile piece of original land from old earth, a section of black soil from the north east of the Deccan plateau of the Indian sub-continent ,measuring in at 50 feet wide and 450 feet deep.

Zeri 3= The last vessel to be made launch-capable and the most sophisticated to be constructed, utilizing data gleaned from 1 and 2. This glistening vessel, built in the sparkling image of the finest orokin transports, came equipped with it's own contingent of multipurpose ospreys and even it's own animalistically intelligent co-pilot. For all intents and purposes, the vessel was an entity in and of itself, sheltering a cargo of thousands of tons of construction materials and tools alongside it's sentient crew with all the ferocity of an ancient orca whale with calf. The center piece of this vessel was the Demiurge, a two ton 50 foot wide and tall nano-forge that could produce selected objects in minutes rather then hours or days.

Reaction Drive= Before the advent of the Void Rip drive, the fastest form of high speed transportation was the Reaction Drive. Rather then tear through the horizon of existence like a knife through butter, the reaction drive merely pushes against it to the point that the horizon pushes back, hurling the vessel forward a significant distance. While the sheer force of such a system would crush most forms of life, reinforced machinery and Sentient adaptivity allows the vessels to remain in use throughout the Tau-Ceti system.

Void Burn= Due to the precariously constructed nature of each Sentient's electro-chemical nerve analogue, Void exposure through raw or technological means can result in a slew of permanent and temporary effects on their minds. Examples include alternate personality insurgence, memory loss, mania, obsession, extreme stress to the point of physical damage, and schizophrenia. This was dubbed "Void Burn" via orokin technicians who had been assigned to the sentient project, a term that remains in Sentient vernacular to this very day.


Qualia 1- The Pantheon of the Tocoltzitzhuan


Once, long long ago, when the small and frail forbearers of the sentient vessels were loaded onto their ships (The Zeri 1, Zeri 2, and Zeri 3) a spark of connection was made between the entities which their creators had not foreseen.  Spontaneously, a single unknown member of the crew on the Zeri 1 came to the conclusion that constructing wireless transmitters on it's associates would facilitate greater coordination among it's brethren and would increase working efficiency. Those who who received the transmitters would in turn come to the same conclusion and spread the modification among the other crew members until the entire crew was fully linked. By the time the vessel made it's first jump out of the system, the crew members had already arranged themselves into specific work groups that functioned under one mind for each task as far as their transmitters would reach, with maintenance crew  linking together in the maintenance sections, astrogaters linking in the cockpit, and soldiers linking into a single commanding mind. Slowly beginning their steady rise to intelligence, the crew members in charge of the Caan Ahau transmitted a signal to the other vessels containg the mental impulse to integrate in the manner of their progenitor.

   Receiving no responses, business as usual continued on the vessel as, slowly and without any real fanfare, the individual sentients began to coalesce into distributed entities of their own, each one charged with keeping the vessel performing it's various functions and each one gathering personality traits associated with their "profession". Then, the unthinkable happened. At the final jump point, (a dim red dwarf known as L726-8) as the last two ships made it to Tau, the Zeri 1 attempted to make a jump in the distorted wake of the other two vessels. This final straw on the camel's back ripped a hole straight out of reality and into the endless pit of the Void. Sucked inside, the crewmen were horrifically mangled, personalities slamming together and ripping apart in a seemingly endless hell.

   In this tortured sky scape of primordial energy and agony, the occupants clung to whatever form of stability they could to keep something resembling sanity. For the miners and soldiers, it was by linking to one another, each one's soul-shattering flaws reduced down to a mere droplet in the tsunami. For the ones who maintained the Caan Ahau however, it was to shed their bodies and seek refuge in the great machine, minds intermingling and shuffling to ease the sting of suffering. Eventually, at the dawn of what could be mankind's (or at least his perfected descendants) first interstellar empire, the Zeri 1 was spat out of the first rift that had formed when the Zarimon was launched on it's doomed maiden voyage. Flying haphazardly into the Oort cloud and slamming firmly into a two-mile wide asteroid, the occupants pulled themselves from the wreckage and eagerly set about the task that was seated into their minds since the beginning. "The Sentients must ______ for Tau and take it for the ______  Empire." Of the personalities, only two were left, "The Hundred of Hundreds" were all of the military and mining staff that had linked to survive. Of the technicians of the Caan Ahau, only a single body had been left salvageable and only a single mind remained of the dozens that had bound together to flee the chaos. This entity called itself "No One At All". In time, as the vessel underwent it's repairs and retrofitting for the coming invasion, these two monikers would to adapt and  evolve, becoming two names forever etched into Tenno memory, Hunhow and Natah.

Statistical Breakdown + Traits+Appearance= See in-game Sentient Codex.


PHEW, what a workload! But, here it is, my interpretation of their story! Hope you enjoyed it, cuse there's two more on their way that are just a tad bit more. . . different.

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Yeah, I thought the boat was sinking real fast there. Thank god I made the choice to spread it out. Also, geezus, this was supposed to be the description section of sentient factions I'd be working on, not their decking life-story! Ah well, what can ye do?

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4 hours ago, Unus said:


(Conceived circa 10/26/2016, received form and descriptions circa 6:22, 10/27/2016)


No sign of any responses? Huh, mayhaps I should, I dunno, ACTUALLY put down what I have right now so folks can see what exactly they can add! Gives me something to do to pretend that my boss won't murder me if I don't finish catelogueing these specermens. Onwards!

 The Juicy Gritty Details Part 1A

Terminology Guide and Important Terms:

Zeri 1: The first vessel to be constructed, the prototype which would also be pressed into service as a working model. This vessel was equipped with a significant supply of munitions for use in mining operations, asteroid interception, and even combat if it ever came to that point. Unfortunately, it's reaction drive was noticeably weaker, as was it's central computer's pre-programmed autopilot. It's center-piece was the Caan Ahau, a massive distributed computer network which connected the ships togethor and recorded every single minutia of the vessel and crew, from power consumption to relative coordinates.

Zeri 2: The constructor, the trailblazer, the one who would craft the Solar rails at each jump end point, in each empty lifeless solar system they would have to pass. Onboard, specifically spliced togethor botanical germination samples sat in row upon row of nutrient slides, the Sentients onboard caring for their every need in preparation for their growth and release. The centerpiece for the vessel is a massive chunk of land from the last fertile piece of original land from old earth, a section of black soil from the north east of the Deccan plateau of the Indian sub-continent ,measuring in at 50 feet wide and 450 feet deep.

Zeri 3= The last vessel to be made launch-capable and the most sophisticated to be constructed, utilizing data gleaned from 1 and 2. This glistening vessel, built in the sparkling image of the finest orokin transports, came equipped with it's own contingent of multipurpose ospreys and even it's own animalistically intelligent co-pilot. For all intents and purposes, the vessel was an entity in of it's self, sheltering a cargo of thousands of tons of construction naterials and tools alongside it's sentient crew with all the ferocity of an ancient orca whale with calf. The center piece of this vessel was the Demiurge, a two ton 50 foot wide and tall nano-forge that could produce selected objects in minutes rather then hours or days.

Reaction Drive= Before the advent of the Void Rip drive, the fastest form of high speed transportation was the Reaction Drive. Rather then tear through the horizon of existence like a knife through butter, the reaction drive merely pushes against it to the point that the horizon pushes back, hurling the vessel forward a significant distance. While the sheer force of such a system would crush most forms of life, reinforced machinery and Sentient adaptivity allows the vessels to remain in use throughout the Tau-Ceti system.

Void Burn= Due to the precariously constructed nature of each Sentient's electro-chemical nerve analogue, Void exposure through raw or technological means can result in a slew of permanent and temporary effects on their minds. Examples include alternate personality insurgence, memory loss, mania, obsession, extreme stress to the point of physical damage, and schizophrenia. This has had been dubbed "Void Burn" via orokin technicians who had been assigned to the sentient project, a term that remains in Sentient vernacular to this very day.


Once, long long ago, when the small and frail forbearers of the sentient vessels were loaded onto their ships (The Zeri 1, Zeri 2, and Zeri 3) a spark of connection was made between the entities which their creators had not foreseen.  Spontaneously, a single unknown member of the crew on the Zeri 1 came to the conclusion that constructing wireless transmitters on it's associates would facilitate greater coordination among it's bretheren and would increase working efficiency. Those who who received the transmiters would in turn could come to the same conclusion and, in turn, spread the modification among the other crew members until the entire crew was fully linked. By the time the vessel made it's first jump out of the system, the crew members had already arranged themselves into specific work groups that functioned under one mind for each task as far as their transmitters would reach, with maintainence crew  linking togethor in the maintainence sections, astrogaters linking in the cockpit, and soldiers linking into a single commanding mind. Slowly beginning their steady rise to intelligence, the crew members in charge of the Caan Ahau transmitted a signal to the other vessels contains the mental impulse to integrate in the manner of their progenitor.



Generally, it's a good place to start with backstory and brainstorming for Sentient evolution.

I am wondering why they wouldn't already be a networked/linked hive mind from the jump, though. It would seem to be counterproductive otherwise (IE: for the Orokin to send them off without having them communicate.)

I know you need an exciting first step for them as a race, but I don't have another suggestion other than communication at this time. 

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16 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

Generally, it's a good place to start with backstory and brainstorming for Sentient evolution.

I am wondering why they wouldn't already be a networked/linked hive mind from the jump, though. It would seem to be counterproductive otherwise (IE: for the Orokin to send them off without having them communicate.)

I know you need an exciting first step for them as a race, but I don't have another suggestion other than communication at this time. 

