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The Story Behind Your Name


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Used to run with <subject community>_noob (i.e needforspeednoob) but I didn't like changing my name for every community I joined, so I just looked in the dictionary for words that sound cool but are subject neutral. Eventually stuck with just "Caliber" and then "Cal][ber". When I started playing shooters back in 2009, me and some IRL friends made a private clan called RGX (short for Rough Green Xylophones) and I started using rCaliberGX as a pseudo-clan tag.

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Well i just deleted my story behind of my name because it was not telling everything...



my exact name is from ace combat X. It was Gryphus at first.( I was having fun flighting with cariburn in Ace difficulty and shoot those mother!@#$rs down with missles =P )
And then in Mebius online, I accidentally spent 3000yen on other account which i didn't have any character, so I made a clone of my first kawaii character but white colored ponytail and named it WhiteNekophus with hiragana characters.
(ほわいとねこふぃす, sounds cute eh?) :P


And i'm using this shiny name for almost 2 years, i think this will be my own IGN name forever. yaaay...

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A European friend of mine always mispronounces my name "Connor" as "Knorr" and I always make fun of her for that. Eventually one day she jokingly said "Oh I'm not saying your name, I'm just saying a brand of soup we have over here."


I thought it was hilarious and I've used it ever since.

Not bad soup btw.

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I been using alphex for 12 years now. I know that sounds fake but when I was one and playing halo combat evolved I made an xbox account with my brothers and I just typed alphex. I been using it ever since. Another variants of my name are alphex2357 since those are my 4 favorite number and has a personal meaning in my life. Also people mistake my name for Alex most people just call me Rex or for those dirty guys Sex.

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I been using alphex for 12 years now. I know that sounds fake but when I was one and playing halo combat evolved I made an xbox account with my brothers and I just typed alphex. I been using it ever since. Another variants of my name are alphex2357 since those are my 4 favorite number and has a personal meaning in my life. Also people mistake my name for Alex most people just call me Rex or for those dirty guys Sex.

Hey Sex, I heard you've been a bit drowsy today. Have you been doing anything last night? That can be quite exhausting.

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I like to say that my pseudo has a long and glorious history.


It all started back in elementary school. I was like ten years old when I settled on my first pseudo: Coel. Based on the Coelacanth, because I thought it was a cool fish (being a "living fossil" and all that. I was always fascinated by evolution.).


Later on I began playing Warhammer battle, and more precisely the lizardmen. That was then that I choose my second pseudo, Kaietl. Meaning something ridiculous like "ancient knowledge" or "forgotten beast". Look, I was 14, okay?


Long after, I "celtised" my name into Kaian, for a browser game. And after that, when I found out that this was already used, I had the genius idea to combine my oldest pseudo with my newest, hence Kaian-a-coel. And I used it ever since.

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Casardis comes from the game Dragon's Dogma. The hometown of the main character is called Cassardis.


However, they wouldn't let me use the original name when I registered because it was offensive. My guess is the word a$$ in it...


What about "assassin" then? You get twice the a$$ in that word, haha.

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Got mine from a story i made back in HS. As it was a story i made, and being highschool, i modeled the protagonist after myself. Actually went through a lot of names before settling on eraiez [e-ra-iy-ez] (sorry a lot of people read it as erase)


list was










-Elumenam (actually my name, Emmanuel)


aaand a whole lot of others.

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Draykor the first part of my name is actually what I've been know as on the net since i was but a starry eyed noob in runescape (when it was good). since then it kinda stuck with me throughout my life, the "Silva" bit is because it is the last part of my family name and someone decided to take "Draykor" on its own, to my annoyance. But that's history now and i'm known now by a name with the prefix of "Draykor" or the suffix of "Silva"

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