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Implement sortie max weapon lvl requirement


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Just like to ask that you require max level weapons for sorties, its not the place to be levelling weapons and im pretty over getting into open squads and seeing some guy doing weak dmg and then realising hes wearing his lvl 3 weapon. Yeah I know some people can get away with it and still pull off big dmg but I rather not have the risk.

Its a massive annoyance to me and happens all the time.... I got into a 10 wave defence sortie 3 which was SHOTGUN ONLY and 1 person had a lvl 0 shotgun on... ummm, his frame was doing little to no dmg as well, there was 20 mins to go before reset so people either had to carry him or bail. I chose to bail because screw that guy.

There is absolutely no need for people to lvl weapons in sortie, beside to annoy and hinder other players.


That's all I have to say about that lol, thanks!

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Totally agree. A week or two ago, a Rhino Prime came into a sortie survival with some rank 30 melee and two unranked guns, and spent the entire survival bullet-jumping around with Iron Skin, casting Stomp every now and then (so I guess he did contribute a bit). I would've preferred he actually contributed with his weapons.

MR lock could also use a looking at...sorry, random MR4, your Volt/Mag, Boltor (29) Vasto (25) and Skana (30) aren't going to help much on this level 80-100 Grineer survival, Viral enhancement. 

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On 4/25/2016 at 7:12 PM, Magneu said:

Totally agree. A week or two ago, a Rhino Prime came into a sortie survival with some rank 30 melee and two unranked guns, and spent the entire survival bullet-jumping around with Iron Skin, casting Stomp every now and then (so I guess he did contribute a bit). I would've preferred he actually contributed with his weapons.

MR lock could also use a looking at...sorry, random MR4, your Volt/Mag, Boltor (29) Vasto (25) and Skana (30) aren't going to help much on this level 80-100 Grineer survival, Viral enhancement. 

I don't know, i'm MR7 and i got the noob setup that actually works (soma prime, lex prime, broken war) and it pretty mutch kills in every scenario

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2 hours ago, Windspike said:

Instead of not allowing them into the sortie at all, perhaps make them team with players of similar gear levels.  Success will favor the adequately prepared, and there will be no more carrying the load for weak links.

That's a good suggestion too. Tiered access...

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I don't agree at all.

Just having a max rank weapon doesn't make it a 1 button b!tch synoid simulor that everyone seems to have, which i feel like everyone above me expects.

Sorties give a lot of exp, I use these sorties to level 2 weapons. If I run valkyr sometimes i level 3, No I don't need to have a max level weapon in each slot to run around invisible as loki and easy mode a spy mission. If you take away my easy experience during these missions I can already barely stomach to do daily for 25 cores daily, i'll be pissed off.

From what I've seen most people are pretty good about knowing their loadouts and bringing along at least 1 good weapon and frame meant for the mission, some people leech, but if you care that much then assemble a team in recruit and make sure people aren't leeching before you hit start mission.

Whatever it was about a week ago when sortie 3 was assassinate raptor, I randomed it, I played valkyr (which made 1 person rage quit before we got to raptor) I had my valkyr weapon on (because cmon it's sortie 3 assassination) but I had 2 unranked weapons, my sentinel had no weapon on (that was a mistake, oops) and I completed it with 64% of the damage. That's on a melee only frame against a flying tiny robot, your argument is invalid.

Most sorties are a joke, there is a solution to easy mode any of them solo. Not everyone has access to all of them, which is why pub groups exist. Making more restrictions isn't going to help your cause. Make level 30 weapons a restriction and all it's going to do is annoy the people who wanted to bring something to level, and guess what, they'll either bring no weapon in that slot, or the first thing lvl 30 that might not even be modded, and then guess what. Mr. Rhino Prime is still going to bullet jump around and stomp things primarily because that's what he went in to do. The only difference is now he doesn't get experience on 2 weapons.

Edited by Fistandantalus
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This is what happens all the time. BOW ONLY and we get MR Rhino with lvl 0 bow.

Part of doing sortie should be making the effort to lvl the appropriate weapon. If you cant be bothered then miss out. We don't need the sorties to be a place to level weapons, and the fact that someone can join a 1 weapon mission with a lvl 0 weapon is a joke.

