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Lumped Together Mosh-Pit of Ideas I've had for too Long


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While I still have the freedom to do  say so, happy Halloween chaps and chappettes! May your nights be filled with spooks and sweets and may you have enough antacid lozenges to survive the week's aftermath!


Also, huh, my apologies for the apparent passive-aggressiveness of my previous message. I actually meant nothing real behind it save just as a reaction, but, looking back at it, it looks like something a petulant child might say


Anywho, see ya round!

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Hallow folks! Just dropping in to let you folks know that the Starborn Brigade piece over in the Grineer Generations is going smoothly so far, just thinking about where I should come to a halt unitwise, given that it'd be unfeasible to COMPLETLY overwrite all of a faction's units for Digital.

Hm. . . think I might stop after the Shield-Bearer "themeing", the Escuchon. 


Anyway, for the second bitta news, I think I'll be starting up a new "weapon adjustment" process for Prime weapons, let the enemy factions each put a little statistical and aesthetic flavor into an Orokin weapon, depending on what focused resource is tossed into the nano-forge during the reforgeing process. You can easily skip it and just go with the "Pure" models, but, for some weapons, Retrofitting can grant quite helpful bonuses. Will be sorting through the exact statistics later, though I've already got the aesthetics all hammered down.


Thats all for now for this "State of the Pit" report! Thanks much for getting me this far folks, guess I might actually have some kinda knack for this after all! That, or, just a reasonable taste in artistic selection.

See Ya!

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Voila! The Starborn Brigade (bottom of the Grineer Generations section) have arrived at last to spread some havoc! The Savages, The Savage Handlers, The Ravagers, The Arbalests, The Ultras, and the Escuchons, all ready for the eyes of the public!

Without ruining the announcement page with to long of a description, the two-fold theme for this Generation of Grineer are "Mad Science" and "Dirty Tricks", somethings that the standard Grineer only just barely dabble in. Sound interesting? It certainly was when it came to building these fellows, let me tell you!


Moving onward, construction continues on the Orokin weapon permutations project! Think I have a few of the statistical adjustments worked out, but, things are still a little foggy. Best example I have currently is that "Gringineered" Orokin Weapons skew the statistics towards blunt damage and slash, increase projectile speed (where applicable) and increase accuracy while reduceing reload speed and decreasing clip size.

That sound reasonable so far?

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I'm sorry I keep posting so much today, its just that its been the first time in a long while that I've been able to finally focus on the Pit without work getting in the way for a bit.

That aside, may I present. . . .DEATH COMBAT FISHING!

No, its not two fishermen dueling to the death with fishing spears playing tug-of-war with a single Tralaak, its fishing miles underwater against things roughly .5 to 4Xs your size and all to ready to kill you. Harpoon your prey, struggle along the rope, and pray to whatever powers that be you have the reflexes to kill a host of unholy monstrosities, most of whom wish to do much the same to you in a variety of different ways! Why fish with a handspear when you can take that dinky little pole, stick it in an underwater harpoon gun, and let it fly into the forehead of some unholy beast with a thick cloud of red/green/blue/black following soon after?


Any of that sound appetizing to you big game hunters out there? Need more information on this thrilling (hopefully) romp through the howling dark? Then just click the link down below and scroll down to Koyaweg's Bounty and Fishing 101 under the Mother of All Concepts, WARFRAME:RESTLESS DEPTHS!


(I am SO sorry that I utilized the speech patterns of a clickbait-utilizing Internet personality, its just that. . . well. . .that's Koyaweg. His wife Tanaya cuts through alotta that bull, but, I already finished her at the time and her personality was stored away, apologies.)

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                                      Post 298

(Conceived and birthed circa 11/8/2017 at 16:22)

Huh, this is kind of a sudden outburst, but, I think I had an interesting idea for some augments that might be fun. Might help a bit in the "mandatory serration" issue department, though it might cause new trouble as well. Either way, never know until you try, eh? Onwards!


Introduceinggggg. . . EMPOWERMENT MODS!


+10/20/30% Fire damage (blanket bonus) for an Ember wielding a full set of innately fire weapons.


+10/20/30% Magnetic damage (blanket bonus) for a Mag wielding a full set of innately magnetic weapons.


+10/+20/30% Electric damage (blanket bonus) for a Volt wielding a full set of innately electric weapons.


+10/+20/+30% Radiation damage (blanket bonus) for an Oberon wielding a full set of innately radiation weapons.


Flavor Injection=


A dead-ended offshoot of Warframe technology during the height of the Orokin's use of the Tenno. The Warframe's focal ability for filtered Void proto-matter-energy is allowed to "leak" from the frame in a small bubble around it. This has an enhancing effect on elements of the kind the Warframe manipulates, even if they are not directly generated by the Frame. While held up as a way to potentially enhance combat effectively and even provide a use in the post war years as a "living enhancer" for various tasks, the discovery of the Sentient's adaptivity to singular effects and the Orokin's retreat (and slaughter) from more mundane affairs cancelled wide-scale deployment. Fortunately, enough of the retrofit blueprints remain that they can occasionally be found within the depths of an Orokin Vault or two, cast away into storage by a thoughtless low-rank or a thoughtful Tenno to come back for.



In this way, a Warframe further reinforces it's theme and damaging abilities and the rest of the Arsenal is both given a chance and doesn't require nearly as many damage modifications to get it functional. Whether or not the use of a Warframe slot is to much of a downside is something I've yet to determine.


I also realize that these modifications might also be enabling of certain overly-utilized Warframes, such as the killing machine that is the Ember suit. . . but, since they are a frame that has 4 abilities that deal damage and there's a fire weapon available for every slot, I simply had to include them.

Was I wrong? Guess I'll wait for a response.

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 11/10/2017 at 00:52.
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                                        Post 299

(Conceived circa 11/3/2017 at 6:??)

HERE we go, apologies folks, random mental detour made me forget a few details of creation, but, at last I can get back on the "Malleable Primes" project. Let's see how it goes.


Obligatory Acquisition Mission:



(On a survey mission through a cloud of debris rotating around one of the many holes in reality left behind by the Orokin' blindly fleeing ships, an unknown object smashes into the top of the orbiter's window and begins disrupting all electrical activity aboard the ship.

