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The Story Behind Your Name


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I was reading Year of the Flood when I made my Warframe account and I wish I could change my name for less than 200 plat because I'd rather have a username that's more relevant to the Warframe universe than the name of a fictional group of religious extremists.

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Back when Diablo 2 came out a friend showed it to me and of course we wanted to play it together then.

While not a bad person he was the guy to take a game a bit to serious, so we made our characters and came to the naming.

My first name is Tariel and i have no imagination for names so i just picked it.

of course he didnt like it and complained "you cant use a normal name in RPGs" until i changed it.

I added an extra T because i thought that was funny at that time, he was still angry but rolled with it.


Dibalo 2 was my first real online game and i never bothered to really change the nickname, now i just say its there incase mike Tyson bites one off. 

Edited by Ttariel
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My grandfather used to keep bees and I really liked and admired them, at first I wore those suits when I went beekeeping with him, but later on I went among the bees with normal clothes, I rarely ever got stung and didn't mind much when i did. Beekeeping was a great joy for me and I learned pretty much all there is to it at a young age. Then some years ago, all the bees died, except one single hive. So my name is a tribute to the fallen ones.


Bees are awesome.


Bees are also diying.


The Earth cannot survive without bees.


(but robotic bees are being made, have no fear!)

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Abbreviation of "die Seele der Nacht", German for "the Soul of the Night", for the sake of convenience.

Seele itself means "soul" and I do not at all, in any way, derive this from Evangelion. I've had so many people ask.

Been my handle for a long time, across many platforms.

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  • 3 months later...

so, back when I was new to the internet, I had no online accounts. I was 12.

my closest friend (I was introduced to the oddball at birth) had a youtube account. 2, to be precise. he posted video responses (gee, remember those?) on one, and the other was his troll account, to mess with everyone and take the blame.

I was reluctant to put my name anywhere, and I didn't know if I could live up to having an account.


about 6 months after asking me the first time, he comes to me, and says he's made an account for me. I smacked him around for that. well, that leap out of the way, I got on, and was HATED ON. INSTANTLY. the little twat had given me his troll account XD. I let it sit for a few months, cleared out the dust, the name stuck, and here I am, nubnubbud on nearly every site I'm on.

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the origins of my name might take a while to read but its a good story none the less. 


it all started a few years ago when I started playing minecraft. I decided that I wanted to be called cheese sand_wich and made a skin for it that was one.


I did that because I really like eating cheese sandwiches mostly with mayo. mmmm soo good...(drools a little) anyway from there on I started to include cheese in most of my account names and chose agentcheese because well cheese and secret agent.


at first I wished a chosen some thing more ninja'ish when captain vor or someone else says something like "I will be your doom agentcheese!"

but then as time went on it started to fit a bit more or just   seem less stupid when I have koolnate85 standing right next to me.


well that's the story and it turn's out i was totally wrong about it taking long.

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Meh, it's been necro'd but i'll post anyway.


When my niece was a toddler she couldn't talk properly, kept calling me Alisa (couldn't quite get my name right). It kinda stuck with me so I just added a couple of letters and used it as my username since.

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