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Tactical Breasts? Tactical Horn-at-Groin? 

Yes if you think about it. Tactical horn-at-groin can stop smaller infected get between rhino legs and slip dash to hurting frames behind him. And Tactical breasts its just a design to keep the males on the other side of the conflict sex focused and with a boner.

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If this wasn't a free to play game, i would be really against adding both sexes to each frame.


IMO it was the first indicator that Diablo III was going to be bad, when they announced they would be making each class have both sexes as options, it doubled the amount of both character models and armor models they had to make, without adding any new gameplay or any improvements to the look of the game, but only to give players a tiny additional bit of customization that had no impact on gameplay, i think it reflected a seriously flawed set of priorities. 


But Warframe doesn't have armor loot that would need to be designed separately for each sex so it doesn't add nearly as much work and Warframe is a free to play title where customization options especially cosmetic ones can be a major revenue stream. So i don't think i have a problem with it in Warframe especially if they add a way for them to make money off of it. But i'm definitely not asking for it. 


One thing that i kind of like about only having 1 sex is frequently in a game with 2 sexes as options, 1 option will be better done at least in my eyes. But if that option is female and i'm a guy, and there was a male option for that class, i must be one of those guys for choosing to play a female character... While right now, i think Vauban looks like a badass and have him in one of my frame slots and is what i'm primarily playing right now and then my next two frames aesthetically are probably Banshee and Ember. And if i'm a guy playing Banshee or Ember, no one thinks twice about it, because they only have female options, but if there were male versions of those frames that i didn't like so i chose to keep with the female versions, i would be one of those guys, choosing to play the female version of that character. 

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Yes if you think about it. Tactical horn-at-groin can stop smaller infected get between rhino legs and slip dash to hurting frames behind him. And Tactical breasts its just a design to keep the males on the other side of the conflict sex focused and with a boner.

True that. Tenno engineering go!

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I like that the Warframes have set genders. It gives them more personality. The fact that you aren't able to be immersed in a game just because a bunch of pixels in front of you are shaped slightly differently to you is not a priority for the development of this game.

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A Warframe is a combat suit that you, the Tenno, wear.

You have actually nothing that makes this more than a guess.....


And even if they will add other genders, it will most likely be a skin you have to pay for since its nothing more than cosmetic.

And to be true, I would support this thing. Just like the sentinel attachments

Edited by Venarge
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I completely agree.


I highly doubt many people would stop playing a game, if they really liked it, because of gender-locked characters. I know when I look at a game, the least determining factor of whether or not I'm going to like it is gender related. 


To say it would bring more paying customers, is like saying the PS4 console would sell more if you sold it in different colors. 


They have a lot more to worry about than pleasing a small portion of the playerbase with their in-game gender issues. If you don't like a frame enough to play it because it's simply a female/male and you're used to playing the opposite gender characters, then you probably didn't like that frame much to begin with.


This is the most pointless thread in all of time and space. It was a nice suggestion initially, but to continue this thread is outright nuts.

This is an example of "I have what I want/like, and I don't care about/don't want devs to spent time on what other people want/like."

Like I said, if DE comes out and says "folks, we have our hands tied and cannot do these extra modeling for now, but will keep it on our to-do list for future customization options" it would be a fair thing to say.

Please stop with the "I prefer the current state of the game, stfu about stuff I don't care for, even though they do not affect me" attitude.

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Do I mind different gender models for each Warframe? No.

Do I mind if it stays how it is? No.

Do I mind if more important work by the developers is delayed to work on something like this? Yes. A lot.

That's fair Ami. And I'm sure nobody in their right mind is pushing for the devs to implement this while ignoring fixing of bugs and flawed systems and adding content.

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I posted this on a Frame Gender topic some time ago. This pic was found by my boyfriend on Deviant Art:




I so wish for a Female Vauban! <3


 That is perfect! Simple alterations to the current models.No big deal, just enough to make them look appropriate.

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This is an example of "I have what I want/like, and I don't care about/don't want devs to spent time on what other people want/like."

Like I said, if DE comes out and says "folks, we have our hands tied and cannot do these extra modeling for now, but will keep it on our to-do list for future customization options" it would be a fair thing to say.

Please stop with the "I prefer the current state of the game, stfu about stuff I don't care for, even though they do not affect me" attitude.


You'd be okay with DE simply just saying "We're looking into it"? 


Also, if the devs were to spend time on what every person wants or likes, we'd never get new content. Browse the "Improving Warframe" section? Tons of "I'd really like if" topics. 


I'm fairly sure gender-related issues is at the very bottom of their to-do list.

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As people above me have said. It seems like the Warframes are just suits and therefore you should be whatever gender you'd like to play as. However I do not think that DE should focus their energy on making an additional gender for every Warframe, I just want to them to consider it as a side-project. I prefer to play male Warframes as I am a man (no &*$$) and I really like the spells and abilities of the Ember but I just can't get it together because it just seems so wrong playing as a female Ember.


