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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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   Excellent news everyone! After a bit of a Kerbal Spacebattical, I recently returned to find a chunk of inspiration waved around right in my face! Best of all, it is a piece that will, for once, allow me to dabble in a weapons category that I have only halfheartedly dabbled in before, pure-bred Orokin weapons! Seeing as the next two will mostly be based on alchemy (with the Kuva staff taking the place of Rubedo and the Philosopher's stone), try your hand at guessing the basis of the next three. Now. . . lets see .. . what should I start with first? The Phlogisteer or the Nigradari?

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Wellll. . . .good news and bad news everyone. The good news is that the next grotesque weapon has been finalized! The bad news is that, due to me running out my phone's data allotment from using the Pit so much, I must wait till 1/8/2016 before I can post it! Curse you rabidly capitalistic data-limits!

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(Dem, lost it the first time) Page 176 

(Conceived circa January 6th 2017 at 3:11 from this thread piece.)

Back on the creative road again, shackles removed and(slams headfirst into the now girthy and stone-hard writer's block of the last Sentient entry). . .  I'll just. . . I'll just let that sit a little longer, shouldn't be any harm. . . right?


(Posted early due to potential for wifi cutout)


Designation:  Nigradari

Weapon Designation=  Rifle, Beam-Type


Manufactuer: Orokin, Void-space "manufacturing" makes tracking  the entities via genetic markers difficult due to Void-space's disruptions of casuality, temporal continuity, and occasional region-based nullification of certain concepts such as genetics and matter.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= "Beam".

Damage= 12.5 Corrosion, 7.5 Viral.

Accuracy= 12.5.

Beam-Range= 25 Meters.

Cyclic rate-of-fire= 25 r/s.

Critical Chance= 2.5%

Critical Damage= 1.5

"P.R.O.C" Chance= 15%

Magazine Size= 125 quart Gastro-intestinal analog.

Reload Speed= 2.5

Trigger= Continuous.

Mastery Rank Requisite= 7

Polarity= None

Special Trait(s)= 

 Digestive Accretion=

   Upon pressing the reload button over a corpse killed by it's bio-chemical barrage, the Nigradari will proceed to project a lophopore-esque projection from it's maw.   This projection has tiny holes around the rim which spatter digestive acid onto a target as it slurps up the gore-coated or sparking mass. On completion (it's slightly faster then the broken's kuva filtering, the grotesque horror will distend and gain a full magazine and a +5% damage and status bonus. This bonus is lost when the weapon is manually reloaded. If the digestive accretion is activated three times in a row however, the Nigradari will "vent it's entire magazine" in one massive plaque-encrusted mass that deals a solid 1000 damage and hits in an area of effect. Unfortunately, it is also self-damage potential-ridden and knocks the user prone from the weapon's writhing.



(As always, the infesto-weps need the most detail)

The weapon's "barrel" is lamprey-esque and pale yellow, complete with two large blue nodules on either side of the top portion that almost seems crystalline in hue and pattern, although they do jiggle occasionally. The frontal maw contains two "mouths", one inside of the other. The outer one is wormlike, and is ringed with tiny tentacle growths that writhe constantly. The inside one, located in the roof of the first, is white, has a quad set of beaks in the manner of a squid, and is heavily pore-covered. This one only extends during the "Feload" sequence.

The rest of the body is a bulky mass with tiny atrophied "arms" and "legs" that shift about restlessly in firing mode. Said body is almost translucent with a disgusting blackish yellow sheen like tar mixed with bile. Inside, one can see circular clots of. . . something circulating along a labyrinthine intertangleing of tubes that are clearly filled with some manner of fluid. The body is held firmly in place by a set of invasive clamps, the first  piercing the throat of the entity on both sides and the second plunging straight through the body, over the tubes, and out the other side. These clamps are connected to an orokinized golden metal chassis that the torso rests upon and is enclosed within partially.

