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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Something rolls to your feet and a flash of blue light cancels out the effect.

"MK II dispel grenade." He says, the small object at your feet flying back to his hand and being stowed at his waist. "Useful for annoying eximus, and preventing Tenno from interfering with exercises."

He looks at you sternly.

"You're new here, so I'll let that go." He says. "But next time you interfere without permission, representative or not,  I'll have you scrubbing out Meridian's old powder kegs. Are we clear?"

He looks at the recruit.

"Timothy!" He snaps. "Stop strangling that Soma, not wonder its bucking around everytime you fire. Hold it like you would hold a pet kubrow, firmly and confidently."

He turns back to you.

"We used to learn in field." He says. "But not we actually train them. That's why we don't usually let Tenno around here. They always want to help out and the recruits get used to it. They need to learn to rely on skill, not void magics."


Instead of starting arguing, Therse set in motion the sort of powers her kind possesses thanks not to the void but to the Mother Nature - the charm. She pouted playfully and innocently lifted brows.

"It's been ages since I had to help utter greenhorns to work out the proper grip on long rifles. Thanks to our policy, only experienced merc ops make it to the regular divisions, and they are not the best molding material". She proceeded with less excited expression, "And then they go further, becoming responsible for the lower regulars performance, readiness, and training; being burdened with logistical, informational, and equipment responsibilities, following the high commands orders and growing either burned out or zealed" She held a dramatic pause, "if I wasn't here, doing the slacker job, I would probably be nostalgic for the days when I was a lieutenant" she shrugged lightly. 

After letting the verbal noise to subsidize, she asked: "Do you have only two army corps?"

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11 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Tak and Sai'ah leave the room.

As soon as Cyria's ship gets through the she immediatly goes to the landing pad at the balcony. Fell is there waiting for her. She jumps out and the two stare at eachother.

"So are we going to do this the simply or hard way?"

"Depends on how much you are willing to comply, thief."

"Don't call me a thief!" Fell screamed back, much louder than he ment to.

Cyria was smiling under her helmet. "You stole that tech from me, that should give me enough reason to call you one."

He wanted to punch her so badly, but he knew this wasn't the place nor the right course of action to take. Too bad he still tried pummeling her. Cyria simply grabbed his fist threw him over herself onto the ground. "Tsk, tsk, tsk this is not behavior appropiate to our location."

Quickly he got back on his feet. "Fine, what exactly do you want?"

"I want the weapon of my design back. You probably know which one I'm talking about specificly.'

Fell sighed as he let his ship fly over and drop off a container, coloured in the classic orokin white and gold. Cyria let her hand glide over it as it took over her orange energy colour. With a fluent motion of her hand it went into her Liset. "I hope you haven't touched the data that's on those things. Now would you be a dear and show me around?"

He grunted and just looked hopelessly confused by the request. "Actually I got some... uhh... business to attend to."

"You don't sound confident about that."

Fell didn't really know what to do anymore, he hoped Tsun or Tak would step in.

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:


"You've met her." Melanie said. "No doubt she appeared no older than most Tenno, of which she considers herself a part."

She sighs.

"In reality she is only eight years old." She says. "I do not know what twisted powers she invoked, but she has changed. She looks, and acts, and speaks as if a stranger, yet still calls me mother. I know in my heart it is her, but I see no trace of the daughter I raised."


Well, that girl was nowhere near eight years old. And Melanie said nothing on how did that happen to her daughter, and what twisted powers she invoked. Still, Ulf thought it was a bad idea to pursue this topic. The widow with the alienated daughter? He actually wanted to clap her shoulder or to do some other encouraging feat, but he wasn't that informal. After standing still and mutely musing on his talent to dig up bad topics, he just muttered, "Sorry..." 

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Instead of starting arguing, Therse set in motion the sort of powers her kind possesses thanks not to the void but to the Mother Nature - the charm. She pouted playfully and innocently lifted brows.

"It's been ages since I had to help utter greenhorns to work out the proper grip on long rifles. Thanks to our policy, only experienced merc ops make it to the regular divisions, and they are not the best molding material". She proceeded with less excited expression, "And then they go further, becoming responsible for the lower regulars performance, readiness, and training; being burdened with logistical, informational, and equipment responsibilities, following the high commands orders and growing either burned out or zealed" She held a dramatic pause, "if I wasn't here, doing the slacker job, I would probably be nostalgic for the days when I was a lieutenant" she shrugged lightly. 

