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Nuke ~The Atomic Warframe


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Concept is based on utilizing Atomic/ Nuclear / Radioactive themed Powers 

design (below) is based on nuclear reactors, Nuclear warheads 

The current name "Nuke" is a placeholder for the concept design

feel free to offer input, and suggestions on name, powers, passive, synergy, design ..ect

Nova & Nuke(the sibling warframes)


when I initially thought up Nuke I was developing the concept around nuclear power/radiation 

as discussions progressed I kept having these funny images pop in my head of her and nova acting in a squad and being sisters and doing funny skits....dont ask me why xD 

after reworking her kit, i discovered she could be very synergistic with Nova

if these frames were to pair up, it would be just havoc and destruction on enemies

their power match up to cover the other , so while nuke is designed to work with any frame, with her big sister nova  it would be a lot of kabooms ....

Im developing some of the funny comics/art i thought up and will post these as well 

 lore wise the original operators were sisters, and as how i understand it warframes were tailored to a specific operator originally 

Name:  [NUKE]

Suggested Names:2|3|5|6|7|8


quick translations for "Fallout" in various languages: Erori, Caure, Elfali, Tomber, Nefos, Nagjin, Tezitra, Xita, Ispasti, Ramlaut, Iwa

Warhead and Nuka 

5 iso 




Unit roll:  Support /Offensive 

Gender design: Female

Stats: 2|4

  • Armor: slightly higher then average
  • Health: normal 
  • Shields:higher then average 
  • power reserve: higher then normal 
  • sprint speed: average

suggested stat values 4

Armor: 125

Health: 100 (300)

Shields: 100 (300)

Energy: 150 (225)

Sprint: 1.1

Passive:(2 variations)(2)

  1.  Radioactive: immune to radiation procs and gains energy when damaged by radiation 
  2. Core Purge: Similar to Volt's new passive, but with variations. The more energy you use, the more your Core Heat builds up. When you next use your weapon, depending on which weapon you use, it receives bonuses, based on the Core's Heat value. Core Heat should have a max limit, of course.
  • Primary: Core value converted to bonus Radiation damage
  • Secondary: Core value converted to bonus Heat damage
  • Melee: Core value converted to bonus chance for Radiation proc (even if your melee doesn't do Rad damage, yes)

Powers:(when activated makes particles appear in the air from her vents and possibly other frames get a Geiger counter sound when in close proximity)



1:Core Vent2 : (beam type attack) 

  • Type: Single hand cast  CC(status) / offensive 
  • Power mechanics: (distance and range inversely affect damage dealt) 
  • Warframe channels her power into her outstretched hand , palm aimed at target(s) (width of beam is based on range)
  • (this can be aimed  by your frames visual controls . EX: moved via left /right/up/ down )

1:Quick Cast: (tapped power button)

  • Radiation/blast is dealt to target on contact
  • Targets are flung into the air and on landing are dealt impact damage 
  • distance mechanic:
  • beam width and distance to target affects status/vs damage the more distance the higher the CC blast  status,
  • the narrower the beam the more radiation

2:Sweeping Cast( held power button)

  • Heat/Radiation is dealt to target(s) on contact 
  •  Continuous energy release until its deactivated, constant energy drain that multiplies to a caped amount for duration its used
  • When deactivated or no longer directed at a target it procs (corrosive) 
  • distance mechanic:
  • beam width and distance to target affects status/vs damage the more distance the higher the Heat status,
  • the closer to beam more radiation status
  • Affected by : range, duration, efficiency and strength  
  • Augment: Isotope 
  • casting on allies gives Radiation damage and slight status proc boost to all weapons 

beam cast types based on iron man (marvels) beam mechanics in movie

gif examples below 

  • idea for this was based on iron man from the avengers beam attacks via his hand

Sweeping cast:



Quick cast:




2: Reactor Surge 1|2 

  • Type: Aura support / cons to caster
  • Power mechanics:

 starts a nuclear chain reaction within her core(nuke glows internally via power color and allies glow as well when affected)

