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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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Welcome to the main Synergy role play thread.


A few rules first

Lore is post U-21 ((Wow it has been a while.))

no God-moding. (There will be NPC's with strange powers or stronger abilities. If this goes on long enough it may be possible to join groups that grant access to advanced abilities.)

Synergy is heavily defended. Violence is allowed but heavily discouraged. With extreme prejudice. Fighting outside of duels is a sure-fire way to get killed or exiled.

GM actions can override player actions.

If you can kill it in game, your character can kill it here. I.e Stalker,  Gustrag 3

Any other questions PM me or Yzjdriel (he is Co-Dm)


Phenix was established by Clan Miraalan to provide safe haven for cilvilians and Tenno. It exists in an unknown solar system reachable only by fold engine or rail. It is home to the headquarters of each Syndicate as well as smaller civilian groups. 

The primary forces are Archons, humans wielding power-armor that grants mobility and toughness close to the average Tenno. While they do not possess special abilities their combat prowess is respected by all.

Tenno allied with Synergy also call this place home. They reside in a village at the foot of the mountains. The Tenno monastery holds classes for those interested in learning more about the Tenno ways.

Seraph's, flight enabled Archons patrol the skies, watching for those in need of assistance, or medical aid.

An attack by the Grineer has left Synergy weakened but unbroken. Civilians now openly carry weapons and work is in progress to rebuild. 

Allowed races: Tenno, Ex-Grineer, Ex-Corpus, Civilian.


You start at the rail. It is smaller than usual. Rail control sends a list of questions while you wait.



Reason for visiting?

Cargo to Declare?



So with more time to devote to this there are some changes.

Characters can now travel to Phenix from shuttles. Traveling from Phenix to another planet or system must be done IC. They must still declare items of note.

There are now more NPC interactions to give the story a more open world feel.

More changes coming as they happen.

Semi-Open means anyone can join  but characters must be approved by GM (myself) or DM (Yzjdriel) first.


Edited by Rakawan
Typos. So many typos.
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Ryoko stood at the old gates of Phenix. He was inhabiting his Atlas Warframe. Opening the world to the public was an interesting move. But the Council had ordered it, and the Lotus, so he would have to deal with it. Simon could man the rail and screen for any hidden cargo. 

He looked around the ruined city. With Tenno aid rebuilding was quick. Perhaps others would come join.

They were also expecting a new load of refugees. He cast a glance upwards to where the Vaykor Formorian floated in orbit. They were safe, until some new fool decided to prove something to the Kweens.

(a side note. Some people may recognize Ryoko from my fan-fic. He is the same. Interesting events that occur here may be recorded in the fan-fix. By joining this story you give permission for your character to be featured. I will ask, unless the event contains a large number of people.)

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(I'll bite, I don't nomraly RP in such games, but hay I'll give it a try, you'll have to exucse me tho as I may replie slow, if this gets to hectic and too meny people join, on top of that I got a mod watching me).

A Vauban Prime, in Baro Ki'Teer type of coloring stands near the rail door, the pure golden pieces of his armor, glow and shine in the light brightly, He wears the Edo Prime & The Citadella Prime.

He don't seem to be heavily armed, the only armed weapons that are shown in sight are his Akstiletto Prime on his sides, however scanners will pick up he is also armed with a meele weapon & primey weapon, but is useing void masks, to hide them.

He stands with pride and loyalty, like Baro himself, he awaits for control to ring him up. He then speaks out.

"Hello Tenno, My name is Legion Prim'Era, I am the Prime Trader, allow me to explain.."

"Like Baro, my most trusted ally, I am a Void trader of some sorts, but for me I trade Rare Prime parts, including weapons and warframes and more, like so you may find something you dislike or not what you where hopeing for?"

"This is excaly where I come in to, come to me when I visit the relays or dojos and sell me your left over ducats that you gather from Baro, or your unwanted prime parts, and I shell trade you the other time you require"

"I also sell and buy your unwanted items, for the citizens and beyond I also sell food and water of all kinds for all races, However I must warn you, I am not so allied with Grinner, so you may want to be careful, other then that, you are free to request what ever you shell from me"

"I must warn you, I only stay for a few days, a week if you will, if this place gets to busy, I shell leave, so shop while you can people". 


(Let me kown what you think)

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[Forgive me for not explaining but while waiting at the rail you are in your ship. However in this case this will be a docking/waiting area.]