After letting the verbal noise to subsidize, she asked: "Do you have only two army corps?"

The Knight-Commander ignores the display.

"So once someone becomes efficient enough in combat, you relegate them to a desk job?" He asks. "What sort of incompetent politician came up with that system?"

One of the other recruits lifts a Stradavar and fires. He staggers back under the recoil, and falls flat on his back, the rifle spraying rounds into the air. The rounds pass through the surrounding objects, disappearing as they travel a certain distance from the range.

"Speaking of incompetent." He says, turning to a Knight nearby.

"Quartermaster!" He roars.

"Yes sir."

"Confiscate Johnson's rifle and relegate him to barrel cleaning duty." He says. "And the next time you ask me to give someone three weeks to improve, I'll stick you with their punishment when they inevitably fail."

The qaurtermaster helps the recruit to his feet and puts his arm around his shoulder walking him away.

"Darn softy." The Knight-Commander says. "Still, can't blame him for encouraging the kid. Heaven knows we all have dreams. Good thing they were using holographic rounds, instead of live ammo, or that could have been really bad. Still, I don't think that recruit will see combat, unless the Grineer kick down his office door."

"We have one." He says. "May not seem as much, but three years ago we were just rebels, running around on earth. Give us a few years and maybe we'll be able to rival your clan in size, and hopefully skill."

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10 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Well, that girl was nowhere near eight years old. And Melanie said nothing on how did that happen to her daughter, and what twisted powers she invoked. Still, Ulf thought it was a bad idea to pursue this topic. The widow with the alienated daughter? He actually wanted to clap her shoulder or to do some other encouraging feat, but he wasn't that informal. After standing still and mutely musing on his talent to dig up bad topics, he just muttered, "Sorry..." 

"You were not involved." Melanie says. "No reason for you to be sorry."

She checks something on the holo-pad and then lifts a rifle and slings it over her shoulder."You seem to actually care about the people here." She says. "It's good to meet another Tenno who sees this as more than just another node to be defended."


Edited by Rakawan
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23 minutes ago, kyrozon said:

As soon as Cyria's ship gets through the she immediatly goes to the landing pad at the balcony. Fell is there waiting for her. She jumps out and the two stare at eachother.

"So are we going to do this the simply or hard way?"

"Depends on how much you are willing to comply, thief."

"Don't call me a thief!" Fell screamed back, much louder than he ment to.

Cyria was smiling under her helmet. "You stole that tech from me, that should give me enough reason to call you one."

He wanted to punch her so badly, but he knew this wasn't the place nor the right course of action to take. Too bad he still tried pummeling her. Cyria simply grabbed his fist threw him over herself onto the ground. "Tsk, tsk, tsk this is not behavior appropiate to our location."

Quickly he got back on his feet. "Fine, what exactly do you want?"

"I want the weapon of my design back. You probably know which one I'm talking about specificly.'

Fell sighed as he let his ship fly over and drop off a container, coloured in the classic orokin white and gold. Cyria let her hand glide over it as it took over her orange energy colour. With a fluent motion of her hand it went into her Liset. "I hope you haven't touched the data that's on those things. Now would you be a dear and show me around?"

He grunted and just looked hopelessly confused by the request. "Actually I got some... uhh... business to attend to."

"You don't sound confident about that."

Fell didn't really know what to do anymore, he hoped Tsun or Tak would step in.

As you look around you see several robed shades with Orthos staves standing in a close circle around you.

"Grandmaster." Death's voice says in your mind. "Do you require assistance?"

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10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

The Knight-Commander ignores the display.

"So once someone becomes efficient enough in combat, you relegate them to a desk job?" He asks. "What sort of incompetent politician came up with that system?"

One of the other recruits lifts a Stradavar and fires. He staggers back under the recoil, and falls flat on his back, the rifle spraying rounds into the air. The rounds pass through the surrounding objects, disappearing as they travel a certain distance from the range.

"Speaking of incompetent." He says, turning to a Knight nearby.

"Quartermaster!" He roars.