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15 minutes ago, Pwincessbaby said:

This is what happens all the time. BOW ONLY and we get MR Rhino with lvl 0 bow.

Part of doing sortie should be making the effort to lvl the appropriate weapon. If you cant be bothered then miss out. We don't need the sorties to be a place to level weapons, and the fact that someone can join a 1 weapon mission with a lvl 0 weapon is a joke.

It's not a joke, it's just not xp locking people out of guns they don't use, not everyone has every gun on the game potatoed and with 7 formas

Most people who do sorties would have to farm draco with an mk-1 in order to do the sortie if they where required to have level 30 weapon, even then, they can still go in with the weapon not modded at all and be just as usefull as if it was lvl 0

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You shouldn't be able to do sortie if you don't put the effort in to get a max lvl appropriate weapon, simple as that. Those people absolutely need to be locked out. If everyone was like them the missions would fail. They need carries and its not fair on players who actually do the right thing.

At the very least they need to only match these leeches with other leeches. Want to wear lvl 0 weapons? Cool so you can do that with the other leeches and struggle together. Sounds like a good plan to me.

The game is far too generous to leeches wanting carries and that's not what sortie was designed for. It is meant to be a lock out to those who can't do the content. It's not meant to be a regular mission, its meant to have better than normal rewards, for better than normal effort.




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but mostly ofcourse, the Mastery Requirement should be atleast 6, probably 7.
because <1% of Players at Mastery 4 are capable of dealing with all of the Enemies on the Solar Map, let alone the number bloated Enemies in Sorties.

the pre requisites should be ensuring atleast 50% of Players are able to play in a reasonable fashion at that point.
"it's okay, they can just let everyone carry them" is very very poor - it's not fun for the people carrying or the person being carried.

On 4/29/2016 at 11:12 PM, Fistandantalus said:

Sorties give a lot of exp, I use these sorties to level 2 weapons.

require atleast one Lv30 Weapon.

then you can bring whatever, just as long as you've brought a Weapon that should be able to be considered a backup Weapon.

20 minutes ago, Datcoolguy said:

It's not a joke, it's just not xp locking people out of guns they don't use, not everyone has every gun on the game potatoed and with 7 formas

you're fighting Lv60-100 Enemies.
you're expected to have your Mods situated and have invested a bit into your Weapons already. like Polarized your Guns twice or so.

Edited by taiiat
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Organized groups, or even pubs who talk strategy between missions should have the option of bringing rank 0 weapons if they don't have anything else. They can put the guy who doesn't have a maxed whatever on a utility frame like Frost or whatever is needed for the mission. I had a shotgun-only MD where we did that because somebody didn't have a rank 30 shotgun. He was useful just because we figured out a strategy based on our warframes.

So no, they shouldn't restrict a group's ability to do things like that in order cater to pubs who don't feel like figuring out a strategy that works for their squad.

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21 hours ago, taiiat said:

but mostly ofcourse, the Mastery Requirement should be atleast 6, probably 7.
because <1% of Players at Mastery 4 are capable of dealing with all of the Enemies on the Solar Map, let alone the number bloated Enemies in Sorties.

the pre requisites should be ensuring atleast 50% of Players are able to play in a reasonable fashion at that point.
"it's okay, they can just let everyone carry them" is very very poor - it's not fun for the people carrying or the person being carried.

require atleast one Lv30 Weapon.

then you can bring whatever, just as long as you've brought a Weapon that should be able to be considered a backup Weapon.

you're fighting Lv60-100 Enemies.
you're expected to have your Mods situated and have invested a bit into your Weapons already. like Polarized your Guns twice or so.

Okay, so now we are also gonna ask people to bring in a gun they forma'd twice, because again, everyone has every gun with a potato and 7 formas

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On 4/24/2016 at 5:15 PM, Datcoolguy said:

Yes, and then everyone would have to level up that mk-1 weapon just to be able to do the sortie, even if they have a warframe strong enough as for their weapon level to not matter

If you want to participate in Sorties and you don't have one weapon of every type in reserve then you shouldn't be participating in sorties. Going into a [weapon] only sortie with just a Mk-1 weapon does nothing but put undue extra pressure on your squad.