   Inset on both sides are a set of white synthetic ivory engravings which contain the tennobet phrase "Every ending leads to a new beginning." The trigger is of the hair variety, and leads right to the clamp above to ensure just enough clamp pressure that the entity spews it's proverbial guts without rupture risk. As a "scope", the entities' stunted tail is conditioned to rise when it senses the wielded assumeing a firing stance, a tiny and straight pig-like limb with a minuscule aquamarine pustule-blob on the tip.


"Basic" Description= 

  In the dark closeing years of the Old War, when the "survivors" were huddled in their bunkers and labs as resource shortages ravaged the husk of the empire, dark measures were taken to ensure that the continuity of progress occurred even unto the researchers dieing breaths. Lacking sufficient equipment to ensure the destruction of undesired samples in their quest to find an Infested method of regaining control over their wayward guardians, several Void-bound labs turned to the plague itself as an answer. Infesting human embryos that were once used to breed new strains of the plague and carefully carrying them to term through the occasional injections of various compounds, an ungodly breed of docile horror was soon birthed who's sole tortured purpose was to destroy others of it's own flesh time after time, uncomplaining and stalwart. Though these final desperate holdouts functioned quite well with these ad-hoc tools of exceedingly grey morality, it wasn't long before they to were erased, succumbing to starvation, Infested, social havoc, and Tenno attack , leaveing dangerous experiments to proceed into perpetuity, dangerous subjects free to escape as they so chose, . . . and their unholy tools, left to writhe in the howling dark. Despite the interim years of silence and dilapidation, the tiny creatures refused to die, instead going into stages of dormancy within their incubators and storage racks to wait till conditions improved. 


   Said improvement came in the form of Tenno explorers looting the long forgotten labs, wadding through ancient after ancient in pursuit of forgotten lore. . . only to find these crusty mewling terrors. Despite their seemingly helpless appearences and clearly Infested natures, it took little convincing for Tenno to utilize them for their intended purpose when functioning tools were found and put to the test against the Sentry's mindless drones. Now, these sickly devices can be cloned systemwide in any Tenno facility capable of gestating Infested tissue. If only the knew what they held in their possession. . .


   Geezus! That got. . . Dark, like, pitch-black biblical dark. Sure, it might fit the Orokin's  modus operandi, but. . . Eugh, gonna need a hot shower after this one."




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9 hours ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

Hey unus!  How you doing (I made a weapon concept.  Been a while hasn't it.  Last one was from may of last year)

OH, hallo there sir. You wouldn't happen to be the fellow who was working on an ice giant over in Mr. Mako's gallery, would you?

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2 minutes ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

-you don't say-


   Then I do indeed remember you sir, how goes the ol creative voyage? I myself just jumped back in the saddle as my vacation gradually wanes into my upcoming jobbing days.

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18 minutes ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

Ysmir has been sluggish as mako is MIA, and donuts is doing finals apparently 

   Yeah, Mr. Makos been a tad bit sick lately and Mr. Donuts, well, you already answered my question. You at least get a skeleton?

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21 minutes ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

No, it's all in house. 

   Ah, thought you might wanna shop it around a bit more round here. Mr. Rhekemi and Mr. TNCS always seemed to be helpful when it comes to analysis.

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3 minutes ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

I may open a discord project so it's easier to access by the group 

AH, Discord, this newfangled method I have heard so much about. Saw that Mr. Mako was starting utilize that over in his Umbral sanctuary. Always thought it was a device for table-top gamers to communicate online with.

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4 minutes ago, BlackDiamondAce said:

Now what...

   Now what what my good sir? Something about the Pit o. . . oh, your Ymir work. If I had the money to, I bet a Fan-Zone advertisement would work splendiciously. It worked for that artistic group, why not you?

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  WHOOPS! Feckin Doubleposting! Uh. . . um. . . hey there viewers, uh, just wanted to let you know that . . . uh. . . OH yeah, the Nigradari isn't entirely complete yet, so you might wanna come back later for the new beast unless your just browsing! That's, uh, that is all.