"Yes sir."

"Confiscate Johnson's rifle and relegate him to barrel cleaning duty." He says. "And the next time you ask me to give someone three weeks to improve, I'll stick you with their punishment when they inevitably fail."

The qaurtermaster helps the recruit to his feet and puts his arm around his shoulder walking him away.

"Darn softy." The Knight-Commander says. "Still, can't blame him for encouraging the kid. Heaven knows we all have dreams. Good thing they were using holographic rounds, instead of live ammo, or that could have been really bad. Still, I don't think that recruit will see combat, unless the Grineer kick down his office door."

"We have one." He says. "May not seem as much, but three years ago we were just rebels, running around on earth. Give us a few years and maybe we'll be able to rival your clan in size, and hopefully skill."


Therese noticed that this one may have a certain amount of disdain toward tenno, which made her cool her tone. "The reason why I asked about the corps is not because I wanted to tickle your pride and competitiveness, which you obviously have in plenty, but because it may have an actual impact. And, refuting your hastily made conclusions, I was assigned here by my mentor - warlord Teloch Siger - to represent our group for both practical and human resource reasons. Consider it not as the desk job, but as the desk vacation"

She added polite but coldly: "If, how you said, the "incompetent politician" did not assign our mission here, today events could have gone in different direction"

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21 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"You were not involved." Melanie says. "No reason for you to be sorry."

She checks something on the holo-pad and then lifts a rifle and slings it over her shoulder."You seem to actually care about the people here." She says. "It's good to meet another Tenno who sees this as more than just another node to be defended."



He smiled a bit goofy, "I'm just a softie. A sincere softie, from what it sounds. And I do still remember the reason that eventually led me here and made me who I am"

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Therese noticed that this one may have a certain amount of disdain toward tenno, which made her cool her tone. "The reason why I asked about the corps is not because I wanted to tickle your pride and competitiveness, which you obviously have in plenty, but because it may have an actual impact. And, refuting your hastily made conclusions, I was assigned here by my mentor - warlord Teloch Siger - to represent our group for both practical and human resource reasons. Consider it not as the desk job, but as the desk vacation"

She added polite but coldly: "If, how you said, the "incompetent politician" did not assign our mission here, today events could have gone in different direction"

"Calm yourself, represntative." He says. "I meant no offense."

He lowers his voice.

"You want the blunt truth?" He asks. "Here it is."

He looks around.

"Three years ago we were just thirty idiots running around with Karaks, doing everything we could to survive." He says. "Now we have a base, a home, and a chance. I don't dislike you. You, and your clan, are organized. Part of me wishes I could be part of that. But I'm not Tenno. And I won't ever be, even if those rumors about Ascendance are true."

He gestures to the troops.

"But I lose good recruits everyday because people think the Tenno are going to fix everything. Because they think that Tenno are the answer to everything. So you'll forgive me if I don't worship the ground you walk on." He says. "You'll have to forgive the bravado, but I want these lads to grow up believing that they are gonna be the biggest, baddest soldiers out there. That's what any general wants, that's why we have rivalries. And that's not going to happen if they see Tenno as gods who will hold their hand the moment something goes wrong."

He raises his voice.

"Still makes no sense to assign the veterans to paperwork." He says. "But it seems to work for you. We do things differently here. Someone proves they can fight, we let em fight."

He looks at the recruits and emphasizes the next sentence.

"Our desk jobs are for rookies who can't do anything besides push papers." He says. "Like Thompson there if he doesn't GET HIS GRIP RIGHT!"


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13 minutes ago, Teloch said:

He smiled a bit goofy, "I'm just a softie. A sincere softie, from what it sounds. And I do still remember the reason that eventually led me here and made me who I am"

"You'd get along well with Bill." She said. "Your Major would probably hate him, but you'd like him."

She looks around.

"Come to think of it you should meet him." She says. "He's overseeing the recruits at the firing range."

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7 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Calm yourself, represntative." He says. "I meant no offense."

He lowers his voice.

"You want the blunt truth?" He asks. "Here it is."

He looks around.

"Three years ago we were just thirty idiots running around with Karaks, doing everything we could to survive." He says. "Now we have a base, a home, and a chance. I don't dislike you. You, and your clan, are organized. Part of me wishes I could be part of that. But I'm not Tenno. And I won't ever be, even if those rumors about Ascendance are true."