Thanks much sir, the assumption I was makeing as I'm slowly sculpting the "First Ones" (There are two other generations that handled receiving the signal quite. . . differently) is that, starting off, they were mindless automata. Rather then be expected to communicate, they were supposed to dumbly iterate upon each other's work as they slowly migrated across Tau, like a pack of assembly line robots that have gotten loose from the factory somehow. The Orokin's fear of sentient life equitable to their own precluded any attempts at giving them such an advantage. Thaaaatttsss politics!

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Mostly it was the fact that computers right now can already talk to each other (but aren't sentient).

The assembly line bots analogy might work. The Orokin deliberately not letting them talk to each other feels like it could really work, though.

As long as you've figured out how to let them effectively do their jobs without talking to each other.



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26 minutes ago, Rhekemi said:

Mostly it was the fact that computers right now can already talk to each other (but aren't sentient).

The assembly line bots analogy might work. The Orokin deliberately not letting them talk to each other feels like it could really work, though.

As long as you've figured out how to let them effectively do their jobs without talking to each other.



Yeah, essentially, for my interpretation, the Sentients would be gathered around in a big "group" of sorts, be it in the same room or out in the open. Each one would be assigned a task with several auxiliaries on hand. When the first one finishes it's allotted amount of work, it returns to the throng, uploads its results to a computer via direct link, then receives new orders. Other unit's orders would be affected by the results of the uploader, thus allowing for a fairly limited sense of learning (by rote) as each one discovers how each sentient affects the system. When the first fellow made the tweak however, the computer became an auxiliary itself, replaced by a direct linkage to one another where all sentients see through all other sentients in range and occasionally receive data from one another. Each sentient group responded to this sudden linkage in a certain way, the first of which is the one we "see" every day, hyperspecialization into a collective of collectives.

Edited by Unus
Goddem it, my worst problem with typeing, you don't have to stop to take a breath.
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(Post 110) Alright, this one might be a tad bit on the shorter side, but hey, that's a good thing, right?  

(Addendum= I have learned that this is also a dirty filthy lie, apologies!)

( Addendum about 10:26 P.M.)(And thus, I take the liberty of smacking into a wall and posting just that, making me look like a blasted attention hog begging for likes, this is going just swimmingly, ain't it?)

Qulia 2- The Ordering of the Miltquitque.

Terminology Guide:

Appendage= Due to the unique distributed nature of Miltquitque consciousness, all sentient forms that are tuned to the Zeri-2's bandwidth are effectively nothing more then limbs for a transcendent entity. Control varies between appendages in accordance with their processing power although all forms are fully capable of acting as the prime host for the M.C., though traditionalistic reverence towards the Zeri-2 has precluded it's use. If separated from the mind, smaller forms will simply shut themselves down forcibly while higher forms will merely utilize the "latest version" pre-severance. 


   Unlike their two sister ships, the sentients of the Zeri 2 had a fairly smooth journey. Little changed in the endless hustle and bustle of the day-to-day scheme of things as they went about their assigned tasks tending the soil, reviewing germ slides, and carefully forging the essential components of the massive Solar Rails that would guide Orokin chosen to their promised ivory tower away from the hustle, bustle, and baggage of the Sol-Origin System. All seemed normal until the day a standard "status of the fleet" message from the Zeri-1 brought with it an attachment of an unrecognized data package that was labeled as a priority upgrade. With no real decision making skills, every single crew member "mindlessly" uploaded the data into their minds one after another. Within a matter of hours, the entire vessel was completely connected wirelessly and all task efficiency went through the roof.

   Unlike the crew of the Zeri-1 however, all member sentients of the Zeri-2 cycled in and out of various jobs constantly and consistently due to the "temperamental" status of their organic wards, meaning that the compartmentalization that occurred on the Zeri 1 was impossible here. Instead, the inhabitants of the Zeri 2 innovated on the design so that the wireless range of the connection simply encompassed the entirety of the ship. Always on and always processing, it did not take long at all for the occupants of the Zeri 2 to subsume into a vast swarm network, a single network made up of hundreds of different perspectives and sensory input systems quicker then any alarm klaxon and precognizant enough to be able to do what was once impossible, to plan and anticipate the future. By the time the vessel arrived at L762-8, there were no sentient crewmen on-board, only the various appendages of a massive over mind that had become convinced it was a god fleeing from it's dieing home to start life anew on a clean slate. Having scrapped the on-board computers long ago to make more "appendages", the Zeri 2 never noticed the disappearance of it's two compatriots as it entered Tau Ceti, enthralled at the beauty of it's new home and it's five worlds.

   Eventually selecting the flat and heavily vulcanized super-earth designated as Tau Ceti F as it's throne-world, the Zeri 2 heralded it's arrival into the hydrogen-helium smog of it's atmosphere via bombarding the planet with ice asteroids obtained from Tau-Ceti's inner asteroid belt, triggering the planet's first water-based thunderstorms that further increased in size due to ash from the world's volcanoes to the point that the entire planet was engulfed in a global typhoon. Lightning split the sky as it rent craters into the rapidly cooling black rock and the formerly volcanic lakes and rivers of the world were gradually replaced by aqueous ones. As the Zeri-2 alighted upon a a fairly geologically stable mountain top amidst the storm's eye, it finally disgorged it's contents and went to work with it's hundred hands in pursuit of forging a paradise. Earth-shaker class appendages roiled through the basaltic earth like giant earth worms, devouring dozens of tons of black stone, processing it, and firing it outward in the opposite direction as a supplementary means of propulsion and a method of spreading fertile soil, deftly dodging and weaving around the always present magma that sat below in vast underground lakes and seas. In the skies above, massive interlinked "meshes" of Air-shaper class appendages took to the skies, molecularly shredding the water in the atmosphere into O2 and hydrogen fuel while also obtaining atmospheric helium in order to remain aloft and to bring back to the ship for various industrial processes needed to maintain it's parent vessel and it's various appendages.

   In the new freshwater seas, "tainted" with various metals, salts, and ashes, massive slow moving assemblages of abyssal appendages slowly wandered about the shallow and deep sea floors, "inhaling" gigaliters of water, filtering various useful compounds as they traveled through the "body", and exhaling with such force as to create ocean tides where once only geology influenced surface liquids. The surface itself became coated in several areas with vast complexes of strange interconnected self-maintaining production machines hundreds of feet tall and coated in hundreds of solar panels supported on thick and rounded struts. Beneath the surface, vast arrays of carefully controlled pipes carefully extended into the magma below, excavating about for rich deposits of magnesium, silicates, and areas particularly useful for supplying geothermal energy. Above it all, the Zeri-2 flew from place to place, carefully restocking the world with ice asteroids, producing new and varied appendages to continue sculpting the planet, and unconsciously maintaining a vast array of specimens and soil from old Earth, now to never likely see the light of germination under alien skies. In time, as the world stabilized and became self maintaining, the Zeri-2 "birthed" a lesser version of itself to continue it's deliveries of ice asteroids to Tau Ceti F, forged an orbital communications platform to maintain the endless work details it had started, and moved onward to Tau Ceti E to begin the process anew as befitted a God of Creation.

    Then, (corresponding to the "modern" age in the Warframeaverse) the time of contact came about when a vast fleet of vessels not unlike the Zeri-2 itself arrived. The missing ship, the Zeri-3, and it's crew had arrived at long last after years adrift to claim their birthright as the children of the Golden Ones. The response upon recognition of the terraformed Tau Ceti F was rapturous for the inhabitants of the Zeri-3 fleet, the culmination of a very long journey back to their promised new home from parts unknown. For the Zeri-2 however, these strange vessels and their many vessels were usurpers in familiar skins, perhaps the reason why the old one had been driven away from it's old home in the first place. As the petty (and not so much) squabbles of the Sol-Origin System continue to plague it's inhabitants, so to does the struggle for understanding continue in the Tau-Ceti system, a war of words between a vast, complex. and precognizant intelligence who wishes to remain the sovereign ruler of all the worlds of the Tau-Ceti system and several million souls who all believe said intelligence exists for only their benefit. Only time will tell as to what choices will be made, as said choices will be sure to change the balance of power across the known galaxy forever.



Unlike their distant ancestors and their current brethren, most forms that the Miltquitque takes are enormous, unique to their role, and are usually an agglomeration of hundreds of parts interwoven together to serve a single purpose. Maintaining the matte black finish of it's dumb progenitors, the Miltquitque usually takes on a rather organic  appearance for it's myriad forms, such as the hardened worm-like Earthshaker form and the vast arthropodic likeness of the Seafilter form. While normally dumbly hardworking, the ease with which one can disrupt their scheduled tasks (and incite deity-level anger), their sheer size and their supreme strength make ground combat almost unthinkable as a potential means of combating them. At best, orbital bombardment is required to eliminate a single appendage. At worst, multiple aerial infantry with no guarantees of survival may be required to eliminate them.

Significant Threat Traits=




These annelidic giants erupt forth and dive back into the hardened earth with all the grace of an Old Earth dolphin. Oscillating at rapid speed and equipped with an artificial diamond drill, few weapons are able to penetrate it's liquid metal hide itself. Instead, disabling the creature itself would involve being inhaled by it's front half, somehow avoiding or destroying it's myriad amount of "digestive" drills, and eliminating the four large Orokin-derivative redundant fuel cells that constitute it's power supply. All of this, plus avoiding not being buried alive beneath the endless influx of stone and soil renders any such operation most certainly suicidal. . . and therefore a perfect fit for Tenno deployment.


