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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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4 hours ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Nox awaits her sentinal's projection, confirming as soon as it conveys the message before approaching Felicity and Cynthia, her hands fiddling with the projection as she starts with the barrel.
"Thank you, Athena" she says.

Nox walks closer to Felicity before asking "Shall we begin, then?"

Her hands seem to be on autopilot, though the warframe is paying attention to what she's doing on both fronts as she lengthens the barrel, widening the shell to make room for rails, the trinity also moving the receiver a bit further back on the weapon, to make more use of room. She also eliminates the magazine, introducing a single-shot chamber to the weapon.

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4 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Nox walks closer to Felicity before asking "Shall we begin, then?"

Her hands seem to be on autopilot, though the warframe is paying attention to what she's doing on both fronts as she lengthens the barrel, widening the shell to make room for rails, the trinity also moving the receiver a bit further back on the weapon, to make more use of room. She also eliminates the magazine, introducing a single-shot chamber to the weapon.

"As soon as Cynthia makes up her mind." Felicity says. "I don't want to start a tour and force her to run to catch up."

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53 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Nox walks closer to Felicity before asking "Shall we begin, then?"

Her hands seem to be on autopilot, though the warframe is paying attention to what she's doing on both fronts as she lengthens the barrel, widening the shell to make room for rails, the trinity also moving the receiver a bit further back on the weapon, to make more use of room. She also eliminates the magazine, introducing a single-shot chamber to the weapon.

"Guess i will be coming along with this tour. Got nothing else to do anyway."

"Well i rather go enjoy this show first. I will tell Demyan to come here later so he can meet up with you."

Felicity taps on the keypad by the door and it opens. The space where the ship was is empty. The now vacant area reveals how massive the ship was. Felicity walks to an elevator and keys in a code, as you both get on the elevator she turns to you.

"So what other areas of research do you two focus on?" She asks. "Besides weapon tech?"

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26 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Felicity taps on the keypad by the door and it opens. The space where the ship was is empty. The now vacant area reveals how massive the ship was. Felicity walks to an elevator and keys in a code, as you both get on the elevator she turns to you.

"So what other areas of research do you two focus on?" She asks. "Besides weapon tech?"

Nox continues tinkering with the projection. She leaves the rail space empty for now, having yet to see an orokin-designed rail gun or similair, instead switching her focus to the scope, adding an extra level of zoom before she speaks "Well, my operator has a penchent for modifying frames, though I have yet to do so myself considering I technically am a warframe. My frame is the result of many sleepless cycles on her part." If one looks closely at the trinity warframe, other feathures begin to stand out besides the modified helmet. Attached to the upper back of her skirt-belt, is a pack, not unlike that from a volt, though it serves a different purpose on her. Her legs are also a bit different, looking as though they were based off that of a loki prime, albeit more symettrical.

"Besides fighting somewhat unconventionally, operator tends to like being highly mobile; hence the higher use of oxium and the modified legs. I can run on par with a Loki, and I can cling to a wall significantly longer than most other frames due to the field generator on my skirt and my lighter weight. My own personal pet project has been proxies. As much as the corpus are cold and calculating, they seem to know what they're doing when it comes to tech. It's been a project of mine to take a page from their books, and design a more sturdy, proxy-based companion. Due to his protesting for it, Eon will likely control the first one I make. Eon, if you could show Felicity our little... Project?"

On cue, the projection of her scanned weapon shrinks a bit, moving to the side as another projection appears beside it. A proxy, looking somewhat like a zanuka, appears beside it. "It's based upon tenno designs, but took some of the biomechanical aspects from the corpus. Unlike their Zanuka proxies however, Warframes are not butchered to make it. Unfortunatly however, it is incomplete, lacking many components such as a control system."

Edited by BulletsforTeeth
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5 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"There are a few unused huts." Kira says. "Once you pass a background check and record check you would be free to rent one."

She taps her chin.