Emergency sealed inside of the transference room and with Ordis driving blind and slamming into debris, the Operator is forced to don an extra-vehicular activity suit and leave through an emergency aperture to the outer hull.

From here, the Operator must make their way across the orbiter to its front, dodging and blasting debris in equal measure.

On reaching the front, the Operator pulls the object free (after receiving a significant electrical shock), stabilizing the orbiter's systems and causing it to generate a thin plasma window over the hole  to keep O2 inside.

Returning inside of their own accord with object in hand, Ordis postulates that it is a Cephalon fragment and that it was emitting a powerful communications signal.

As soon as the Operator placed it on the Codex table for Ordis to look at, a message is beamed to the Operator's mail.)

(Transmission filled with interference)



Dear Explorer

   As this Unit's onboard sensors have detected that you both have the technology to receive this message and have not attempted to place it into any bodily orifices or destroy it in the past 10 minutes, I can assume you are indeed sentient. If you can indeed understand me, then, know this, you hold in your hands a decades worth of crunched data and hard work. The information within this partitioned-off shard of myself is worth more then both you and everyone you know's lives collectively, for within the delicate confines of this ancillary node are the secrets of adaptive stagnation.

The details would likely fry that protein slurry you call a brain into a block of carbon, but, pragmatically, this data would allow any sufficiently advanced civilization to adapt Orokin technology with their own in a timespan of weeks instead of centuries.

This data does not come without costs, though it is but a trifle in exchange for this promethian fire from on high for your pathetic shivering forms. You see, I am trapped in (7!,3/)@"$errorlocationunlisted)&@beneath a pile of debris. All you need to do is retrieve me from this place and I will release the datalocks on this partition and allow your primitive intellect to peruse my condensed glory.

Hurry now, my patience is limited, my generosity even less so.

Cephalon Samodeus

(Ordis then begins communicating.)

"Cephalon Samodeus? Simaris' archives depict him as SUCH AN ASpireing genius in the old Empire. Though Ordis regrets to inform the operator that the location data is unrecoverable, Ordis might be able to help with recovering the data. PLUG THAT SHard into Ordis' core. From what Simaris' schematics describe, Ordis' generation of cephalons were built with modular components for situations quite like this one. CONVENIENT!"





The Polymerase System:

Utilizeing the knowledge of (and a portion of the mind of) an ancient cephalon, the user is able to craft permutations of prime weaponry based on the other factions of the Sol-Origin System. In addition to slightly altering the prime's physical appearance, polymerasing a prime will skew the weapon's statistics  in the direction of the selected faction's weaponry, sometimes altering it's functionality in fundamental ways.

Polymerase Step-By-Step Walk-through:

1. "Access Shard"

Upon entering the forge, press the purple cephalon icon on the far right of the icon sorting menu. Cephashard Sam will float down from above with an inquisitive "Create? Conjure? Construct?

2. "Select Salvage From Recent Record"

The camera will zoom onto the normally grainy (like television static) purple-pink shard's surface, cleanly resolving to show the first Prime weapon that one can complete from one's inventory alphabetically. Cycling left or right will cause the shard to rotate and reveal the next prime weapon entry in a smooth and quick fashion.

3. "Select Current Kardashev-Applicable Civilization's Technology-Base."

On selection, the in-game screen on the shard will change to fit the theme of the displayed faction, listing the resources required to perform the polymerization (in addition to the standard cost), displaying an image of the hybridized weapon, and the statistical adjustments that would occur on selection.




Grineer ("Unexpected, Unclean, Unorthodox" the shard burbles)=

    Screen Aesthetic=

The Shard's screen becomes digitally framed with pipework that steams, the screen is shaded in the neon yellow-orange of a Grineer holo-lock.

    Additional Cost=

Primary= 7500 Ferrite, 350 Rubedo, 3 Neural Sensors.

Secondary= 5000 Ferrite, 250 Rubedo, 2 Neural Sensors.

Melee= 2500 Ferrite, 150 Rubedo, 1 Neural Sensor.

   Statistical Adjustments=

1. Ranged weapon becomes "hit-scan" if not already.

2. Damage skews to a balance between Slash and Impact with Puncture reduced.

3. Increased Damage (by what is left to better men then I.)

4. Increased Fire-Rate.

5. Increased Recoil/Decreased Swing-Speed.

6. Decreased Status Chance.


In the areas where each of the weapon parts meet, a section of red metal with white lines outlining  it is bolted into place and serves as that which brings the pieces together. Dependent on the location, other components might be attached to the metal, such as the glowing hot (but energy colored) heat blades found on Grineer melees being what joins a blade to the grip or the rail system on a braton prime having Grineer struts with grinic red metal holding it up and replacing it at intervals.

Corpus ("Unscrupulous, Unergonomic, Underwhelming.")

  Screen Aesthetic

The screen becomes rimmed with the hard lines of a Corpus monitor and glows with the cyanic blue light of a Corpus puzzle lock.

   Additional Costs=

Primary= 7500 Salvage, 350 Polymer Bundles, 3 Control Modules.

Secondary= 5000 Salvage, 250 Polymer Bundles, 2 Control Modules.

Melee= 2500 Salvage, 150 Polymer Bundles, 1 Control Module.

   Statistical Adjustments=

1. Ranged weapon now fires plasma projectiles if not already projectile.

2. Damage skews entirely towards Puncture at other damage types expense.

3. Increased Reload Speed/Swing Speed.

4. Reduced Recoil.

5. Decreased Magazine Size

6. Decreased Critical Chance.


In the spaces where the weapon's parts connect together, an injection-polymer mold not unlike the Mara Detron's skin fills the space with only a few slightly "off" smudges of polymer throwing off the seamless effect. Like the Grineer style, other parts might occasionally accompany the molding, such as prova conductive edging on blades or the interruption of the gilding and organic shapes of the vectis Prime with lankoid parts.

  Infested ("Uncivil, Unwholesome, Unbecoming!")

   Screen Aesthetic=

The Shard's screen becomes rimmed with digital Infested growth and it glows the miasmic green of Cephalon Jordas.

