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Draco :/

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I do not understand the purpose of this miswsion. I have been off for around a year because of multiple back surgires. 

I understand that I am going to sound like a cranky old person but I think it's awfull for the game. Now you have high mastery rank people who don't know how to play. Please, Please, buff this.

there is so much substance to this game and people are missing out.








Edited by (PS4)area609joe
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just because this one is the highest interception grinner mission of the game, this node is bad?

not exactly, this one only shows the flaws of the game, like:

- we can't adjust the difficulty of the nodes on the previously planet levels

- grinner doesn't have nullifier-like unit, unlike infested, corrupted and corpus

- we need one mission that give the highest amount of affinity in one go, because patience is not everybody have, especially with weapons that they doesn't fell right to use it as unranked

- how many people complain that we use more than 2-3 weapons of the same type and need to level like we never used one before?

- Forma, we need to re-level from unranked... "again and again, until some sh*t changes, that is crazy !", and changes, since the results is already here: new polarity

- Orokin cells at will

- mastery level can trollz everything

- higher mastery level allows the player use better equipment, like the syndicate primaries, increase the syndicate points cap, more trades, more extractors, more "respect"...

- t4 endless void keys at 4th wave


this is why mostly of the players just go there, even if other missions can give one thing or another useful, they can't compete in equal terms

do you have any idea how to deal against it? maybe changing one of the points above can help, but still, DE know about it and the starchart will try to fix it by temporarily remove it based on planet cycle

but, in few moments,  we will always find another treasure cave


do you have any different idea about how to deal against this problem? because they are trying

Edited by Zeyez
more words, because i can
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You remove the ability to farm Draco and they'll just find the next easiest way to farm and you'll be right back in the same boat telling people to nerf the next node. You will always have bad players who rushed to the end game level as fast as possible. Draco has nothing to do with that trend.

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17 hours ago, Chipputer said:

You remove the ability to farm Draco and they'll just find the next easiest way to farm and you'll be right back in the same boat telling people to nerf the next node. You will always have bad players who rushed to the end game level as fast as possible. Draco has nothing to do with that trend.

Yes, OP you are part of a group of players who fails to see the big picture, all you see is people on the recruiting chat making groups for Draco and you think Draco is the issue, when if Draco where reworked people would just start making meta groups for the next big thing, the only thing that would change is an increase in grind time to level up stuff

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Personally, even though I haven't even reached Ceres yet, I don't see the appeal of doing the same node over and over again even if it is just Level Grinding, Focus Farming, and quick Forma Building. Then again, I'm the same person who keeps doing the same Spy mission over and over again because I'm gonna get the Ivara Helmet and BP even if I burn out.

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I've only ever ranked one weapon in Draco, when I found after rank 10 that I just didn't like it at all. Last week I applied 4 consecutive forma to my Dex Sybaris and ranked it every time on random missions... and kinda enjoyed it, in a way. I don't know, maybe I'm a weirdo.

That said I can understand some people flipping the table and going Draco when they face ranking a forma-ed weapon again.

Thing is, anyway, that as long as there's something to farm there will be a meta for that. Maybe this current meta is way too easy, but if it was killed people would just find another one. Maybe a bit harder, maybe somewhat more time consuming, but it's not like those abusing Draco to grind MR would be learning anything about the game besides whatever is required for that new meta.

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OP, draco is not the problem, massive xp grinds through multiple forma are the problem. 

draco is simply the most effective way to level up weapons through multiple forma.  draco as a mission/node is NOT bad for the game; it's simply a creative way to get more effective weapons more quickly.

If draco were blown out of the game tomorrow, someone would find another node that does the same thing, or close to it.

then you could complain about that node, if you like. 

btw, the idea that bad players are created by playing a specific mission is ridiculous. bad players exist in ANY computer game, and they are not created by playing a specific mission. 

Edited by DeadlyPeanutt
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