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Verdant Refuge [Semi-Open roleplay, Revamped]


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6 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*Sylvie looks down to the floor a little, rubbing her arm, after just been scolded, she rubs her neck and looks over to sam* "So.., what brings you to Zaeed's place?, are you..two?.."


"To be honest, I was just about to ask the same of you." Sam says, with a smile. "Though I myself have only known him for a few days."

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2 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"To be honest, I was just about to ask the same of you." Sam says, with a smile. "Though I myself have only known him for a few days."

*She chuckles* "Oh, we're just close friends, *She looks over to him* "I'm unsure if he has someone, tho hes a workaholic so, I doute he has time for such" 

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12 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:


"Yes, "Chuold", that is all I heard from you today, it is up to you Ko, tho I need to point out, my method is not "Risky" I was able to go through the ideal just fine, This is the only way I can think of without damaging your health or risking your body being to weak to handle such a Warframe Power" 

*He folds his arms* "If you have a better idea, *He looks over to Luc* "Speak out" *He Sighs and looks to Sylvie* "Why did you bring this matter to me?, I pefure to work via without other partys in the matter, you kown this!, I strictly told you to only being in Tenno or otherwise who DO NOT have another competitor!, this is just as bad as trying to deal with teh Curpous!" 

*He Sighs* "Make your choice, Tenno, I am not here for competitors games, once you make your choice, With I or your friend, I will deal with the matter, but note, If you choice me, I can get this done right the moment you say it, we'll close the shop down and go to my station and have it done"  

"Our technicians can modify the frame." Luc says. "Add exo-suit mechanics to the limbs. Allow you to wear it as armor. You would suffer no penalty to movement and would still be free to switch to other frames. It would be just as before, and you would not have to give up this form, which will always be risky."

He pauses.

"Or you could go back into transference, while your body recovers its strength." He says. "Be the Dragon again, and have time to think things through. Either way you can take Zaeed's option later, if you are not happy. But this course of action is rash."

He looks at Zaeed.

"I am General Luc of Meridian." He says. "Bodyguard to Arbiter Darrin, who is advisor to the Commander and Chancellor. And right now I am the closest this Tenno has to a friend, considering his circumstance. I simply do not want him to act rashly, particularly when he has recently been through such trauma."

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2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*She chuckles* "Oh, we're just close friends, *She looks over to him* "I'm unsure if he has someone, tho hes a workaholic so, I doute he has time for such" 

"Perhaps." Sam says. "But I still enjoy the company of another Tenno."

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8 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"Our technicians can modify the frame." Luc says. "Add exo-suit mechanics to the limbs. Allow you to wear it as armor. You would suffer no penalty to movement and would still be free to switch to other frames. It would be just as before, and you would not have to give up this form, which will always be risky."

He pauses.

"Or you could go back into transference, while your body recovers its strength." He says. "Be the Dragon again, and have time to think things through. Either way you can take Zaeed's option later, if you are not happy. But this course of action is rash."

He looks at Zaeed.

"I am General Luc of Meridian." He says. "Bodyguard to Arbiter Darrin, who is advisor to the Commander and Chancellor. And right now I am the closest this Tenno has to a friend, considering his circumstance. I simply do not want him to act rashly, particularly when he has recently been through such trauma."

*He Sits down and folds his arms* "He wants to sick with that dragon frame, while yes he chuold switch, but that is like being in transference, swapping body to body, having a 2nd body, I think Ko, wants to remain in his main frame"

"My action is only if you wish to stick with that frame for life, also having such is a risk to your health, swapping frames without transference, chuold be damaging, you are swapping bodies, if he whuold choice Chroma, then want to pick to controlling Hydroid, his body will have to adapt to the new powers"

*He Looks over* "Ah, Steel Meridian?, I'm guessing, why am I not srupised, well for the store's sake, and the lovely ladies, lets keep our faction out of this mess"

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1 minute ago, LegionCynex said:

"Yeah, so what you do here?, or you just on a trip" *She says*

"I am one of the next generation of Tenno." Sam says. "I live here, on Phenix that is, and work for the Arbiter."

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2 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

"Next Generation?,What do you mean?" *She says confused* "I've never heard of that before"

Sam stands and bows.

"As the name suggests, we're new." She says. "The Arbiter found a way to make new Tenno. Our race is no longer endangered."

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18 hours ago, Unus said:

At first, the device seemed to simply glimmer for a few moments before sputtering out. Then, the Chroma's voice changed once again, this time clearly a recording.