"As for your cephelon..." She says. "I'm afraid we don't have anything immediately pressing. C.A.L.C may be interested in talking to another Cephalon but beyond that we have things handled for now. I will ask him after the tour."

She turns to you.

"I was told you were interested in the concept of Synergy." She says. "Care to elaborate on that?"

"Well, I'm interested in the idea of it all.  A gathering for Tenno, Grineer and Corpus rebels?  Sounds like a small slice of the universe if everyone would shut their mouths and band together, forged their own paths.  Not ones dictated by others.  Or by profits.  A place where everyone, from all walks, can settle down and develop their own lives.  ...And I was curious.  I heard rumors floating around in the Relays amidst all the small talk, and I decided it was worth looking into.  A few deals here, some favors called in there, and, well, here we are.  Cost me half my Ducat supply, but hey, peace like this?  I'd give everything I have."  *Rhys calmly takes a breath* 


*Tachyon frowns.  As much as a Cephalon can, anyway.  She floats around, annoyed, in circles.*


*Meanwhile, Ordis has taken to looking back over the Limbo Theorem, attempting to decipher any hidden meanings within the complex mathematics.*

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6 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Felicity taps on the keypad by the door and it opens. The space where the ship was is empty. The now vacant area reveals how massive the ship was. Felicity walks to an elevator and keys in a code, as you both get on the elevator she turns to you.

"So what other areas of research do you two focus on?" She asks. "Besides weapon tech?"

"Well, weapon tech is the only kind of research i really focus on. I need it alot out in the field, since i need to be able to make modifications on the fly. Although Nox did give me the idea to utilise more oxium in the building of warframes. I reckon i can get use out of the extra mobility." Cynthia replied as she stepped into the elevator. "Besides that i also have a bit of knowledge of proxies thanks to what my clan works on.

5 hours ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

On cue, the projection of her scanned weapon shrinks a bit, moving to the side as another projection appears beside it. A proxy, looking somewhat like a zanuka, appears beside it. "It's based upon tenno designs, but took some of the biomechanical aspects from the corpus. Unlike their Zanuka proxies however, Warframes are not butchered to make it. Unfortunatly however, it is incomplete, lacking many components such as a control system."

Cynthia looked at the zanuka-like proxy that Nox showed. 

"I reckon my clan leader wont mind me telling a little about those proxies i just mentioned. They are from old orokin ships we found. War towers or war platforms or whatever they were called.. Got a few orokin proxies from that thing. Clan mate showed me how they worked and how to repair a few things of em and afterwards handed me one to use on missions. Now it's just gathering dust in my liset as most missions i had so far he didn't seem geared up for.

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10 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The Blademaster drops into a ready pose. You hear a deep breath and the Warframe shifts as if steeling itself internally. 

A So at wave pulses out, marking the intruder and a wave of Silence descends as a Banshee, Valkyr, and Loki drop onto the field. 

"Philip." The Valkyr says. "You should have called."

"I was blademaster long before any of you were trained." Philip says. "I saw no reason to waste your time. This foe is tricky, but not flawless."

*The Ash, notices the Banshee and now Vlakyr, it begins to retreat back, slowly backing up*

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11 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"What happened?" Tak asks. "Did someone attack you?"

He runs his hands over the wounds and begins leeching out void energy before purifying and returning it to speed healing.

*The Tenno Speeks out*.."I..I lost control over the frame, it begin to ignore my commands, I have no idea why..."

*He allows the wounds to heal* "I've never experienced this before...why didn't the Lotus tell us anything?"

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9 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The Archons seem to start and both look back.

"Oay them no heed." One says.

"Never knew you to balk at talking to women, Rex." The first says. 

"Tenno women". Rex says. "Not..."

The other turns around.

"Names Cody." He says. "This is Rex. We're Archons. Used t be the best warriors humanity could become, till Ascendance. You heading to the new place as well?"