He gestures to the troops.

"But I lose good recruits everyday because people think the Tenno are going to fix everything. Because they think that Tenno are the answer to everything. So you'll forgive me if I don't worship the ground you walk on." He says. "You'll have to forgive the bravado, but I want these lads to grow up believing that they are gonna be the biggest, baddest soldiers out there. That's what any general wants, that's why we have rivalries. And that's not going to happen if they see Tenno as gods who will hold their hand the moment something goes wrong."

He raises his voice.

"Still makes no sense to assign the veterans to paperwork." He says. "But it seems to work for you. We do things differently here. Someone proves they can fight, we let em fight."

He looks at the recruits and emphasizes the next sentence.

"Our desk jobs are for rookies who can't do anything besides push papers." He says. "Like Thompson there if he doesn't GET HIS GRIP RIGHT!"



"Oh, I'm calm," she said "When the veterans lead four operations in a row, collaborate in rescue&evac mission, help to fend off the sudden acolyte assault, write the damned report on all things that happened and do this whole piece of work within forty-eight hours without a minute to have a nap, the sudden vacation with a bit of paperwork on a cozy planet is a remedy"

"Honestly, I'm jealous of you for having your own homeworld to protect, and not furrowing both the Terminus with its whereabouts and the void like space junk, for the sake of an idea that almost quarter of your own troops find utopic"

She settled down quickly, though, "Anyway, you do a good thing when teaching them to rely on their own: people who disregard their personal responsibility for themselves can't possibly be saved neither by the tenno nor by all those mythical gods if they exist"

She took a look at the "educative process", "Your trainees should really see Warlord Seonah on her duty. They will quickly stop to idealize tenno and their ways"

Edited by Teloch
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52 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"You'd get along well with Bill." She said. "Your Major would probably hate him, but you'd like him."

She looks around.

"Come to think of it you should meet him." She says. "He's overseeing the recruits at the firing range."


"If you suspect that she might get to hate him, then perhaps I should jog there before that happens. Theri is usually calm as an iceberg, but man, her anger tantrums are ugly..."

He started off in the direction from where the gunshots can be heard

"Oh, and jolly along, Chancellor. Things would probably be easier from now on" he yelled back while running

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"Finally here!" exclaims an orange/cyan colored Ember Prime, a joyful expression hidden in her helmet as she stood in the waiting area of the rail.

"Yeah, finally I can stop dragging your stuff around..." mutters a golden Excalibur Prime from behind her, carrying what seems to be their baggage. It was a lot, and it looked heavy.

The Ember looks back at him, taking one of the bags off him, her purse "You agreed to carry it Icarus, live with the consequences~"

"That was BEFORE the elevator jammed and we had to use the stairs Luv..." the Excalibur replied. However, he couldn't stay angry at the love of his life for longer than a minute... unless she 'borrows' his loyal horse again, aka. his liset, in which case the anger lasts over an hour.

When their que was up, she quickly, but elegantly, walked towards the reception, her boyfriend following her.

"Hi there. I'm Luv - yes, that's my name - and that handsome devil there is Icarus" she gestured to the Excalibur "We're from the Voidwalker clan. Y'know, the one with the big @as dojo in the origin sistem? Of course you do... Well, we're here for vacation, probably staying for a few weeks, or longer if we feel like it. Heard a lot of good things about this place, so... Anything else you need to know?" Her attitude was just like her name implies, lovely and difficult not to smile back.

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6 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*He sighs* "As long as it gets Sam out of that bed, I don't care what happens to me, pool all resources to make sure she is safe, I don't want her in that bed!" *He rubs his face* "Please...I'll give you anything I can to help this to help her"

"But this is not just about you!" She said and took a deep breath to gather her thoughts.

"To accomplish what you ask for I would probably have to bend the void in a way that..- " Ceda suddenly interupted Luna by "jumping" out of the screen. Her projection glew brighter and her tone changed to a more stern one. "'Operator', stop!" She exclaimed. "What you are suggesting is the kind of void manipulation that is almost guaranteed to kill you all at best, or tear open the void to begin the worst." She moved her projection slightly closer before continuing. "You have been to the moon, you have seen the consequences for when you force the void." She reminded Luna.