"My name is Sarus the Caretaker, He Who Makes the Mosses Grow and the Air we Breath, the Reshaper of Worlds and the Seeder of Biomes, let my eyes see that which the golden ones will!"

At the end of the last word, the perception of those gathered suddenly shifted and, in an instant, all present perceived being inside the pyramid itself, complete with a view outside showing them all standing still. In front of them, the faded nothingness suddenly gained shape in the form of two solar systems, linked by a thin white line.

"Behold, a fraction of what WE knew Tenno!"

Nox seemed uphased by the shift, still seeming reserved as the speaker bragged about his title. She looked on at the solar system, the warframe kneeling forward to trace the white line. She recognized one system as sol, but the other... She guessed it could be Tau, but could not be certain due to never having been there as far as she recalled.

"This must be the outer terminus rail. Most tenno know of it, and of Tau. Why are you showing us this? The rail has been inactive for millenia, and is damaged anyways. What does a damaged, inactive rail have to do with your objective on Phenix?"

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9 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

*He Sits down and folds his arms* "He wants to sick with that dragon frame, while yes he chuold switch, but that is like being in transference, swapping body to body, having a 2nd body, I think Ko, wants to remain in his main frame"

"My action is only if you wish to stick with that frame for life, also having such is a risk to your health, swapping frames without transference, chuold be damaging, you are swapping bodies, if he whuold choice Chroma, then want to pick to controlling Hydroid, his body will have to adapt to the new powers"

*He Looks over* "Ah, Steel Meridian?, I'm guessing, why am I not srupised, well for the store's sake, and the lovely ladies, lets keep our faction out of this mess"

"I had no intention of bringing it into this disagreement." Luc says. "But it is my title, and thus part of my identity."

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30 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Sam stands and bows.

"As the name suggests, we're new." She says. "The Arbiter found a way to make new Tenno. Our race is no longer endangered."

*She smiles* "That is really good, I'm glad the Tenno found a new way to expend, more Tenno the better" *She sighs* "Wish we chuold say the same to the others tho"

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"Ah, you assume it is Tau that this map indicates?"

The Chroma nods from left to right.

"Alas, Io was not so bountiful and forgiveing for that to be so."

The Chroma forms a small ring with it's hand around the nearest star and turns it slowly to the right. Slowly, the star comes into focus, then, the planets around the star, finally centering on the relay leading towards Phenix, tiny ships bustling around it, accompanied by tiny blue shimmering images. The images show everything from the ship being infested, to exploding, to moveing in multiple directions.

"What I seek lies here, in your system, the place where the Orokin first tried their hand at full terra formation of an extraterrestrial body. . . and failed."

The Chroma then "taps" on the line that leads out from the station. There is a visual appearence of fast speeds, than. . . nothing, a blank white whisky fog sits at the end of the line. 

"To broken to help me prepare sadly."

The Chroma mumbles to itself

"This is where you Tenno can be of assistance."

It performs a flicking motion with it's finger and the view quickly faded out to the two stars.

"I require the second piece of the Cartographer, the one that underlays this one, the one which mapped the Voidscape."

It holds a hand to it's facial area.

"If we can find that old wretch Sarus' station and loot his traitorous carcass, we may soon be one step closer to haveing a stable map of the old empire, and, by extension, a way of reclaiming whatever parts of it remain."

It stops and looks to the other Tenno.

"Any questions?"




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34 minutes ago, Unus said:

"Ah, you assume it is Tau that this map indicates?"

The Chroma nods from left to right.

"Alas, Io was not so bountiful and forgiveing for that to be so."

The Chroma forms a small ring with it's hand around the nearest star and turns it slowly to the right. Slowly, the star comes into focus, then, the planets around the star, finally centering on the relay leading towards Phenix, tiny ships bustling around it, accompanied by tiny blue shimmering images. The images show everything from the ship being infested, to exploding, to moveing in multiple directions.

"What I seek lies here, in your system, the place where the Orokin first tried their hand at full terra formation of an extraterrestrial body. . . and failed."

The Chroma then "taps" on the line that leads out from the station. There is a visual appearence of fast speeds, than. . . nothing, a blank white whisky fog sits at the end of the line. 

"To broken to help me prepare sadly."

The Chroma mumbles to itself

"This is where you Tenno can be of assistance."

It performs a flicking motion with it's finger and the view quickly faded out to the two stars.

"I require the second piece of the Cartographer, the one that underlays this one, the one which mapped the Voidscape."

It holds a hand to it's facial area.

"If we can find that old wretch Sarus' station and loot his traitorous carcass, we may soon be one step closer to haveing a stable map of the old empire, and, by extension, a way of reclaiming whatever parts of it remain."