As for you guys who keeps posting negative comments by saying that it's waste of time, kindly shut up. It's not like if they spend a month (or more I don't really know) making alternate models for each gender there will never be any new content. It's not the end of Warframe.


EDIT: As for people saying that new gender is not new content. You're wrong. Like I said i've never played Ember because she's a female and if I were able to play her as a Male that would be new content for me and for players who think the same way I do.

Edited by alolton
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As people above me have said. It seems like the Warframes are just suits and therefore you should be whatever gender you'd like to play as. However I do not think that DE should focus their energy on making an additional gender for every Warframe, I just want to them to consider it as a side-project. I prefer to play male Warframes as I am a man (no &*$$) and I really like the spells and abilities of the Ember but I just can't get it together because it just seems so wrong playing as a female Ember.


As for you guys who keeps posting negative comments by saying that it's waste of time, kindly shut up. It's not like if they spend a month (or more I don't really know) making alternate models for each gender there will never be any new content. It's not the end of Warframe.


EDIT: As for people saying that new gender is not new content. You're wrong. Like I said i've never played Ember because she's a female and if I were able to play her as a Male that would be new content for me and for players who think the same way I do.




 Couldn't agree more. Every game forum I have ever visited is filled with people just whining about how this or that would be too much work for the dev team. The way I see it, if the dev team have already managed to make a kickass game. How much difficult could it be to alter  the current models to make them look like the opposite gender?


 I think it is a lot more difficult and time consuming to design/program new content than it would be to make gender an option,

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so you guys never play like any metroid games because the main character you control is female?


can you elaborate on why you can't play a class that is the opposite sex when you're unable to play that class as your sex?

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I see them as suits and not characters. It makes more sense that way, since my brother and our friend that we play with both use Loki all the time. I imagine that they're both different Tenno equipped with the same Warframe.


It also works better that way to my mind, because they both have their own personal color schemes and weapon loadouts which support their identities more than a vague characterization that is never expressed in-game anyway


I also feel like I'm playing "my Ember" and not "the Ember." I think a gender choice for each frame would be a great way to support players with this mentality, and it wouldn't stop others from playing the canon male Excalibur or female Mag, for example. 

And most Fanfics depict the Warframes as suits and have characters such as Karl or Serene (two characters in one Fanfic) pilot them.

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You'd be okay with DE simply just saying "We're looking into it"? 


Also, if the devs were to spend time on what every person wants or likes, we'd never get new content. Browse the "Improving Warframe" section? Tons of "I'd really like if" topics. 


I'm fairly sure gender-related issues is at the very bottom of their to-do list.

Well... "we're looking into it" would be too vague imo.

I'd like them to make up their mind as to whether or not they're going to do it, and either way, give it good reason/lore tie-in.

And I'm not sure where on the to-do list is alternate gender models, but since the very first livestream they've kept bringing it up, as evidenced by the players arguing either for or against it.

Now, that might've changed in the past 2-3 months, since a lot has changed in the game, and we got a lot of new players, and if the majority of the new players don't care for gender options... well, I suppose it's no longer a "hot topic" so to speak.

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so you guys never play like any metroid games because the main character you control is female?


can you elaborate on why you can't play a class that is the opposite sex when you're unable to play that class as your sex?

That's just a fraction of the players who wish to have gender options.

Some males like to play male chars, some like to play female chars.

Some females like to play female chars, some like to play male chars.

Some players like to play certain characters as males and others as females.

Some just find it cool if we were to be able to play a particular character in the alternate gender as is currently set to.

Options. It's also adds to customization and lets people create and play with more unique characters.

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so you guys never play like any metroid games because the main character you control is female?


can you elaborate on why you can't play a class that is the opposite sex when you're unable to play that class as your sex?


 That's not how it goes. What you are referring to is sexism. What we are talking about here can be considered role play. When playing an online multiplayer games it is a good thing to give players a choice in customizing their character to their liking. Sure, we have color schemes and loadouts, but wouldn't it be even more awesome if you could choose what gender of Tenno you want to be?


 Picture an MMORPG where all warrior classes are males and all casters are female. How dull of an game would that be? This game may not be an open world game, but it IS an MMO.


 Again, it isn't about being sexist, it's about player choice and customization.





 We have alternate skins for some weapons in the shop, that is a useless (but kool). level of customization. A step in the right direction.

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As for you guys who keeps posting negative comments by saying that it's waste of time, kindly shut up. It's not like if they spend a month (or more I don't really know) making alternate models for each gender there will never be any new content. It's not the end of Warframe.


EDIT: As for people saying that new gender is not new content. You're wrong. Like I said i've never played Ember because she's a female and if I were able to play her as a Male that would be new content for me and for players who think the same way I do.

A month? That's a pretty damn short time. I'd be honestly very impressed if they managed to create and release alternate gender models for each Warframe in three months, let alone one. Hell I'd throw money at them for that to happen.