Ceda turned and approached Zaeed. "Such selfish reasoning. What have happened should not be tampered with, the past is done. Face it, Tenno, you cannot undo this." She said and reverted her glow and tone before "jumping" back into the screen.

Luna had to gather herself briefly before speaking. "Ceda is right, what you ask for is too dangerous. I cannot condone with this." She said. "I will try and heal her, but I will not help you do anything reckless."

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16 hours ago, Unus said:


On August 7, 2016 at 9:19 PM, Rakawan said:

"Felicity." She says. "Chief Orokin researcher of Phenix."

Oh . . .well now, that certainly abbreviates things to simplicity."

The Chroma rushes inside, deftly weaveing through the controlled chaos that appears to control most of the interior until it reaches the Orbiter Console. As the Chroma makes slight tweaks and adjustments to the computer, the Operator turns around in it's harness to face back at you.

"Come right in then Madam Felicity, make yourself at. . . .. "

The Operator looks around a bit, observing, among other things, a crewmen-patterned Mag slumped over a series of canisters surrounded by chemicals as if it collapsed mid-work, an Ash in orokin patterning seated in a slumped-over meditative stance atop a large pile of ferrite while balancing a single Gallium bar upon it's head, and a hollowed out Orokin drone with it's internals nestled about it in neatly organized little piles.

". . . .ah. . .yes. . .did not expect company so.. . .uh. . soon."

The Operator rubs the back of it's bald head, mirrored by the Chroma frame perfectly before it immediately snaps back to typing..

"If you need me to. . .I could attempt to clear the place out a bit if you want more room."


"WAIT a min .. . .AHA!"

The Chroma thrusts a finger straight into the air and the Operator quickly snaps to attention.

"Chief Orokin Researcher?!"

The Operator seems to get a giddy look in it's eyes.

"You wouldn't happen to have a workshop ororor some form of laboratory, would you?"

Edited by Unus
Cutting down on repetitive shenanigans.
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9 hours ago, Luthim said:

"But this is not just about you!" She said and took a deep breath to gather her thoughts.

"To accomplish what you ask for I would probably have to bend the void in a way that..- " Ceda suddenly interupted Luna by "jumping" out of the screen. Her projection glew brighter and her tone changed to a more stern one. "'Operator', stop!" She exclaimed. "What you are suggesting is the kind of void manipulation that is almost guaranteed to kill you all at best, or tear open the void to begin the worst." She moved her projection slightly closer before continuing. "You have been to the moon, you have seen the consequences for when you force the void." She reminded Luna.

Ceda turned and approached Zaeed. "Such selfish reasoning. What have happened should not be tampered with, the past is done. Face it, Tenno, you cannot undo this." She said and reverted her glow and tone before "jumping" back into the screen.

Luna had to gather herself briefly before speaking. "Ceda is right, what you ask for is too dangerous. I cannot condone with this." She said. "I will try and heal her, but I will not help you do anything reckless."

*Zaeed is startled by their reaction and he face reavels he is about to yell and snap back* 

"Operator! *Matrix interrupts him before he chuod* "Ceda is correct, we BOTH kown the void works!, how its too dangerous to be tampered with. Void manipulation is far to dangerous, only thos who kown how to bend it and have had kowngole before can turely understand its power, look what happened to Theorem! *He says*

*He Sighs* "I am sorry...Operator, I understand your reasoning, but this can not be done, i will not risk Ceda's operator for your own, you are letting this over-power you, I strongly suggest you go to our sanctuary, you have not rested your mind" 

"*Zaeed does't say anything, alought alot of thoughts are crossing his mind, he goes to turn to his sanctuary*

"Opre_....Sir...Wait, that is not what I intend, we are only trying to help...*He floats to Zaeed's face* "What good whuold it be, if you where to be in her place, more suffering?, I understand your intentions, *he floats down, looking up to him like a puppy* " This whuold only make it wrose, even for..Sam, while I am sure she whuold be greatful of your turst and sacrifice, as well as your generosity, but this?, I can see that she whuold be crushed to see you in that sate, rather then her, she whuold of surely asked the same, your her friend, a good one, don't take that away from her"

"Do not repeat what Shroud did.."

