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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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Just now, Sintag said:

"Eh." *Rhys shrugs* "Far as I'm concerned, I'm not too keen on anything Baro has these days.  Besides, with someone as frequent a Void venturer as I am, my supply's still in good shape."


*At Kira's advice, Rhys turns to the Monastery, taking a look.* "I see.  Thank you for your help, Kira."

((If you want to travel to the monastery just fly there. It has landing pads. No need for a trip there post.))

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

As one the Wraiths turn to look at you.

"You've talked to Stalker?" Ryoko asks. "Whenever I speak to him all he says is 'ouch'!"

*She looks to the Wairh* "My apologizes respected one, she's just a little.....drunk, can't blame her for wanting to let of some..stre_..I mean steam *clears throat* "Come, I think its getting late, we all need to leave"

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2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"I have..yes, do not worry we're not stupid"

Ryoko motions for her to stay. Dirge motions her over.

"Have you been hunting that kinslayer too?" Dirge asks. "I would love to hear from a fellow hunter." 

He pushes a chair out from his table.

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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

Ulf glanced at Ryoko and then on the group of wraiths. He readied his hand to perform the zenurik void pulse

Ryoko notices and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"No need to expend your energy, representative." He says. "The Wraiths can handle this if necessary."

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko motions for her to stay. Dirge motions her over.

"Have you been hunting that kinslayer too?" Dirge asks. "I would love to hear from a fellow hunter." 

He pushes a chair out from his table.

*She sighs* "I am..not here to harm anyone, if that whuold make it more appealing to you fokes"

"Also, if you whuold like it more, I'm no longer "WITH" him Ex-one if fact"

*She wlaks over and sits down* "Thank you"

Edited by LegionCynex
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5 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*Her pet quickly hugs kat, before returning to the ship to retrun home*


*Duality turns* "Hay hay, boys..easy,she means no harm, shes just....joking..you kown, silly Tennos always like to joke around"


Everyone seems to relax and Dirge looks at Ovi.

"What changed your mind?" He asks.

Edited by Rakawan
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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Everyone seems to relax and Dirge pulls the chair back.

"Well on that case." He says. "Maybe better you stay at your table and me at mine."

*She looks to kat* "Cya around Kat, great to see you once more" *She pays for her drink and she takes her leave with her pet, she heads to the docking port, and requests to leave, once done, she leaves*

*Seems she left in a hurry*

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12 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

((If you want to travel to the monastery just fly there. It has landing pads. No need for a trip there post.))

*Noticing the distance, Rhys made his way back to the landing pad he arrived in on, then travelled the rest of the way via landing craft, docking nearby.* "Thank goodness for landing pads." *With this, he left the craft, stepping out to the Monastery.*

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Just now, Sintag said:

*Noticing the distance, Rhys made his way back to the landing pad he arrived in on, then travelled the rest of the way via landing craft, docking nearby.* "Thank goodness for landing pads." *With this, he left the craft, stepping out to the Monastery.*

A Tenno that seems to be composed entirely of energy greets you at the gates of the landing pad.

"Greetings wanderer." He says. "Welcome to the Monastery of the Way. May I help you?"

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30 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*He walks in with Baro*


Ignoring the situation Baro walks over to the barkeep and orders two glasses of Orokin Wine and two cards. 

He sits at a table and motions for you to join him.

"To good profit, and good company." He says, raising a glass. "May both lead to eachother."

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28 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Ryoko notices and puts a hand on your shoulder.

"No need to expend your energy, representative." He says. "The Wraiths can handle this if necessary."



27 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She sighs* "I am..not here to harm anyone, if that whuold make it more appealing to you fokes"

"Also, if you whuold like it more, I'm no longer "WITH" him Ex-one if fact"


"Sure they can. But it would be less mess to clean up and fewer civvies to calm down should the things go ugly". He sits down, but the glow in his eyes, the direction of his gaze, and the hand mimics suggest that he is not persuaded by her argument. He took a sip with a left hand. 

"So, you've said there are tenno villagers. I haven't met many tenno who retired from their main line of activity. What do these settlers do for a living?"

Edited by Teloch
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8 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

A Tenno that seems to be composed entirely of energy greets you at the gates of the landing pad.

"Greetings wanderer." He says. "Welcome to the Monastery of the Way. May I help you?"

*Rhys nods* "Yes, this is my first time here.  I would like to know what generally goes on here.  ...Sorry if that sounded confusing."

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On 2016-07-02 at 4:01 PM, Rakawan said:

The robed Tennp lifts his head.

"Misery." He says. "That fool has gone too far this time."