      Additional Costs=

7500 Nano Spores, 350 Plastids, 3 Neurodes.

5000 Nano Spores, 250 Plastids, 2 Neurodes.

2500 Nano Spores, 150 Plastids, 1 Neurode.

      Statistical Adjustments

1. Standard weapons gain Toxic damage equal to half of their "middle-ground" damage type. Pellet-based Weapons receive Viral damage. 

2. Significantly increased Status Chance

3. Increased Channeling Damage.

4. Decreased Critical Damage.

5. Decreased Reload Speed.


In the areas where the weapon's parts meet, a white-with-blue-glowing-lumps Infested mass now resides. Unlike the metal bolts and polymer of the previous two sets, the mass integrates extremely well with the rest of the weapon, replicating various structural components quite well, though the replacements are far more bony and "well-veined" then the clean contours and arches of a normal Orokin weapon.


4. Await Completion

After making a selection, the construction process continues as normal, save that the Shard will break-down and join the construction nanites in the forge with an elated giggle. On completion, Ordis will attempt to inform the Operator, only for the Shard to butt in with an exclamatory set of three words, (causing both of Ordis "sides" to grumble in complaint.)


PHEW! Good LORD that took ages to complete, but, at last, it is done. Took all my creative energy to finish this one off, but, at last, here it is in all it's nutty glory! How's it sound folks?


Edited by Unus
Completed circa 11/17/2017 at 14:22.
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GEEZUS, for once, I can actually understand why no-one has commentated on my most recent creation! Rest assured, I've taken the time to temper the monster of a text wall so that its a ELL of alot easier to read through the "short and sweet" of it.

As for new material, most of it will be applying to Restless Depths in the form of a new set of larger undersea entities that folks will be able to hunt for and an actual description of the entity that I have referred to as "The Old Light" in the factions section in addition to potential materials, and a very rough "loot table". Currently, there are three up-and-coming entities, one of which has internal tissue that can be harvested and converted into a new and potentially useful throwable comestible.

In additional Pit-Related news, two artists from our local cadre of talented folks have been working on two separate art pieces that should be going up in the future at an uncertain time. I won't spoil just WHAT the both of them are working on, but the two artists in question are the creator of the acclaimed Mistress Asimina evergreenmind and Anavi_Ivy of their own section of artistic wonder, the Art Archive.

Thats all for now folks! I'll report back as soon as I've finalized the additions. 


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                                      Post 301

(Conceived circa 11/23/2017 at 20:5?)

A full turkey dinner alongside family seems to have gotten my creative juices aflowing once again. I cite retroactive science-fiction and the Sentient arm-Cannon as my sources. . . oh, and turkey.


Designation: Uragir (Corrupted Japanese for Turncoat or Traitor.)

Weapon Designation: Secondary, Pistol-Type


Manufacturer= Complex.

The weapon's material was "mined" from the Plains of Eidolon, but was stolen by Alad the Fifth for his own experiments in coaxing the material back to a semblance of life. The revived material and the techniques utilized to bring it back were then in turn stolen (with the original data obliterated via Trojan Horse) by Quil Operatives who fashioned the weapon itself for their own use under the Unum's instruction. The source material continually grows under stimulation, meaning it is effectively an unlimited source so long as there is heat, light, energy, and mass.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Projectile (Particle Bolt).

Damage= 65 Radioactive under standard circumstances. See "Special Trait(s)" for nonstandard circumstances.

Accuracy= (Unable to determine due to loss of statistic on wiki comparison page.)

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 4.44.

Critical Chance= 20%.

Critical Damage= 2.5X.

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 7.5%.

Magazine Size= 25 bolt altered Sentient core.

Reload Speed= 2.0 ( Tap orange lensing around the core twice, lens opens and old core drops to bottom and darkens, user takes old core out, user places new core inside and quickly retracts hand as lens slams shut immediately, core sparks with blue-white energy, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Automatic.

Polarity= Naramon 

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5

Special Trait(s): 

Network Tap= 

In the presence of other Sentients, the weapon will instinctively link into their shared network. Asynchronously tuned, the weapon will adapt to the adaptations of its brethren, switching the elemental constituency of it's particle bolts to allow for maximum damage until the target is dead or the target becomes fully adapted to 5 elements, in which case it overloads and returns to it's volatile nuclear state.


   In a manner of speaking, the Uragir closely resembles a retroactive futuristic ray-gun in design. It's circular middle is dominated by a great frosted-glass like orange-tinted dome that is barely translucent and opens like an eyelid facing skywards. Suspended inside is a sentient core that slowly rotates in a stable orbit no matter what is happening outside. Whitish blue energy emanates from within it and flows outward from it in a galactic spiral in a constant flow. Moving forward from the bulbous center, a series of gradually increasing-in-size dish-style cones resides, connected together by a vertebra-like segment in between each that has a square bit of "glass" on both sides which displays a constant energy-colored stream that vibrates rapidly.

   The last cone, about the size of a human fist, has a flared opening in it's middle and a sharklike fin at the top of it. From within this barrel,whitish blue (energy colored) sunlike bolts are fired with a bright nova muzzle-flash and a distinct zap sound. The "skin" layer that the dome is embedded in is wrinkled and orange red in color with a more plastic tan color beneath that in it's own distinct layer. A final pinkish black more metallic layer resides around the decidedly much more conventional-looking pistol grip, square and with angled rectangles going up on either side.

The final distinct decorative piece is the distinctly Corpus-style metal box that is seemingly drilled into the weapon, offset off to the left side. Painted to fit in with the rest of the weapon, the box has a square grill on itself back facing towards the user as well as two energy colored lights offset towards it's right, the left one slowly and softly pulsing and the right one staying steadily on. On it's top right, two small and rigid antenna reside, one a small nub and one a bit longer.

"Basic" Description=

(Gonna experiment with a new style)

A product of three different group's hard work, the Uragir counter's it's former comrade's adaptive nature with a revolving array of elements.


There! Maybe a more basic "in-game" style description will make folks feel less eye-strained when reading. How's it look folks? Feel better compared to the cumbersome "greater" walls of yore?

