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Kubrows vs Sentinels - Cute vs Useful


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1 hour ago, ranks21 said:

for anyone using a sentinel or kubrow regardless of type you are being lazy because you are using said companion for its precept so picking on players using carrier just shows the level of ignorancy youre at.

Thank you for saying this.  I still wonder why so many people get upset with how other people play when it doesn't effect them.  

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3 hours ago, ranks21 said:

they are still trying to justify kubrows over sentinels when cute' never win battles just saying. like I said kubrows belongs with the Mk-1 and low level stuff not for serious gameplay... oh look I have a doge with a shiny armor...

 lets put this kubrow bs to the test and post a vid of 2 players one with a maxed out kubrow and one with a maxed out carrier in a survival and the target is 2 hrs or level 400+ no arcane enhancements or focus school perks just frame weapons and companions and let that be the end all be all of this nonsense<< my money is on the player with carrier going the distance.

Sorry, your carrier died to the Bombard/Napalm/Comba about 30 minutes in. My Kubrow on the other hand is doing just fine because of Pack Leader and my intense pleasure of killing everything up close and personal.

Also, a poorly modded kubrow dies from anything throwing aside frame choice and falling out of the map (razorback you jack off..) a properly modded kubrow does not die unless you're on a squishy frame, it falls out of the map in a damaging zone, or you don't have a melee weapon equipped.

Your carrier is for a preset limit (usually casual missions) and if you plan to go for extended missions such as a survival or defense, have fun when those aoes come in and kill it with no option of returning unless you commit seppukku.

Yes, the only mission a kubrow likely won't belong on is a Spy mission (unless you're planning to be totally pacifist because Huras will act like Shade with its retaliation mod equipped), but that's 1 of like 7 or 8 objective missions.

Besides, a carrier makes you lose potential gains when you roam by something. Picking up energy orbs for that 1 net gain while you have an energy drain activated while losing a potential 24. Running by those life support capsules when you're at 97-99% wasting 2-5% per capsule you didn't need at the time. Picking up that billionth alloy plate you didn't need just because. Picking up those ammo drops because you used 1 clip vs picking it when you used say 9 or 12.

But then why would I need a carrier if a Chesa or Sahasa gives me what I need when I need it and lasts longer than a bombard rocket or comba detron/lecta/angstrum with the scaling above lv 50?

Oh, and sentients say hello as well with their freakin disco balls. Say bye bye carrier.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

Your carrier is for a preset limit (usually casual missions) and if you plan to go for extended missions such as a survival or defense, have fun when those aoes come in and kill it with no option of returning unless you commit seppukku.

That's not a problem if you have a frame that has invisibility and you're solo.  Enemies don't use their AOE attacks unless someone is visible to aggro them.  Then again I don't go Ramboing into missions.  :D   It really all depends on the Frame you are using and the mission type as to which one is better for you.  Having said that, I still believe the return you get from Kubrows in general is lacking compared to what you put in it.  If I put all that work (multiple forma) into a Kubrow, then it should be vastly much better than the other option.  I've already invested quite a bit into my Kubrow and still can't find a logical use for it with my frame of choice other than it looks cool.  

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Kubrows hit hard, they're survivability is leagues beyond sentinels, AND they're adorable.    An Inaros' kubrow is the tankiest of creatures, just as an example.

Admittedly,the lack of elemental effects on kubrows is a definite con, but I also don't ever see my sentinels inflicting many procs either.  They both need a tiny bit of help in that regard, to be fair.

But to be brutally honest, most kubrow/sentinel discussions are actually kubrow/carrier discussions at some point.

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@DatDarkOne Not everyone is interested in using Ivara or Loki to perma invis through a mission. If you plan on using either of those 2 frames, then yes a kubrow won't do you much use because you're intentionally limiting yourself with the exception of a Sahasa still digging up items for you when you need it, including life support every so often. But if you use any of the other 28 frames, a Kubrow will be far superior to a sentinel, especially if you're going in with Atlas, Valkyr, or Inaros with armor and health mods. If you're running a squishier frame like Mag, Nyx, Banshee, or Trinity, a Raksa will be your best friend to continually replenish your shields and keep your health virtually untouched save for slash and toxic procs vs the once per 15 or so seconds of the Guardian mod as well.

But I've put 5 or 6 formas (begrudgingly cause I hate using formas in general) into all 5 breeds of kubrow and each one does the job I need regardless of mission type far better than I could ask of a sentinel, especially a carrier or wyrm because for me they're FAR more reliable than that soulless box could ever be and don't go down forever because a random Scorch or Hyekka Master decided to invite me to a barbecue.

And unasked for information: Kubrow abilities can't be dispelled which is a godsend if you find yourself in a bad situation (which happens to everyone no matter how good you think you are).