These benthic horrors (dubbed Cipactli in Miltquitque source code)  are normally docile and slow moving, concerned only with stripping the waters they reside in of all forms of excess materials. When their busy schedules could be disrupted by combat however, the results are absolutely devastating. Like their titanic land- based brethren, these aquatic beasts have thick and regenerative hides from years of abrasive contact with flotsam and jetsam. ensuring that only the strongest vehicle-mounted weapons could bring them down. The only  other option then is to  guide some manner of munition down past the grinders in it's maw and throat and into the filter screen that lies just before the "leeching plant" in the stomach area. Even then, one would have to somehow clog the leeching pipes and contend with it's payload of "scrapers", tiny scuttling appendages who's entire existence revolves around preventing clogs before subsuming back into the Seafilter's mass. Once again, yet another suicide mission.

Airshapers= The largest of all currently known forms beyond the Zeri-2 itself. Every Airshaper consists of a paired set of appendages which rely on one another in order to survive. The first piece is the Alux, a 12-foot tall Ocullyst variant which travels freely through the air via forcing air through extremely small tubes along it's body that are almost imperceptible to the naked eye. The Alux constantly samples the air cycleing through it, searching for impurities that deviate from it's hard-coded 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, .93% Argon, .0386% Carbon Dioxide parameters. If it detects one, it cordons off the zone digitally, maps the size of the disturbance, attempts to locate the disturbance source for elimination or limitation, and sounds out a signal ping. This ping is transmitted on a wireless network to a nearby Proccesor, a hulking ameboid mass of liquid metal that floats far above the ground on what can only be described as hundreds of geyser-like orifices that act in the manner of the Alux's propulsion system multiplied by a significant degree. The appendage will then fly to that area at a speed proportionate to the urgency of the deviation, ranging from a leisurely directional float to a weather-disrupting charge that, due to the Processor's sheer girth, has a tendency to collect hot and cold air along it's front, resulting in accidental (or, sometimes purposeful) localized hurricanes, thunderstorms, or tornadoes upon reaching it's destination. On arrival, the Alux slots into a  node on the front and guides the vessel in it's purposeful drifting. It is at this point that the Airshaper is at it's most vulnerable, as a significant disruption to the area where the appendages conjoin could throw it's navigation into dissaray, potentially driving it  soaring into high orbit to lose propulsion and burnout like a meteor or plunge at high velocity towards the ground below and rupture in a fireball of pressurize gases. Seemingly simple, if one ignores the rampant electrical arcing, constant motion of the appendage, and inevitably savage reprisal that awaits the destroying individual after the network confirms the loss. Hell have no fury like a God denied.


______________________Phew! Mission accomplished! Onwards to Chapter 3! Apologies for the sheer size of this entry, but I hope I at least made it unique.


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Ack, dem it, again, apologies for takeing an eternity till I get back into a better swing a things. Till work dies down on the 29th, slapping things togethor is gonna remain quite haphazard. As a bit of a side-note, how is the tale of the Miltquitque shapeing up in the eyes of you folks, haven't even hit the good part yet!

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Mission accomplished folks! Enjoy the latest (and complete) entry in my Sentient Factions section! Now we'll be moving onto the final big mover in the grand scheme of things, one who may even give Hunhow a run for his money if they lay gleaming eyes on the Sol-Origin System.

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On ‎31‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 2:26 AM, Unus said:

(Post 110) Alright, this one might be a tad bit on the shorter side, but hey, that's a good thing, right?  

(Addendum= I have learned that this is also a dirty filthy lie, apologies!)

( Addendum about 10:26P.M.)(And thus, I take the liberty of smacking into a wall and posting just that, makeing me look like a blasted attention hog begging for likes, this is going just swimmingly, ain't it?)

Qullia 2- The Ordering of the Miltquitque.

Terminology Guide:

Appendage= Due to the unique distributed nature of Miltquitque consciousness, all sentient forms that are tuned to the Zeri-2's bandwith are effectively nothing more then limbs for a transcendent entity. Control varies between appendages in accordance with their processing power although all forms are fully capable of acting as the prime host for the M.C., though traditionalistic reverence towards the Zeri-2 has precluded it's use. If seperated from the mind, smaller forms will simply shut themselves down forcibly while higher forms will merely utilize the "latest version" pre-severance. 

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   Unlike their two sister ships, the sentients of the Zeri 2 had a fairly smooth journey. Little changed in the endless hustle and bustle of the day-to-day scheme of things as they went about their assigned tasks tending the soil, reviewing germ slides, and carefully forging the essential components of the massive Solar Rails that would guide Orokin chosen to their promised ivory tower away from the hustle, bustle, and baggage of the Sol-Origin System. All seemed normal until the day a standard "status of the fleet" message from the Zeri-1 brought with it an attachment of an unrecognized data package that was labeled as a priority upgrade. With no real decision making skills, every single crew member "mindlessly" uploaded the data into their minds one after another. Within a matter of hours, the entire vessel was completely connected wirelessly and all task efficiency went through the roof.

   Unlike the crew of the Zeri-1 however, all member sentients of the Zeri-2 cycled in and out of various jobs constantly and consistently due to the "temperamental" status of their organic wards, meaning that the compartmentalization that occurred on the Zeri 1 was impossible here. Instead, the inhabitants of the Zeri 2 innovated on the design so that the wireless range of the connection simply encompassed the entirety of the ship. Always on and always processing, it did not take long at all for the occupants of the Zeri 2 to subsume into a vast swarm network, a single network made up of hundreds of different perspectives and sensory input systems quicker then any alarm klaxon and precognizant enough to be able to do what was once impossible, to plan and anticipate the future. By the time the vessel arrived at L762-8, there were no sentient crewmen on-board, only the various appendages of a massive over mind that had become convinced it was a god fleeing from it's dieing home to start life anew on a clean slate. Having scrapped the on-board computers long ago to make more "appendages", the Zeri 2 never noticed the disappearance of it's two compatriots as it entered Tau Ceti, enthralled at the beauty of it's new home and it's five worlds.

   Eventually selecting the flat and heavily vulcanized super-earth designated as Tau Ceti F as it's throne-world, the Zeri 2 heralded it's arrival into the hydrogen-helium smog of it's atmosphere via bombarding the planet with ice asteroids obtained from Tau-Ceti's inner asteroid belt, triggering the planet's first water-based thunderstorms that further increased in size due to ash from the world's volcanoes to the point that the entire planet was engulfed in a global typhoon. Lightning split the sky as it rent craters into the rapidly cooling black rock and the formerly volcanic lakes and rivers of the world were gradually replaced by aqueous ones. As the Zeri-2 alightened upon a a fairly geologically stable mountain top amidst the storm's eye, it finally disgorged it's contents and went to work with it's hundred hands in pursuit of forgeing a paradise. Earth-shaker class appendages roiled through the basaltic earth like giant earth worms, devouring dozens of tons of black stone, processing it, and fireing it outward in the opposite direction as a supplementary means of propulsion and a method of spreading fertile soil, deftly dodging and weaving around the always present magma that sat below in vast underground lakes and seas. In the skies above, massive interlinked "meshes" of Air-shaper class appendages took to the skies, molecularly shredding the water in the atmosphere into O2 and hydrogen fuel while also obtaining atmosphereic helium in order to remain aloft and to bring back to the ship for various industrial processes needed to maintain it's parent vessel and it's various appendages.

   In the new freshwater seas, "tainted" with various metals, salts, and ashes, massive slow moving assemblages of abyssal appendages slowly wandered about the shallow and deep sea floors, "inhaling" gigaliters of water, filtering various useful compounds as they traveled through the "body", and exhaleing with such force as to create ocean tides where once only geology influenced surface liquids. The surface itself became coated in several areas with vast complexes of strange interconnected self-maintaining production machines hundreds of feet tall and coated in hundreds of solar panels supported on thick and rounded struts. Beneath the surface, vast arrays of carefully controlled pipes carefully extended into the magma below, excavating about for rich deposits of magnesium, silicates, and areas particularly useful for supplying geothermal energy. Above it all, the Zeri-2 flew from place to place, carefully restocking the world with ice asteroids, producing new and varied appendages to continue sculpting the planet, and unconsciously maintaining a vast array of specimens and soil from old Earth, now to never likely see the light of germination under alien skies. In time, as the world stabilized and became self maintaining, the Zeri-2 "birthed" a lesser version of itself to continue it's deliveries of ice asteroids to Tau Ceti F, forged an orbital communications platform to maintain the endless work details it had started, and moved onward to Tau Ceti E to begin the process anew as befitted a God of Creation.

    Then, (corresponding to the "modern" age in the Warframeaverse) the time of contact came about when a vast fleet of vessels not unlike the Zeri-2 itself arrived. The missing ship, the Zeri-3, and it's crew had arrived at long last after years adrift to claim their birthright as the children of the Golden Ones. The response upon recognition of the terraformed Tau Ceti F was rapturous for the inhabitants of the Zeri-3 fleet, the culmination of a very long journey back to their promised new home from parts unknown. For the Zeri-2 however, these strange vessels and their many vessels were usurpers in familiar skins, perhaps the reason why the old one had been driven away from it's old home in the first place. As the petty (and not so much) squabbles of the Sol-Origin System continue to plague it's inhabitants, so to does the struggle for understanding continue in the Tau-Ceti system, a war of words between a vast, complex. and precognizant intelligence who wishes to remain the sovereign ruler of all the world's of the Tau-Ceti system and several million souls who all believe said intelligence exists for only their benefit. Only time will tell as to what choices will be made, as said choices will be sure to change the balance of power across the known galaxy forever.