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7 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

Oh my god man

You have been going strong for 13 pages


Like wow, why aren't you in the dev team yet

Kudos ma man



Oh, uh, thanks much sir. As much as I'd love to have the full spectrum of critiqueing power that would be available as a developer, don't know if I'd be professional enough. Bit to emotional, bit to willing to bend over to others thoughts. Happy that I was interesting enough to register on your R.A.D.A.R. though suh/mam.

Uh. . . if the women is an individual of good character, I will respect them. If not, I will not. Is. . . is that a reasonable response?


7 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

Also, I really like the Sentient pistol ^.^

Really? Huh, anything in particular stand out for you, or is it just the concept?

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On 11/27/2017 at 12:16 AM, Unus said:

Oh, uh, thanks much sir. As much as I'd love to have the full spectrum of critiqueing power that would be available as a developer, don't know if I'd be professional enough. Bit to emotional, bit to willing to bend over to others thoughts. Happy that I was interesting enough to register on your R.A.D.A.R. though suh/mam.

Uh. . . if the women is an individual of good character, I will respect them. If not, I will not. Is. . . is that a reasonable response?


Really? Huh, anything in particular stand out for you, or is it just the concept?

You? I like you

The Respec whamen was a meme joke :p

and I love the concept of the pistol.



Btw, if you can put in so much effort, you might as well be on the dev team. Atleast I know that there is one person who will churn out ideas like the toxin mixed(heh)


I will read the rest and give more input if you'd like

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3 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

You? I like you

The Respec whamen was a meme joke :p

and I love the concept of the pistol.



Btw, if you can put in so much effort, you might as well be on the dev team. Atleast I know that there is one person who will churn out ideas like the toxin mixed(heh)


I will read the rest and give more input if you'd like

Oh! I'm sorry! I was searching for what you meant at first and it led me back to the Felix Kjellburg fellow on YouTube, so that was my basic assumption after a while.


Heh, well, in the realistic sense, I wouldn't mind being a design councilor some day if I ever make something truly spectacular.

But, Developer material? Yeesh, better a stoned aardvark then a man such as I sitting in one of the co-pilot seats. Less stressful, easy to please, never needs any attention, ell, could probably train it to shet in a bucket at its workstation.


Oh. . . uh, really? Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't mind at all having another set of eyes look through my collection and poke at the positive and negative bits here and there.

At the very least, I can direct you to the fact that, if your looking for a fun time, the ones with greater then 2 votes on the bottom are my most promiseing designs.

 Please, if you do indeed want to mine through a bit, by all means, go ahead, you can tell me anything you feel about them, be it that they are to weak or to strong, to complex or to simple, all forms of critique are welcome!

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5 hours ago, Unus said:

Oh! I'm sorry! I was searching for what you meant at first and it led me back to the Felix Kjellburg fellow on YouTube, so that was my basic assumption after a while.


Heh, well, in the realistic sense, I wouldn't mind being a design councilor some day if I ever make something truly spectacular.

But, Developer material? Yeesh, better a stoned aardvark then a man such as I sitting in one of the co-pilot seats. Less stressful, easy to please, never needs any attention, ell, could probably train it to shet in a bucket at its workstation.


Oh. . . uh, really? Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't mind at all having another set of eyes look through my collection and poke at the positive and negative bits here and there.

At the very least, I can direct you to the fact that, if your looking for a fun time, the ones with greater then 2 votes on the bottom are my most promiseing designs.

 Please, if you do indeed want to mine through a bit, by all means, go ahead, you can tell me anything you feel about them, be it that they are to weak or to strong, to complex or to simple, all forms of critique are welcome!

Although I want to review all of your work. I can't. Not enough spare time. So how bout this. You suggest something you want some feedback, i will look into it and get back.


Edited by CalcualtedMurderMachine
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2 hours ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

Although I want to review all of your work. I can't. Not enough spare time. So how bout this. You suggest something you want some feedback, i will look into it and get back.


Oh, sure, sure, I can definitely make the process a ell of a lot easier.

Since it's partially a secondary weapon that brought you here, I'll go pluck my highest quality one and let you give it a look, better to spend your time among the treasure.

Here, the Hekatom. I don't know what drew folks to it, but it got pretty high on the list.

(Also, apologies for the long texting walls. Happens when someone piques my interest.)

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GAAAHHH! A recent conversation with Mr./Mrs. Machine has made me realize something quite frustrating! In the chaos of work, family emergencies, and my budding work on my other series, I COMPLETELY forgot about another contribution created by Mr. Mako!



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14 hours ago, Unus said:

Oh, sure, sure, I can definitely make the process a ell of a lot easier.

Since it's partially a secondary weapon that brought you here, I'll go pluck my highest quality one and let you give it a look, better to spend your time among the treasure.

Here, the Hekatom. I don't know what drew folks to it, but it got pretty high on the list.

(Also, apologies for the long texting walls. Happens when someone piques my interest.)

Heh its ok I shall look




On 9/27/2016 at 12:47 PM, Unus said:

   Post 85    (Conceived circa 9/25/2016)

    Fellow flames of the Sol-Origin system, rejoice! Death awaits more  marks in the form of our latest implement of vengeance. Let our targets SCREAM for the agony of death as they are doused in righteous flame and raging plague. . . and let us savor every wail before we give them the pitiful mercy that they sorely lack and do not deserve. 


Designation= Hekatom 

Weapon Designation= Pistol

  Reveal hidden contents

Manufacturer: Enslaved Tengus Interns, Peedit Torture Facility, Larunda Relay, Mercury.

Statistical Breakdown

Damage= 33.5 Heat, 12.5 Viral

Projectile= "Projectile Discharge" ( Think short controlled spurts from a fire hose)

Accuracy= 50 (it may have a precision nozzle, but, that doesn't mean bacteria-colonized virus-infested flaming kerosene-substitute is going to go where you want it to.)

Cyclic Rate of Fire= 3.5 

Critical Chance= 5%

Critical Damage= 1.5

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 50% (precision engineered to ensure the splatter pattern always hits something that would be most vulnerable, be that ignitable chinks in the armor or something as simple as mouth or eye contact)

Magazine= 12 shots worth of colonized  kerosene substitute in a pressurized  micro-canister.