It stops and looks to the other Tenno.

"Any questions?"




"But this planet is not part of the Tau system." Felicity says. "And as you can see the terraforming worked. Though the ship may contain some of the information, I doubt it is the one shown in this holograph. The ship that landed here had no infestation, otherwise the planet would be overrun."

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3 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

"But this planet is not part of the Tau system." Felicity says. "And as you can see the terraforming worked. Though the ship may contain some of the information, I doubt it is the one shown in this holograph. The ship that landed here had no infestation, otherwise the planet would be overrun."

"Felicity is right. If that was the same ship and this was the same system this planet we would be dealing with infested. Lot's of them."

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"No, no, what you saw there was the probability overlays. That tiny ship was merely a small tennocraft. Everything this machine displays is in real time."

The Chroma sighs and gazes at the map before it.

"Everything that is happening, everything that could happen, all of it encapsulated into this tiny device. Delicate, easy to decay, yet, capable of toppling empires if you look in the right place at the right time."

He looks back at the Tenno.

"As for if the Terraforming worked, tell me, where are the docile, nonlethal and delecious to eat local lifeforms?Where are the omnitrees, blossoming with 80 species of meticulously designed fruit? Where is the bounty of bacteria less freshwater oceans or the endless warmth of a trillion summer days? This is not the raw test-bed that was Earth, that is very much clear by your very existance here. But, this is not the paradise that was to be Tau. This was an attempt by my kind to create perfection from a barren Martian canvas, only to stutter at an earthly facsimile due to our own imperfections. And when we tried to reach beyond them. . . "

The Chroma looks down slowly

"We paid a grievous price."

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

"No, no, what you saw there was the probability overlays. That tiny ship was merely a small tennocraft. Everything this machine displays is in real time."

The Chroma sighs and gazes at the map before it.

"Everything that is happening, everything that could happen, all of it encapsulated into this tiny device. Delicate, easy to decay, yet, capable of toppling empires if you look in the right place at the right time."

He looks back at the Tenno.

"As for if the Terraforming worked, tell me, where are the docile, nonlethal and delecious to eat local lifeforms?Where are the omnitrees, blossoming with 80 species of meticulously designed fruit? Where is the bounty of bacteria less freshwater oceans or the endless warmth of a trillion summer days? This is not the raw test-bed that was Earth, that is very much clear by your very existance here. But, this is not the paradise that was to be Tau. This was an attempt by my kind to create perfection from a barren Martian canvas, only to stutter at an earthly facsimile due to our own imperfections. And when we tried to reach beyond them. . . "

The Chroma looks down slowly

"We paid a grievous price."

"Apparently you haven't seen the fluffles." Felicity says. "Non-lethal, unless you are a plant. As for the 'canvas' this was an asteroid. The mines are still pulling rich resources."

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2 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

*She smiles* "That is really good, I'm glad the Tenno found a new way to expend, more Tenno the better" *She sighs* "Wish we chuold say the same to the others tho"

"What others?" Sam asks.

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3 hours ago, Unus said:

"Ah, you assume it is Tau that this map indicates?"

The Chroma nods from left to right.

"Alas, Io was not so bountiful and forgiveing for that to be so."

The Chroma forms a small ring with it's hand around the nearest star and turns it slowly to the right. Slowly, the star comes into focus, then, the planets around the star, finally centering on the relay leading towards Phenix, tiny ships bustling around it, accompanied by tiny blue shimmering images. The images show everything from the ship being infested, to exploding, to moveing in multiple directions.

"What I seek lies here, in your system, the place where the Orokin first tried their hand at full terra formation of an extraterrestrial body. . . and failed."

The Chroma then "taps" on the line that leads out from the station. There is a visual appearence of fast speeds, than. . . nothing, a blank white whisky fog sits at the end of the line. 

"To broken to help me prepare sadly."

The Chroma mumbles to itself

"This is where you Tenno can be of assistance."

It performs a flicking motion with it's finger and the view quickly faded out to the two stars.

"I require the second piece of the Cartographer, the one that underlays this one, the one which mapped the Voidscape."

It holds a hand to it's facial area.

"If we can find that old wretch Sarus' station and loot his traitorous carcass, we may soon be one step closer to haveing a stable map of the old empire, and, by extension, a way of reclaiming whatever parts of it remain."

It stops and looks to the other Tenno.

"Any questions?"