The receptionist looks up.

"Oh. Sorry for the delay. Most Tenno just wait aboard their ships. Looks like your forms are in order." He says. "Please note that any infestation we biomass must be kept in sealed containers."

He motions to the door.

"The rail is ready for you." He says. "Please pilot your ship to the rail."


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[Good intro.]

[Once you reach the planet I will give an explanation. The rail thing is just to provide a character intro. The action actually starts when you approach the planet. For those reading I will give the description of the planet once. If something changes, e.g a ship in orbit. I will update it.]

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The rail operator seems to sigh and starts into a bored speech before a voice booms out.

"Simon here. Rail manager." It says. "If your orbiter or carrier has infestation please leave it in orbit and use a landing craft to descend."

The rail hums.

"If you need goods transferred we have ships that can dock and assist with that." 

The rail flashes and you find yourself facing a blue and green planet. A yellow star lights it. It seems as if you have not left the Sol System. Then your eyes adjust and you see a fleet of ships, Orokin in design. Two moons hover above the world.

A white and orange Balor Formorian hovers in orbit as well. It bears the Meridian sigil.

"Vaykor Formorian here." A vice says. "This is General Darrin of Steel Meridian."

"Waypoints to the designated landing zone have been sent. Please let us know if you have any questions or cargo to offload."

Edited by Rakawan
Spell check.
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Ryoko stood at the landing zone. The platform jutted over a small cliff. The entrance to Phenix sat a short walk away.

"Prime Trader." Simon said over comms. "Seemed like a nice fellow, had a lot of merchandise. He may need help unloading it."

Ryoko watched the craft through the Codex Scanner. Their first visitor. And a Tenno Merchant. This could draw others. He motioned to Dirge, the Wraith leader.

"Send a Wraith to keep an eye on him. Protection duty. I don't want him getting mugged by some desperate fool."

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*The Ship flies to orbit, and then slows down,it awaits for another landing craft to enter, as his ship is dangerous*

"Uhh,Rail control, I approve of rail manger, I will await in orbit, before landing, my ship is comprised, I have 3 cases for trade, for a another docking ship, please see the tail of the ship"

*upon closer inspection his ship is a "Xiphos" *

*The transmission on his ship then booms out*

"Alert, Trader-L. a Grinner Balor is in your location, our ships have locked onto the balor, is the ship a threat?..."

"Rail Control, this is Guard-Leader, Protector of the Trader that is in your space, please respond, is your balor a non-hostile?"



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Darrin opened a full channel to the ship.

"My alologies." He said. "This ship was commandeered when the Kweens attacked us. It is under Tenno and Meridian control now."

He keyed in a command.

"There is a Defender waiting to dock. We can unload your cargo with automated drones if you wish." He said. "Once again I apologize for the scare. This ship is my personal flagship. It is our first layer of security while the Vengeance and Interitus are under repair." 

A command appeared on the Xiphos console.

"Confirm cargo transfer and delivery coordinates?"

[If you accept it will load them and send them to where you decided to set up shop. Or simply hold them till needed.]


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[Quick question. How many ships are there? Or is this a Tenno carrier? For streamlining purposes anything denoted as automated will mean that you can tell it to do any of the options listed afterwards. E.g transfer cargo, deposit cargo at location, hold cargo till ready, etc.]


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20 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

[Quick question. How many ships are there? Or is this a Tenno carrier? For streamlining purposes anything denoted as automated will mean that you can tell it to do any of the options listed afterwards. E.g transfer cargo, deposit cargo at location, hold cargo till ready, etc.]


(Forgive me, Im under a Mod Cue, so it may be delayed)

{There is just one ship Legion's Ship, the other "2" ships are void masked and just hovering outside the rail, tho scanners will be able to see them}



Edited by LegionCynex
Missed Something..
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The Defender class vessel docks with the ship. The airlock opens and an Atlas Warframe stands there. 

"Greetings, I am Arbiter Ryoko." The Tenno says. "If you would please board this ship will carry you to the surface."

He pauses and taps his helmet.

"Forgive me for wanting to greet the first guest properly."

Ryoko stands waiting for your decision.

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[You mean in orbit. Unless they stayed back at the rail. Technically your ship is now in orbit around Phenix. I'm still getting used to roleplaying on this scale so bear with me as if something ins't explained well.]

