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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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15 minutes ago, Yzjdriel said:

The Ranger looked around, quickly taking stock of all the situation.  He torched the Grineer with a well-aimed pair of his Sancti Castanas and led the way up a flight of stairs.  "We're about a klick from safety.  Stay low and we'll be able to walk right by most of them."

"Got it..."


Rovak followed as fast as he could, though it was little more than a jog. He stayed in cover close to the Ranger. Though he was used to combat, he had no idea the limits of this "new" body, and didn't want to risk it.

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10 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"I will call for a Seraph to guide you sir." The guard says. "I cannot leave my post right now."

The rush of jets heralds the arrival of the Seraph. She lands lightly on her feet and nods to the guards.

"Representative." She says. "This way."

She leads you through the winding structure.

"How are you enjoying your stay?" She asks.


"Honestly, mixed. This appears to be a good planet that may become a cozy homeworld for its inhabitants, but the problems are deeper than I expected. And I'm not talking only about the destructions left after the grinner onslaught. There are a lot of issues with the civil and economic spheres which have took their roots already. But hey! We're here to actually help to resolve that" he answered. "and what are your impressions of living here?"

Edited by Teloch
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2 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"Honestly, mixed. This appears to be a good planet that may become a cozy homeworld for its inhabitants, but the problems are deeper than I expected. And I'm not talking only about the destructions left after the grinner onslaught. There are a lot of issues with the civil and economic spheres which have took their roots already. But hey! We're here to actually help to resolve that" he answered. "and what are your impressions of living here?"

She shrugs, in a smooth and graceful motion.

"It's home." She says. "I'm guessing you were the representative who ran into Sven? He came to the gates screaming about being mugged by two Tenno. Guards paid him no heed, that windbag probably deserved it."

She sighs.

"Still this is a good place, even if it is a bit 'thrown together'. We do the best we can." She says. "The Chancellor tries her best, but we need people to take more responsibility."

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6 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:

"Got it..."


Rovak followed as fast as he could, though it was little more than a jog. He stayed in cover close to the Ranger. Though he was used to combat, he had no idea the limits of this "new" body, and didn't want to risk it.

The Ranger seems to blend in to the shadows. Surprisingly the Grineer seem to ignore you when you do the same. You have eyes on an exit when the whole base shakes and alarms begin blaring. All attempts to contact Gritlock seem to fail, it appears something is blocking communications.

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1 minute ago, Rakawan said:

She shrugs, in a smooth and graceful motion.

"It's home." She says. "I'm guessing you were the representative who ran into Sven? He came to the gates screaming about being mugged by two Tenno. Guards paid him no heed, that windbag probably deserved it."

She sighs.

"Still this is a good place, even if it is a bit 'thrown together'. We do the best we can." She says. "The Chancellor tries her best, but we need people to take more responsibility."


"You know better..." he said while having nothing to answer tho the latest phrase. "Still, the planet looks lovely. It would be nice to have an occasional leave here once in a while; the local pub is even better than those Larunda booze houses"

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23 minutes ago, Teloch said:

"You know better..." he said while having nothing to answer tho the latest phrase. "Still, the planet looks lovely. It would be nice to have an occasional leave here once in a while; the local pub is even better than those Larunda booze houses"

The Seraph stops oustide a door.

"It is a lovely planet." She says. "I will stand guard outside. Let me know if you need anything."

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1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

The Ranger seems to blend in to the shadows. Surprisingly the Grineer seem to ignore you when you do the same. You have eyes on an exit when the whole base shakes and alarms begin blaring. All attempts to contact Gritlock seem to fail, it appears something is blocking communications.

"Oh boy," said the Ranger under his breath.

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3 hours ago, kyrozon said:

"Aight, i will contact Seerena and see if she can get me the codes. And those ships aren't guarded by corrupted ya know."

"So... The Neural sentry's gone dark? Anything nasty I should expect on them?" Nox asked.

"Athena, if you could rush assembly on my new sniper, that would be wonderful." She requested, having finished the design. She wanted to get the thing produced quickly, before she had any.. Expensive ideas.

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2 minutes ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

"So... The Neural sentry's gone dark? Anything nasty I should expect on them?" Nox asked.

"Athena, if you could rush assembly on my new sniper, that would be wonderful." She requested, having finished the design. She wanted to get the thing produced quickly, before she had any.. Expensive ideas.

"Design will cost 25 platinum." Athena says. "Weapon will be completed and delivered upon payment."

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40 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Design will cost 25 platinum." Athena says. "Weapon will be completed and delivered upon payment."

Nox nodded curtly "Eon, be a dear and transfer the platinum please."

The helios beside her seemed to nod, bobbing slightly "Platinum transfered."

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1 hour ago, Yzjdriel said:

"Oh boy," said the Ranger under his breath.

Seeing the exit, Ko-Rovak became agitated. He looked at the Ranger, but didn't want to wait a second longer. He began sprinting towards the exit while rapidly firing off the mag of saw blades towards the lancers.

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8 hours ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

"So... The Neural sentry's gone dark? Anything nasty I should expect on them?" Nox asked.