  • allies within a 30 meter range gain energy at the same rate that is lost by caster.
  • Based on the amount of energy released
  • (the more energy lost by her the more that is gained by allies ) 
  • Enemies caught within range proc heat and radiation 
  • when initially activated it burns away her shields  by 5% 
  • Speed penalty: -20% movement speed while power is active 
  • Affected by :  efficiency, duration, strength 
  • Augment : Positron Surge
  • while active allies can gain over energy reserves | capped at 25% of their base power 

3:  Atomic Rush 2 |5 -changed/altered


Type: 2 variations 

Power mechanics: (two versions)



Original : version

  • Initial Cast:charges forward with a speed multiplier 
  • speed is affected by power strength
  • When caster makes physical contact with a solid object(enemy/wall/ect): 
  • caster the releases a AOE (blast/radiation) within 10 meter range
  • range of rushing distance is determined by duration  
  • explosion radius is affected by range
  • power strength affects damage dealt
  • if no contact is made during duration : power deactivates without explosion 


New: Version:

  • Initial cast: Caster Rushes forward at high speed
  • Speed amplifier is based on power strength
  • Caster gains damage resistance (% based on power | strength max 90%) while in  rush mode for remainder of duration (range is based on duration)
  • when power deactivates (either by duration or user deactivation) caster then releases a cluster  of fast moving small energy orb warheads
  • warhead orbs target enemies nearest to them in flight  and detonate on contact with phsyical objects
  • Each warhead has a payload that deal a small blast & radiation AOE
  • The idea was derived from >(MIRV) <
  • Augment : Warhead Blitz 2(suggested gravitiation rush)
  • when cast, user drags  nearby enemies in for the duration of power cast
  • this then deal bonus damage depending on number of enemies that were dragged by this effect

4: Meltdown 1|2|5 

  • Type: Offensive / crowd control
  • Power mechanics:

The casters Body  glows brightly and the unleashes her true potential

when activated nuke goes into meltdown: while in this mode she releases  large amounts of various radioactive particles from exhaust ports and her body

cool-down between casts

  • Initial cast:  Unleashes Blast damage with 100% proc 

Image result for nuke yellow bomb

  • Effect Over Time
  •  While Active caster releases radiation or heat with a 100% proc rate  in the AOE
  • Radiation/Heat damage is amplified by a counter 
  • Damage multiplier is based on time the power is active
  • counter has a max number (fixed #)
  • as the counter increases so does her energy loss
  • she will then lose [health or shields <-suggestions?] at same rate as her energy loss once counter max is achieved    
  • power multiplier will remain capped once  the final count is reached
  • the counter will increase in a fixed interval of time based on duration starting at 0
  • Range from caster affects which status proc is applied: EX: closer to caster = radiation, the farther from caster = heat 
  • affected by range/duration/efficiency/power strength (initial damage and damage multiplier) 
  • Augment: Half-Life -possibly rework
  • slowly drains health instead of energy after the initial blast, but increases range of the effect-over-time as health gets lower




"Sister, what's going on?" 

I asked in panic

"Be quiet, someone is coming."

she scolds

The room was filled with other children who were about my age, all of us were scared and waiting for our fate to be determined.Then the large golden door opened in front of us and a young woman walked through

she greeted us with a warm smile.

"Hello children, I am Margulis, and I will be your caretaker from now on. Many of you may be wondering why you are here; you are here because something has happened, an event that has gifted you all with extraordinary powers beyond anything that we could possibly believe, even by the standards the Orokin have already set."

The woman, now known to us as Margulis, walked around asking every child questions, when she got to us, my sister stood firmly before me in a defensive position. 

"Get away from us!" My sister yelled. 

"I will not hurt you, I promise you, I have only come to ask you a question."

The woman turned her gaze toward me.

"Tell me, what do you dream you can become."

I stepped forward, from behind my sister.

" th....that one day ... I can become the kind of person who fears no one!"

She smiled and patted me on the head and turned her gaze toward my sister, who watched her with piercing eyes. 

