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I Need Some Strategies For Grinner

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- Grineer Slash Procs are a problem, best counter though is to use Vitality instead of Redirection. everywhere I go I see people who think shields are better than Health: not true. all the shields in the world won't save you if you get Toxin or Slash Proc'd, and more health means you get more use out of the Rage mod as well.

- Scorchers and Hyekka masters should always be prioritised, especially at close range. avoid close quarters with them if possible, and use range and CC to your advantage. disarming them helps too; better to go up against the stick than the Flamethrower.

- easiest way to avoid Bombard rockets is to run towards them and jump over them where possible. I know it sounds crazy, but trust me it works, unexpected sudden movement is the only way to trick those missiles: taking cover WILL NOT save you, the blast goes through objects, shield powers and even walls. use Radiation against them if possible.

- Napalms are dangerous, but less so at a long distance as the Fireballs they shoot drop rapidly and can't home-in like the Ogris Rockets can. they will always shoot near the floor if thy think you're gonna get close, which is a pretty smart tactic. again, Radiation works wonders against these guys.

pro tips:

- carry a radiation weapon, something like a Well-modded Mara Detron or Staticor will shred those heavy Grineer, and has the added benefit of making them turn their firepower against other Grineer.

- pick health over shields for your frames. more health means less deaths from slash Procs.

- stay on the move: most Grineer move slowly, so you have a noticeable speed advantage. invisibility helps too.

- don't let Scorchers and the like get too close. distance is your friend (unless a Ballista is around!)

- Puncture is the best Physical damage type vs. Grineer. something like a Corrosive Paris prime with a Staticor 9and whatever melee you like) make for a great Anti-Grineer loadout.

hope this helps, and I'll see you next time when you fight high-level corpus with Bursas and Nullifiers, and then you can complain about the same things as the rest of us!


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Also a note on the Bombard ogris rockets. they will always track to aim directly at you so you can use terrain to stop them while they are still far enough away to now hit you and you'll be fine. If you can bring some healing, either in the form of powers or weapons with life strike, or syndicate procs. That way you can help mitigate slash procs.  Other wise everyone side what you need to know.

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1 minute ago, Thebel said:

In a solo situation, she probably brings the most to the table alone.

Damage mitigation


HUGE non LOS blind


That not because your not using the most op frame in existence, that you can't fight grinner.

She just do it MORE easily.

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Just now, DzeraDragonbane said:

Limbo is the best warframe! Vote for Limbo! Solo-ing missions like a walk in the park!

It all depend of the player taste.

For my opinion loki decoy is the best spell EVER.

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20 minutes ago, angias said:


That not because your not using the most op frame in existence, that you can't fight grinner.

She just do it MORE easily.

Not sure what you are saying, using the most broken frame for a mission is a strategy. Is it the best choice in the long run? Questionable, since one side is you are using an obviously overpowered set up and not really learning how to deal with it on other frames. But on the other hand if it saves you stress/ frustration, that's not a bad thing entirely.

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4 minutes ago, Thebel said:

Not sure what you are saying, using the most broken frame for a mission is a strategy. Is it the best choice in the long run? Questionable, since one side is you are using an obviously overpowered set up and not really learning how to deal with it on other frames. But on the other hand if it saves you stress/ frustration, that's not a bad thing entirely.

To develop new strategy i like to use loki so i am forced to use the best of what i know and experiment alot of new thing.

Using underpowered gear in solo in mid/hard difficulty will push you to your limit.


(still wonder why people think loki main ability is invisibility).

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11 hours ago, hazerddex said:

grineer is the easiest faction in this game

wtf bombards rockets are slow you have to be standing still to get hit by one 

meenwhile corpus have sappers that leave aoe's of death and destructions

cobas that say no to your powers

bursas while now are reather weak then before still pound out tons of cc

and then there nulifiers that stop your bullets dead

shockwave moas knocking you down every second and the fusion moas burring you to death

dont get me stared on the fking techs with there clown balloons 

and there theres the mine ospray that leave instant death on the ground for any squshy frame

then theres the laser with burn damage

also most corpus units do slash damage as well

dont get me wrong i love that about the corpus

and infested

the debuffs are unreall

toxic viral disruption fields energy drain and hords of them and then theres the ancients making them super tanky 

and you think grineer with there toyguns are harder? 

when did you start playing? 


grneers only dangerous unit is heavy gunner and nalpm/flameblade/comandos (when they bother to show up)

the best advice for grneer is DONT STAND STILL but thats every faction sadly corpus make it hard not to stand still

Take it easy on him

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13 hours ago, (XB1)xxTHEKING1006xx said:

In my opinion I think the Grinner are the hardest faction in the game. The slash damage they do is terrible, the flamers are devastating, the bombarders are impossible to avoid, and don't get me started on the napalms.

Unlike other mmo games you cannot isolate the enemies and take them one by one (depending of the frame you run). They come in hordes and you need to approach them bit differently. Without using skills the best tactics I have found is hit'n'run. Maneuver all over the map, take advantage of the debris and objects that obstructs the line of sight. Rolling, crouch jumping and bullet jumping is efficient way to move quickly. Usually when I see a horde, I roll/crouch jump/bullet jump through them while trying to look for a good spot to make my stand.

Some heavy units love choke points of the map. If you fight there it usually means death. You can lure them simply by running away to a spot that is more advantageous for your playing style and they will follow :)

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Run 4x Corrosive Projection and slash viral weapons, throw in some aoe powers and they are easy. 

Grineer have nothing to block powers and instead rely on heavy armour to survive. Corrosive removes this and their lack of other defenses leaves them helpless against the health shredding power of slash viral weapons. 

As far as tactics go, remember that most grineer weapons are inaccurate so stay on the move and avoid directly engaging large groups on equal terms. 

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