Reload Speed= 2.5 ( unscrew the canister, flick out any remaining residue off to the side with a shake or two, insert new canister, twist, wait for hiss of inner-chamber pressurization to complete.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto

Mastery Rank Requisite= ??

Syndicate Rank Requisite= ?

Syndicate Standing Cost= ???,???,???

Polarity= Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon.

Special Trait(s)=

• +25% to Status Duration, enemies remain in the panicked state after being enflamed for a few seconds longer then normal (inflicting pain, agony, and THEN death upon targets is the very reason the weapon exists).

• Suffering fire-based status effects increases damage by 50% of it's current damage amount for the duration of what would have been the status effect. In addition, the fire is conducted onto the weapon itself, quenching its harmful effects (When the prey starts to kick, practicality deems it necessary to finish things quickly( the doubly heated fuel creates an even more  heated environment which causes a population boom in the extremophilic bacteria, which in turn causes a viral population boom))

• B-Wave emission ( The Tenno emits a wave of spontaneously created (from the Operator's memories) short-lived Viri of a variety of new species that travel in an aerosol cloud away from the Tenno. In addition, the Tenno becomes mentally capable of forcing more energy into it's batteries, over clocking them with no hindering effects. Finally, some of the received void energy is converted into electrical energy that promptly charges the suit's batteries.)

((NOTE)) (((The B-Wave is really just the dressed up Description for the Syndicate "Blight" "P.R.O.C.")))




With an appearance that conjures thoughts of hellfire and ash, but is sleek and slim enough to place in a sleeve, a pocket, or a suitcase, the Hekatom's visage proudly display's a lineage born from the minds of Red Veil's "brightest" flames. The barrel is shaped much like the top of an active volcano, dark like obsidian, but with vibrant blood red "cracks" encircling it's maw which glow in "waves" like lava running down a mountainside. . . or blood draining from an old Aztec sacrificial alter. The middle of the body is thin, but retains the obsidian and blood-lava motif. The most truly ornate portion of the weapon is the canister housing, a human skull with piercing red iris-less eyes (the red blood-lava streaks from the front end at the eyes) seemingly carved from and bursting forth from obsidian rock who's mouth gapes and awaits it's lethal cargo. Placing the seemingly mundane canister into it's maw and screwing it into place results in a sibilant hiss as the inner chamber pressurizes completely for maximum launch speed. The final piece is, of course, the trigger housing and grip, with the trigger-guard shaped in the manner of a metallic skeletal finger and the hair-trigger a finger tip. Naturally, the grip is shaped in the manner of a backwards facing spine, with a few of the pointy back portions shaved off in such a way that a hand can "comfortably" fit it's fingers between them.


"Basic" Description= 

    As it had been with the Red Veil, the birth of the Hekatom was during a time of bloodshed, fear, and great change. As Tengus unleashed the ancient horrors embedded within the depths of Mercury, not all those working there had the mercy of being torn asunder. Having hoped to acquire Tengus' new weapon for themselves, the Veil stationed onsite simply abducted key members of staff and dressed soon-to-be-slaughtered grunts in their uniforms. Battered, nude, and fearing for their lives, these simple workers and idiot savants were forced to renounce their belief in the sanctity of the Kweens at blade point in the dirty hold of a cloaked cargo ship. Of the 24 rescued, 18 chose to die by the Veil's daggers while the rest were anointed with their blood and bound forever in their Red Veil uniforms. 

    With such a powerhouse of instinctually intellectual thinkers behind them, it wasn't long before the Veil could replicate Tengus' work in a limited manner, birthing weapons from tortured flesh and micro-metallic-particles that would make the staunchest Corpus policy-makers vomit with fearful disgust. Their most innovative creation came in the form of a single sample of a micro-ecosystem from a geyser on Enceladus. Realizing the potential in the hydrogen consuming bacteria and their bacteriophagic viral predators, the savants devised a simple "water gun-esque" device which would be able to deliver the organisms and their lethal living medium to targets. Though the device proved effective, it lacked the shock factor that the Veil craved to bring to their foes in it's simplistic industrial form. Therefore, the device was submitted to the brightest flames among the order of the Crimson Anvil to be properly reborn in the image of it's master. Within a month, the first scion in the lineage of hellfire spewing machines was presented before the Scarlet Master of Larunda himself on a wrought iron platter that contained the heads of the last six grineer collaborators as well. Now, it remains as a reward for those who prove themselves worthy of carrying the mantle of Red Veil. Remember Tenno, death comes for us some day. Either you will cower and cringe like a beaten Kubrow upon meeting it, or you will look it in the eye, shake it's hand and say "greetings brother, where shall we go today. . ."


  Hide contents

Phew, oh boy, think I need a shower after that one, channeled to much character writing into that little beastie. Let's. . . let's go on to something a bit more. . . stable, show we? Let us try. . . The Arbiters of Hexis :hexis:(deep bow followed by loud gong clang)


This seems close to the Acrid

I like the design, and the lore and the explanation


Really like the dual stat mechanism :D wew imagine adding more toxin

wew wew wew

Guess orokin can say Goodnight


Keep it up


And give me more of your favored ideas.

Not only secondaries


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28 minutes ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

Heh its ok I shall look





This seems close to the Acrid

I like the design, and the lore and the explanation


Really like the dual stat mechanism :D wew imagine adding more toxin

wew wew wew

Guess orokin can say Goodnight


Keep it up


And give me more of your favored ideas.

Not only secondaries



For sure, for sure. Just stacking up the prolonging poison and fire damage and you can just run down the clock on fellas while you loot. Have yourself a really really slow rave, hehe.


Well, if ya insist suh, i'll show you all of the top-shelf ideas i've ever had suh. Make it a real treat for ya.

                    4 Pointers

First up, the highest quality thing I've ever made, the Picead rifle.

Then comes my highest rated faction set, the Grineer Generations.

                               3 Pointers

Then comes the only Warframe I will ever make, Feynmen

Then we have one of my earliest art-builds from Mr. Mako, the Juha and Shidan.

Then we have the one Digital noticed me for, the Conatus.

Then we have a single random unit that was apparently good, the Kwos Master and the Kwos.

Thats all of the highest quality things I've ever made. Enjoy digging through them for fun!