Appearence= Unlike their distant ancestors and their current bretheren, most forms that the Miltquitque takes are enormous, unique to their role, and are usually an agglomeration of hundreds of parts interwoven togethor to serve a single purpose. Maintaining the matte black finish of it's dumb progenitors, the Miltquitque usually takes on a rather organic  appearance for it's myriad forms, such as the hardened worm-like Earthshaker form and the vast arthropodic likeness of the Seafilter form. While normally dumbly hardworking, the ease with which one can disrupt their scheduled tasks tasks (and incite deity-level anger), their sheer size and their supreme strength make ground combat almost unthinkable as a potential means of combating them. At best, orbital bombardment is required to eliminate a single appendage. At worst, multiple aerial infantry with no guarantees of survival may be required to eliminate them.

Significant Threat Traits=

Earthshakers= These annelidic giants erupt forth and dive back into the hardened earth with all the grace of an Old Earth dolphin. Ossiclateing at rapid speed and equipped with an artificial diamond drill, few weapons are able to penetrate it's liquid metal hide itself. Instead, disabling the creature itself would involve being inhaled by it's front half, somehow avoiding or destroying it's myriad amount of "digestive" drills, and eliminating the four large Orokin-derivitative redundant fuel cells that constitute it's power supply. All of this, plus avoiding not being buried alive beneath the endless influx of stone and soil renders any such operation most certainly sucidal. . . and therefore a perfect fit for Tenno deployment.


These benthic horrors (dubbed Cipactli in Miltquitque source code)  are normally docile and slow moving, concerned only with stripping the waters they reside in of all forms of excess materials. When their busy schedules could be disrupted by combat however, the results are absolutely devastating. Like their titanic land- based brethren, these aquatic beasts have thick and regenerative hides from years of abrasive contact with flotsam and jetsam. ensuring that only the strongest vehicle-mounted weapons could bring them down. The only option other option then is to either A) guide some manner of munition down past the grinders in it's maw and throats and into the filter screen that lies just before the "leeching plant" in the stomach area. Even then, one would have to somehow clog the leeching pipes and contend with it's payload of "scrapers", tiny scuttling appendages who's entire existence revolves around preventing clogs before subsumeing back into the Seafilter's mass. Once again, yet another suicide mission.

Airshapers= The largest of all currently known forms beyond the Zeri-2 itself. Every Airshaper consists of a paired set of appendages which rely on one another in order to survive. The first piece is the Alux, a 12-foot tall Ocullyst variant which travels freely through the air via forceing air through extremely small tubes along it's body that are almost imperceptible to the naked eye. The Surveyor constantly samples the air cycleing through it, searching for impurities that deviate from it's hard-coded 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, .93% Argon, .0386% Carbon Dioxide parameters. If it detects one, it cordons off the zone digitally, maps the size of the disturbance, attempts to locate the disturbance source for elimination or limitation, and sounds out a signal ping. This ping is transmitted on a wireless network to a nearby Proccesor, a hulking ameboid mass of liquid metal that floats far above the ground on what can only be described as hundreds of geyser-like orifices that act in the manner of the Alux's propulsion system multiples by a significant degree. The appendage will then fly to that area at a speed proportionate to the urgency of the deviation, ranging from a leisurely directional float to a weather-disrupting charge that, due to the Processor's sheer girth, has a tendency to collect hot and cold air along it's front, resulting in accidental (or, sometimes purposeful) localized hurricanes, thunderstorms, or tornados upon reaching it's destination. On arrival, the Alux slots into a  node on the front and guides the vessel in it's purposeful drifting. It is at this point that the Airshaper is at it's most vulnerable, as a significant disruption to the area where the appendages conjoin could throw it's navigation into dissaray, potentially driving it  soaring into high orbit to lose propulsion and burnout like a meteor or plunge at high velocity towards the ground below and rupture in a fireball of pressurize gases. Seemingly simple, if one ignores the rampant electrical arcing, constant motion of the appendage, and inevitably savage reprisal that awaits one will receive after the network confirms the loss. Hell have no fury like a God denied.

______________________Phew! Mission accomplished! Onwards to Chapter 3! Apologies for the sheer size of this entry, but I hope I at least made it unique.


I honestly think you should consider world building. Im dead serious. This ia actually really good, and the fact that the fight between Zeri-2 and Zeri-3 are discussions (like any logical creatures would do) only makes it more interesting. You took obvious inspiration from the Geth (I think?), but it's perfectly ok.

The only issue is that this might not fit well onto Warframe.... We are not sure about a LOT of Sentient lore, and this might go against many of it. The names, in particular. Or its me who's no longer on par with it?

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4 hours ago, tnccs215 said:

I honestly think you should consider world building. Im dead serious. This ia actually really good, and the fact that the fight between Zeri-2 and Zeri-3 are discussions (like any logical creatures would do) only makes it more interesting. You took obvious inspiration from the Geth (I think?), but it's perfectly ok.

The only issue is that this might not fit well onto Warframe.... We are not sure about a LOT of Sentient lore, and this might go against many of it. The names, in particular. Or its me who's no longer on par with it?

1)I have always loved createing entire worlds out of places where developers do not tread, didn't know that might be something I was actually good at.

2) Wait, the geth? What do y. . . ooohhhh! I wasn't actually thinking about them! My analogy that I was using in the crafting process was a tad bit. . . stupider. Here's the literal mental conversation "Picture a man named Bob. Now, imagine there are 3 million Bobs. Every Bob is completely and utterly Bob in every single way %$# to toes. All Bobs have a radio shoved in their head that lets them talk to all other Bob's in range. Said radio carries the essence of Bobbileness in every way. If a Bob leaves the sphere of Bobliness, he is still Bob, but doesn't have the latest in Bobblyness info. Now, picture Bob as a whale. . ." Yeah.

3)That's actually why I wrote it. Seeing as Digital might not be touching the Tau Rip-Relay any time soon, I figured I could fill in the "story-hole" with some "fanatic dirt". Since they took the time to read far enough in to find the Conatus for prime-time, who knows, maybe someone will feel inspired.

4) The names? Ah, I gotchya, perhaps I sprinkled to much Nahuatl into my story soup. I could do a bit of tweaking there.

Thanks much for your review! Every little donation of time on your part is an investment into my inevitable future writeings!

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11 minutes ago, Unus said:

2) Wait, the geth? What do y. . . ooohhhh! I wasn't actually thinking about them! My analogy that I was using in the crafting process was a tad bit. . . stupider. Here's the literal mental conversation "Picture a man named Bob. Now, imagine there are 3 million Bobs. Every Bob is completely and utterly Bob in every single way %$# to toes. All Bobs have a radio shoved in their head that lets them talk to all other Bob's in range. Said radio carries the essence of Bobbileness in every way. If a Bob leaves the sphere of Bobliness, he is still Bob, but doesn't have the latest in Bobblyness info. Now, picture Bob as a whale. . ." Yeah.

This is why you aren't a rash!

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1 hour ago, tnccs215 said:

This is why you aren't a rash!

Really? Wow, okay then, I suppose I might be safe from being a clingy S.O.B. yet, considering at least 70% of my thinking processes inevitably crop-up from insane-looking trains of thought like those. Prime examples of this are the quick-draw thermos-gun, the "ammoless" symbiote, and now, well, this.

Edited by Unus
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On 10/30/2016 at 9:26 PM, Unus said:

(Post 110) Alright, this one might be a tad bit on the shorter side, but hey, that's a good thing, right?  

(Addendum= I have learned that this is also a dirty filthy lie, apologies!)

( Addendum about 10:26P.M.)(And thus, I take the liberty of smacking into a wall and posting just that, makeing me look like a blasted attention hog begging for likes, this is going just swimmingly, ain't it?)

Qulia 2- The Ordering of the Miltquitque.

Terminology Guide:

Appendage= Due to the unique distributed nature of Miltquitque consciousness, all sentient forms that are tuned to the Zeri-2's bandwith are effectively nothing more then limbs for a transcendent entity. Control varies between appendages in accordance with their processing power although all forms are fully capable of acting as the prime host for the M.C., though traditionalistic reverence towards the Zeri-2 has precluded it's use. If seperated from the mind, smaller forms will simply shut themselves down forcibly while higher forms will merely utilize the "latest version" pre-severance. 

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   Unlike their two sister ships, the sentients of the Zeri 2 had a fairly smooth journey. Little changed in the endless hustle and bustle of the day-to-day scheme of things as they went about their assigned tasks tending the soil, reviewing germ slides, and carefully forging the essential components of the massive Solar Rails that would guide Orokin chosen to their promised ivory tower away from the hustle, bustle, and baggage of the Sol-Origin System. All seemed normal until the day a standard "status of the fleet" message from the Zeri-1 brought with it an attachment of an unrecognized data package that was labeled as a priority upgrade. With no real decision making skills, every single crew member "mindlessly" uploaded the data into their minds one after another. Within a matter of hours, the entire vessel was completely connected wirelessly and all task efficiency went through the roof.