"Its nice to meet you Rex, you too Cody" *She pusases* "This is my friend, tho..heavens I never got your name *She looks to the ember*

"Oh, and the..uh..Sent is my pet, not to worry, you two he don't bite"


*The sent, looks up to them both, and just states a little, before beeping in a happytone* 

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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

"Its nice to meet you Rex, you too Cody" *She pusases* "This is my friend, tho..heavens I never got your name *She looks to the ember*

"Oh, and the..uh..Sent is my pet, not to worry, you two he don't bite"

*The sent, looks up to them both, and just states a little, before beeping in a happytone* 

"I'm Katrina and i don't think i know your name either." Katrina replied, looking at the sent. She just found how it acted so adorable. 

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3 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

"I'm Katrina and i don't think i know your name either." Katrina replied, looking at the sent. She just found how it acted so adorable. 

"Duality,." "Its great to meet you Katrina"

*The senty spins on the spot a little, and lifts a invs-hat on his head, like Limbo*

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22 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Melanie falls her headset and then nods.

"Ryoko is taking the Zariman, our newest Dreadnought, for a test drive." She says. "I'm sure he would not mind if you dropped by for a look around. From the skies you can see the area better. After that he can give you a tour of the area."

She taps a few keys on her armpad.

"He will be waiting for you to dock. It's the giant Orokin style ship, you can't miss it."

((See descriptions of the Zariman and the damaged Dreadnoughts earlier. Or imagine the Orokin ships you sometimes get when using a void key. This is a larger version.))

Melanie gestures to a Robed figure.

"Maurice will lead you to the room." She says. "The euquipmemtncan sync your Warframe to your transference signal while you sleep. If this is your first time I wouldn't recommend anything beyond desk work."


"It is settled then" Therese replied to Melanie. "You're going for an aerial excursion, Ulf. Do bother to tell me of your observations later" she addressed Ulf, and then, before being led to the chambers, she simply nodded her head and spoke "good evenin' "

By his looks, Ulf appeared excited. "So, the lazy holiday "dirigible" tour over the planet surface? Haven't had those in ages... literally. How many cities there are? Any other settlements? Are they mixed or each group lives separately? Is there any highlanders communities?..." he barrages Melanie with his questions energetically enough to make an impression that he seeks not answers to them but simply expresses his eagerness, "... How do I get aboard?" he finally asks. 

Meanwhile, Therese was inspecting her supposedly new chambers.

Not to spoil them with excessive comfort? She questingly quoted her boss in her mind after taking a look around the room. It was spacious, just like any other orokin-made structure, but also horribly lacked all sorts of furniture. It looked like a nearly-empty atelier, but with golden trims and intricate ceiling patterns. The items of comfort, however, were not as grandiose: a few cold stone and gold benches cut in the room structure, a couple of simple orokin-made lockers, who have probably seen the better days, a massive table made of marble and (unsurprisingly) gold, with nothing but a thin layer of dust on it, a couple of old floor rags, which, judging by the patterns fragmentation, seem to be reduced from their original sizes for the reasons unknown,  a roll of relatively clean cloth (which probably supposed to serve as a table sheet), and a slightly humming transference capsule.

Splendid... she mentally commented the interiors and started to search for a relatively comfortable place to land her tired meats. While doing so, she noticed the fact that the main window view was much more luxurious than the room equipment. Finally taking place at one of the stone benches, she opened her portative interface and began to write the damned report to her boss and the further orders to her troops. By the time she was completing her desk jobs, she thought only about having a nap. Being mightily disgusted by the transference capsule (for the reasons known to her), she unrolled the reel of cloth in one of the room corners, sloppily unequipped her frame, and finally laid down at the improvised mattress, embracing the soft, dark and quiet oblivion within ten seconds after laying her head.


Edited by Teloch
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15 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Duality,." "Its great to meet you Katrina"

*The senty spins on the spot a little, and lifts a invs-hat on his head, like Limbo*

Katrina giggled at seeing the sent act like a limbo. "Anyway maybe we should let these two show where this new bar is?"