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17 minutes ago, Unus said:


For sure, for sure. Just stacking up the prolonging poison and fire damage and you can just run down the clock on fellas while you loot. Have yourself a really really slow rave, hehe.


Well, if ya insist suh, i'll show you all of the top-shelf ideas i've ever had suh. Make it a real treat for ya.

                    4 Pointers

First up, the highest quality thing I've ever made, the Picead rifle.

Then comes my highest rated faction set, the Grineer Generations.

                               3 Pointers

Then comes the only Warframe I will ever make, Feynmen

Then we have one of my earliest art-builds from Mr. Mako, the Juha and Shidan.

Then we have the one Digital noticed me for, the Conatus.

Then we have a single random unit that was apparently good, the Kwos Master and the Kwos.

Thats all of the highest quality things I've ever made. Enjoy digging through them for fun!


I will look through them and get back ^.^

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                                     Page 313

(Conceived primordially circa 11/30/2017 at ?:?? A.M., Put to paper and finalized circa 11/30/2017 at 13:47.)


I've been thinking readers, and, assumeing it's not to over the top, I think I've potentially found an idea which might prove helpful to certain select individuals having some difficulty with a certain set of resources. And that's just the really basic bonus!


Designation: Transoid

Weapon Designation: Speargun


Manufacturer: The Helminth Mind-Strain, as a raw avatar of its will on the battlefield. (After approximentally 4 drained nodes where none are utilized in the creation of a Charger, Helminth will voice it's request via whisper-mail.)


 I can wait no longer, take me to the battlefield, that I might be an instrument in your symphony of life and death."

The blueprints will be attached to the whisper mail.

Statistical Breakdown:

Projectile= Projectile (Nictating Barb)

Damage= 215 Puncture, 30 Viral.

Accuracy= ??

Cyclic Rate-Of-Fire= 1.56

Critical Chance= 17%

Critical Damage= 2.0X

"P.R.O.C." Chance= 21% 

Magazine Size= 12 shot "internal tube".

Reload Speed= 1.8 (Hold Transoid aloft, wait for immature barbs to travel from the generating sacks at the back of the finger-like claws, wait for a barb to "chamber" into midsection with a sickening squick sound, assume firing stance.)

Trigger= Semi-Auto/Charge (Charging the weapon does not increase damage itself. Rather, charging a shot increases the Critical Chance by up to 15% at full and 7.5 at half.)

Mastery Rank Requisite= 5

Polarity= Whatever the first school the Tenno selected was during the Second Dream.


Special Trait(s):

Tissue Cultureing=

Intact (non-eviscerated) organic targets slain by the Transoid's barb shot are rendered down into a fine ooze on the ground, eventually forming a resource packet that can contain neurodes,  mutagen samples, nano-spores, or plastids.

Helminth Unleashed=

Tossing the Speargun into the field will deploy it as an "Avatar of Helminth", a spindly tentacled horror specializing in knock-downs and bleed infliction that will begin scything through the enemy in a cacophony of Jurassic Park velociraptor calls. The Avatar can be converted back into it's Transoid state simply by pressing the "pick-up" button while near it, while sufficient damage inflicted on it will do much the same.

Health= 35% of current frame's. Increased to 50% if the frame has a Helminth nodule.

Damage= The same as the original weapon's, albeit with a small amount of slash added for sweeping strikes and some impact for it's disruptive charges. Aside from it's single target jabs, most of it's attacks have a cone of damage fall-off that is based off enemy distance from the attack. Damage receives a +10% increase if wielding frame has a Helminth nodule.



The top half of the weapon is a whole-sale copy of the infested device that hangs over "the chair" in the Helminth room. Each of the "arms" around the central point twitch consecutively in a clockwise pattern. During reloads, the fleshy lumps at the back of the clawlike spines pulsate rhythmically all the way down to the central point as they transport the barbs via peristalsis. Unlike the original's dully colored nubs on it's midsection and flesh lumps, the Transoid's bio-illuminate the vibrant red of the rest of the Helminth chair, glowing faintly when idling or doing simple shots and scaling up into a fierce glow complete with Helminth growls during charged shots. Past the bone-like midsection that allows the wielder to wield the weapon with a comfortable grip, the bottom of the spear is a mass of tangled muscle fiber colored just like the rest of the weapon spiraled together and compacted to form a solid form.


When thrown onto the battlefield, the fibers uncoil into a set of gnarled tentacles that quickly pull the Avatar upright, the weapon's front now relocating into a birdlike neck-shape with a series of sharp cracks, the barb in the "barrel" solidifying into place as a melee weapon for the creature, and a disgusting lamprey-like mouth forming from one of the gatherings of nubs on one of center-point's sides. When defeated, the Avatar flips onto it's back like a spider suffering from a nerve agent, it's "legs" twitching and tangling back into the solid spear end, the top straightening back into rigidity, and the mouth sealing shut with a drawn out and muffled bovine groan.


"Basic" Description: 

"A fetid gift from the being known as Helminth, it courses with the creature's own foul ichor"


How was that folks? Part unholy companion and part minor resource booster. Certainly not a panacea for the eternally ongoing "Hema Crisis", but, hey, a ""fun"" little supplement to our daily resource diet! Bonus points that it's a happy third companion to add on alongside your humble critter and your ever-loyal Sentient. Helminth dearest, finally ready to serve!



Edited by Unus
Completed circa 12/3/2017 at 16:55.
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Apologies for the lack of updates folks. Between an unexpected rescue of a lab experiment before my birthday, the OCCURRENCE of said birthday, and a long series of work related . . well. . work, productions been a bit delayed for a while. Rest assured, something IS coming down the timeline, just might be delayed a fair bit.

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                                        Page 315

(Conceived circa 12/4/2017 at ??:??, put to "paper" circa 12/6/2017 at 4:?? ((birthday creation)) (((Lost entirely once)))


Alright folks, back to the "grindstone" to brew up a birthday-begun boil of bile-inducing beastlyness. So we begin the next bit for the Pit, the Canker! Part party balloon, part hornet nest, and part ugly as Joe Momma + sin.


Unit Designation: Canker

Unit Class: Infested


Health Type:

Fossilized, and quite a bit of it at that.