It's not a waste of time. But there are so many other way more important things(yes, more important than your female Ash/male Nyx and Ember) that they should be working on right now. It'll be great if the design and animation team could start this as a side project of sorts, but they're already busy with the new levels and boss and enemies and weapon animations and we'd like them to focus on these.

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To all the people saying "Well why is it that there are multiple Mags and Rhinos in missions and dojos?" The thing is, that in every game that has select, gender locked characters, (fighting games and such), it does not mean that their are multiple Raidens or Nightmares or Devil Jins running amok when two people decide to play as the same character, it's just the player's choice. It has no effect on story whatsoever. And I remember reading on this forum somewhere (I think it was the story database in the general discussions) it says that the Tenno would become so attached to their warframes that they themselves would be indistuingashable from them. That means that a Tenno would train in their own warframe enough to become that Saryn or Vauban. Their names became the name of their warframe and so did their very being. I'm pretty sure something so central to the character wouldn't be copy and pasted and sold like cheap toys among Tenno. It would destroy the identity of the person to know that "Hey I trained for years in this suit that later become my literal identity!" "Really? I have the same suit! I just bought it from Wal-**** your identity Mart!" Everything wouldn't make sense and it would throw out the whole meaning of the Tenno. It just waters down and demeans the suits. When the story comes along in this game I don't want to see the eventual bull that would come along from the devs trying to assure us that their are multiple Rhinos using Bratons and picking daisies or some dumb S#&amp;&#036;.

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There's a few things that are competing here:

1.) Game's Lore that Scott is keeping to. Where individual Warframes are heroes and Champions.

2.) The Game's State in which players are able to customize not only the color schemes of their weapons but also their capabilities.


I find the gender thing really ironic and maybe hypocritical simply for the fact that the Devs have allowed us to customize nearly EVERYTHING except GENDER.


I like the idea of having the Warframes be Heroes and Champions. I love that part of the Lore and I don't really mind gender locks because of that. YOU are Excalibur. YOU are Nyx. YOU are Frost. That kind of role-playing is what I find quite incredibly fun.


But some people to like to play with their own gender and be their own persona independent of the Lore of the game. I have no qualms about that but I feel the story, the Lore, loses some of it's charm.


But here's a few things I'd like to point out,

It would be cool to have a speed freak Female Excalibur spazzing across the map with Slash Dash.

It would be cool to have an attractive Male Nyx Mind Control the Female Grineer.

It would be cool to have an icy Female Frost to shatter enemies with an Avalanche.

It would be awesome to have a wise Female Vauban or Loki manipulating the battlefield.


Lastly, I propose a suggestion and I think this might have been said already but I'll elaborate more.


I like the roleplaying heroes aspect. But I think having gender locks on a highly customizable game little hypocritical. So, how about tweaking abilities for the opposite gender?


There's a game I was quite fond with called Dungeon Fighter Online. Was Published by Nexon and was sadly discontinued in the North American Servers. That game had alternate genders but they tweaked the abilities so that the gender of one particular class played differently and some to the point where they can be really be a different class.


For Example, Male versus Female Gunners. Both can advance to a Ranger class which specializes in Revolver shooting and kicking combos but the subtle tweaks (slightly faster kicks for Females, slightly heavier bullet damage for Males) made for different play styles altogether. Female Rangers focused on landing kick combos with shooting moves a nice support where as Male Rangers focused on gun play with kick combos to stun melee opponents and stay outside of reach.


Here's the interesting bit: Female and Male Rangers can perform the other gender's play style with success. The skill tweaking didn't prevent one gender from playing the other's play style.


TL;DR My suggestion is for alternate genders to be available but have slightly tweaked abilities/stats.

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It would be great to have this feature. I'd personally pay for alternate gender skins because I like that kind of customization. 


Since development resources is limited, there is no right answer for this. 


DE has to balance their finite development budget on adding new content, Bug fixes and game mechanics / features. All of that costs not only money, but also time. They've done an amazing job of creating this awesome game where you can be an epic space ninja. 


That being said, I fine with the what they're providing and the direction they're going. I want them to make the game they've always wanted! Warframe is their passion, and because of that passion, it's an amazing game. 



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 The lore in this game is still very young and can be molded in many directions. Every time they add a new frame they change the lore. At the beginning there were only a few Warframes and latter more were added. Now we have over a dozen (more will be coming I am sure). The lore may speak of each frame, but as far as I know it never specifies if it's wearer is male or female.


 Also, some people claim that each Warframe is an individual and not a suit. If this is the case, why is it that we acquire blueprints for new frames and gather materials to build it? We aren't gathering mystical artifacts to resurrect a Warframe.We aren't going on lengthy missions to free a captive Tenno. We are gathering materials to build a new suit.


 So if I play as a male who is gathering all these blueprints and materials to build a new suit, it is only logical that he is building it for himself. Therefore if he built a MAG Warframe, he should be a male MAG, not female... Unless Tenno have the ability to change their bits at will.

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