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11 hours ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Nox continues tinkering with the projection. She leaves the rail space empty for now, having yet to see an orokin-designed rail gun or similair, instead switching her focus to the scope, adding an extra level of zoom before she speaks "Well, my operator has a penchent for modifying frames, though I have yet to do so myself considering I technically am a warframe. My frame is the result of many sleepless cycles on her part." If one looks closely at the trinity warframe, other feathures begin to stand out besides the modified helmet. Attached to the upper back of her skirt-belt, is a pack, not unlike that from a volt, though it serves a different purpose on her. Her legs are also a bit different, looking as though they were based off that of a loki prime, albeit more symettrical.

"Besides fighting somewhat unconventionally, operator tends to like being highly mobile; hence the higher use of oxium and the modified legs. I can run on par with a Loki, and I can cling to a wall significantly longer than most other frames due to the field generator on my skirt and my lighter weight. My own personal pet project has been proxies. As much as the corpus are cold and calculating, they seem to know what they're doing when it comes to tech. It's been a project of mine to take a page from their books, and design a more sturdy, proxy-based companion. Due to his protesting for it, Eon will likely control the first one I make. Eon, if you could show Felicity our little... Project?"

On cue, the projection of her scanned weapon shrinks a bit, moving to the side as another projection appears beside it. A proxy, looking somewhat like a zanuka, appears beside it. "It's based upon tenno designs, but took some of the biomechanical aspects from the corpus. Unlike their Zanuka proxies however, Warframes are not butchered to make it. Unfortunatly however, it is incomplete, lacking many components such as a control system."

"Interesting." Felicity says. "After the events on the moon I wanted to begin looking into using unbound, that is unused, Warframe components for a Zanuka like proxy. Ryoko shot the idea down. He still hates Alad V with a passion."

"An Orokin era proxy would be useful. The only ones I remember are the moas. But I mostly worked with Tenno, and didn't get much of a chance to leave the lab. I'm sure we could us that in our proxy lab."

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4 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*The Tenno Speeks out*.."I..I lost control over the frame, it begin to ignore my commands, I have no idea why..."

*He allows the wounds to heal* "I've never experienced this before...why didn't the Lotus tell us anything?"

"I have encountered this before." Tak said. "A Chroma was wandering around wreaking havoc. The Lotus has no idea what caused that either. I can sense an entity behind the frame, but it is slippery, elusive."

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4 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*The Ash, notices the Banshee and now Vlakyr, it begins to retreat back, slowly backing up*

With a whooshing sound the Loki swaps places with the Ash then turns around and lifts. Rubico, firing at its head as it is confused. 

The Valkyr emits a burst of paralyzing force and then fires her soma at it. The Banhsee uses another wave of sonar to paint the target, lighting up weak spots for the Valkyr.

The Blademaster continues to circle, holding an Exalted Blade now.

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10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"An Orokin era proxy would be useful. The only ones I remember are the moas. But I mostly worked with Tenno, and didn't get much of a chance to leave the lab. I'm sure we could us that in our proxy lab.

"I don't reckon that the proxies my clan retrieved had ever seen actual use in the orokin era. Besides defending their storage space that is. At least thats my guess."

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3 hours ago, Teloch said:

"It is settled then" Therese replied to Melanie. "You're going for an aerial excursion, Ulf. Do bother to tell me of your observations later" she addressed Ulf, and then, before being led to the chambers, she simply nodded her head and spoke "good evenin' "

By his looks, Ulf appeared excited. "So, the lazy holiday "dirigible" tour over the planet surface? Haven't had those in ages... literally. How many cities there are? Any other settlements? Are they mixed or each group lives separately? Is there any highlanders communities?..." he barrages Melanie with his questions energetically enough to make an impression that he seeks not answers to them but simply expresses his eagerness, "... How do I get aboard?" he finally asks. 