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2 minutes ago, Datcoolguy said:

Okay, so now we are also gonna ask people to bring in a gun they forma'd twice

no, but that is the sort of point you're expected to be at.
which is totally reasonable, as that isn't even expecting a Player to have completed more than like, 30-40% of the Missions and such in the game.

basically just suggesting that a Player should be at the point where they've completed almost all or all of the Solar Map, and are playing Void Missions.


because otherwise, you're just getting carried, which makes it a waste of the Players' time.
'but what if i want to be carried' - well, too bad. participate or play something else in the game. the Enemies you fight and rewards you receive are extremely obviously meant for Players that are done with most of the game.
"but it isn't fair if everyone can't play it as soon as they finish the Tutorial", no it's completely fair. you have little to no need for the things you get from Sorties before you even have a solid grasp of the game and Mods to put on Weapons you might get from Sorties. or Equipment to put the Lenses you get on(which fun fact: to put a Lens on, the thing needs to be Lv30 soooo).


what i noted was an example of about where a Player should be once they start thinking about Sorties. not that it would be a requirement. Mastery 7 covers that to an acceptable degree, even if that still unfortunately leaves a far too large percentage of Players that aren't even close to ready to participate in those Missions having access to them.

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2 minutes ago, Datcoolguy said:

Yes, because a 3 forma valkyr is totally getting carried for bringing in that mk-1 strun to a shotgun only survival sortie

And frost is totally useless without a weapon that oneshots stuff in sortie mobile defense 

Considering the amount of Valkyr users I see who do this and then end up with less than 10% of the damage I'd say they're getting carried pretty hard.

Let alone the fact that said Frost might be able to stop enemies from attacking the objective, but that doesn't mean that he's actually killing them. This can easily lead to an overabundance of enemies piled up due to simply being controlled and not dealt with. Yes, a frame can be useful without a weapon, but no, that frame isn't going to be as useful without that weapon.

I'd love to see you do a shotgun only survival with that same mindset. Except now apply it to every single person playing. Everyone has an unranked Mk-1 Strun.

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This has nothing to do with hours spent in game, getting a max lvl weapon of every sort is very very very basic. If you can't be bothered to do that why should you be playing sorties? Why do you want the rewards when you can't be bothered lvling the current weapons you have? I bet you don't even have the maps unlocked and sit there waiting for everyone else to select them.

Tell me, why do you think they made "bow only" missions? ... it is because they want to challenge us and its at a level where you should be able to use every weapon type, not just your rhino with his melee weapon. They don't want lazy sloth lords with rank 0 weapons in there being carried.

Why do people have the weapon at rank 0 anyways? Go and level it before your sortie.. it's not hard. Why did you make it if you don't want to level it? Did you make it specifically to get carried in sorties? If you have a lvl 0 bow in your inventory and the sortie is bow only... what better motivation to go and level it! Its really not a hard task.

Why is a person with a rank 0 bow allowed to be carried in a bow only sortie, yet a guy with no bow isn't? What's the difference there? I would rather carry a mr 1 volt with his skana then a mr 7 rhino who is too lazy to level the weapon he already owns

The sooner they clean up this burden the better



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9 hours ago, Inmemoratus said:

Organized groups, or even pubs who talk strategy between missions should have the option of bringing rank 0 weapons if they don't have anything else. They can put the guy who doesn't have a maxed whatever on a utility frame like Frost or whatever is needed for the mission. I had a shotgun-only MD where we did that because somebody didn't have a rank 30 shotgun. He was useful just because we figured out a strategy based on our warframes.

So no, they shouldn't restrict a group's ability to do things like that in order cater to pubs who don't feel like figuring out a strategy that works for their squad.

What strat is that?

"Hey loki go hack all the consoles and don't die to any wardens while me and the other 2 dudes on rhino with lvl 0 bows sit out here playing revive simulator 2016 on each other"

That's not strat... that's carrying people who burden you....

Instead of figuring out how to get carried, sink a short amount of time into getting the weapons you need

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