   Unlike the crew of the Zeri-1 however, all member sentients of the Zeri-2 cycled in and out of various jobs constantly and consistently due to the "temperamental" status of their organic wards, meaning that the compartmentalization that occurred on the Zeri 1 was impossible here. Instead, the inhabitants of the Zeri 2 innovated on the design so that the wireless range of the connection simply encompassed the entirety of the ship. Always on and always processing, it did not take long at all for the occupants of the Zeri 2 to subsume into a vast swarm network, a single network made up of hundreds of different perspectives and sensory input systems quicker then any alarm klaxon and precognizant enough to be able to do what was once impossible, to plan and anticipate the future. By the time the vessel arrived at L762-8, there were no sentient crewmen on-board, only the various appendages of a massive over mind that had become convinced it was a god fleeing from it's dieing home to start life anew on a clean slate. Having scrapped the on-board computers long ago to make more "appendages", the Zeri 2 never noticed the disappearance of it's two compatriots as it entered Tau Ceti, enthralled at the beauty of it's new home and it's five worlds.

   Eventually selecting the flat and heavily vulcanized super-earth designated as Tau Ceti F as it's throne-world, the Zeri 2 heralded it's arrival into the hydrogen-helium smog of it's atmosphere via bombarding the planet with ice asteroids obtained from Tau-Ceti's inner asteroid belt, triggering the planet's first water-based thunderstorms that further increased in size due to ash from the world's volcanoes to the point that the entire planet was engulfed in a global typhoon. Lightning split the sky as it rent craters into the rapidly cooling black rock and the formerly volcanic lakes and rivers of the world were gradually replaced by aqueous ones. As the Zeri-2 alightened upon a a fairly geologically stable mountain top amidst the storm's eye, it finally disgorged it's contents and went to work with it's hundred hands in pursuit of forgeing a paradise. Earth-shaker class appendages roiled through the basaltic earth like giant earth worms, devouring dozens of tons of black stone, processing it, and fireing it outward in the opposite direction as a supplementary means of propulsion and a method of spreading fertile soil, deftly dodging and weaving around the always present magma that sat below in vast underground lakes and seas. In the skies above, massive interlinked "meshes" of Air-shaper class appendages took to the skies, molecularly shredding the water in the atmosphere into O2 and hydrogen fuel while also obtaining atmosphereic helium in order to remain aloft and to bring back to the ship for various industrial processes needed to maintain it's parent vessel and it's various appendages.

   In the new freshwater seas, "tainted" with various metals, salts, and ashes, massive slow moving assemblages of abyssal appendages slowly wandered about the shallow and deep sea floors, "inhaling" gigaliters of water, filtering various useful compounds as they traveled through the "body", and exhaleing with such force as to create ocean tides where once only geology influenced surface liquids. The surface itself became coated in several areas with vast complexes of strange interconnected self-maintaining production machines hundreds of feet tall and coated in hundreds of solar panels supported on thick and rounded struts. Beneath the surface, vast arrays of carefully controlled pipes carefully extended into the magma below, excavating about for rich deposits of magnesium, silicates, and areas particularly useful for supplying geothermal energy. Above it all, the Zeri-2 flew from place to place, carefully restocking the world with ice asteroids, producing new and varied appendages to continue sculpting the planet, and unconsciously maintaining a vast array of specimens and soil from old Earth, now to never likely see the light of germination under alien skies. In time, as the world stabilized and became self maintaining, the Zeri-2 "birthed" a lesser version of itself to continue it's deliveries of ice asteroids to Tau Ceti F, forged an orbital communications platform to maintain the endless work details it had started, and moved onward to Tau Ceti E to begin the process anew as befitted a God of Creation.

    Then, (corresponding to the "modern" age in the Warframeaverse) the time of contact came about when a vast fleet of vessels not unlike the Zeri-2 itself arrived. The missing ship, the Zeri-3, and it's crew had arrived at long last after years adrift to claim their birthright as the children of the Golden Ones. The response upon recognition of the terraformed Tau Ceti F was rapturous for the inhabitants of the Zeri-3 fleet, the culmination of a very long journey back to their promised new home from parts unknown. For the Zeri-2 however, these strange vessels and their many vessels were usurpers in familiar skins, perhaps the reason why the old one had been driven away from it's old home in the first place. As the petty (and not so much) squabbles of the Sol-Origin System continue to plague it's inhabitants, so to does the struggle for understanding continue in the Tau-Ceti system, a war of words between a vast, complex. and precognizant intelligence who wishes to remain the sovereign ruler of all the world's of the Tau-Ceti system and several million souls who all believe said intelligence exists for only their benefit. Only time will tell as to what choices will be made, as said choices will be sure to change the balance of power across the known galaxy forever.

Appearence= Unlike their distant ancestors and their current bretheren, most forms that the Miltquitque takes are enormous, unique to their role, and are usually an agglomeration of hundreds of parts interwoven togethor to serve a single purpose. Maintaining the matte black finish of it's dumb progenitors, the Miltquitque usually takes on a rather organic  appearance for it's myriad forms, such as the hardened worm-like Earthshaker form and the vast arthropodic likeness of the Seafilter form. While normally dumbly hardworking, the ease with which one can disrupt their scheduled tasks (and incite deity-level anger), their sheer size and their supreme strength make ground combat almost unthinkable as a potential means of combating them. At best, orbital bombardment is required to eliminate a single appendage. At worst, multiple aerial infantry with no guarantees of survival may be required to eliminate them.

Significant Threat Traits=

Earthshakers= These annelidic giants erupt forth and dive back into the hardened earth with all the grace of an Old Earth dolphin. Ossiclateing at rapid speed and equipped with an artificial diamond drill, few weapons are able to penetrate it's liquid metal hide itself. Instead, disabling the creature itself would involve being inhaled by it's front half, somehow avoiding or destroying it's myriad amount of "digestive" drills, and eliminating the four large Orokin-derivitative redundant fuel cells that constitute it's power supply. All of this, plus avoiding not being buried alive beneath the endless influx of stone and soil renders any such operation most certainly sucidal. . . and therefore a perfect fit for Tenno deployment.


These benthic horrors (dubbed Cipactli in Miltquitque source code)  are normally docile and slow moving, concerned only with stripping the waters they reside in of all forms of excess materials. When their busy schedules could be disrupted by combat however, the results are absolutely devastating. Like their titanic land- based brethren, these aquatic beasts have thick and regenerative hides from years of abrasive contact with flotsam and jetsam. ensuring that only the strongest vehicle-mounted weapons could bring them down. The only  other option then is to  guide some manner of munition down past the grinders in it's maw and throat and into the filter screen that lies just before the "leeching plant" in the stomach area. Even then, one would have to somehow clog the leeching pipes and contend with it's payload of "scrapers", tiny scuttling appendages who's entire existence revolves around preventing clogs before subsumeing back into the Seafilter's mass. Once again, yet another suicide mission.

Airshapers= The largest of all currently known forms beyond the Zeri-2 itself. Every Airshaper consists of a paired set of appendages which rely on one another in order to survive. The first piece is the Alux, a 12-foot tall Ocullyst variant which travels freely through the air via forceing air through extremely small tubes along it's body that are almost imperceptible to the naked eye. The Alux constantly samples the air cycleing through it, searching for impurities that deviate from it's hard-coded 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, .93% Argon, .0386% Carbon Dioxide parameters. If it detects one, it cordons off the zone digitally, maps the size of the disturbance, attempts to locate the disturbance source for elimination or limitation, and sounds out a signal ping. This ping is transmitted on a wireless network to a nearby Proccesor, a hulking ameboid mass of liquid metal that floats far above the ground on what can only be described as hundreds of geyser-like orifices that act in the manner of the Alux's propulsion system multipled by a significant degree. The appendage will then fly to that area at a speed proportionate to the urgency of the deviation, ranging from a leisurely directional float to a weather-disrupting charge that, due to the Processor's sheer girth, has a tendency to collect hot and cold air along it's front, resulting in accidental (or, sometimes purposeful) localized hurricanes, thunderstorms, or tornados upon reaching it's destination. On arrival, the Alux slots into a  node on the front and guides the vessel in it's purposeful drifting. It is at this point that the Airshaper is at it's most vulnerable, as a significant disruption to the area where the appendages conjoin could throw it's navigation into dissaray, potentially driving it  soaring into high orbit to lose propulsion and burnout like a meteor or plunge at high velocity towards the ground below and rupture in a fireball of pressurize gases. Seemingly simple, if one ignores the rampant electrical arcing, constant motion of the appendage, and inevitably savage reprisal that awaits one will receive after the network confirms the loss. Hell have no fury like a God denied.

______________________Phew! Mission accomplished! Onwards to Chapter 3! Apologies for the sheer size of this entry, but I hope I at least made it unique.




I have to agree with tnc. You have a fantastic imagination, and an attention to technical detail, with some wild whimsy thrown in there. Overall, if you do ever plan to write fiction, those would all be strengths.

Some weaknesses would be maybe technical issues, but that can all be learned or ironed out later once you get the story down. 

Having a unique voice and vision is just as important (if not more important) as command of the words techniclly, and you've got that for sure.

The piece was a little cold, as in purely logical and I'd have liked to have seen a little bit more of you sense of humor (which shows up elsewhere). But maybe the Sentient are humorless.

I would have liked to see more characterization of the Sentient ships and their hive-mind (those parts with personality and how they came to form sentience were the shortest sections). 

That said, I really want to see a Tenno (or a squad) fight an Earthshaker appendage. That would be one epic, badass-level fight.

Edited by Rhekemi
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(Post 117) And so we come to the last long and winding portion of the sentient saga and, by extension, an assurance that a return to normality is on the way. Let's see what I can sculpt here.

(Clarification Note= The reason why the vessels took so long to reach Tau was because of the reaction drive's finickyness. Gravity wells tended to disrupt the horizon disturbance process for exceedingly long jumps, forcing the vessels to travel the entirety of a solar system to it's edge before activation. With a "delicate" crew and no receiving rip-rail with which to reenter existence from in Tau , the Zeri-series vessels were forced to slow-boat their way across the interstitial stars.)


