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My take on recent "Nerfs"


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I don't have a problem with DE balancing stuff. As long as this "stuff" remains enjoyable and fun. I've tried all the changes in the Simulacrum today and i must say it's not as bad as people think it is. So here's my opinion on these warframes.

Valkyr's Hysteria: While i think increasing energy consumption was a good idea and i've said it in the past, making it so that it increases over time was not really the best way to do it imo. What i would have preferred is the more you take damage while in hysteria, the more energy it consumes. I think it's more "fair" and not entirely broken. 

Excalibur's Exalted Blade: Now, after trying it in game it's really not a HUGE nerf. Where the problem is though is the fact that spinning attacks costs you energy(25 if i recall?). That is just stupid. The range of the blinding effect is not enough to justify costing energy. Other than that, it's fine.

Mag: They changed the sound effects, which makes abilities not as rewarding as they were literally 2 days ago. Has nothing to do with her powers but i feel like it's worth pointing out. Pull and Crush have been buffed in damage which is good. But i think Crush needs more than simple damage. Magnetize as i can see is really Op and is a much better version of Bullet atractor. Now, Polarize. It doesn't explode shields anymore, it's not as effective against corpus and deals almost no damage against anything else (Does nothing to infested). Spreads like Nova Mprime and is affected by duration, goodbye max strength i guess. I feel like she was better yesterday before 18.13. 

Mirage's Prism: A needed nerf. But, a simple LoS treatment would have done it. Now the blind effect is useless and pretty much stuns... nothing. Mirage is still a good frame but they really need to look at it again. I'm thinking about Excal's radial blind kind of ability.  

Volt: Overload is garbage damage wise. Not sure what it's doing. Seemed like it dealt a certain amount of damage per thick. I don't like it. Shock is ok. Shield received an upgrade which i love. Though moving the shield around costs WAY too much energy. Speed.... Speed. I love this new FoV, not sure about teammates picking up those little tokens to grab the speed... What if you re-cast it multiple times? It should be reverted to the "old" one. Or they need to change it to be like Limbo's banish. You roll, you don't get the speed buff. 

Other things, Mesa received a needed buff. They nerfed trinity, again. Might as well remove her from the game since the Devs hate her so much. I think her Blessing was just fine. Not sure why they nerfed it. Imo the only ability that deserved a nerf was Energy Vampire. Not blessing.


This update left a somewhat bad taste in my mouth. I'm just not happy about these reworks. But i guess there's still changes coming next. So, lets wait a little bit. 

What do you guys think?

(Actually i'm not really sure if this belongs to feedback...)

Edited by Stoner74
Forgot about Volt...
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I'll repeat here what I've noted in other threads:

Valkyr - I'm not going to disagree that Hysteria probably needed a nerf, but I don't think this change targeted the right stuff. The energy cost increase only makes it so I have to worry if I get a bad streak of luck on drops which makes that aspect of the change 100% RNG based. The damage aura change only boosted the one existing threat to Hystera which is having it forcefully purged off you.

Mirage - Needed the nerf because of the ability to lock down entire maps. I've lost my ducat farming by no longer being able to cheese T4 Interception, but I'll not lose any sleep over that.

Trinity - Again needed a nerf, though in this case I think it's a bit of byproduct of something else which is enemy scaling versus player survivability. Right now once you break past level 100 enemies do so much damage because we're not expected to survive much longer, but we've compensated by just CC spamming(or Blessing in Trinity's case). A bigger change is probably needed to address this general issue.

Mesa - Peacemaker scaling off mods is a good change, and helps keep it consistent with other "summoned weapons".

I've not played around enough with the other frame's changes to comment on it.

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34 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

Volt: Overload is garbage damage wise. Not sure what it's doing. Seemed like it dealt a certain amount of damage per thick. I don't like it. Shock is ok. Shield received an upgrade which i love. Though moving the shield around costs WAY too much energy. Speed.... Speed. I love this new FoV, not sure about teammates picking up those little tokens to grab the speed... What if you re-cast it multiple times? It should be reverted to the "old" one. Or they need to change it to be like Limbo's banish. You roll, you don't get the speed buff. 

The new Overload is a nice CC ability. Although I'd prefer if it opened enemies to finishers, as a recompensation for poor damage.


36 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

Excalibur's Exalted Blade: Now, after trying it in game it's really not a HUGE nerf. Where the problem is though is the fact that spinning attacks costs you energy(25 if i recall?). That is just stupid. The range of the blinding effect is not enough to justify costing energy. Other than that, it's fine.

I agree that slide blind cost is unnecessary. It should be made optional, active only while channeling. 


37 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

Valkyr's Hysteria: While i think increasing energy consumption was a good idea and i've said it in the past, making it so that it increases over time was not really the best way to do it imo. What i would have preferred is the more you take damage while in hysteria, the more energy it consumes. I think it's more "fair" and not entirely broken. 

This nerf was necessary, but I'd also like to see a buff to Hysteria damage. On its own, without invulnerability, it's a poor skill.

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Valkyr: as long as the base energy consumption isn't as bad as Chroma, then fine, but as you said, it could have been done based on the amount of damage taken. still, we'll see how it goes.

Excalibur: totally understandable, EB was pretty powerful. damage falloff is all it needed really, but still sounds manageable enough.

Mag: seems OK-ish to me, though she'll still be best against Corpus and less effective Vs Infested and Grineer.

Mirage; Prism was kinda broken to be fair, but you can always get squadmates to lure enemies into LoS and combat the energy usage with Restores.

Trinity: this is the one that grinds my gears a little. she didn't need it IMO. healing players across the map may seem broken, but it was needed for the higher-level enemies in Sorties and Raids, and for the Hallway Heroes that refuse to stay with the group. hopefully she won't get touched again.

at least mesa got buffed.


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11 minutes ago, Genitive said:

This nerf was necessary, but I'd also like to see a buff to Hysteria damage. On its own, without invulnerability, it's a poor skill.

You mean costs more energy but more damage? That would be great. Or make it scale with damage received.

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8 minutes ago, Stoner74 said:

You mean costs more energy but more damage? That would be great. Or make it scale with damage received.

That can work, too. Hysteria generally doesn't have much to offer beyond invulnerability.


And one more thing about Volt. Energy drain of riot shield should be reduced. Right now it is too severe. I know we're not supposed to run with the shield all the time, but the drain is serious.

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