A Warframe shimmers into being around him. A Nekros Prime. A strange spear is held in his hand.

"Protect this monastery and the young one." He says to a nearby shade. "I must deal with this."

Golden energy engulfs him and he disappears.

"Something I should be aware off?" Luna asked without breaking her trance, she knew the grandmaster heard it.

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4 hours ago, Teloch said:


"Sure they can. But it would be less mess to clean up and fewer civvies to calm down should the things go ugly". He sits down, but the glow in his eyes, the direction of his gaze, and the hand mimics suggest that he is not persuaded by her argument. He took a sip with a left hand. 

"So, you've said there are tenno villagers. I haven't met many tenno who retired from their main line of activity. What do these settlers do for a living?"

Ryoko laughs.

"Retired is not entirely accurate." He says. "And have ceased combat duty, but most simply live here for convenience, and rest."

He taps a few keys and the Capitol shows up.

"A few teach at the schools, other assist with mining. A few even work at the churches."

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3 hours ago, Luthim said:

"Something I should be aware off?" Luna asked without breaking her trance, she knew the grandmaster heard it.

The grandmaster is gone before he can reply. 

The sun is low interest he sky when he returns to his perch.

"You are still here." He says. "Have you found the enlightenment that so many claim a day of Meditaiton brings?"

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4 hours ago, Sintag said:

*Rhys nods* "Yes, this is my first time here.  I would like to know what generally goes on here.  ...Sorry if that sounded confusing."

"This is the monastery of the Ways." He says. "Here the five Tenno schools are taught. Here the mortal transcend their existence to become immortal. Here the dead teach the living."


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13 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Interesting." Felicity says. "After the events on the moon I wanted to begin looking into using unbound, that is unused, Warframe components for a Zanuka like proxy. Ryoko shot the idea down. He still hates Alad V with a passion."

"An Orokin era proxy would be useful. The only ones I remember are the moas. But I mostly worked with Tenno, and didn't get much of a chance to leave the lab. I'm sure we could us that in our proxy lab."

"I can see why he would hate Alad V. Still, one has to admit Salad is a special kind of 'mad scientist' even among the corpus.

Hence why I started with tenno tech. A bit simpler to reverse engineer than orokin era tech, if one can even find it besides the odd moa."


10 hours ago, kyrozon said:

Cynthia nodded and walks to her Liset, getting into it to get her proxy. When she walks out she is accopmied by a white and gold wolf-like proxy, clearly orokin in origin. She walked back to the other tenno followed by it. "You reckon you can make use of this thing?"

Nox walks into the rather massive hangar, looking around the labs. It wasn't near as massive as the one the Zariman had been in, but it looked plety large enough for any machines this part of the facility may produce. She wondered just how much use it had seen. She turns her head to see a very much orokin-styled wolf proxy, the trinity unable to keep herself from staring. What she had been working for months to merely design, a clan had found on a dusty old tower...

10 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"Quadrupedal proxy." Felicity says. "What are it's protocols?"

The door to the lab opens and you see a large room filled with production machines and spare parts. Moas and other proxies hang from the ceiling. A few suits of Archon Exo-armor sit in stations by the wall. Several design tables sit in the open space in the middle. A few are in she by technicians, four lie dormant.

Nox turns her head to the opening door, the warframe quietly swearing to herself at all the shiny toys felicity gets.

10 hours ago, kyrozon said:

"Aight, no i hope these things don't have some sort of security system themself. Since i honestly don't know." 

Cynthia walked to the device and tabbed on the neck of the wolf proxy. It slid open to reveal some of the wiring and started linking it to the device. Felicity would quickly see that the proxy wouldn't display any information about it's design or coding.

"Eh, Felicity? Were there ever any specific factions among the orokin, particularly towards the end of their empire? This... Proxy looks as though it was designed and constructed as a replacement to kubrows. I don't exactly imagine it being standard. And if it is not standard, it should not be too difficult to figure out who wrote down the code.

9 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The proxy is four legged. It's "head" is a box with a single red eye. The legs arc up form the central body, then joint into a bulky, trapezoidal shield like hunk of metal, the tip resting on the ground. On it's back is a large two barreled canon. A "tail" of two spirits curves up backwards, empty belt clips run from the guns to a cannister resting on the spikes. Two more cannister a sit above it.

Nox then looks up to the rather large proxy, shaking her head slightly and chuckling.

"Ahhh, Grineer 'elegance'. So brutal, crude and yet effective. One has to admire their design philosophy, in a way."

((Repost for visibility))

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Just now, BulletsforTeeth said:

"I can see why he would hate Alad V. Still, one has to admit Salad is a special kind of 'mad scientist' even among the corpus.