"What do you dream you can become?"

My sister stared at her and after a brief moment she said 

" The type of person... who no one... could escape my wrath

the womens smile faltered and she nodded at this ....as if understanding her meaning...

"You both seem very strong and determined. Now, come with me there is much to do"

she extends her hand

 I slowly reach out for that hand that holds our future ..our dreams

V3: Design (more details from the initial body shape design of V1)

the design of "Nuke" is based as an all metal body housing a orokin nuclear Reactor, with exhaust ports in various positions to vent the heat/excess particles 

 her entire body is various armor shells to protect / prevent core damage

she was designed with features from various nuclear bombs/warheads and power plants(feel free to submit your own designs) 

ALT Helms (3d)


Obninsk  (named after the first nuclear power plants location in russia)







~Thanks for checking out the concept Tenno !~

Suggestions/feedback (#) (thanks for your help!



  • motorfirebox1 -removal of negative effects 
  • Meta_Nexus 2-adjustments and augments 
  • (ps4)helldragon56god-name / design feedback
  • (xb1)kr1sPYDonuts4 -lore / stat values/name vote : Efali
  • MrPigman 5 - 4th powers adjustment/name 
  • (xb1)DataStorm 8bit 6 name added
  • Mingcrusher7 name added
  • Tyranosaurus 8 names added





Edited by (XB1)EternalDrk Mako
feedback names update
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I recently posted about the lack of other elemental frame types in the feedback megathread, so it's nice to see an idea for one of the types we lack to pop up.

Brainstorming is my forte, so I'll dump some feedback here.


Name: (placeholder) [NUKE]

Some quick translations for "Fallout" in various languages: Erori, Caure, Elfali, Tomber, Nefos, Nagjin, Tezitra, Xita, Ispasti, Ramlaut, Iwa


Stats:(suggestions welcome) 

I think armor should be a little higher than average, health should be normal, shields should be a little higher than average, and power reserves should be a little higher than average (maybe slightly less than Nova).


Passive:Radioactive: immune to radiation procs and gains energy when damaged by radiation 

I like it, as it's pretty close to what I already suggested for all elemental frames...but the nature of this frame leaves room for more inventive thinking~

Core Purge: Similar to Volt's new passive, but with variations. The more energy you use, the more your Core Heat builds up. When you next use your weapon, depending on which weapon you use, it receives bonuses, based on the Core's Heat value. Core Heat should have a max limit, of course.

  • Primary: Core value converted to bonus Radiation damage
  • Secondary: Core value converted to bonus Heat damage
  • Melee: Core value converted to bonus chance for Radiation proc (even if your melee doesn't do Rad damage, yes)

Personally, I'd go for both. I think elemental frames should be resistant to their own element in some ways by default, after all.



1: Focused Beam:

I like the idea, but maybe the different cast types should only deal one or two types of damage each. Maybe Impact/Blast for quick cast, and Heat/Radiation for held. I don't see how/why it should deal Corrosive damage at all. I'd also say that the range should inversely effect damage, so the more spread out the beam is, the less damage it does (to a point), but the more focused it is, the more damaging it is (to a point). Maybe the status proc chance could be related to the range stat as well, so if you have a wide beam, it'll do less damage but have a higher chance to do CC effects, and vice versa. Killing vs CC essentially, based on range (beam focus).

Alternately, it could be based on which type you use, so maybe quick cast is a focused beam designed to kill a single target, but held is a sweeping beam designed to CC a group of enemies.

There's a lot you can do with this ability, I like it.

Name-wise...maybe "Core Vent."

Augment would be named "Isotope" and give only Radiation damage, and maybe a slight status proc boost as well.


2: Reactor

Another interesting one. As others have pointed out, any abilities that could have a negative effect on allies should not be introduced, as they could be used for griefing, potentially. I'd say keep the increased energy drain based on Tenno within range, but have it slowly restore their energy and shields and proc radiation on enemies caught within. It should also severely slow the caster for the duration, maybe as much as -20% movement speed, to avoid having it be enabled all the time. Perhaps cap the range at 30 instead of 50, as 50 is still pretty big.