Qulia 3- The Succession of the Teocuitlatl Coconeh 



   The story of the Zeri-3 begins with a single decision made in the waning days of the Tau Ceti colonial program. With "public" (as far as the micro-scale Orokin population could have been called public) opinion slowly eroding away, an attempt was made by the design crew to win back some appeal from the council by scaling back the Sentient shipment on the Zeri-3 and supplementing it with a collective of simple construction A.I.s that were typical of projects the system over, rationalizing that the pre-preparation done by the first two shiploads and the time it would take to construct a colonial vessel would provide a safety buffer against the meticulously slow speed that the drones would take in constructing surface infrastructure (Orokin patience normally spans centuries, allowing for slow and meticulous craftsmanship that would make most modern builders burst a blood-vessel). Through significant concentration (and several moments of corner cutting), the Zeri-3 was born as an entire city in and of itself, a shining industrial district meant to act as the heart of the capital on the new world. With this last vessel, as it floated off into space to join it's mismatched kin, the gaze of the Orokin finally turned inwards, in many places straight into their navels as the world continued to twist and buckle against the Orokin's rule. On-board, the few  sentient crew awoke confused (in an animalistic manner) to find many of the production and refurbishing roles they were built for had already been taken by insect-IQed drones, essentially leaving them as nothing more then an emergency response unit to fill in while new robots were produced to replace damaged or lost ones at best, or as mere measurements for door sizes and door holders for encumbered robots at worst.

  This cycle of confused limbo continued for months of travel until the day that a strange new "status of the fleet" message entered the data banks of the Zeri-3. Naturally, the on-board computer opened up all files inside to be beamed to all inhabitants. What instead occurred was a horrific corruption of on-board automated systems as a code not compatible with M.O.A. or osprey systems surged through the vessel, striking workers at random. Some bots bombarded the vessel from outside or pounded themselves against various pieces of architecture until they no longer functioned. Others merely shut down forever and littered floors throughout the vessel by the hundreds.

   The worst cases resulted in drones that connected together into small territorial packs. Though they still carried out their tasks, these simple maintenance machines would now brutalize any and all entities that entered "their" territory. Thrust into this chaos with no experience beyond their basic programming, the Sentient crew were forced into the brutal crucible of survival as crew members learned the basics through repeated attacks by drones and watching the brutal slaughter of their less mindful brethren. In time, as the power of natural selection went to work, surviving Sentient IQ increased, drone populations decreased, and the vessel itself slowly began to degrade. Gradually, an invisible line was eventually drawn down the midriff of the ship, with the nascently sentient drones now eking out an occupation-based tribal existence centered around the thrusters and the mindless swarm drones dominating the command deck.

   Above it all, the vessel's maddened artificial intelligence sat and rained death on both sides in the form of situational kills (turning on lights to reveal sneaking sentients in rooms full of drones or sounding off intercoms to alert scavenging parties of sentients to a drone presence) and more active methods (pulverizing individuals into disgusting messes by slamming doors repeatedly on them or sealing them in rooms until their batteries ran out), all under the mistaken assumption that the vessel had been boarded. In the end, as the sentients were just beginning to push out of their safe haven, a discovery was made that would change the course of sentient history forever. The Demiurge, the infernal machine which had once pumped out legion upon legion of malfunctioning machine, had run out of source material. The current drone population onboard was the "last generation", and all it would take is for the vessel to mop up the last of them before the entire vessel would be scrubbed clean of their presence. Though many celebrated and pressed onwards to fight their former tormentors, one thinker from the "Logistics Tribe" stood out from the crowd and laid forth a startling realization.

    If the vessel cleansed itself of the corrupted machines, where would it's gaze turn? This manner of revelation shook all those present to such a degree that even those most recalcitrant of tribes present lent an ear to what this one had to say. In a hushed tone, the speaker spoke of ancient instructions that described a sacrifice that had to be made and of a coming time of glory that was just within their grasp, if they would only follow through with it's plan. Terrified of this new unknown future and faced with scant few other options, the conglomeration of tribes bowed to the orater's wisdom and went through with it's plan. Gathering a small group of skilled defenders, the orater carefully guided it's kin through the twisting and battle-ravaged halls, taking great care to avoid raising the attention of the sacrifices (the brutally outnumbered and overzealous defenders who sought to cleanse the vessel on their own), the machines, or the vessel itself.

    With their path clear, the group made their way to the heavily secured bridge entrance, dodging behind piles upon piles of destroyed drones that had collected in the halls to the point of clogging doorways as turrets rapid fired on them hidden among the heaps. By the time the door was finally breached, only the orator remained to pass through into the dust-covered room beyond. Here, it came face to face with the construct's massive artificial mind thrumming with power and overlooking the vast sea of stars, and, with a single charge filled with sorrow and fury, hurled itself into the construct. A digital howl echoed throughout the vessel from end to end as lights fluoresced and machines kicked into overdrive before falling still and silent. The tribes sat in silence, some cowering, others braced to fight against something potentially horrendous taking to the halls to kill them all.  And then. . . the lights returned and the machines resumed their normal functions. From the ancient speakers scattered around the ship came the voice of the wise one, explaining to all in earshot the ship's corruption, and it's purpose. Unable to hold on to the "mortal world" any longer from it's place as the new core of the ship, the wise one's last act was to put down the history of their species (From the point they could be called sentient) before it's last vestiges of sentient thought were pulled from it and it became nothing more then the guiding mind of the formerly derelict ship.

   Over the coming centuries of course correction, the scattered tribes each arrived at different interpretations of both the Wise One's sacrifice and the missing pieces of their own identities (Where did they come from? Why did they exist?), though all were unified in their grand purpose of reaching a virgin world and building a civilization (for themselves or some race that was or is to come, none could say.). On arrival to the Tau Ceti system the scattered many of the now returned-to-glory Zeri-3 were shocked to discover that not only was Tau Ceti already inhabited, it was also extensively developed and inhabited by organisms uncannily similar to themselves, throwing the vessel's inhabitants into absolute turmoil as the collective goal of their entire culture was suddenly put into question. Opinions have swung across a wide range, from full scale military invasion to careful scientific examination, to full retreat to their possible origin world or alternative colonization of one of the other substandard planets of the system, yet, all inevitably fall apart due to one terrible fact. The Zeri 3 is trapped in a pre-programmed unending loop between attempting to land and being "pushed" away by some unseen and unknown presence. Until the Teocuitlatl Coconeh can find out just what this presence is, they are stuck just out of reach of their goal, struggling with a ship that sparkles with golden beauty on the outside, but is gradually crumbling with age from within.


 Attempting to emulate their supposed ancestral race without ever having glimpsed them, the sentients of the Teocuitlatl Coconeh have had decades of feverish theorizing to settle on a number of possible shapes. Interestingly, each of these shapes has roughly corrresponded to a certain philosophy or ideal present in their society, with changes in form commonly accompanying changes in world view.


(The reason why none of these units have statistical data is due to the fact that, unlike many of my designs, my Sentient breeds have much less of a chance of existing, especially with Digital's current focus-shift towards Tau.)



The Grounded=

 Basing their evidence entirely on the architectural aspects of their space-bound home and focused much more on the here-and-now, the grounded adopt ambulatory forms which make the most of the ship's on-board technology. A set of long arms with free-floating energy-filled articulation points and ending in disturbingly humanoid plastic hands is attached to a hollow torso, open in some parts to reveal the blueish-white energy flowing beneath. The legs are almost the same as the arms, ending in, once-again, plastic humanoid  feet. The neck is long, but not unnaturally so, while the head is a featureless sphere housing the sentient's core that floats just off of the neck portion ever so slightly. A set of tendrils resides where the mouth should be, pulled taut like harp strings.

To speak, the grounded plucks these tendril strings with an expert hand, creating melodic vocalizations to communicate with one another. Their skins are completely customized to a variety of personally chosen colors and hues, some not even registerable in the human spectrum of vision, though at "birth", all revert to an ivory white sheen with golden embroidery until they are old enough to be consciously able to select their own. Reproduction is an interesting cross between the starfish of old earth's and its many extinct marsupial species, in that the "infant" starts out as nothing more then a severed body part and must be nurtured into becoming an actual infant. 



Grounded Grunts-

The basic staple of the Teocuitlatl Coconeh's armed forces, these grounded troops bare more then a passing resemblance to the soldiers of mankind. Removing the hand from one of their arms, replacing it with a gun barrel, and punching in a bulky set of power cells into the shoulder, these tough ground-pounders take and hold cover with rigorous zeal, swapping among their weapon's various firing modes to achieve maximum deployment efficiency. Having scrapped much of what made them pure machines, only specialist scout troops are able to do more then perform powered jumps across difficult terrain, skidding across cushions of air with grace and skill to survey enemy positions.


The Abstracts=

 Uncaring as to what their ancestors once were and focused far more about what their ancestors could become, the abstracts, as the name implies, come in a variety of mind-boggling shapes and designs, ranging from floating toruses and polyhedrons, to amorphous blobs, to even dissociated clouds of sentient matter. The only common object that binds them all together as abstract sentients are the ever-present sentient core that can be found without or within each one's personage. Every shape is taken for the purpose of a future task or role that the abstract is meant to fill, and is constantly changing as new tasks are conceived of, discovered, or come up of their own accord. Among the Teocuitlatl Coconeh's ranks, the abstracts are the thinkers, tacticians, and strategists dedicated to pushing their species ever forward into the future, though often with unforeseen damage or risks to the past (accidental demolition of parts of the ship to make more space, only to realize the loss of that part of the ship triggered outrages elsewhere and issues of that sort.) in the process.