Hence why I started with tenno tech. A bit simpler to reverse engineer than orokin era tech, if one can even find it besides the odd moa."


Nox walks into the rather massive hangar, looking around the labs. It wasn't near as massive as the one the Zariman had been in, but it looked plety large enough for any machines this part of the facility may produce. She wondered just how much use it had seen. She turns her head to see a very much orokin-styled wolf proxy, the trinity unable to keep herself from staring. What she had been working for months to merely design, a clan had found on a dusty old tower...

Nox turns her head to the opening door, the warframe quietly swearing to herself at all the shiny toys felicity gets.

"Eh, Felicity? Were there ever any specific factions among the orokin, particularly towards the end of their empire? This... Proxy looks as though it was designed and constructed as a replacement to kubrows. I don't exactly imagine it being standard. And if it is not standard, it should not be too difficult to figure out who wrote down the code.

Nox then looks up to the rather large proxy, shaking her head slightly and chuckling.

"Ahhh, Grineer 'elegance'. So brutal, crude and yet effective. One has to admire their design philosophy, in a way."

((Repost for visibility))

"Brutal yes." Felicity says. "Efficient. Not really. Not in this case."

She turns to Cynthia.

"It would be useful in a lot of places." She says. "If it didn't require a power cable 'leash' to keep it going."

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7 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Brutal yes." Felicity says. "Efficient. Not really. Not in this case."

She turns to Cynthia.

"It would be useful in a lot of places." She says. "If it didn't require a power cable 'leash' to keep it going."

Nox returns her attention to the orokin proxy. She kneels next to it, running her fingers along it's back, looking for any other access ports. She then stands up, having Eon perform a full scan while she turns to the terminal, beginning to type as she looks for alternative access routes. She's seen this sort of thing before, and there's always another way in. Even if not standard, it had to be orokin.

"Cynthia, what tower did your clan find these in? Is it still intact?"

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"This is the monastery of the Ways." He says. "Here the five Tenno schools are taught. Here the mortal transcend their existence to become immortal. Here the dead teach the living."


*Rhys nods, calm* "I see.  So I can further train my Way here alongside others.  I'm interested."

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1 hour ago, Sintag said:

*Rhys nods, calm* "I see.  So I can further train my Way here alongside others.  I'm interested."

The shade seems confused. It seems he is unaccustomed to people taking his dramatic phrasing seriously.

"You are the first not to roll you eyes at him." Another shade says form next to you. "Of course you Tenno do have q flair for the dramatic."

The shade next to you bows.

"Gallik, Ex-Chancellor of Synergy." He says. "And yes, you can train in the Ways here. But it is mostly for the disciples of the Way. There will be classes soon. Which Way do you belong to?"

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9 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Rex pulls his shirt down to show a scar right across his collar bone.

"Ripka." He says. "Back from the old times, when knead running with Gallik."

All he civilians raise a glass in salute.

"Here we go, again." Cody says. "War stories from the good old days."

"You should hear the stories Cynthia has to tell. She is a damn good fighter and has pulled of some pretty tricks in Missions. Honestly i don't know how she didn't die yet.

4 hours ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

Nox returns her attention to the orokin proxy. She kneels next to it, running her fingers along it's back, looking for any other access ports. She then stands up, having Eon perform a full scan while she turns to the terminal, beginning to type as she looks for alternative access routes. She's seen this sort of thing before, and there's always another way in. Even if not standard, it had to be orokin.

"Cynthia, what tower did your clan find these in? Is it still intact?"

"Clan mates found these things in some sort of phoenix like ships. I don't know a lot about it. From what i saw of it it just caused a whole lotta stress." Cynthia shrugged.

Eon's scan would reveal another access port near the tail of the drone, but out of the scan he could also make out that a couple of components inside the proxy are in a bad state.

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9 hours ago, Rakawan said:

Everyone seems to relax and Dirge looks at Ovi.

"What changed your mind?" He asks.

"Lets just say, the stalker was a little too "clingy" when it came to me, that other Mesa can blow her mind, all she wishes" *She sighs and laughs a bit* "You kown, Im impressed with you all boys, you defended yourselves in the rightful order and you kown how to take on a possible threat if it suddenly strikes up"

"Oh, and about duality, yeah she just trys to defend me, being a acolyte, yeah its a ticket to getting yourself killed,..tho, not that I can't defend myself, tho in here?, Heh..the poor bar keep whuold be paying for the mess"

*She leans back a bit* "However, I still have contact with my acolyte bothers and sisters, they are still friends, I;ll openly admit"

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