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23 hours ago, freeformline said:

I love my huras to no end, but he has a bad habit of running into enemies while stealthed, alerting them and setting off alarms. Huras would be just about perfect if that was changed.

Yeeeeaaaaah.....my huras is probably my favorite of all my puppies, and it seems like I'm invisible forever....if only she wasn't so dedicated to sniffing enemy butt.

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@Foxkid_8  I was just giving you a situation where your previous statement would be false.  How would me using one of those Frame be limiting myself?  That's an arrogant statement on your part.  So I should play the frames that you like so I won't be "limiting myself".  PLEASE!  Now go back a read the rest of my post and you will see that I wasn't knocking use of Kubrows for everyone.  Only giving my reasons.  Reasons that you ignored.  Cool.  Just remember that not everyone is interested in playing the same way you do.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

@(PS4)Zashukitsune I think Huras' Stalk lasts for 45-90s depending on rank and how many enemies are nearby. I agree that the pathfinding that has them sas bump into enemies and mildly aler t them (unless you attack) is a little annoying, but its usually not too hard of a con to deal with in most cases.

Same, also I'll admit I don't care quite as much about enemies being alerted as I am about them not knowing where to shoot.

And the time sounds right, all I know personally is that Huras stealty activates when it's useful, whereas Shade seems a bit....untrustworthy, I want to say?

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@DatDarkOne I'm not particularly one to speak within the realms of "arrogance" so sorry if it seems as such. However because of how invisibility works in the game as current, you would be limiting yourself because only 3 of 5 breeds (Sahasa, Raksa, and Chesa minus its disarm mod) can do their jobs without causing alarm if you're planning to run as a ghost for the entirety or majority of a mission.

I also didn't tell you how to play, rather that I made a statement of a few frames making just fine use of having a canine companion over a sentinel in terms of practical utility without going in depth of it to keep the post shorter than it could've been.

You're free to play how you wish because no one is able to force you to play one way or another.

@Zashu (because it won't let me tag you for some reason) I believe it was during an old update (somewhere around U9, 10, or 11) that bugged the Shade's enemy detection to register when to activate and deactivate its cloaking. It was meant to work about even to a Huras' reliability at like half the duration or so, but that's something that never got corrected as far as I recall.

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if you let your sentinel died before reaching level 400 that's just too bad and basically you can take the rifle off your sentinel and it just wont die because the enemies wont shoot at it even if you are dead.  I cant tell when was the last time I actually used any of the sentinels rifles when going long because I melee most of the time and hardly use weapons other than ranking up.

kubrows you cant control and you can be in one room and they will be stuck 2 rooms away abysmal to where and what to do. on the earth tiles they get stuck more than actually being helpful and so many missions with vets that uses kubrows ends up just making them die after so many revives and being downed while doing so. so yes they belong in lower level mission where its quick and easy and not for serious gameplay. just leave them at the dog pound all comfy and safe..

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@Foxkid_8  No worries.  Just didn't want others reading to think that there is just one way to look at things but many.  I see both sides of the issue.  What works for one person might not work for someones else.   Happy Gaming Tenno.  :D

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18 hours ago, Data-Zero said:

Trinity or Kubrow.

You can revive one. Choose.

Actually, I revive Trinity, THEN I revive Kubrow, because Trinity's bleed out is 20 seconds, and my Kubrow has 38.
So I have additional 20 seconds after reviving Trinity to revive my Kubrow. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

And if by ANY chance my Kubrow will die, and I will be a complete total rookie, who has no idea how to revive someone within 20 seconds, and after those 20 seconds of my Kubrow's bleeding out, Trinity dies, and both have, lets say, 10 seconds left on a counter, then I think every sane and at least decent player of course will take a prior on a Trinity.
It is not like when my Kubrow dies at one point, I loose it forever. Just for the mission, exactly like sentinel. Yes, sentinel gets revived after you die completely and revive, but at high level missions he will get one shoted within few minutes after a revive, so we both end up without a companion. Fair enough and quire normal. Happens.

There were a times where indeed I had a choice when my Kubrow died next to me while someone else decided to die on a completely opposite side of a whole freaking map, then yes, I sacrificed my Kubrow for the life of a player. Even though in some cases (once again "SOME cases") it is player's own fault that they decided to rush solo 50 rooms ahead, away from the team, so in that case let them die, they have 4 revives for just such an occasions.
And the "hardest" part about my Kubrow being completely dead is the fact that I have to pet it twice after the mission.

So once again this argument is rather pointless "choose one". It is like asking "when your mother and your wife are drowning, and you can only save one, who would it be?"