Name might be changed to "Neutron Surge."

Augment could be called "Positron Surge" and retain effects.


3: Warhead 

This is a strange ability. I'd say that instead of it being open and allowing the caster to keep attacking, let it be only an attack/retreat ability type. Having it go until an object is struck sounds good, it would force the caster to be aware of their surroundings when using the ability, otherwise they might run into a wall immediately, or sprint into a pit. The range could be determined by duration, and the explosion's radius could be determined by range. I think power strength should factor into the blast's damage as well, though, as well as distance traveled before contact to a certain extent. The speed of the ability could be effected by casting speed.

Name may be changed to "Atomic Rush"

Augment Idea: Graviton Rush

The ability pulls all nearby enemies in for the duration of the ability and deals bonus damage depending on the number of enemies nearby upon detonation.


4: Meltdown 

Another interesting ability. Again, no negative effects should be dealt to allies in any situation. I like the idea of an initial blast and then an effect over time, but some tweaks may be in order.

The initial blast should deal blast damage and have a 100% proc chance. The effect-over-time should be Radiation damage that increases the longer the ability is active, but consequentially drains energy faster as well. Enemy armor should not be effected (if anything it would negate some of the damage, if it were Lead-based...which it isn't). I don't think it should have any restorative effects on allies by default, it doesn't make sense. So the "energy rings" part should be dropped.

I like the name.

Augment may be changed to "Half-Life" and slowly drain health instead of energy after the initial blast, but increase the damage and range of the effect-over-time as health gets lower.

Edited by Meta_Nexus
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13 minutes ago, Meta_Nexus said:

I recently posted about the lack of other elemental frame types in the feedback megathread, so it's nice to see an idea for one of the types we lack to pop up.

Brainstorming is my forte, so I'll dump some feedback here.

Some quick translations for "Fallout" in various languages: Erori, Caure, Elfali, Tomber, Nefos, Nagjin, Tezitra, Xita, Ispasti, Ramlaut, Iwa

I think armor should be a little higher than average, health should be normal, shields should be a little higher than average, and power reserves should be a little higher than average (maybe slightly less than Nova).

I like it, as it's pretty close to what I already suggested for all elemental frames...but the nature of this frame leaves room for more inventive thinking~

Core Purge: Similar to Volt's new passive, but with variations. The more energy you use, the more your Core Heat builds up. When you next use your weapon, depending on which weapon you use, it receives bonuses, based on the Core's Heat value. Core Heat should have a max limit, of course.

  • Primary: Core value converted to bonus Radiation damage
  • Secondary: Core value converted to bonus Heat damage
  • Melee: Core value converted to bonus chance for Radiation proc (even if your melee doesn't do Rad damage, yes)

Personally, I'd go for both. I think elemental frames should be resistant to their own element in some ways by default, after all.

I like the idea, but maybe the different cast types should only deal one or two types of damage each. Maybe Impact/Blast for quick cast, and Heat/Radiation for held. I don't see how/why it should deal Corrosive damage at all. I'd also say that the range should inversely effect damage, so the more spread out the beam is, the less damage it does (to a point), but the more focused it is, the more damaging it is (to a point). Maybe the status proc chance could be related to the range stat as well, so if you have a wide beam, it'll do less damage but have a higher chance to do CC effects, and vice versa. Killing vs CC essentially, based on range (beam focus).

Alternately, it could be based on which type you use, so maybe quick cast is a focused beam designed to kill a single target, but held is a sweeping beam designed to CC a group of enemies.

There's a lot you can do with this ability, I like it.

Name-wise...maybe "Core Vent."

Augment would be named "Isotope" and give only Radiation damage, and maybe a slight status proc boost as well.

