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The Story Behind Your Name


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this is my real name. i actually used many nicknames back in the early 2000. But after a serious analysis, i concluded that my real name actually rather common and would be hard to be traced back to me. so i use my real name now.

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If you're so curious, I guess I can tell the story to my internet name.

Before this name I came up with Supersonic085 in late 2007 for a YouTube account. (Sonic fan at the time)

3 years later I needed a new name because I just wasn't interested in the Sonic fandom and was leaning more for the Pokemon fandom.

I found a video on Newgrounds called "Neo Pikachu", so that's when it struck me to combine "Neo" with another name so I picked "Miles" from Miles Tails Prower and that's when it stuck.

That's it in a shorty :3

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I wanted to create a test account but was with a lack of ideas to alias and don't wanted to use a simple variation of my main nick. So, the first word that come to my mind was 'Proto' - i'm not sure why - and i saw the word 'Beta' in the game site. So i fused the two and made a little tweak to a better look.


The 16 is just because this is the second account with this alias that i created. Instead of using 0, 1 or 2, i choose 16 to variate. 

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Well, I don't really know why, but people often connect Rumia with a lot of eating.

Even a vocal arrange ended up to be about being hungry.


Maybe I misunderstand something though :P

Because Rumia canonically eats humans?


Anyways, aside from Amistyrja, I use the name Tenko often, which comes from Yakumo Ran's suppatenko =)

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Because Rumia canonically eats humans?


Anyways, aside from Amistyrja, I use the name Tenko often, which comes from Yakumo Ran's suppatenko =)

It's really awesome to see some people out there who actually even know Touhou.

I actually can't seem to find that much :P

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Touhou is everywhere, friend. Soon it will be revealed that it's Reimu inside that Trinity frame =DDDDDDD

And Reimu is actually the only character I don't like that much. :P

My favourites are actually Sakuya, Suika, Yuyuko and Keine.

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And Reimu is actually the only character I don't like that much. :P

My favourites are actually Sakuya, Suika, Yuyuko and Keine.

I'm no fan of Reimu either. My house is full of Reimu merchandise thanks to my bro though.



High-five on Sakuya, Suika and Yuyu-sama. I still love Ran the best though =D

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I'm no fan of Reimu either. My house is full of Reimu merchandise thanks to my bro though.



High-five on Sakuya, Suika and Yuyu-sama. I still love Ran the best though =D

Oh god, shame on me that I forgot my absolute favourite..

Toyosatomimi no miko it is.

Can't believe that I forgot to mention her :P

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Any love for Byakuren, Kanako Yasaka and Miyako Yoshika?

Miyako is simply awesome. She's almost one of my favourites. Kanako isn't that much of my favourite. She's..I dunno, I just don't like her that much.

Byakuren of course is awesome as well.


/Edit/ Is it awkward when I know almost 85% of the names by myself?

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A long painful history. Trust me, I have experienced pain like no other and great amount of it too.


This name carries what I have and show what I have been through. Using Pain as my story. :)


If you are interested, just hook me up on my email or steam or skype.

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Kitsu, Short for Kitsune, Accalia name I thought was cool which Ironically was a she-wolf.... Which I ish not =w= I soley base myself off the Fox family hence Kitsune >.>


You can ask more if you'd like but that is the short version =w=

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