" I'm sorry..your correct, doing this to myself whuold be foolish, it whuold only case more problems, *He looks to Luna & Ceda* "Sorry ladies, I didn't kown what I was thinking, I was only wanting to help.." *He takes a deep breath* "I like to help my friends as much as possbile, but I guess that will have to do, if you can Luna that will be great" *He Looks to Marix" "Forward all bills and payment to me, for Sam's time in the hospital, we will pay for it Marix, like I said"


"Understood and that is a better way of helping, then harming yourself" *He says* "Now, what is next?, Ceda I suggest our Operator's  take themselves to the Bar, to help ease their minds"  


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12 hours ago, Denny2669 said:

"Finally here!" exclaims an orange/cyan colored Ember Prime, a joyful expression hidden in her helmet as she stood in the waiting area of the rail.

"Yeah, finally I can stop dragging your stuff around..." mutters a golden Excalibur Prime from behind her, carrying what seems to be their baggage. It was a lot, and it looked heavy.

The Ember looks back at him, taking one of the bags off him, her purse "You agreed to carry it Icarus, live with the consequences~"

"That was BEFORE the elevator jammed and we had to use the stairs Luv..." the Excalibur replied. However, he couldn't stay angry at the love of his life for longer than a minute... unless she 'borrows' his loyal horse again, aka. his liset, in which case the anger lasts over an hour.

When their que was up, she quickly, but elegantly, walked towards the reception, her boyfriend following her.

"Hi there. I'm Luv - yes, that's my name - and that handsome devil there is Icarus" she gestured to the Excalibur "We're from the Voidwalker clan. Y'know, the one with the big @as dojo in the origin sistem? Of course you do... Well, we're here for vacation, probably staying for a few weeks, or longer if we feel like it. Heard a lot of good things about this place, so... Anything else you need to know?" Her attitude was just like her name implies, lovely and difficult not to smile back.

"Of course." Simon says. "Did you by any chance see where the 'Employees only' sign went on that door you just walked through."

His voice sounds amused.

"I cannot fathom why people keep acting like this is a train station. It's more like a toll booth." He says. "Where you stay in your vehicle. That said I detect no contraband on your ship, so you are free to punch, once you board your ship."

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3 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*Zaeed is startled by their reaction and he face reavels he is about to yell and snap back* 

"Operator! *Matrix interrupts him before he chuod* "Ceda is correct, we BOTH kown the void works!, how its too dangerous to be tampered with. Void manipulation is far to dangerous, only thos who kown how to bend it and have had kowngole before can turely understand its power, look what happened to Theorem! *He says*

*He Sighs* "I am sorry...Operator, I understand your reasoning, but this can not be done, i will not risk Ceda's operator for your own, you are letting this over-power you, I strongly suggest you go to our sanctuary, you have not rested your mind" 

"*Zaeed does't say anything, alought alot of thoughts are crossing his mind, he goes to turn to his sanctuary*

"Opre_....Sir...Wait, that is not what I intend, we are only trying to help...*He floats to Zaeed's face* "What good whuold it be, if you where to be in her place, more suffering?, I understand your intentions, *he floats down, looking up to him like a puppy* " This whuold only make it wrose, even for..Sam, while I am sure she whuold be greatful of your turst and sacrifice, as well as your generosity, but this?, I can see that she whuold be crushed to see you in that sate, rather then her, she whuold of surely asked the same, your her friend, a good one, don't take that away from her"

"Do not repeat what Shroud did.."

" I'm sorry..your correct, doing this to myself whuold be foolish, it whuold only case more problems, *He looks to Luna & Ceda* "Sorry ladies, I didn't kown what I was thinking, I was only wanting to help.." *He takes a deep breath* "I like to help my friends as much as possbile, but I guess that will have to do, if you can Luna that will be great" *He Looks to Marix" "Forward all bills and payment to me, for Sam's time in the hospital, we will pay for it Marix, like I said"


"Understood and that is a better way of helping, then harming yourself" *He says* "Now, what is next?, Ceda I suggest our Operator's  take themselves to the Bar, to help ease their minds"  


"A quiet place may be prefered, if relaxing had been needed - which it ain't." Ceda said to Matrix.

