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Little Game Content Remark In Good Bye Guys


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I don't get the "very little game content" remark in the now locked "good bye guys post". This is the only game I know that gets updates sometimes bi-weekly adding new enemies, new weapons, new frames, new levels, etc...

As they stated the Void and the Dojo are huge new expansions to the game where you can also unlock more weapons and frames... very little game content? Have you turned off updates? Seriously....


The next update may also include the new grineer boss they made a new warframe (still in progress) and new weapons.

Hard to please some people... o_0

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I like when games update weekly, at the same time every day, but most of the time, there is nothing in the update. Thank you DE for all the updates. Take a vacation. Give us farming time,make all alerts potato or forma. We will be content ;)

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Not really so little content.


It's just that there is not much to do with that content.


The same grineer you kill with your starting Lato is the same grineer you kill with your Supercharged Forma'd Dual Viper.

Unless it's not...you know like maybe it's a Heavy Grineer or a melee Grineer, or Sniper Grineer, or one of those new Mortal Kombat Scorpion type Grineer with the damn whip lasso thing that can pull you straight from the air in mid-jump, or maybe it's the Grineer with that one helmet or the one without it.


Oooo or maybe it's just an Osprey. I here there is a least one type of those in this game too.

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Not really so little content.


It's just that there is not much to do with that content.


The same grineer you kill with your starting Lato is the same grineer you kill with your Supercharged Forma'd Dual Viper.


But that's atypical of every game in the world, at least here they add new enemies (Fusion Moa, Scorpion, etc..)

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 I actually understand the kind of stuff Kantazo probably meant fairly well.


 For example we all know missions are, despite the random map generation, still a seriously linear Sprint&Stomp through all the way to extraction. There really isn't a situation where you think "Man. How do I tackle this?" and I think if that was there the game would benefit greatly from it. 


 I think part of that problem is that the mission types are all very simple and not very exciting on their own, which I think DE should probably tackle next.


 We already have some great maps, I think the sort of things we do on those maps needs to evolve now.

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well content development is very good. 3d graphics is one of the best out here.

but warframe has HUGE problems:

- this content is unplayable most of the time in 4 man group

- chat is in very early development

- invite/party system is in very early development

- lags, bugs, etc. etc.


so its worth to wait few month/half year till they fix some major problems. i am sure people will come back. 

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Brink was not the best game... But I really liked the segmented and contextual mission structure. ex-- Escort bot and defend it, repair it if it is overly damaged. Oh you need blow open this gate too, so the bot can travel through. Blow it open too late and the bot is a sitting duck taking hits while you try to plant charge.


Something like this, where occurrences in the game can change the dynamic of the mission or require different tactics. Right now it is kill everything or cut a swath through everything to get what you need. Now cut new path to extraction.


I love the movement set and the expanding content. Coming up with new ways to dispatch enemies is great fun. But the mission themselves need more complexity, nuance and depth.


for instance... Would be cool to interrupt a 4-man stalker squad as they are also trying to conduct the same Raid mission in the Void. If they get to the item before your team then you have to chase them down and retrieve the artifact before they make it to extraction.


BAM! Instant Void Mobile Raid mission.



Edited by RawGritz
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One of the things they should add is a possibility of getting more slots for free. The constant search for having and trying all the weapons in the game is a really good incentive for everyone, it'll always keep the game fresh if you really enjoy the gameplay alone. I know that many will say that this a thing that should be locked for platinum only, but really, it'll be really good received for every new player looking for the free side of the game. Take a look at Path of Exile and their gigantic free stash that other mmo's would lock with money. Of course I'm not saying that it should be easy to get, it must remain difficult to get, maybe craftable too. Free slots as a reward for ranking up will make everyone play even more.

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They can keep adding more farming content if they wish, but what content will there be that gives motive to this endless farming?  PvP be a good motive to want to be more competitive, harder difficulties with some reward for your risk be motive as well.

Right now there is none of that right now, as defense missions fighting higher level mobs do not get you more mods, or resources or credits as there is no reward for risk.

Simply just stay on the first planet and run threw some levels to farm ferrite or whatever you need to farm, which is another problem is that farming which the main thing you do in this game consists mainly from running around breaking containers all day, because of the low drop rate from enemies.

Boss runs you still running past enemies just to get to 1 boss so that he can drop that rare resource then you quit and repeat if he does not.


If they made it so there was more reward for risk, meaning giving higher level mobs higher chance of dropping resources, so you have choice of running threw low lvl areas to break containers all day to farm, or take up the challenge and kill high level enemies with high resource drop rate to farm.


A simple formula like increasing the chance of resources dropping every X levels of mobs. Also giving us the option to increase the level difficulty would be nice, like in my one suggestion which many agree with.


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Need more open locations that is not snow.

Maybe a jungle or something, so Grineer's green camo can do something.

Or they can show case their heavy vehicles as a mini-boss type character.


