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Atlas and Maiming Strike... Please return this feature.


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The new changes to the mod 'Maiming Strike' have had some (hopefully) unintended consequences when used in conjunction with Atlas's melee weapon of choice.

Prior to this update, holding crouch while preforming his Landslide attack(s) Maiming Strike would activate, causing Crit Landslides.


I know this seems like a bug that needed fixing to some, but I'm begging you DE, please return this feature!

It made Atlas viable on the damage front, all the way up to Sortie level 3. It was not OP at all compared to many, many other Warframe powers, and not OP in the least considering weapon damage potential.

If an Ash can kill 10 + enemies without being touched, or a Tonker can kill DOZENS of enemies at once, or a Simulor can clear an ENTIRE ROOM of danger than this ability/ mod/ melee synchronization should be kept in game.


Again, please return the feature.

Thank you.

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18 hours ago, Evan-0-matic said:


The new changes to the mod 'Maiming Strike' have had some (hopefully) unintended consequences when used in conjunction with Atlas's melee weapon of choice.

Prior to this update, holding crouch while preforming his Landslide attack(s) Maiming Strike would activate, causing Crit Landslides.

Landslide isn't exactly a slide attack though, and it isn't exactly intuitive to hold crouch during an ability to trigger something that you can only get from slide attacks.

It was a bug fix, in my opinion. Doesn't need to come back, and comparing it to other things (which will likely be changed in the future) isn't much justification.

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3 minutes ago, Vargras said:

Landslide isn't exactly a slide attack though, and it isn't exactly intuitive to hold crouch during an ability to trigger something that you can only get from slide attacks.

It was a bug fix, in my opinion. Doesn't need to come back, and comparing it to other things (which will likely be changed in the future) isn't much justification.

The point here is why they would "bug fix" slide attacks with land slide and the redeemer without touching anything else that does more damage. Landslide wasn't a broken ability with Maiming Strike. The damage output made it fun to use, and it wasn't just another meta strategy either, it felt amazing to just run around as atlas and punch things, while also actually lowering their health bars in the process.


That, and they didn't even mention it in the patch notes. That means it likely wasn't intended.

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11 hours ago, Arceus255 said:

The point here is why they would "bug fix" slide attacks with land slide and the redeemer without touching anything else that does more damage. Landslide wasn't a broken ability with Maiming Strike. The damage output made it fun to use, and it wasn't just another meta strategy either, it felt amazing to just run around as atlas and punch things, while also actually lowering their health bars in the process.


That, and they didn't even mention it in the patch notes. That means it likely wasn't intended.

Exactly what I was getting at... Thank you! 


I honestly didn't think enough players, let alone Atlas players would see this and respond. And you're completely right. Running around punching things and being able to do some damage in end game with the Maiming Strike combo (pretty much the only thing that made him end game viable and a team player) are the best qualities of this frame. 

I say team player because diving into a bunch of enemies during a revive and punching the crap out of everything to protect other players or an objective was epic to see and extremely helpful, especially in Sorties.

It wasn't OP at all! And if DE had a problem with this cool little piece of mod/ frame synergy, then they could have at least mentioned it in the patch notes. I highly doubt they didn't know of it as it only took me a few minutes on the Wiki to find, so it must be an unintentional change. 

If not, then at least acknowledge it as an intended nerf...

Or please revert it, DE.

Thank you. 

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That wasn't a nerf to the combo precisely. That was a change to how Maiming Strike works. Previously it granted flat 90% critical chance increase when you were sliding, like in "holding down the slide button and being considered as sliding by the game". You could've used it to gain access to the critical chance increase on a lot more than just spin attacks. Most charged attacks allow you to slide during the charge, many weapons allow you to slide in the middle of the combo, some abilities can be performed during sliding - everything could've gotten that 90% critical chance. That included Landslide or even Slash Dash which is normally incapable of critting.

However now the bonus is limited to the spin attacks. There are pros and cons here - you've lost access to all these alternative ways of using Maiming Strike, however spinning melee now is stronger than ever, as you can just spam spins now, compared to how you had to time them previously to get the critical chance bonus.

If you want my opinion on it - I would take either. On one hand - I like my spin melee becoming even stronger. On the other hand, losing "fun" applications of the mod is a waste in a sense. What concerns me however, is that spin melee getting a really strong indirect buff might lead to a direct nerf to them, seeing how DE are nerf-happy lately - and that's not a thing I would want.

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8 hours ago, Epsik-kun said:

That wasn't a nerf to the combo precisely. That was a change to how Maiming Strike works. Previously it granted flat 90% critical chance increase when you were sliding, like in "holding down the slide button and being considered as sliding by the game". You could've used it to gain access to the critical chance increase on a lot more than just spin attacks. Most charged attacks allow you to slide during the charge, many weapons allow you to slide in the middle of the combo, some abilities can be performed during sliding - everything could've gotten that 90% critical chance. That included Landslide or even Slash Dash which is normally incapable of critting.

However now the bonus is limited to the spin attacks. There are pros and cons here - you've lost access to all these alternative ways of using Maiming Strike, however spinning melee now is stronger than ever, as you can just spam spins now, compared to how you had to time them previously to get the critical chance bonus.

If you want my opinion on it - I would take either. On one hand - I like my spin melee becoming even stronger. On the other hand, losing "fun" applications of the mod is a waste in a sense. What concerns me however, is that spin melee getting a really strong indirect buff might lead to a direct nerf to them, seeing how DE are nerf-happy lately - and that's not a thing I would want.

Agreed. And I did not know it affected other abilities... Here's hoping they can find a balancing point for slide melee, but return the synergy to some abilities. Especially Atlas who benefited the most I feel and gave a unique and fun ability that also put him in higher level standing. 


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Well, looks like I'll have to theorycraft a brand new setup for Atlas when I'm ready to return to the game. It was fun while it lasted, but hitting for 300-400k at full combo might have been a little over the top, considering that right there, it costs about 6.25 energy. Especially given that it can trigger Shadow Step (oh, how I will miss you, perma-invis Atlas...).

Unless they changed it so that Body Count doesn't work anymore, then I'd say Landslide is still more than viable for sortie content. 

On June 15, 2016 at 8:16 PM, Evan-0-matic said:

If an Ash can kill 10 + enemies without being touched, or a Tonker can kill DOZENS of enemies at once, or a Simulor can clear an ENTIRE ROOM of danger than this ability/ mod/ melee synchronization should be kept in game.

Regardless of whether or not Landslide is overpowered, one thing being unbalanced is not justification for allowing something else to be unbalanced, whether it's too weak or especially if it's too strong. The Tonkor is broken. Ash and the Simulor are very nearly broken if they aren't. But none of that makes it okay for Landslide to be overpowered. 

Edited by Gurpgork
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I have an One Punch Atlas and I never used Maiming Strike in my build. Yet, even without those crits my Atlas could wreck S3 Grineer in a survival with additional armor. Damage of landslide is already over the top, there is no need to use bugged interactions to boost it further.

Furthermore, since we have Primed Pressure Point damage went up again.

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Landslide already has a 1400 base damage AOE melee attack.  Why do we need that to be any stronger than it already is?

On my max efficiency build (227% strength) I'm scoring around 47K damage at max spool, going up to around 80k when used against enemies with a 75% weakness to the equipped element. The reduced energy costs of spammed Landslides allow you to go below max efficiency to get even more strength if desired, especially when fueled by Zenurik or other energy bandaids.

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