Meanwhile, Therese was inspecting her supposedly new chambers.

Not to spoil them with excessive comfort? She questingly quoted her boss in her mind after taking a look around the room. It was spacious, just like any other orokin-made structure, but also horribly lacked all sorts of furniture. It looked like a nearly-empty atelier, but with golden trims and intricate ceiling patterns. The items of comfort, however, were not as grandiose: a few cold stone and gold benches cut in the room structure, a couple of simple orokin-made lockers, who have probably seen the better days, a massive table made of marble and (unsurprisingly) gold, with nothing but a thin layer of dust on it, a couple of old floor rags, which, judging by the patterns fragmentation, seem to be reduced from their original sizes for the reasons unknown,  a roll of relatively clean cloth (which probably supposed to serve as a table sheet), and a slightly humming transference capsule.

Splendid... she mentally commented the interiors and started to search for a relatively comfortable place to land her tired meats. While doing so, she noticed the fact that the main window view was much more luxurious than the room equipment. Finally taking place at one of the stone benches, she opened her portative interface and began to write the damned report to her boss and the further orders to her troops. By the time she was completing her desk jobs, she thought only about having a nap. Being mightily disgusted by the transference capsule (for the reasons known to her), she unrolled the reel of cloth in one of the room corners, sloppily unequipped her frame, and finally laid down at the improvised mattress, embracing the soft, dark and quiet oblivion within ten seconds after laying her head.


If he looks around Ulf will notice that he is no longer in the Citadel. Instead he now stands in the bridge of a large Orokin ship. Civilians in white and gold robes sit at consoles, and voices call it commands further down. 

"Field recovery system successful." One says. "Welcome aboard Tenno."

The displays above your head show numerous views, the one directly in front of you showing the ground below. The ship seems to be passing over the Capitol now. From this high it seems smaller, less grand. The houses are small squares and the citadel is a simple dot.

A figure stands at the helm. A frost I a different armor scheme. Collectors will recognize the Grineer attempts to create a Warframe, nicknamed the Grost, though this is in white and gold.

"Representative Ulf." The figure says. "I do not believe we have met. I am Arbiter Ryoko. Welcome aboard the Zariman."

"Sir we are within range of the western colony." A technician says.

"Run a bio-scan." Ryoko says. "I don't want to cry some squater by mistake."

"All clear." The tech says. "Target locked."

"Melanie wants these structures demolished so we can replace them with the new city design." Ryoko says. "Allocate all available power to weapon and fire."

On the screen you see a beam of blinding blue light Lance towards the deserted colony at strike the ground. Dust billows out form the impact point, electricity arcing within the cloud. The beam reminds you of a Balor Formorians, but the effect seems more similar to a Anti-Moa.

"Retqsk orbital satellite five-seven." Ryoko says. "Get me a visual."

"Will do." Another tech says.

"While they get visuals, let us talk." Ryoko says to you. 


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3 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

"Heh.., Indeed, lets go..Kat" *She says* "Lead the way boys"

Cody shoulder bumps Rex and the two set back off down the street.

"What are you doing?" Rex hisses. "They are Tenno!"

"They are allies." Cody says. "Leave that superstitious nonsense behind. Melanie would not allow demons to walk among us."

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6 hours ago, kyrozon said:

"Well, weapon tech is the only kind of research i really focus on. I need it alot out in the field, since i need to be able to make modifications on the fly. Although Nox did give me the idea to utilise more oxium in the building of warframes. I reckon i can get use out of the extra mobility." Cynthia replied as she stepped into the elevator. "Besides that i also have a bit of knowledge of proxies thanks to what my clan works on.

Cynthia looked at the zanuka-like proxy that Nox showed. 