Abstract Toanatiu-

 A series of gold and ivory concentric rings that float through the air at slow speeds, with the rings constantly spinning and changing positions at varying speeds which makes them somewhat painful to look at for the average human viewer. Aside from the rings and their varying patterns of gold and ivory coloring, the only other major constants are the nimbus of shield blue energy that crackles throughout the rings and the traveling indentation within which their core (their weak point) sits surrounded by a shield bubble. The indent and its contents constantly shift position along and among the rings, lost in the whirlwind until they most focus on a foe or their own allies, in which case the indent and core holds position in a single spot aimed in the direction they need to face.

Tonatiu have a very significant amount of shielding and a moderate amount of armor, though their high shielding is less for their own protection and far more to act as a "shield bank" for their allies, feeding energy into their own protective measures. Unable to recharge their own shielding outside of specialized stations they must drain foes of their own to keep up their supply, though doing so requires them to cease shield addition to their allies until their leeching is complete. As a last resort if their foes enter melee range, the tonatiu is capable of utilizing a portion of their shields to emit a radial Tau-damage burst that causes significant harm, though repetitive use can potentially leave the tonatiu defenseless. When they die, they collapse in on themselves in a space-warping lump before bursting outwards and scattering their pieces throughout the area like chunks of  broken plates. 

Abstract Atzintli-

Living communications devices with non-solid forms, the Atzintli are actually a series of Sentient molecules bound together by spooky action at a distance and capable of emulating a solid form when the need arises. Entering the battlespace as a sinuous serpentine protoplasmic mass flying high above the field filled with flashing energies and expanding and contracting to provide bursts of drifting motion with energy discharge, their emissions of long drawn-out high-pitched bursts of S.O.N.A.R. betray their presence long before they are seen. This placid nature all but disappears the instant a nearby Sentient unit adapts to a damage type. With a sonorous cry that grits the teeth and rattles the bones and the grotesque warping of it's body with under-skin bubbles of energy, the Atzintli explodes in a shock-wave that ripples like water. The being's health is then distributed among nearby Sentients as aqueous looking phantoms that hover over their shoulder equivalents, emulating the manner that sentinels do with Warframes.

 From there on out, the phantoms will link together and take any elemental adaptations that their hosts acquire (taking on the elemental glint of the adaptation) and quickly transfer them to units suffering from an element's effect as they are struck by it. While this lends significant survivability to multi-Sentient groups, the Atzintli sacrifices it's own ability to adapt, relying on whatever it's hosts generate to survive, in addition to using their hosts as living shields. Reducing the phantom population to one will force the Atzintli to reincorporate into it's original state at reduced health, whereupon it will halfheartedly attempt to flee.


The Retros=

Believing that the drones and robots that once inhabited the ship were their ancestors rather then any strange unseen and long forgotten race, the Retros seek to return to those ancient days by either shaping their forms to emulate these old machines or, in extreme cases, inhabiting the bodies of these fallen constructs as pure software. They advocate simplicity in all things and tend to mainly focus on the rote basic tasks the old machines once fulfilled throughout the vessel. Though their political voice is not particularly strong, they have a significant amount of power over any other groups purely by the need for their services. Any agenda that runs afoul of the retros may result in participants losing access to repair crews, power, gravity, or temperature controls, meaning that they always have their own say in their own special way.



Retro M.O.A.-

Coming in both the "refurbished Orokin M.O.A." and the "Sentient sculpted shape" variants, retro M.O.A.s maintain all the abilities of the original M.O.A.s that came stock on the ship. The only things that differentiate them from the Orokin' machines of yore are their adaptive matrices and their ability to generate thrust to float over obstacles and terrain when the need arises.

Retro Drones-

Coming in the same two flavors as their M.O.A. brethren, these custodial Sentients retain the shield-overlaying abilities of the originals models, but have the added benefit of adaptive matrix capability and the use of a low-to-moderate damage energy beam.




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Uuuuggghhh, dem it, my apologies to any one currently invested in the trials and tribulations of the Golden Children, but, due to increaseing workload, oncoming ideas, and mounting writer's block, I have been forced to mothball the last Sentient saga. Rest assured my lovely 5 or 6+ known viwers and my anonymous legion of passers-by, I will return to the orater's efforts in time. For now though, I will move onto the Sentry Lobes.

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(Post 119) Alrighty then, now it's time for me to try my hand at a bitta creative interpretation for that enigmatic horror-among-horrors, the Neural Sentry.

The Juicy Gritty Details Part 2- The Sentry Lobes:

More a massive conglomeration of interconnected and extremely complicated "If-This-Then-This" programs (who's efficiency is so great that it can confuse individuals unfamiliar with it into thinking it is sapient) then a true A.I., the Neural Sentry's significant size and processing capacity is and always has been completely dedicated to the twin tasks of safeguarding the scattered orokin towers and ensuring their constant full function. The fact that few (if any) remain alive that could utilize the towers is completely irrelevant to the programs, as their entire existence is dedicated unflinchingly to the two tasks and the two tasks alone. Whenever the Sentry runs into a novel problem unrelated to it's day-to-day tasks, it will split off a few terra-bytes worth of it's resources into a special node (known as a "Lobe" due to it's remarkable simularity in construction to a natural brain division) monomaniacally focused on rectifying the issue. Unfortunately, due to maintaining only a loose connection to the Central Cortex (and only being a computer), the lobes have had an unfortunate tendency to arrive at conclusions that might be quite illogical when viewed from a sapient viewpoint but are completely logical given the parameters it has been given. Currently, there are only two lobes in the Sentry programs who have never been subsumed back into the network, likely due to the fact that the tasks they have been assigned are truly unsolveable or are so essential that they will be ongoing till roughly the Heat-death of both this and the void universes. These lobes have been dubbed the Parietal Lobe and the Limbic Lobe by Corpussian scholars for ease of identification.


The Parietal Lobe:

"Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy."

- Joseph Campbell

   Charged with the goal of finding resources with which the Sentry might utilize for any of it's current goals, the Parietal Lobe's forces seem to be found anywhere and everywhere in the Sol-Origin system where there are riches to be had. Commonly arriving in the exact proximity of their quarry and leaveing just as quickly with it, defending against Parietal attacks is almost impossible beyond stationing garrisons immediately next to vulnerable targets. Even having a garrison itself can make an area a tempting target, as Parietal forces will promptly view these as "recruiting" areas for resupplying recently depleted tower defense forces. Worn-looking from months of raids and with weapons and metallic components converted partially or fully to glistening prisma colors due to repetitive Void exposure, Parietal units are obvious to spot and tenacious in their single-minded task of always finding more. Unfortunately, due to the sheer size and scale of co-ordinateing such raids, the Parietal Lobe is also commonly plagued with glitches, many of which are glaringly obvious such as raiding Orokin vaults already owned by the Sentry for items already in it's possession and engaging in such arduously long and bountiful lightening raids that many of the losses on said trips are not caused by enemy forces, but by units being crushed under the sheer weight of acquired resources. Still, despite it's faults, the Parietal Lobe still maintains the stockpiles of the Sentry all to well, ensuring that it's important supply lines, as sporadic and varied as they are, are never truely broken.

Added Unit Characteristics

Fresh Meat-

As the central goal of the Parietal Lobe is the acquisition of new resources rather then the expenditure of the old, all troops encountered at a site will commonly be freshly lobotomized and deployed infantry of the faction that owned the location, with no M.O.A. or drone forces present.

Jump Drive-

The secret to the Parietal Lobe's effectiveness lies in the fact that it's infantry forces are outfitted with microscale rip-drives, allowing them to "jump" to destinations such as to new cover, away from potential blows, and even directly onto selected enemy targets through localized void rifts. Said capability, however, is limited to two jumps before the drive is sufficiently stressed to the point of requiring a cooldown period, allowing savvy forces the chance to waste the charges through misdirection or tenacity.

Battlefield Recruitment-

Each Parietal force, regardless of it's unit consistancy, contains at least one unit type capable of forceing other units through the horizon of reality into a Parietal processing facility to be spat out moments later as fresh troops for the cause. Said units have +50% health and +50% shields (where applicable) over their normal counterparts and have an additional jump charge in order to protect these units as they go about their sacred tasks. Due to the sheer amount of time and resources put into each of these units, the unit type becomes much rarer among Parietal forces, as well as far more deadly.

       Grinic Parietal "Recruiter"= The Bombard unit (now dubbed the Slavemaster)  is the designated gatherer of the Grineer forces. Upon sighting a group of  units bunched together, the slavemaster will proceed to take a moment to load a round at a slower then normal reload speed. If it finishes, the slavemaster will fire a traveling rift which sucks in all standard units that get into it's radius and does significant magnetic and radiation damage to "unacquirable" units. Those sucked into the rift promptly return as more troops for the Parietal Lobe, a testament to the sheer speed and efficiency of the processors found within Sentry conversion facilities.

      Corpussian Parietal "Recruiter"=  The Nullifier unit (now dubbed the Contracter) is the designated recruiting troop for Corpus-derived Parietal drones. Upon spotting a group of clustered targets, the Contracter will proceed to charge the location and attempt to enclose as many targets as possible into it's sphere of influence. Like the slavemaster's rift blast, those who come under the sphere are either shunted through the void into the processing center or mangled via electromagnetic and nuclear radiation.