"I was not necessarily assuming it to be tau, but it is the only system most tenno, and indeed most people know of. We all know other systems exist, but not any others that can be reached." Nox listens, occasionally nodding as the chroma speaks. "So that's what you're after, a map. A little cliche I suppose, but still useful. Particularly if it leads to good tech, methinks. Though, it would also be a bit interesting to see just how far orokin influence really reached... Who is this Sarus?"

2 hours ago, Unus said:

"No, no, what you saw there was the probability overlays. That tiny ship was merely a small tennocraft. Everything this machine displays is in real time."

The Chroma sighs and gazes at the map before it.

"Everything that is happening, everything that could happen, all of it encapsulated into this tiny device. Delicate, easy to decay, yet, capable of toppling empires if you look in the right place at the right time."

He looks back at the Tenno.

"As for if the Terraforming worked, tell me, where are the docile, nonlethal and delecious to eat local lifeforms?Where are the omnitrees, blossoming with 80 species of meticulously designed fruit? Where is the bounty of bacteria less freshwater oceans or the endless warmth of a trillion summer days? This is not the raw test-bed that was Earth, that is very much clear by your very existance here. But, this is not the paradise that was to be Tau. This was an attempt by my kind to create perfection from a barren Martian canvas, only to stutter at an earthly facsimile due to our own imperfections. And when we tried to reach beyond them. . . "

The Chroma looks down slowly

"We paid a grievous price."

"I wouldn't say that just because this is not a paradise that terraforming failed. The base intention of terraforming is to make a planet habitable, any more than that is luxury, something the orokin always craved."

1 hour ago, Rakawan said:

"Apparently you haven't seen the fluffles." Felicity says. "Non-lethal, unless you are a plant. As for the 'canvas' this was an asteroid. The mines are still pulling rich resources."

"Also quite tasty, if what Eon has heard is any indication."

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1 minute ago, BulletsforTeeth said:

"I was not necessarily assuming it to be tau, but it is the only system most tenno, and indeed most people know of. We all know other systems exist, but not any others that can be reached." Nox listens, occasionally nodding as the chroma speaks. "So that's what you're after, a map. A little cliche I suppose, but still useful. Particularly if it leads to good tech, methinks. Though, it would also be a bit interesting to see just how far orokin influence really reached... Who is this Sarus?"

"I wouldn't say that just because this is not a paradise that terraforming failed. The base intention of terraforming is to make a planet habitable, any more than that is luxury, something the orokin always craved."

"Also quite tasty, if what Eon has heard is any indication."

"The point of this terraforming was to make this planet hospitable." Felicity says. "The Orokin wanted a safe-house. A planet to ride out the Collapse at. The Tenno never let them get far enough to send a colony ship here, though."

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"A second place, if Tau proved to be a. . . problem. A place that conniving cultist Sarus turned to as a place to hide."

The Chroma nods.

"Yes, the only problem that requires rectification is attempting to triangulate where exactly the station resides or resided, the map stops at the jump point and, while my people's architecture has all the endurance it needs to withstand time's onslaught, the laws of nature can easily play their hand. It could be in a collapsed hill, buried beneath gnarled vines in some thick forest, or even affixed to the bottom of a body of water."

The Chroma places a hand above the depiction of Sol and crushes it, causeing the background to motion-blur back into focus

The Chroma leans down and scoops up the tiny device

"The only evidence I could ever muster is from Sol's projects. If the great machine or network thereof is still functioning, the device's very existance would have an affect on it's surroundings, fostering green growth, purifying air, emitting freshwater. Any of these vital functions could give it away."

The Chroma turns back toward the ship, and begins to walk towards the ramp.

"If it is no longer performing it's duties, our only option would be to refer to your local Orokin Scholar. A view of the world from orbit might. . ."

The Chroma comes to a halt.

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8 hours ago, Rakawan said:

"What others?" Sam asks.

"Well, some of the Tenno that are not able to expand, due to the void, like myself.." *She chuckles* "Tho, I don't think anyone whuold want a Infested Tenno, but hay how was you able to do this excaly?, uh..besides..the Obvious.."Heh".

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On July 16, 2016 at 4:36 PM, Teloch said:

Ulf got out from the transporter, observing the disgusting carpet of gibs and innards 

Bork loads the last of the Fluffles o to the cart and starts the transport.

"Let's keep going." He says. "I don't want to be here when the flesh-crows start swarming."

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9 minutes ago, Rakawan said:

Bork loads the last of the Fluffles o to the cart and starts the transport.

"Let's keep going." He says. "I don't want to be here when the flesh-crows start swarming."


"Aye, we've spent enough time and bullets,"  Ulf said "seems like villagers will have a small festival this evening"

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