"I reckon my clan leader wont mind me telling a little about those proxies i just mentioned. They are from old orokin ships we found. War towers or war platforms or whatever they were called.. Got a few orokin proxies from that thing. Clan mate showed me how they worked and how to repair a few things of em and afterwards handed me one to use on missions. Now it's just gathering dust in my liset as most missions i had so far he didn't seem geared up for.

"We'll bring it down to the proxy labs." Felicity says. We can stop there next. We have automated delivery systems here if you want."

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

"We'll bring it down to the proxy labs." Felicity says. We can stop there next. We have automated delivery systems here if you want."

"If ya can get my liset there i'm good with it."

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23 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

If he looks around Ulf will notice that he is no longer in the Citadel. Instead he now stands in the bridge of a large Orokin ship. Civilians in white and gold robes sit at consoles, and voices call it commands further down. 

"Field recovery system successful." One says. "Welcome aboard Tenno."

The displays above your head show numerous views, the one directly in front of you showing the ground below. The ship seems to be passing over the Capitol now. From this high it seems smaller, less grand. The houses are small squares and the citadel is a simple dot.

A figure stands at the helm. A frost I a different armor scheme. Collectors will recognize the Grineer attempts to create a Warframe, nicknamed the Grost, though this is in white and gold.

"Representative Ulf." The figure says. "I do not believe we have met. I am Arbiter Ryoko. Welcome aboard the Zariman."

"Sir we are within range of the western colony." A technician says.

"Run a bio-scan." Ryoko says. "I don't want to cry some squater by mistake."

"All clear." The tech says. "Target locked."

"Melanie wants these structures demolished so we can replace them with the new city design." Ryoko says. "Allocate all available power to weapon and fire."

On the screen you see a beam of blinding blue light Lance towards the deserted colony at strike the ground. Dust billows out form the impact point, electricity arcing within the cloud. The beam reminds you of a Balor Formorians, but the effect seems more similar to a Anti-Moa.

"Retqsk orbital satellite five-seven." Ryoko says. "Get me a visual."

"Will do." Another tech says.

"While they get visuals, let us talk." Ryoko says to you. 



"Sure," Ulf answers, "but it is major Therese Bloom who was assigned as the official representative. I'm just her assistant".

He watches down at the explosion, his energized smile fades a bit, making some free place for confusion.

"Erm... Isn't that a bit of overkill? I mean weren't those ruins recyclable? And what about the eco system?"

Edited by Teloch
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8 hours ago, Sintag said:

"Well, I'm interested in the idea of it all.  A gathering for Tenno, Grineer and Corpus rebels?  Sounds like a small slice of the universe if everyone would shut their mouths and band together, forged their own paths.  Not ones dictated by others.  Or by profits.  A place where everyone, from all walks, can settle down and develop their own lives.  ...And I was curious.  I heard rumors floating around in the Relays amidst all the small talk, and I decided it was worth looking into.  A few deals here, some favors called in there, and, well, here we are.  Cost me half my Ducat supply, but hey, peace like this?  I'd give everything I have."  *Rhys calmly takes a breath* 


*Tachyon frowns.  As much as a Cephalon can, anyway.  She floats around, annoyed, in circles.*


*Meanwhile, Ordis has taken to looking back over the Limbo Theorem, attempting to decipher any hidden meanings within the complex mathematics.*

Kira smiles.

"It is nice." Kira says. "Though I am disappointed someone charged you money for information about us. This is not supposed to be a secret to other Tenno."

She looks up the mountain at a Monastery.

"There is not much in town." She says. "However the Monastery might interest you."

She gestures to a series of stairs.

"It is peaceful most days." Kira says. "A welcome respite from the war. There are still small power struggles, between the Syndicates. But mostly every tends to their own business."

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12 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Cody shoulder bumps Rex and the two set back off down the street.

"What are you doing?" Rex hisses. "They are Tenno!"

"They are allies." Cody says. "Leave that superstitious nonsense behind. Melanie would not allow demons to walk among us."

*Rises a brow*..Everything ok?..

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