Like a helicopter gun ship or a tank for instance.

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 I actually understand the kind of stuff Kantazo probably meant fairly well.


 For example we all know missions are, despite the random map generation, still a seriously linear Sprint&Stomp through all the way to extraction. There really isn't a situation where you think "Man. How do I tackle this?" and I think if that was there the game would benefit greatly from it. 


 I think part of that problem is that the mission types are all very simple and not very exciting on their own, which I think DE should probably tackle next.


 We already have some great maps, I think the sort of things we do on those maps needs to evolve now.


I agree a lot with this post.


I also find it strange that the only 1 mission type gives bonus rewards all the time. This just gets everyone endlessly farming defence missions and pretty much ignoring the rest of the game. The only time you would really feel the need to do anything other than defence missions is when you're farming a boss for rare mats or frame parts.....That's it... 


Let's just say it gets repetitive....

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 I actually understand the kind of stuff Kantazo probably meant fairly well.


 For example we all know missions are, despite the random map generation, still a seriously linear Sprint&Stomp through all the way to extraction. There really isn't a situation where you think "Man. How do I tackle this?" and I think if that was there the game would benefit greatly from it. 


 I think part of that problem is that the mission types are all very simple and not very exciting on their own, which I think DE should probably tackle next.


 We already have some great maps, I think the sort of things we do on those maps needs to evolve now.

Fair enough, that explains it better. It's not lack of in-game content it's lack of mission dynamics. I do agree on this position, the game is mostly a snatch and grab, slash and dash, or sit and hit type of game-play.


I think as the game is still developing there's plenty of room for expansion. I've seen discussions of brink style game-play, defending a mining machine as it moves from one location to another. I personally would like to see a boss fight end up after every 10 waves of defense. Throw the jackal in there or the hyena, spice it up for sure. They are supposed to be giving tenno in the field trouble anyway ;)


Raid missions could be split into several tasks, grab a code, unlock the safe etc...


Sabotage missions could also be done this way, take out the navigation, overload the reactor, etc...


Mobile defense missions, well they could actually be mobile, target to protect is on the move, throw in the boss fight as well.


Spy missions could involve a bit more spy type of missions like assassination, plant a bug, destroy the surveillance.


Also a different type of puzzle on the computers would be nice..... o_0

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Spy missions could involve a bit more spy type of missions like assassination, plant a bug, destroy the surveillance.


I'd like it if Spy missions were actual stealth missions. Where you have to follow a target for so and so time without being seen. And if seen, Gotta kill everyone in the room seen before they get out of there 'else it's game over. Or something like that.

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I'd like it if Spy missions were actual stealth missions. Where you have to follow a target for so and so time without being seen. And if seen, Gotta kill everyone in the room seen before they get out of there 'else it's game over. Or something like that.


That would be stealth based gameplay. 

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 I actually understand the kind of stuff Kantazo probably meant fairly well.


 For example we all know missions are, despite the random map generation, still a seriously linear Sprint&Stomp through all the way to extraction. There really isn't a situation where you think "Man. How do I tackle this?" and I think if that was there the game would benefit greatly from it. 


 I think part of that problem is that the mission types are all very simple and not very exciting on their own, which I think DE should probably tackle next.


 We already have some great maps, I think the sort of things we do on those maps needs to evolve now.

Think you hit the mark.

And to top that off, the kind of variance we have is when we finally achieved the objective... 


Lotus: "Things just got interesting, ... "




I think a more complex missions can have multiple objectives that actually links up tiles that are largely independent now. And to have some grand choices. For example, for a Raid mission to get to a particular place where the actual objective is stored, we could have a CHOICE of storming it from the front, but had to go through an area with immense enemy density, or we could do an optional objective to create a diversion, so that the same number of enemies are spread out (and easier to take down) as they are dispatched to "investigate" the disturbances.


Also, there can be multiple objectives that are far apart that could encourage splitting up (say into 2 pairs out of a full team), and when they are achieved, the subsequent objective will get the 2 teams to group up again (e.g. say acquire 2 keys from 2 parts, then use it on a central door to main objective?)


Optional "pseudo-objectives" which are not related to the main mission but can affect entire levels can be added to certain tiles which gets included in procedure map generation but will influence the other tiles. e.g. Power Station, if taken out, will turn off some/alll lights and possibly security cameras/turrets for the whole mission. Hacking/destroying communication infrastructure can reduce the number and speed at which enemies converge on the players (in Corpus's case, could also disable or delay the rate at which MOAs get created out of the "nest-boxes").


Non trigger type can be like dedicated armory/storage which can hold significantly higher amount of ammo (including rare ones like sniper) which can become a player-decided objective to replendish ammo stock (e.g. newer players running out of ammo against Hyena. The team retreated, took out the map, find an armory and decided to visit it before a second try against Hyena). Same can be done for Health/Energy recharge (Medical bay? Utility storage?) and materials (storage bays with special containers that only have a chance of spawning mats)


Basically, the kind of tiles that are optional, but will make players want to plan a route to it sometimes.