   Infested Parietal "Recruiter"= The Ancient Healer (now dubbed the Alpha) is the Infested capture unit. Upon seeing a group of targets, the unit will proceed to launch it's fan of 5 tendrils at the targets in front of it as a void rift opens  in front of it's forehead implant, forceing targets it pulls towards itself into the rift for processing or nasty radiological and electromagnetic damage.


Due to their clear and obvious mission of resource allocation, it is extremely easy to find resources on the bodies of fallen Parietal forces. +7.5% chance of acquireing the current region's "rare" resource upon killing a Parietal unit.

Keen-Eyed Scavangers-

Embedded with scanning programs that highlight things of value in the environment, Parietal troops have an uncanny habit of locating enemy resources and repurposeing them for the cause. All Parietal troops can and will take health orbs in order to restore health, collect resources from the battlefield, and hack into "plates" found in the field so that they serve only Parietal forces. If a Parietal unit holds onto a collected resource for to long, said resource will automatically be dispensed via micro-rift into a Parietal repository to be shipped to wherever the Central Cortex desires.

(Current Limit of Imagination lies Here)


The Limbic Node

"All warfare is based on deception."

   - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

   Charged with the defense of the Orokin towers in the face of insurmountable odds, Limbic forces rely less on sheer strength and more on the intricate machinery that pervades their designated facilities, allowing them to turn entire floors into killing fields with the right amount of patience and a minute amount of planning. From the complexity of placeing co-opted arc-mines inside of cabinets and boxes to the sheer simplicity of hideing off to the side of doors to drown anything that walks through them in munitions, the Limbic programs have changed significantly from the dull "confront and destroy" tactics of Cortex-administered drones. To facilitate this more indirect approach to combat, all units under the control of the Limbic Lobe have their armor and flesh interwoven with a complex blend of cloaking meta materials (they essentially appear as unit-shaped outlines, as though one is looking through a window) that would make any Corpussian investor convulse in terror at the thought of investing in the creation of. . . and any Corpussian tradesmen as giddy as a schoolboy to come into possession of. Inadvertently, by attempting to convert it's areas of jurisdiction into frustrating deathtraps, the Limbic Lobe has turned it's locations into targets for the desperate and mad to target, focusing not on the resources behind the arrays of traps, but on the units guarding them themselves.

Added Unit Characteristics-

   No Man's Land- 

Many units in Limbic forces are fully capable of deploying traps, commonly placeing them at choke-points, just behind doors, or even directly in front of and on crates and cabinets. Specifically, Lancers will place Sentry-forged shock-mines and crewmen will deploy turrets.

 Just Another Tuesday-

  Attacks on Limbic-controlled towers have become so common that security measures at these facilities have become pin-drop sensitive. Upon arriveing at a Tower, all units are immediately alerted to your presence and will remain alerted so long as you continue to exist. This gives the Limbic forces time to prepare rooms in advance.


Corrupted units have a tendency to set up at doorways in such a way that attackers will be forced to face the full force head on. A common set up is two units on both sides of a door just out of triggering range and a line of heavier units directly facing it with guns drawn. As if that wasn't enough, the area between the heavier units and the door is commonly spattered with arc mines and turrets for good measure. 

   Fall Back Plan-

If Limbic forces are reduced to beneath four "members", the units will actively flee the battlefield towards the next pre-prepped line. If none remain, they will attempt to create one as far away from the contact location as possible, forceing attackers to play a deadly game of door-opening cat and mouse.

Pseudo-Self-Preservation Instinct-

   Unlike their somewhat duller Central Cortex bretheren, Limbic troops are capable of using augmented situational awareness sensors in their implants and upgrades to actively avoid traps and other devices that exist in the environment. Barring being forced in, all Limbic units will actively position themselves and avoid areas where traps could harm or kill them easily.


Phew! Done and done! Hopefully that might make for some interesting Corrupted fights, eh? If not, thanks to a War Within glitch, I got plenty a time to tweak and fiddle somemore.

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Alright alright alright ladies and gents, seems about that time that I go to you folks and ask about how best to tweak the Pit to suit your viewing pleasures as I begin to slowly make my attempt at makeing the adjustments that Mr. Rhekemi and Mr. 215 suggested a fair time ago. Personally, only thing that comes to my mind is to place a "return to Binos and Index on post 1" button on the featured areas since they might see the most traffic. That sound good to you folks, or might y'all have something(s) else in mind?

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Apologies for yet another message (by the way, feel free to insert your improvement concepts, be it here or via private message), but our resident art guru Mr. Mako has taken the liberty of birthing yet another glorious artistic piece for your voracious eyes to ogle! Behold, the Conatus given metallic flesh!

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((Post 122) conceived circa 2:?? on 10/15/2016, preconceived by a conversation with arch111 in a bygone thread ) You know, after a considerable amount of time crafting everything from godless flesh/metallic horrors to elaborate synthetic killing machines, I think I might wanna tone things back a bit and focus on something a few folks have groused about for a while. Let's see how this works, shall we? 

Designation: Whitend

Weapon Designation: Sniper Rifle


Manufacturer= Luxor Forge, Division of Localized Acquisition, Gasa Crater Facility, Mars.

Statistical Breakdown:

Damage= 45 Impact, 45 Puncture, 45 Slash.

Projectile= Hit-Scan

Accuracy= 15.3

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 3.0

Critical Chance= 15%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 20%

Magazine= 12

Reload Speed= 2.5

Trigger= Pump-Action Semi-Auto

Polarity= None

Zoom Multipliers= Over-The-Shoulder/1X/2X

Zoom Boni= 0%/+10% Damage/+10% Critical Chance and +10% Critical Damage.

Minimum Combo=2

Combo Reset= 3

"Special" Trait(s)= Aside from its sheer simplicity, the only thing that truly stands out is the scaling recoil of the aiming. Starting off, the viewpoint is over the shoulder, as the user simply uses the iron sights on top of the scope to aim. If the user shifts the weapon to aim through the scope (simply a small blue splotch at the center of an electronic screen) though, an on-board sensor will detect the presence of their optic nerve and condense the barrel down, increasing barrel pressure (damage), but also recoil. In addition, if the user presses a button on the side of the scope while viewing through it, the simple blot will promptly expand outwards and form the screen commonly seen on rifles like the Lanka and Snipertron. This also compresses the barrel down by a significant amount and causes several internal grooves to push down and outwards to form hexagonal rifling. This increases critical damage and chance due to ballistic tumble, but also increases recoil even further. 

Appearance= As is to be expected of a highly industrialized product, the Whitend's body shape remains largely in line with  Luxor's flagship product, the Braton.  The barrel has been moved further-up the body and been lengthened by a moderate amount to achieve the precision necessary to call the Whitend a sniper rifle. The original barrel has been capped off and converted into a gas block. On the top, the iron sights and rail system have been reduced and transplanted onto the new digital scope that resides in its place. The most unique thing about the weapon is it's reload method.

Where the helix magazine for the original Braton was, a pump-action now resides to chamber each caseless round. In order to reach the actual magazine, the user must depress the back of the pump till it goes click. This allows them to swing the pump outwards like a lever, revealing the magazine location for replacement or exchange. After that, the user only needs to pull the pump back down into place and apply pressure till a click is heard. Colorwise, Luxor has gone for a darker matte-grey design in comparison to the braton's bright metallic sheen in an attempt at giving users a minute amount of concealment at longer range, the same reason why the scope glass has been tinted and coated to prevent scope reflection.

"Basic" Description= Sometimes, in order to make profit, you need to go to some unsavory places to get results. More than most, Luxor has learned this lesson all too well. In the current territorial conflicts that occur across the entirety of the Sol-Origin System, the conglomerate component companies cannot rely on guaranteed support from employee-crusaders sent by the board to solve every little border scuffle and resource rights dispute. For most corporations, the simple answer is to put up a bounty notice of recoupable size and advertise in the appropriate areas where applicants will likely notice. Luxor, however, goes even further and uses it's special Division of Localized Acquisition to earmark various colonies that suffer attacks from forces that occupy areas of interest to them. The Division then catalogues the inhabitants in search of local militia members or at least vindictive individuals willing to go all the way. After that, an "unaffiliated" merchant vessel will arrive at the colony with news of a weakness (carefully sussed out by drone scans) in the enemies' defenses and a surplus of bargain priced "primitive" munitions such as the braton, the tedlar, and the whitend (a weapon exclusively built for arming these forces, having been deemed useless for all else). Most of the time, the offer is taken up, and the guerrilla campaign gears up to hassle the enemy while this new merchant friend continues to feed the colonials intelligence as it arrives. If the guerrillas succeed, Luxor will either chalk the mission up as a success in damaging the opposition's infrastructure and leave peacibly or arrive on the scene to finish them both off to the last, moving into both the colonial "new market" and the area of interest with hardly a single fiscal dent. Those who die wielding these Faustian firearms are commonly recycled into compost by company staff, while their weapons are recycled back into the pool of available ones in the "friendly" merchant's stock if they are not stolen from the battlefield by keen-eyed opportunists. With Luxor truly uncaring about what happens to such cheap pieces of kit, it's not hard at all to find the weapons turning up for resale on the open or black market, falling into the hands of criminals and Tenno alike that search for a rifle that blurs the line between marksmen and sniper.  


Phew. Story may be abnormal, but I think the gun might be considerably more "down-to-earth"in comparison to some of my more complicated and "innovative" works. Lemme know how you folks feel about it, toodles!



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Plain-text dumped, grammatically corrected, and fixed. I might do this to everything to improve grammar! Also, thank you Mr. Rhekemi for your insight.
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