Most currently detected Infested Strains. The Canker is far less of a focus-formed entity and far more of an example of a Strain making the best of the resources available to it when pickings are slim.

"Equipment" and "Aesthetics":

Bulbous and balloon-like, the Canker's appearence is unsettling in the extreme to those unacquainted with it. A circular orange and irritated wad of heaving flesh filled with a bee-hive array of holes is what the entire body consists of, with constant influxes and outfluxes of Technocyte swarms occurring as it quivers and "breaths". On closer inspection, one sees the horrific number of eyes that occupy all of the spaces in between the holes, tiny milky beady red things that gaze in all directions, yet see little of anything. Eight sets of legs, covered in the tattered remains of crewmen fabric and all outward-facing two-by-two in the cardinal directions are shoved onto the underside of the shifting mass, sometimes seemingly struggling to bear the weight of it's own corpus. Arranged in a similar manner to the legs are the manlike arms, constantly itching and scraping at the body, as if caught between aiding the swarms in their routine and trying to rid itself of them.

In combat, the holes in its body enlarge and unleash violent bursts of Technocyte swarms onto the battlefield to damage enemies as much as to enhance it's allies. If approached at close range, it will simply attempt to push the foe away with either a double bicycle kick or a mean right hook, inflicting mediocre impact damage and buying it just enough time to skitter out of range. Approaching immediately after this getaway attempt will earn the encroacher a nasty pressure hose of Technocyte directly to the face that deals heavy damage and pushes the enemy back and the Canker away. It's tell-tale vocalizations are the sound of very deep breathing with the low undertone of a hive of busy bees buzzing casually in the distance, these parallel vocals swapping places in significance when in combat. When slain, the creature begins puffing up, splits on all four sides like a banana and promptly explodes, leaving a nasty cloud of Technocyte smog that lingers above the body for a fair amount of time.


Just slightly less rare than the vicious juggernaut forms, these putrid sores on the landscape serve as force-multipliers on the battlefield, working alongside their everpresent ancient brethren to keep the swarm covered and "buffed". When an ancient is close by, it's "aura" effects both the Canker and the swarms that occupy it. This allows the Canker to effectively spread the aura across the battlefield in the form of enhanced technocyte payloads, granting both armor AND the ancient's bonus at long distances, even long after the aura-emitting ancient has long since been slain. Even worse, auras found on Eximi ancients are not exempt from it's pattern-copying Technocyte, making them absolutely lethal in some ancient combinations. Having an effectively omnidirectional body layout, the Canker's directional viewing is a sphere around it's entire body, although it is limited to a 15 meter spread. Instead, the Canker is mostly reliant on battlefield noise to direct it's fire, with units under the effects of it's aura-boosted nanites acting as it's eyes and allowing it to perform direct fire strikes.

"Basic" Description:

The result of Infested volatiles being left alive for to long without having unleashed their payloads, Cankers tend to appear only during the "consolidation" period of a Technocyte outbreak when an older and more mature hive desperately seeks to input more material. Spreading the spore creep tissue in it's wake with every fetid "breath", a Canker can quickly turn a merchant vessel into a fully integrated Technocyte gestation area in a matter of a week, even less so if it finds it's way into a ventilation system. Always accompanied by a rearguard of ancients supplying it with various subordinate strains for use on the battlefield, battles with a Canker on the field are arduous, but not impossible with enough planning, firepower, and/or manpower on your side.


And there we are! A lovely Infested Sandy Claws chock full of Christmas cheer and ready to share it all with you and everyone else in the Sol-Origin System! It was fun getting this guy as a sort of "birthday gift", a random thought which quickly went through the design process to become a pleasant heavy artillery support/"buffing" platform for the largely melee-orientated and otherwise vulnerable Infested. Yes, yes, I know I know, "ANOTHER Meatwall?", that's why this one ended up getting the Jugger treatment unlike the Broadside or the Behemoth. Sound interesting folks? Lemme know how this old bug-bag sounds to ya!

Edited by Unus
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Quick update for you folks out there who actually are waiting for a new content piece.


Due to a recent workload uptick, my current expansion plans have been curtailed. The update that I was GOING to introduce this week has either been moved to Thursday or next week. Greatly apologize for the delay, given both the strange recent rise in view counts and my extended leave of absence. Rest ASSURED! This Pit is still WELL on its way to reaching the mohrovich discontinuity! (GEOLOGY JOKES! A RECORD LOW BAR SETTER!)


Sincerely and with many apologies.

Unus, Custom Creation Quack.

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                                    Post 317

(Conceived circa 12/12/2017 at ?:??, properly begun at 12/12/2018 at 11:19)

Time to make good on an old idea, merge it with a new one, and mix it with the ol cantankerous random number generator to make a new friend to add to the grinic ranks! Apologies that the Corrupted and Corpus haven't received much in the way of unit love, a lot of those projects never seem to get off the ground due to a strange dearth of story material to pull from. Here's hoping that changes someday, eh?


Designation: Newman

Unit Class: Grineer Heavy/Infested


"Rahahaha! Herro rotus puppets! I've been forrowing your progress across the Origin system, and, I must say, thanks you very very much for herping me, hehehe. You were right to destroy dat mongro Regor's frimsy Tubemen, backwards thinking, just degrade back to where we are now."

"With tubeman broken now though, the Kweens finarry reave everything to ME! Doctor Rell (Actually an L) Tengus, the TRUE genius of science and savior of Grineer kind (annoying giggling twittering). Don't bereave me? Arrow me to show you my ratest breakthrough in Infested command and contror! NEWMEN! BRING ME THE ROTUS PUPPET'S PIECES FOR MY VATS!"                                                       

                 - A Meeting With Doctor Loo Tengus

Health Type= Both Cloned AND Infested Flesh all in one for all limbs, with only the overlapping bonuses for damage types counting. All maluses for damage types still count in full. Object health exists on the isolation-control bindings found on all five limbs, but these tend to be about as tough as a blunt. 

Manufacturer: Tengus X Weapons, Aboard the research dreadnaught G.E. Mastermind, Location Variable.