BUT. before all these, some stuff will need to be addressed:


- too generic tiles that gives the impression of a purposely built maze rather than a believable environment (esp for Corpus ship).


- no functional map (we can't scroll it around to explore, can't view different levels etc). Would be good if there is separate UI for detail mapping (mark areas known either by discovery or pre-mission intel, areas which have been visited, as well as objectives and user markings, which can be done on map instead of limited to within sight)


- waypoint system, waypoint system, waypoint system, waypoint system

Edited by smithf
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 What I'd prefer to see DE try is mix and matching the different mission types.


 What if Missions on later planets, with higher difficulty rating, actually had different mission structures?



 A 5 Star difficulty rating could mean that the mission isn't just one but three simultaneous objectives all at once on a larger map.


 So a mission on Pluto might be a Raid, a Sabotage AND an Capture.


 Then you give each objective an Active and Inactive effect on the level.


  The Capture mission? As long as that target is active the enemy forces will spawn faster and lockdowns will happen more often. Once he goes down enemies will be spread out just a bit more with no one to direct them.


 The Raid mission? It'll be heavily guarded. Many more enemies in that direct both going in and coming out - so it'll be a rough fight.


  Things like that.


 Then you set up the map generation to enable you to tackle these objectives how you please. Instead of being on after another it'd be possible to tackle them in the order of your choosing.



 These missions would be longer, potentially harder and in my opinion more interesting purely because if I ever got bored I could switch the order I do the level up and get a slightly different play experience out of it.

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 What I'd prefer to see DE try is mix and matching the different mission types.



I like some of your suggestions! It is the kind of .... interaction.. between the tiles and objectives that will make the map seems like a whole instead of just duct-taped puzzle pieces.


To addon, add troll .. i mean chance variations.


e.g. Objectives that turns out to be traps, and get ambushed by special task force.

Raid that have a chance that a special heavy/mini-bosss got there first and now carries the objective on him or transfer it to another (more heavily guarded) location on the map.

Also chained objectives (instead of parallel). e.g. Raid as a sub-objective a spot for a key/pass to open up the path to another main objective.


Just thought of one particular variation of Sabotage. E.g. Grineer/Corpus facility containing Bio-Containment tile with infested (kept for experimental purposes). Players can go to another part of the map to hack a central terminal that releases the infested from the containment, and will cause them to fight the Corpus/Grineer around (should help to distract the main enemy, rather than cause players to just encounter more enemies fighting them. Otherwise, there is no advantage in releasing the infested other than to purposely jack up the difficulty.)

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 Not just that, it'd be nice to see additional mid-mission events like the Stalker added.


 He is a cool little fight, but I think he isn't all that should be there as far as random encounters.


 Imagine stuff like the following:


>After defeating Hyena it is possible that 3 Weaker versions of the Hyena will show up in a Corpus mission to attack you together.


>After the death of Lech Kril or Kela De'Thaym squads of their Elite Grineer soldiers will show up with powerful weaponry to attack you.


>An Infested Behemoth with limited shape shifting abilities that will attack during some Infested missions.


 And more, hopefully. Random events are awesome. I'd love to see more.

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 Not just that, it'd be nice to see additional mid-mission events like the Stalker added.


 He is a cool little fight, but I think he isn't all that should be there as far as random encounters.


 Imagine stuff like the following:


>After defeating Hyena it is possible that 3 Weaker versions of the Hyena will show up in a Corpus mission to attack you together.


>After the death of Lech Kril or Kela De'Thaym squads of their Elite Grineer soldiers will show up with powerful weaponry to attack you.


>An Infested Behemoth with limited shape shifting abilities that will attack during some Infested missions.


 And more, hopefully. Random events are awesome. I'd love to see more.


Just not ones that are "Prized" and farmed for because of drops like the Stalker.


I was so happy the Stalker stopped players from farming bosses. But since the nerf and now his weapons drop... Ugh.

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Need missions that also show case the tenno as "good guys"


Like protect village X.

Minimize civilian causalities.

Protect evac vehicle until it lifts off.

Extract under fire. 


Enemies can be typical endless wave, without the waiting period.

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dojo is a bunch of bullS#&$ farming within farming within farming, not "content"


That's too negative :)

It has potential. But it is still undeveloped as it is now still mainly farm to unlock stuff to farm to unlock stuff to farm to build.


But you know what could make people happy? allow them to paint Dojo in their own colors... (the sort of magic that putting a mirror in front of the elevator takes away the complaints about the waiting?).

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I keep saying it, but they need to halt all development on Dojos completely once the kinks are worked out, and focus on actual gameplay. Guild halls are just supposed to be a little bonus that you put in the game once you have enough content to support an actual game. Right now, it's wasted resources that could be put towards developing real, meaningful content that can be approached by all players.

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