Luna looked at Matrix. "I'm fine actually.. I just worry when my siblings are in pain or doesn't think straight." She said in a somewhat calm tone.

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11 hours ago, Unus said:


"WAIT a min .. . .AHA!"

The Chroma thrusts a finger straight into the air and the Operator quickly snaps to attention.

"Chief Orokin Researcher?!"

The Operator seems to get a giddy look in it's eyes.

"You wouldn't happen to have a workshop ororor some form of laboratory, would you?"

"I have both." She says. "Would you like to see them?"

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41 minutes ago, Luthim said:

"A quiet place may be prefered, if relaxing had been needed - which it ain't." Ceda said to Matrix.

Luna looked at Matrix. "I'm fine actually.. I just worry when my siblings are in pain or doesn't think straight." She said in a somewhat calm tone.

"Very well" *He Looks to Zaeed* "Now, chuold we get this task over with?, I seek to see how Ceda works and how well she does"

*He chuckles* "Oh I bet you do...*laughs* "Lets go" *He begins to walk to his place*

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56 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Of course." Simon says. "Did you by any chance see where the 'Employees only' sign went on that door you just walked through."

His voice sounds amused.

"I cannot fathom why people keep acting like this is a train station. It's more like a toll booth." He says. "Where you stay in your vehicle. That said I detect no contraband on your ship, so you are free to punch, once you board your ship."

The Excalibur huffed over, face hidden behind his mask, but his expression could be easily guessed "So you're telling me, I dragged this sh!tload of baggage up ALL these stairs, ALL of them, just to find out we have to GO BACK?"

The Ember awkwardly took a little step back "Uh... whops?"

Icarus turned back, looking straight at where her cyan colored eyes would be, before dropping all the baggage. "Your turn" a hidden grin replaced his frown. Afterall, it was her who convinced him they had to leave the liset.

----- 1 hour later -----

However, just like many times before, 1 hour is the limit and he couldn't stay angry at her for any longer. Stuffing the baggage in the back of their orange/cyan liset, they finally set course to their destination... which was pretty much anywhere, as long as its on Phoenix, they didn't care.


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18 hours ago, Rakawan said:

As you look around you see several robed shades with Orthos staves standing in a close circle around you.

"Grandmaster." Death's voice says in your mind. "Do you require assistance?"

"Sounds like you changed since I last saw you." Cyria commented, Fell seemed surpised as it wasn't mockery.

"Stand down everyone, she is just an old friend." 

"Didn't think you would call me friend ever again. Now would any of you be so kind to show me around?"

"Well anyone of you willing to show her around? Since I don't know much of the area myself."

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1 hour ago, Denny2669 said:

However, just like many times before, 1 hour is the limit and he couldn't stay angry at her for any longer. Stuffing the baggage in the back of their orange/cyan liset, they finally set course to their destination... which was pretty much anywhere, as long as its on Phoenix, they didn't care.

Icarus would receive a notifaction that a member of the fire hawx clan, whom was part of their alliance, was present on the planet along with a set of coordinats of their location.

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5 hours ago, kyrozon said:

Icarus would receive a notifaction that a member of the fire hawx clan, whom was part of their alliance, was present on the planet along with a set of coordinats of their location.

Icarus swiped away the message once he read it, going to their spacenet profiles right after and changing their statuses to 'on vacation'. They don't want people to think they're there on business, they just want some downtime with no work at all.

Although it would be rude to not show up at the place mentioned in the message. According to Icarus at least, Luv would forget it seconds later.

But first they need to park their liset...

((Where and what is the place?))

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2 minutes ago, Denny2669 said:

Icarus swiped away the message once he read it, going to their spacenet profiles right after and changing their statuses to 'on vacation'. They don't want people to think they're there on business, they just want some downtime with no work at all.

Although it would be rude to not show up at the place mentioned in the message. According to Icarus at least, Luv would forget it seconds later.

But first they need to park their liset...

((Where and what is the place?))

The location was the monostory, at one of the balconies. There was a Nova with the Aluta skin and Lamia helmet and a few others cladded in various robes.The Nova would be recognisable as the Fire Hawx member due to the emblem on her shoulder. 

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