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Warframe By Sony Not De ?


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It's not that they sold DE to sony they have a contract with sony now. So what is DE now belongs to Sony as well. Part of the contract, saying we let you have your game on our system, we want our name in your game. Think of it as a sponsorship.


Edit: I could be wrong about the contract part but That is my theory.

Edited by warlocspeed
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Sony does not own Warframe. They are just partnered with Digital Extremes for the PS4 release and have a say in how it works on the console, etc. Other that, DE wants to remain independent and in control over Warframe and wouldn't just hand it over to another company.

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Sony is promoting it right now along with DE, and it's an expo for consoles. I don't think they bought out Warframe, that's not the model of the game anyway. Although nothing is out of the realm of possibility, but since PS4 allows self-publishing and obviously encourages it given the amount of screentime indie devs have gotten at e3, I don't imagine anything has changed.

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It's not that they sold DE to sony they have a contract with sony now. So what is DE now belongs to Sony as well. Part of the contract, saying we let you have your game on our system, we want our name in your game. Think of it as a sponsorship.


Edit: I could be wrong about the contract part but That is my theory.

I don't think it belongs to Sony considering they have say on the game's direction other than some specifics when it comes to running it on their console such as the subscription requirement for online play with the ps4 and cross-platform play.

Edited by Andaeros
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Are you guys hoping or do you actually know ?


Watch the interview. 18:40 

When I hear things like "Will Sony allow it?". He is talking about Sony Network but how far this will go?

Would be nice to hear something about this from DE. Will changes in the game have to be approved by Sony?  


They disabled Nvidias turbulence already.  

What's next? Blood ? Capture Target's epic scream ?


I might be over reacting :) Still. I think I didn't buy the game. I invested in the game. That's why I'm wondering.   

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Hahahaha.. i actually really laughted out loud there.


Warframe on someone else's hands other than Digital Extremes.. and Digital Extremes in someone else's hands than in their own legs.



Are you guys hoping or do you actually know ?


Watch the interview. 18:40 

When I hear things like "Will Sony allow it?". He is talking about Sony Network but how far this will go?

Would be nice to hear something about this from DE. Will changes in the game have to be approved by Sony?  


They disabled Nvidias turbulence already.  

What's next? Blood ? Capture Target's epic scream ?


I might be over reacting :) Still. I think I didn't buy the game. I invested in the game. That's why I'm wondering.   


Here's some "know" you can take to the bank: DE can perfectly adapt the client to have some effects removed on Sony's platform. If a player hosts a game on the PC and a PS4 player joins in, the PS4 player won't be able to see (or hear) stuff that Sony does not want. And the same goes the other way around (PS4 host).


PS: Edited because i sounded pompous. I'm not pompous, i am a very humble man, like my uncle the Iron Sheik.

Edited by Renan.Ruivo
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you're probably overreacting, Sony only has say on some aspects of the PS4 version of the game, like how fast updates are and maybe some cross platforming. AFAIK, DE is in full control of the PC version of the game. if the updates are too slow, then the PC version will keep on rolling.

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They disabled Nvidias turbulence already.  



Yes, you are overreacting. Turbulence had to be disable for the PS4 version because it isn't supported on the hardware. Keep in mind while there is limited PhysX support for the PS4 it is CPU based and far more limited then on Nvidia's GPUs. PS4 is an AMD system through and through.

Edited by Brasten
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They disabled Nvidias turbulence already.  

What's next? Blood ? Capture Target's epic scream ?


Ah I thought all the PC haters said their consoles were as good if not superior to PC.


Now we know the truth as to which is superior and why console ports suck for PC gamers ALWAYS and FOREVER.

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Ah I thought all the PC haters said their consoles were as good if not superior to PC.


Now we know the truth as to which is superior and why console ports suck for PC gamers ALWAYS and FOREVER.

Hey, its not Sony's fault Nvidia guards their PhysX like its their life's blood. There's only so much us poor AMD based systems can do about. Again look at the Specs of the PS4. Its an AMD mid-low end gaming box, by spec. Its main advantage over similarly specced PCs is the games will be optimized specifically for that hardware configuration and will run better.

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From what I can tell, probably Sony is gonna be publishing the PS4 version of Warframe, likely because DE has no publisher or just because the game is gonna be on their console.


Sony actually stated in their press conference that they'll allow people to self publish.  DE doesn't need a publisher. 

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Hey, its not Sony's fault Nvidia guards their PhysX like its their life's blood.


They could license superior technology rather then going the cheap route to generate higher profits with an inferior chip maker.


Every major game title is intended to be played with Nvidia for a reason.

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They could license superior technology rather then going the cheap route to generate higher profits with an inferior chip maker.


Every major game title is intended to be played with Nvidia for a reason.


Those costs would just be passed on to the consumer at which point you may as well just buy a PC instead.  Consoles are budget gaming machines, it shouldn't come as a surprise they have budget parts in them.

Edited by Aggh
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Hey, its not Sony's fault Nvidia guards their PhysX like its their life's blood. There's only so much us poor AMD based systems can do about. Again look at the Specs of the PS4. Its an AMD mid-low end gaming box, by spec. Its main advantage over similarly specced PCs is the games will be optimized specifically for that hardware configuration and will run better.


How is it bad that businesses guard the lifespan of their products by not making their code open source? Do you know fast a business would die if they made something great and let everyone copy them, especially if their competitors could do better?


Also to the OP it's publisher not developer being labeled.

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