Another interesting one. As others have pointed out, any abilities that could have a negative effect on allies should not be introduced, as they could be used for griefing, potentially. I'd say keep the increased energy drain based on Tenno within range, but have it slowly restore their energy and shields and proc radiation on enemies caught within. It should also severely slow the caster for the duration, maybe as much as -20% movement speed, to avoid having it be enabled all the time. Perhaps cap the range at 30 instead of 50, as 50 is still pretty big.

Name might be changed to "Neutron Surge."

Augment could be called "Positron Surge" and retain effects.

This is a strange ability. I'd say that instead of it being open and allowing the caster to keep attacking, let it be only an attack/retreat ability type. Having it go until an object is struck sounds good, it would force the caster to be aware of their surroundings when using the ability, otherwise they might run into a wall immediately, or sprint into a pit. The range could be determined by duration, and the explosion's radius could be determined by range. I think power strength should factor into the blast's damage as well, though, as well as distance traveled before contact to a certain extent. The speed of the ability could be effected by casting speed.

Name may be changed to "Atomic Rush"

Augment Idea: Graviton Rush

The ability pulls all nearby enemies in for the duration of the ability and deals bonus damage depending on the number of enemies nearby upon detonation.

Another interesting ability. Again, no negative effects should be dealt to allies in any situation. I like the idea of an initial blast and then an effect over time, but some tweaks may be in order.

The initial blast should deal blast damage and have a 100% proc chance. The effect-over-time should be Radiation damage that increases the longer the ability is active, but consequentially drains energy faster as well. Enemy armor should not be effected (if anything it would negate some of the damage, if it were Lead-based...which it isn't). I don't think it should have any restorative effects on allies by default, it doesn't make sense. So the "energy rings" part should be dropped.

I like the name.

Augment may be changed to "Half-Life" and slowly drain health instead of energy after the initial blast, but increase the damage and range of the effect-over-time as health gets lower.

thanks for the details its very helpful !

the beam corrosive is based on some radiation tenancy to corrode metals and alloys 

ill tweak the details now !

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18 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:


but now that i think on it  ..technically  matter and antimatter energies negate each other.... 

..would that make nuke and nova sisters then ... ?

I think that would be a first for Warframe, to have two frames be related to each other. It'd be interesting.

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9 hours ago, Meta_Nexus said:

I think that would be a first for Warframe, to have two frames be related to each other. It'd be interesting.

well oberon titania are a couple but two directly related would be interesting ... i could actually see a lot of synergy in power combos  ...

I thin ill make a art with both together 


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On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 1:15 PM, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

greetings fellow tenno, I decided id try designing a radiation/nuclear based warframe  

I tend to be better at designing... then coming up with power ideas... any feedback or suggestion is appreciated 


Name:  [NUKE]

Suggested Names:2 

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quick translations for "Fallout" in various languages: Erori, Caure, Elfali, Tomber, Nefos, Nagjin, Tezitra, Xita, Ispasti, Ramlaut, Iwa

Unit roll:  support / offensive 

Gender design: Female 

Stats:(suggestions welcome) 2

  Reveal hidden contents
  • Armor: slightly higher then average
  • Health: normal 
  • Shields:higher then average 
  • power reserve: higher then normal 
  • sprint speed: average

Passive:( current details) 2

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  1. inate : Radioactive: immune to radiation procs and gains energy when damaged by radiation 
  2. Core Purge: Similar to Volt's new passive, but with variations. The more energy you use, the more your Core Heat builds up. When you next use your weapon, depending on which weapon you use, it receives bonuses, based on the Core's Heat value. Core Heat should have a max limit, of course.
  • Primary: Core value converted to bonus Radiation damage
  • Secondary: Core value converted to bonus Heat damage
  • Melee: Core value converted to bonus chance for Radiation proc (even if your melee doesn't do Rad damage, yes)

Powers:(when activated makes particles appear in the air and has Geiger counter sounds  )

1:2 Core Vent2 : (beam type attack) 

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  • Type: Single hand cast  CC /status proc
  • Power mechanics: (distance and range inversely affect damage dealt) 
  • Warframe channels her power into her outstretched hand , palm aimed at target(s) (width of beam is based on range)
  • (this can be aimed  by your frames visual controls . EX: moved via left /right/up/ down )