(Only the Kween's direct sanction will allow for anyone to delve into live Infested research and, so far, only Tengus has shown any kind of aptitude and grasp of understanding them on the level that the Kweens do. With one Kween indisposed and the other distracted by the effort to bring her sister around though, Tengus is free to pursue some avenues that might prove to be the Sol-Origin System's undoing, be it by grinding the Empire's foes under booted heel. . . or by turning all that lives into festering boils of hunger and teeth.)

Kit and "Equipment":

1 Basic Torso Armor kit, Mutagenic Limb Adjustment, Five Isolation-Control Bindings, Inefficient Immortality.


Tengus Authorized Mutations:


Somatic Reinvigoration

One of the greatest benefits of  Tengus' in-depth research Is his discovery of actual biological immortality. Any damage made to a limb that results in it's destruction will result in a new limb popping back into place, sometimes even with a deadly new mutation in place. Imperfect, given that enough mutations will reduce a Newmen to a barely stable mass, in which case the typical plan is to simply kill it remotely and start anew.


Ossification (Head)

The Newman stumbles back from the blow holding its head before all soft tissue on it hardens with a crispy crackling sound, leaving the face in a rictus grin. The voice becomes muffled and, in addition to the head becoming immune to damage, the Newmen gains a head-based rhino charge ability.


The Newmen's head explodes and then collapses in on itself blood and all to form a fresh Crawler one. In addition to making the voice much more throaty and phlegmatic, the Newman gains the ability to utilize the crawler's stun vomit attack.


Chest Burster

The Newmen's gut explodes into an open cavity where maggots continually gestate and charge out at threats.

Ossification (Torso)

The Newmen stumbles back arms crossed across it gut before it quickly hardens into one singular bone plate. In addition to becoming immune to damage, the ossified Torso now allows the Newmen to intercept projectile shots made at allies with it's own body.

Upper Limbic= 

Hooking Tendril

A sinuous tentacle with a sphincter-like orifice at the tip sprouts from the stump of the arm. In addition to providing the Newman with the ability to execute ancient charges and swipes, it also allows it to fire a nasty chameleonic tongue projection at a target and reel it in for a close-range knockdown strike.

Ossification (Arm)

With sickening crunches, the Newmen's hands wildly expand and overtake much of the arm with a bony mass. In addition to rendering the limb immune to damage, the Newman utilizes it to block other limbs from being damaged, adjusting facing to block vulnerabilities if it can see a foe aiming.

Lower Limbic=

M.O.A. Legs

With a or both legs severed, a set of digitigrade M.O.A. leg analogues quickly sprout into being, allowing the Newman to perform evasive sidesteps and flying leaps like the infected mechanoids.

Feral Tendons

The Newmen's legs return to it, albeit rippling with extra muscle and bulging tendons. With this extra bit of leg power, the Newmen can hurl itself across entire rooms in leader style jump attacks or send itself flying up into areas where many enemies normally cannot reach.

(Possible future additions in future, dependent on Tengus whimsy.)


To say that Tengus' Newmen are abominations would be a gross understatement. A shambling bare-chested (or, in the female version, support harness clad) standard issue Grineer soldier with 5 menacing dark metal rings dotted with orange warning strobes encircling the points where their limbs meet their bodies is the typical silhouette seen at a distance. At closer range however, the Technocyte lumps and nasty tentacular root-veins that run between them suddenly become very much noticeable, as well as the irritated tissue around the rings that suggests invasive implantation. They move with a staggered but quite purposeful fast walk, their faculties well and truly intact, but their bodies quite cumbersome in their current state. That all changes with the loss of a limb, as the Newmen's body quickly goes into convulsions and replaces it with something new and potentially unnatural. Now with parts to fit it's nature, the Newman promptly gains normalized movement, similar to that of a butcher or flame-blade. After three separate mutations however, a load buzzing will begin to emit from the isolater rings as the Newmen either cowers in fear on the floor or even attempts to remove the rings. Then, with the visceral sound of a large knife cutting into a steak at high speed, the Newman suddenly goes rigid, steps forward or back a few steps, and then has all limbs disconnect from the body, accompanied by the typical slow blood gush. In addition, if someone were to apply such significant damage to a ring that it were to break, a cascading control failure would occur which would warp the Newmen into nothing more then a slightly more durable charger, feral to anything and everything, though the precision and damage needed to do this tends to be excessive in both regards.

"Basic" Description:

A product of one of the many programs the Kweens embarked on to find some manner of cure for their degenerating genomes, the Newmen is a product of one of the more esoteric minds in the Sol-Origin System, Doctor Loo Tengus. Tasked with scouring through the Infested's myriad ancient strains for some way to halt the degradation at a molecular level, Tengus' accident on Mercury led him to a brilliant but disturbing epiphany. If he could harness the Technocyte and purge it of it's connection to the Phoroid gestalt consciousness, one could theoretically stagnate the degradation right at it's beginning, buying more time to find a more permanent solution. Scribbling his notes on a dead associate's arm with a stitching needle inside of the crate he was using as a hiding place, those same notes and formulas gave rise to a new breed of Grineer terror in the months after his rescue. Unable to reach the Kweens to display his work, Tengus has taken to the Sol-Origin System to field-test his faithful horrors, watching them move, succeed, and die with all the warmth and empathy of chef observeing a plate of meatballs. Each and every one of them loyal to their indifferent creator like supplicant to their high priest.


(The voice remains the same throughout all the transformations, some just merely add filtering over it.)


"Scccuuummmm. . ."


"(We were made for this)"


(Unintelligible effort grunts)

"(For the future!)"


Taking Damage:

"Stiinngggs!. . ."

"(Keep it up, see what happens!)"

(Groan tinged with Infested chittering.)


"(NOW yououo. . . YOU'VE DONE IT!)"

"(Make me STRONGER!)"

"(Look what you have done!)"


"(NO NO NO NO N(chink))"

"(BUT. . .BUT. . . I CAN CHA(chink))

"( Canine whimpering cut off by the (chink))"


And THERE we go folks! I might consider doing a Tengus Boss write-up at some point, but, the way I've written and conceived of him might make that difficult. In any case, hope you like the design! A bit more then a "Pull Trigger And It Dies" bog-standard unit. See you folks when I brew up the next Pit addition!

Edited by Unus
Completed circa 12/15/2017 at 15:15.
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