"Athena, if you could rush assembly on my new sniper, that would be wonderful." She requested, having finished the design. She wanted to get the thing produced quickly, before she had any.. Expensive ideas.

Cynthia shook her head. "This thing ain't build with a Neural sentry. It has dozens of turrets and proxies as a defense system. Damn powerful ones too."

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15 hours ago, Rakawan said:

The Seraph stops oustide a door.

"It is a lovely planet." She says. "I will stand guard outside. Let me know if you need anything."


"Sure, and thanks for the company" Ulf answered while walking in.

The interior didn't impress him much, which is predictable. He took a look around, noticing his officer sleeping on a floor atop of a pile of cloth. Even though the "bedroll" was humble even by soldiers standards, Therese's face show no signs of irritation due to this fact. He searched the chambers a bit longer, fruitlessly trying to find something to lay on the floor as well. But alas, seems like major took the only bed space available. Being reluctant to nest in the transference chamber, he situated himself in the opposite corner, taking the sitting position and leaning against the wall. Even though it wasn't comfortable, he did daze off (it appears that falling asleep in all sorts of circumstances is one of his talents). 

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15 hours ago, Dynamon_X said:

Seeing the exit, Ko-Rovak became agitated. He looked at the Ranger, but didn't want to wait a second longer. He began sprinting towards the exit while rapidly firing off the mag of saw blades towards the lancers.

As you clear the exit explosions rip across the complex. You see the Ranger slide down a sip line into the forest below.

"Operator." Gridlock says. "Here is our ticket out of here.Ot appears Vor was just about to embark on an important mission."

A Grineer Courier ship sits on the landing pad. 

"I have overridden the security failsafes and genetic locks." Gridlock says. "I can engage auto-pilot or turrets. Which would you prefer."



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38 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

As you clear the exit explosions rip across the complex. You see the Ranger slide down a sip line into the forest below.

"Operator." Gridlock says. Here is our ticket out of here.Ot appears Vor was just about to embark on an important mission."

A Grineer Courier ship sits on the landing pad. 

"I have overridden the security failsafes and genetic locks." Gridlock says. "I can engage auto-pilot or turrets. Which would you prefer."

((Back to phone for a few posts. Will change colors once I am back at my computer.))





Ko-Rovak hastily got on the ship and disabled his Miter to prevent any misfires.

Despite his work with the grineer, he had no idea how to operate a grineer courier ship.

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56 minutes ago, Dynamon_X said:




Ko-Rovak hastily got on the ship and disabled his Miter to prevent any misfires.

Despite his work with the grineer, he had no idea how to operate a grineer courier ship.

"Coordinates set." Gritlock says. "Ship taking off. Would you like to review the files on your past?"


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*He looks to his hand and opens up his plam* *He clears his throat* "Excuse me ma'ma"

*He opens the massage*

"Yeah, Sam, thats Shourd, hes a Nekros, been a while sease I seen him, hes..a.bit....odd, but hes friendly enough, tho hes sometimes mute, not talks much, and when he does, it oddly sounds like whispers, but..*shrugs* "All I kown as far"

"Let him in"

(( if its possbile that is, makes sease to sound shadowy, like Stalker or Msieray, tho say the word and I'll change it))


(( Reposing for Visibility))

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2 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*He looks to his hand and opens up his plam* *He clears his throat* "Excuse me ma'ma"

*He opens the massage*

"Yeah, Sam, thats Shourd, hes a Nekros, been a while sease I seen him, hes..a.bit....odd, but hes friendly enough, tho hes sometimes mute, not talks much, and when he does, it oddly sounds like whispers, but..*shrugs* "All I kown as far"

"Let him in"

(( if its possbile that is, makes sease to sound shadowy, like Stalker or Msieray, tho say the word and I'll change it))


"Of course." Simon says. "Thank you."


Edited by Rakawan
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On 7/7/2016 at 0:30 AM, Rakawan said:

The shade seems confused. It seems he is unaccustomed to people taking his dramatic phrasing seriously.

"You are the first not to roll you eyes at him." Another shade says form next to you. "Of course you Tenno do have q flair for the dramatic."

The shade next to you bows.

"Gallik, Ex-Chancellor of Synergy." He says. "And yes, you can train in the Ways here. But it is mostly for the disciples of the Way. There will be classes soon. Which Way do you belong to?"

"Unairu." *Rhys calmly causes a small rectangular piece of stone to appear, as if from thin air.  He then molds it, as though it were putty, into the shape of the Unairu sigil, before calmly breaking it down into pebbles, which seem to dissipate.*

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1 hour ago, Sintag said:

"Unairu." *Rhys calmly causes a small rectangular piece of stone to appear, as if from thin air.  He then molds it, as though it were putty, into the shape of the Unairu sigil, before calmly breaking it down into pebbles, which seem to dissipate.*

"Just like the Arbiter." Gallik says. 

He pauses.

"The Grandmaster would like to speak with you." He says. "He requests your presence on the meditation platform. I can lead you there if you wish."

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4 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"You are welcome." Sai'ah says. "So I see you wield an Ember. What is she like?"

"I find her an excellent frame to keep enemies from coming close. The abilites really helped getting enemies off downed allies. And scorching enemies alive has something strangely satisfying to it."

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