For me reviving a kubrow is a perk, not a burden.
Every normal player, if having to face the choice, they will revive a player, sacrificing own kubrow, unless they are a.holes, then blame the player, not the kubrow.
My kubrow bleeds out and you do not want to revive it, because it is a burden? That is completely fine with me, I do not blame you, after all it is MY kubrow and MY responsibility, so I will revive it myself.
If I know I have no chance of doing so, because there is 30 level 200 Heavy Gunners and Bombards around that can kill me in no time, I simply won't risk me getting down for a kubrow. But on a same point I will also not risk it for a players, it is rather logical. Better for them to die and use a revive and for me to take the crowd away from them, so they won't get nuked once revived, than risking reviving them, and both of us ending up bleeding out and dying.


3 hours ago, paragasu said:

is that even an option...I instant revive both :P

^ and that is an option too.

Edited by Sangoma
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1 hour ago, Data-Zero said:


You got both of em killed.

How is that even an argument?
So if I revive only one of them, then they will live forever and other will burn in the depths of hell?
If reviving them both somehow kills them both, then:
A) Trinity sucks badly, for dying right after revive
B) I won't revive any, and let them die, since my reviving both of them will somehow "get me both of em killed" anyway

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Huras, people are really intent on it's stealth. Which I use for spy runs all the time to get the 3x affinity boost for undetection. However the Hunt mod. Don't forget the hunt mod. It can be used While stealthed. Fully forma'd with Bite & Maul I have watched a trio of 97-98 Heavy gunners go flying in pieces from one dash attack, a stray round aimed at another player hit me and set him off.

The Huras can attack while stealthed and, maybe bug or no, while stealthed can attack but seems to take 0 damage while under concentrated fire since the enemy can then see him. Until going out of stealth and going back into it.

I have used all the carriers, gave them a alot of testing. I simply got tired of them blowing up over my shoulder from those Eximus firewaves. They.. er 2 of them, are useful. But do they have this...



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13 hours ago, ranks21 said:

 "serious gameplay"

 "my money is on the player with carrier going the distance."

1. I've never had any sentinel survive 120minutes in T4 Survival. You can get a sentinel to last that long, I can't. I can get a Kubrow to easily last that long, you cant. Different people are different....<.<

2. That's because you're biased. And of all the sentinels to argue viability it is VERY biased to argue over others with useful abilities, not just 'convenience' abilities.

How about we just let people decide what they want to play with?

*Gasp* What a crazy idea!

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Just now, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

*Gasp* What a crazy idea!




We will get over it sometimes soon™ anyway.

3 hours ago, Wolfwaffe said:

 Maybe he's Necros with that soulpunch mod for instant revive Aug.

Possible. Haven't taken Nekros to high level combat. Should be fun.


4 hours ago, Sangoma said:

For me reviving a kubrow is a perk, not a burden.

It is a perk indeed. But that perk can become a burden.

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if I play 7 hrs long my sentinel will survive just as long the trick is to use it for its precept and not for offensive reasons the enemies wont target your sentinel because its not shooting at them << simple but highly effective and you still get the use of all its precepts like shields when reviving someone, its vacuum, scans,cloak, disarm etc  and for grineers that has a lot of napalm/fire aoe equip mantis health station all over the place so you can quickly heal on the run and pop a shield pizza which goes very long on the sentinels. it aint rocket science.

reviving kubrow in a high level heated combat = both kubrow and master dead and with all that link armor/health/shields they share with the frame they are still gonna go down just as easily as a  sentinel and even quicker because they will be taking damage from all angles  at close range while a sentinel will be killing from a far distance<< aye aye aye the nerve of some ppl.

if sentinels had those same link mods that they share with the frames like kubrows you would be godlike with your sentinels.

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Idk why some people do not see how kubrows are incredibly underpowered and need a buff.

Gladly I know that DE is not as irrational as many in this thread. They know Kubrows are much weaker currently than sentinels, because they are rational people.

I'm not saying that everything needs to be balanced at all. I love that there is OP stuff in warframe.... tonkor, similor, naramon ect...

...the point is that I want to be able to use any companion without having a huge loss in power. Especially when one kind of companion is harder to get and harder to perfect, it should at least be on a similar power level.


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I find my wyrm p far cuter than those mutts. Unfortunately, I use the carrier with the pew pew lazers. I need the sucky-ness with a bit of pew pew fire power. Carrier looks ugly but it gets the job done. Ive not bothered with kubrows because of their maintenance cost. Sents cost 0 to upkeep, to me, thats important because Im broke most the time. I also stress out that their health is down and that I need to log in and do something to them in order to keep them at 100%. It will alway bother me with kubrows. If they get rid of health decay and cost, Ill gladly give kubrows a try.

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