Have a good . . . uh. . . good day?

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Uh. . . excellent news everyone, the Nigradari entry is actually complete. Be warned though, I don't know what happened to me, but, things got really dark while makeing it. Really REALLY dark. Rest assured, the next entry will NOT be quite this stomach churning!

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                                         Post 195

( Conceived circa January 6th 2017 at 3:11 from this thread-piece, as the albedo to the Nigradari's nigredo if you know what I'm sayin? (Do you??))

  Phew, thank the power(s?) that be that I'm outta whatever dark corridor I was going down to build. . . the other thing. Let's move on!

(Message created 3 days before the Black Era)

Designation: Alba

Weapon Designation: Rifle, Thrower Type.


Manufactuer= Unamed Hulk Station, Saturnian Atmosphere. (As of yet, no one has made a feasible attempt at an expedition due to planetary conditions, "modern" Alba are constructed from the smattering of junked parts that are occasionally dredged out of crashed vessels.)

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= "Hit-Scan"

Damage= 17 Radiation

Accuracy= 100-0 (Explanation Below).

"Beam"-Range= 30 Meters.

Cyclic Rate-of-Fire= 18

Critical Chance= 7.5%.

Critical Damage= 4.0X.

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 7.5%.

Magazine Size= 1 175 "round" uraninite "Chip-Slide" ( a wafer thin slice of uraninite sandwiched between two reinforced glass slides.)

Reload Speed= 2.2 (Depress vertical side-slide-switch ((Divergent Operations)) If magazine only partially depleted= remove chip slide when it pops out of cassette casing, If magazine is completely depleted= dodge chip-slide as it is forcefully ejected from cassette casing to the left, exchange for fresh chip slide or simply insert fresh chip slide , push upwards on slide switch, assume fireing stance.)

Trigger= Continuous 

Mastery Rank Requisite= 7

Polarity= Madurai

Special Trait(s)= 

    Orokin= Like Prime weaponry, Alba must be assembled from component parts, specifically a focuser (the barrel), the armatures (the body), the grip plate (the grip), and the white box (the stock).

   Quark Scatter Discharge=

From 0-15 meters, the tight-beamed quarks travel in a completely straight line. However, from 16-30, control weakens due to weaker source material utilized in the weapon's control mechanisms. As a result, the quarks scatter wildly in a multitude of directions in a flamethrower-esque cloud of randomness.

   Erase the Waste=

Every other time the weapon triggers a status effect, 2% of the effected unit's health, armor, and shielding is reduced as the quark collisions literally wipe the target clean from existence.

   Disconsitution= If Warframe's programming is capable of sustaining the reaction, targets killed by an alba will dissipate into a dust cloud of their color that quickly dissipate as well, the only trace that they had ever existed at all being the items they might drop.


   As always and despite being a tool of horrific destructive potential, the gilded creases and ivory plateing of the Albus belies it's true nature. The main body consists of a giant pearlescent corkscrew barrel, enclosed by a gilded armature on both sides. Said armature is smooth and untarnished, iridescent in the manner of a beetle's shell and covered in extremely small (almost imperceptibly so) circular "honeycombs", an aesthetically glorious appearence for what amounts to an overglorified heat sink. The pearlescent corkscrew barrel's "screw wrinkles" are extremely close togethor and quite thin, almost suggesting them to be made of fine cloth if not for their rigidity and ability to shine bright white (insert weapon light color choice here). An indented gold plate runs the length of the bottom and is similar to the armatures, but patterned and shaped as a hand-rest-grip for convenience and safety.