1:Quick Cast: (tapped power button)

  • Radiation/blast is dealt to target on contact
  • Targets are flung into the air and on landing are dealt impact damage 
  • distance mechanic:
  • beam width and distance to target affects status/vs damage the more distance the higher the CC blast  status,
  • the narrower the beam the more radiation

2:Sweeping Cast( held power button)

  • Heat/Radiation is dealt to target(s) on contact 
  •  Continuous energy release until its deactivated, constant energy drain that multiplies to a caped amount for duration its used
  • When deactivated or no longer directed at a target it procs (corrosive) 
  • distance mechanic:
  • beam width and distance to target affects status/vs damage the more distance the higher the Heat status,
  • the closer to beam more radiation status
  • Affected by : range, duration, efficiency and strength  
  • idea for this was based on iron man from the avengers beam attacks via his hand
  • Augment: Isotope 
  • casting on allies gives Radiation damage and slight status proc boost to all weapons 

beam cast types based on iron man (marvels) beam mechanics in movie

gif examples below 

Sweeping cast:

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Quick cast:

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2: Reactor Surge 1|2

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  • Type: aura ability ( support/negative)
  • Power mechanics:

 starts a nuclear chain reaction within her core(nuke glows internally via power color and allies glow as well when affected)

  • allies within a 30 meter range gain energy at the same rate that is lost.
  • Based on amount of energy released(so more energy lost by her the more that is gained by allies ) 
  • Enemies caught within range proc heat and radiation 
  • while active it burns away her shields at a 5% rate 
  • Speed penalty: -20% movement speed while power is active 
  • Affected by :  efficiency, duration, strength 
  • Augment : Positron Surge
  • while active allies can gain over energy capped at 25% of their base power 

3: Atomic Rush 2

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Type: attack, retreat type

Power mechanics:

  • Caster gains a Speed boost 
  • when cast: locks caster into a rushing attack directed via last looked direction 
  •  arms are stretched backward and head facing forward when charging 
  • When contacting an enemy / solid object: releases a blast/radiation damage and that rag dolls enemies within 10 meter range
  • range is determined by duration 
  • explosives radius is affected by range
  • power strength affects damage dealt
  • speed boost is affected by casting speed
  • if no contact is made during duration counter, power simply deactivates 
  • Augment : Graviton Rush 2(suggested by) 
  • Ability when cast pulls nearby enemies in for the duration of ability cast
  • deal bonus damage depending on number of enemies close by upon detonation 

4: Meltdown 1|2

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  • Type: Offensive
  • Power mechanics:

casting causes her body to  glow  bright via color of the pallets chosen, and glows with internal energy of power color

when activated nuke goes into meltdown: while in this mode she releases  large amounts of various radioactive particles from exhaust ports

  • Initial cast:  Unleashes Blast damage with 100% proc 
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Image result for nuke yellow bomb

  • Effect Over Time: 
  •  While Active caster releases radiation with a 100% proc rate 
  • Radiation damage is amplified by a multiplier counter | based on time variance during time power is active 
  • affected by range/duration/efficiency/power strength (initial damage and damage multiplier) 
  • Augment: Half-Life
  • slowly drains health instead of energy after the initial blast, but increases the damage and range of the effect-over-time as health gets lower


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Image result for nuke yellow bomb

Image result for nuke yellow bombImage result for nuke yellow bombImage result for old fashioned ray gun



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V2:  Design (more details v1 is the initial body shape design)

the design of "Nuke" is based as an all metal body housing a orokin nuclear core. with exhaust ports  

her entire body is various armor shells to protect prevent core leakage 



~thanks for checking out the concept and any help provided 

-Suggestions (#) (thanks for your help!) 

  • motorfirebox1 -removal of negative effects 
  • Meta_Nexus 2-adjustments and augments 


I had an idea for her name...warhead or nuka

Edited by (PS4)helldragon56god
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