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*Legion press's the confirm to allow the drones to do their work and he boards the ship Ryoko is near*

*Nice to meet you Ryoko, I am Legion, the Prime Trader"

"I look for a safe, place to put up stock, somewhere closed up in sight"

*Just as he finishes his talk, a Primed Ash, with his arms folded, watching them both, his design is pure white and light black, he does not a say a word, just carefully watches his master* 



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Richard's newsfeed flashed with a shiny headline: Prime Trader Legion has landed on Phenix.

"Visitors?  Excellent."  He stood up from the bench he'd been sitting on, turning of the holographic feed with a wave of his hand, and walked leisurely in the general direction of the city entrance.

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A simple liset flew into the rail and opened up a communication channel with the rail manager. An old voice spoke over the channel. "I am Lucious, a nekros thats a medic part of the Fire Hawx clan. i heard about the attack and want to aid in repairing the city. I also have a friend with me. A human with the name Seth. I could get him if you would like to speak with him." 


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((Time to standardize the formatting.  For more information, or to post questions, use the OOC thread.))


In-character speech is simply made thusly, without quotation marks.  If you have more than one character, denote their speech either with nametags or colors.

In-character thoughts are relayed thusly, without quotation marks, but in italics.  If you have more than one character, denote their thoughts either with nametags or colors.

((Out-of-character remarks made directly about something in the IC thead go in double parenthesis.  This includes descriptions of items and appearances.))  General OOC statements and discussion belong in the OOC thread.

*Use stars to denote actions taken by your character that are readily visible by all other characters with line of sight.*

[place actions/explanations that only your character and the DMs know in brackets.  Obviously this won't prevent other players from reading it, but metagaming is bad form and against the rules.]  If your character is performing an action that involves doing something that's visible, but not understandable, describe the visible action as you would a normal action.

{it is the player's option to use brackets to enclose an action that they wish another player/DM to respond to - an open-ended action or question may be placed here}


Use the at sign (@) to refer to players whose character name your character does not know




  • I have one character, Richard, in the thread, and he spoke out loud.
  • Richard: I have more than one character in the thread, and Richard spoke out loud.
  • I have more than one character in the thread, and Richard (whose speech color is silver) spoke out loud.
  • I have one character, Richard, in the thread, and he thought.
  • Richard: I have more than one character in the thread, and Richard thought.
  • I have more than one character in the thread, and Richard (whose speech color is silver) is thinking.
  • ((I am describing someone or something, or making a direct comment about something in the post I am quoting.))
  • *Richard is performing an action that other characters can easily see, such as walking around, gesticulating, or sitting down on a bench.*
  • [Richard is performing an action that other characters cannot perceive, such as readying an action in his mind, attempting to remember something, or performing actions in privacy.]
  • *Richard is walking around town, and turns the corner to continue walking in an alley.




Edited by Yzjdriel
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Ryoko gestures to the seats.

"Please take a seat. I told the captain to take us down to the Capitol." He says. "I'm sure we can find a suitable place for you to set up shop."

he told his hands.

"Though I must say you are the first to arrive." He says. "I must relay a few rules of course. There is the standard set, no fighting, no stealing, etc."

He gestures to a holograph depicting two armored forms.

"These are the peacekeepers. Archons and Seraphs." He says. "I recommend cooperating with them if an issue arises. If you need there are also dueling rooms set aside."

He gestured to a Red and Black Atlas behind him.

"This Wraith will escort you to the market area." He says. "He can answer any questions you have while we land."

Ryoko kneels and golden light flares. He begins to fade away.

"Welcome to Phenix." He says. "Ah! A new visitor."

The light flares and he vanishes.

The Wraith stands silently.


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2 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

A simple liset flew into the rail and opened up a communication channel with the rail manager. An old voice spoke over the channel. "I am Lucious, a nekros thats a medic part of the Fire Hawx clan. i heard about the attack and want to aid in repairing the city. I also have a friend with me. A human with the name Seth. I could get him if you would like to speak with him." 

The response came quickly.  "This is Rail Control.  We don't need to speak with your passenger.  Do you have anything to declare before Punching to Synergy?"

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10 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

The response came quickly.  "This is Rail Control.  We don't need to speak with your passenger.  Do you have anything to declare before Punching to Synergy?"

"I have nothing to declare sir. Have a pleasent day." with that the nekros ended the conversation and prepared his ship for the punch.

((is this better Legion? and i use the A on the little toolbar to select colours))

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