    In the back area of the right armature, a vertical slide switch sits snugly into the side, with a few small ivory wires connecting it to a "cassette case" style magazine that is inset into the left side of the ivory white box that is the esoteric mechanism with which the device operates. Simply depressing the slide will open the case, allowing it to eject spent material with force or slide out a partially used chip-slide with ease.  Beneath the white block, a shotgun-style grip emerges that is simply ivory colored metal with gilded outlining and a trigger. The weapon's projection is a series of (Physx warning) hundreds of thousands of tiny white specks that travel in what seems like a perfect stream until they spiral off course wildly at a 16-30 meters in a hellscape of subparticulate death. Only the tiny "wrinkle lights" of the barrel give any indication of the weapon's discharge color.

"Basic" Description= 

    For the Orokin, perfection was somewhere between science and a religion. Millions upon billions of ducats were spent into delveing into the tiniest bits of matter and determining how best to combine it, shape it, and destroy it. Through the latter topic, the Orokin became capable of ripping atoms apart into their component quarks and forceing them to collide with other matter, breaking them down into components so minuscule that they, for all intents and purposes, cease to exist. Though the amount of matter and energy it took to fuel the process was almost unfeasible in the beginning, discoveries in the former two topics resulted in incredible new technologies such as quark-fission and fusion reactors (the ubitiqous "cells" of the modern age) as well as hyper-precise molecular engineering that scaled once bulky technology throughout the civilization of the time into machines the size of human fingers and palms. In the wake of this age, dubbed "The Age of Efficiency", the Alba was born. Part mining tool, part military tool, part landscaping device, and part waste destroyer, the Alba was a versatile child that leveraged the power of combination, manipulation, and destruction into a tool simple enough for even an uneducated mining foremen to handle.

   With all this power at their disposal however, came an unfortunate cost. The atomic strippers within the Alba's "white box" required such stringent precision that the Orokin were forced to breed an entire human subspecies to build them and, to ensure extreme safety, built the station they resided in within the atmosphere of Saturn, a place that only the finest of Orokin vessels could reach. These short stocky humanoids with wide eyes and extremely tactile hands spent their lives building hundreds of Alba for the whims of their masters until the day the Sentients arrived in Saturnian orbit. In response, the Orokin "sank" the station, rendering a species extinct and leaveing only traces of orbital docking infrastructure (now stripped bear) to remind the world of the time of boundless knowledge and darkest sin. In modern times, the modular pieces of Alba are rarely found aboard derelicts and Towers, remnants of the craftsmen and soldiers that were stationed there. Though these pieces can indeed be brought togethor into a working design, these creations are but a vestige of their former glory. Without the talent's of the Orokin slave-species, mistakes are inevitably made, resulting in stand-in parts that force the beam to reach a limited distance and lose cohesion over range. Even with these flaws, the power of the Alba and it's cleansing glory should not be underestimated, it's beam rendering a target's physical consistency irrelevant and a target's defenses mere nuisances.


   Obligatory "I Am Not Crippled/Dead/Retired/Jailed" Section:


   I am not crippled/dead/retired/jailed.

Explanatory Section

   Good god my brister/sother Tenno! It has been a looonnngg time since I tried working on this. Come, gather round the campfire and let me explain what has transpired for my absence


   Ye see, a few weeks back, as my vacation drew to a close, I came down with what appeared to be a significant case of pure depression. Terrified of how it might effect the quality of my work, I fled the Pit and soon took up residence within the Off-Topic section, speaking with my fellow in an attempt to cope. In my time there, I developed an actual taste in Japanese Animation, especially in a particular embarrassing show that shall remain unnamed. Naturally, when I love something, I wish to create for it, and so I spent countless hours constructing an entire character and episode premise for the show that will likely never see the light of day (unless it is asked for). Now, at last, somehow, the black fog is fading.

   In it's dark place, a resurgence of Warframeian concepts have appeared that have been inspired by these artistic pieces of Nihon, ones that I hope to share with you, all of you, in the days to come. Alas, if only there was a brain-to-image viewscreen I could invest in to expedite the process


(Obligatory music for closeing statement)

In the end though, brothers, sisters, new and old, I have returned, and I am ready to paint you some masterpieces from my thoughts and words! 

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